// mmap_win.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "mmap.h" #include "text.h" #include "../db/mongommf.h" #include "../db/concurrency.h" namespace mongo { mutex mapViewMutex("mapView"); ourbitset writable; MAdvise::MAdvise(void *,unsigned, Advice) { } MAdvise::~MAdvise() { } /** notification on unmapping so we can clear writable bits */ void MemoryMappedFile::clearWritableBits(void *p) { for( unsigned i = ((size_t)p)/ChunkSize; i <= (((size_t)p)+len)/ChunkSize; i++ ) { writable.clear(i); assert( !writable.get(i) ); } } MemoryMappedFile::MemoryMappedFile() : _flushMutex(new mutex("flushMutex")) { fd = 0; maphandle = 0; len = 0; created(); } void MemoryMappedFile::close() { mmmutex.assertExclusivelyLocked(); for( vector::iterator i = views.begin(); i != views.end(); i++ ) { clearWritableBits(*i); UnmapViewOfFile(*i); } views.clear(); if ( maphandle ) CloseHandle(maphandle); maphandle = 0; if ( fd ) CloseHandle(fd); fd = 0; destroyed(); // cleans up from the master list of mmaps } unsigned long long mapped = 0; void* MemoryMappedFile::createReadOnlyMap() { assert( maphandle ); scoped_lock lk(mapViewMutex); void *p = MapViewOfFile(maphandle, FILE_MAP_READ, /*f ofs hi*/0, /*f ofs lo*/ 0, /*dwNumberOfBytesToMap 0 means to eof*/0); if ( p == 0 ) { DWORD e = GetLastError(); log() << "FILE_MAP_READ MapViewOfFile failed " << filename() << " " << errnoWithDescription(e) << endl; } else { views.push_back(p); } return p; } void* MemoryMappedFile::map(const char *filenameIn, unsigned long long &length, int options) { assert( fd == 0 && len == 0 ); // can't open more than once setFilename(filenameIn); /* big hack here: Babble uses db names with colons. doesn't seem to work on windows. temporary perhaps. */ char filename[256]; strncpy(filename, filenameIn, 255); filename[255] = 0; { size_t len = strlen( filename ); for ( size_t i=len-1; i>=0; i-- ) { if ( filename[i] == '/' || filename[i] == '\\' ) break; if ( filename[i] == ':' ) filename[i] = '_'; } } updateLength( filename, length ); { DWORD createOptions = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; if ( options & SEQUENTIAL ) createOptions |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; DWORD rw = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; fd = CreateFile( toNativeString(filename).c_str(), rw, // desired access FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_READ, // share mode NULL, // security OPEN_ALWAYS, // create disposition createOptions , // flags NULL); // hTempl if ( fd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD e = GetLastError(); log() << "Create/OpenFile failed " << filename << " errno:" << e << endl; return 0; } } mapped += length; { DWORD flProtect = PAGE_READWRITE; //(options & READONLY)?PAGE_READONLY:PAGE_READWRITE; maphandle = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, flProtect, length >> 32 /*maxsizehigh*/, (unsigned) length /*maxsizelow*/, NULL/*lpName*/); if ( maphandle == NULL ) { DWORD e = GetLastError(); // log() call was killing lasterror before we get to that point in the stream log() << "CreateFileMapping failed " << filename << ' ' << errnoWithDescription(e) << endl; close(); return 0; } } void *view = 0; { scoped_lock lk(mapViewMutex); DWORD access = (options&READONLY)? FILE_MAP_READ : FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS; view = MapViewOfFile(maphandle, access, /*f ofs hi*/0, /*f ofs lo*/ 0, /*dwNumberOfBytesToMap 0 means to eof*/0); } if ( view == 0 ) { DWORD e = GetLastError(); log() << "MapViewOfFile failed " << filename << " " << errnoWithDescription(e) << ((sizeof(void*)==4)?" (32 bit build)":"") << endl; close(); } else { views.push_back(view); } len = length; return view; } class WindowsFlushable : public MemoryMappedFile::Flushable { public: WindowsFlushable( void * view , HANDLE fd , string filename , boost::shared_ptr flushMutex ) : _view(view) , _fd(fd) , _filename(filename) , _flushMutex(flushMutex) {} void flush() { if (!_view || !_fd) return; scoped_lock lk(*_flushMutex); bool success = FlushViewOfFile(_view, 0); // 0 means whole mapping if (!success) { int err = GetLastError(); out() << "FlushViewOfFile failed " << err << " file: " << _filename << endl; } success = FlushFileBuffers(_fd); if (!success) { int err = GetLastError(); out() << "FlushFileBuffers failed " << err << " file: " << _filename << endl; } } void * _view; HANDLE _fd; string _filename; boost::shared_ptr _flushMutex; }; void MemoryMappedFile::flush(bool sync) { uassert(13056, "Async flushing not supported on windows", sync); if( !views.empty() ) { WindowsFlushable f( viewForFlushing() , fd , filename() , _flushMutex); f.flush(); } } MemoryMappedFile::Flushable * MemoryMappedFile::prepareFlush() { return new WindowsFlushable( viewForFlushing() , fd , filename() , _flushMutex ); } void MemoryMappedFile::_lock() {} void MemoryMappedFile::_unlock() {} }