@Article{Friedland67, author = {Paul Friedland}, title = {Algorithm 312: {A}bsolute value and square root of a complex number}, journal = cacm, year = 1967, volume = 10, number = 10, pages = {665}, annote = "\url{http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=363780}" } @Article{Smith98, author = {David M. Smith}, title = {Algorithm 786: {M}ultiple-Precision Complex Arithmetic and Functions}, journal = toms, year = 1998, volume = 34, number = 4, pages = {359--367} } @Book{BrDiJeLeMeMuReStTo09, author = {Nicolas Brisebarre and Florent de Dinechin and Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Vincent Lef\`evre and Guillaume Melquiond and Jean-Michel Muller and Nathalie Revol and Damien Stehl\'e and Serge Torres}, title = {Handbook of Floating-Point Arithmetic}, publisher = {Birkh\"auser}, year = 2009, note = {571 pages} } @Unpublished{MPFRAlgorithms, author = {{MPFR Team}}, title = {The {MPFR} {L}ibrary: {A}lgorithms {A}nd {P}roofs}, note = {\url{http://www.mpfr.org/algorithms.pdf}}, } @Article{Percival03, author = "Colin Percival", title = "Rapid multiplication modulo the sum and difference of highly composite numbers", journal = MC, year = 2003, volume = 72, number = 241, pages = "387--395", comment = "Includes good error analysis for FFT but proof is incorrect (result is OK)" }