\documentclass [12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{comment} \usepackage[notref,notcite]{showkeys} \newcommand {\corr}[1]{{#1}} \newcommand {\appro}[1]{\widetilde {#1}} \newcommand {\mpc}{{\tt mpc}} \newcommand {\mpfr}{{\tt mpfr}} \newcommand {\ulp}[1]{#1~ulp} \newcommand {\Ulp}{{\operatorname {ulp}}} \DeclareMathOperator{\Exp}{\operatorname {Exp}} \newcommand {\atantwo}{\operatorname {atan2}} \newcommand{\error}{\operatorname {error}} \newcommand{\relerror}{\operatorname {relerror}} \newcommand{\Norm}{\operatorname {N}} \newcommand {\round}{\operatorname {\circ}} \DeclareMathOperator{\pinf}{\bigtriangleup} \DeclareMathOperator{\minf}{\bigtriangledown} \DeclareMathOperator{\N}{\mathcal N} \DeclareMathOperator{\A}{\mathcal A} \newcommand {\Z}{\mathbb Z} \newcommand {\Q}{\mathbb Q} \newcommand {\R}{\mathbb R} \renewcommand {\epsilon}{\varepsilon} \renewcommand {\theta}{\vartheta} \renewcommand {\leq}{\leqslant} \renewcommand {\geq}{\geqslant} \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{Lemma} \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{Definition} \newtheorem{prop}[theorem]{Proposition} \newtheorem{conj}[theorem]{Conjecture} \newenvironment{proof}{\noindent{\bf Proof:}}{{\hspace* {\fill}$\blacksquare$}} \newcommand {\enumi}[1]{(\alph {#1})} \renewcommand {\labelenumi}{\enumi {enumi}} \newcommand {\enumii}[1]{(\roman {#1})} \renewcommand {\labelenumii}{\enumii {enumii}} \title {MPC: Algorithms and Error Analysis} \author {Andreas Enge \and Philippe Th\'eveny \and Paul Zimmermann} \date {Draft; June 16, 2010} \begin {document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section {Error propagation} \subsection {Introduction and notation} This section is devoted to the analysis of error propagation: Given a function whose input arguments already have a certain error, what is the error bound on the function output? The output error usually consists of two components: the error propagated from the input, which may be arbitrarily amplified (or, if one is lucky, shrunk); and an additional small error accounting for the rounding of the output. The results are needed to give a cumulated error analysis for algorithms that combine several elementary arithmetic operations. \subsubsection {Ulp calculus} \begin {definition} \label {def:exp} Let $x$ be a real number, which can be written uniquely as $x = m \cdot 2^e$ with $\frac{1}{2} \le |m| < 1$. The {\em exponent} of $x$ is $\Exp(x) = e = \lfloor \log_2 |x| \rfloor + 1$. The number is {\em representable at precision~$p$} if $2^p m$ is an integer. We denote the rounding of $x$ to one of the at most two representable numbers in the open interval $(x - 2^{-p}, x + 2^{-p})$ by $\round (x) = \round_p (x)$, with rounding being to nearest, up, down, towards zero or away from zero if there is a choice. \end {definition} \begin {prop} \label {prop:expmuldiv} If $x_1$ and $x_2$ are two real numbers, then \begin {gather*} \Exp (x_1) + \Exp (x_2) - 1 \leq \Exp (x_1 x_2) \leq \Exp (x_1) + \Exp (x_2), \\ \Exp (x_1) - \Exp (x_2) \leq \Exp \left( \frac {x_1}{x_2} \right) \leq \Exp (x_1) - \Exp (x_2) + 1. \end {gather*} \end {prop} \begin {proof} Write $x_n = m_n 2^{\Exp (x_n)}$ and $x = x_1 x_2 = m 2^{\Exp x} = m_1 m_2 2^{\Exp (x_1) + \Exp (x_2)}$ with $\frac {1}{2} \leq m_n, m < 1$. Then $m = m_1 m_2$ if the product is at least $\frac {1}{2}$ and $m = 2 m_1 m_2$ if the product is less than $\frac {1}{2}$, which yields the first line of inequalities. The other inequalities are derived in the same way from $\frac {1}{2} < \frac {m_1}{m_2} < 2$. \end {proof} \begin {prop} \label {prop:expround} For any real number $x$, \[ \Exp (x) \leq \Exp (\round (x)) \leq \Exp (x) + 1, \] with equality occurring on the right if and only if $|x|$ has been rounded up to $|\round (x)| = 2^{\Exp (x)}$. \end {prop} \begin {proof} Letting $x = m 2^{\Exp (x)}$, we have $\frac {1}{2} \cdot 2^{\Exp (x)} \leq \round (x) \leq 1 \cdot 2^{\Exp (x)}$, since these two numbers are representable (independently of the precision). \end {proof} \begin {definition} \label {def:ulp} Let $x$ be a real number which is representable at precision~$p$. Its associated {\em unit in the last place} is $\Ulp(x) = \Ulp_p (x) = 2^{\Exp(x) - p}$, so that adding $\Ulp(x)$ to $x$ corresponds to adding~$1$ to the integer $2^p m$. \end {definition} \subsubsection {Absolute error} In the remainder of this chapter, all complex numbers are denoted by the letter $z$ with subscripts and mathematical accents, decomposed in Cartesian coordinates as $z = x + i y$ with the same diacritics applied to $x$ and $y$ as to $z$. All representable real numbers are supposed to have the same precision~$p$. We apply the following error definition of real numbers separately to the two coordinates of a complex number. \begin {definition} \label {def:error} Given a real number $\corr x$ and its approximation $\appro x$, we define the {\em absolute error} of $\appro x$ as $\error (\appro x) = | \corr x - \appro x |$. \end {definition} Notice that in the following, the absolute error is usually expressed in terms of $\Ulp$, which is itself a relative measure with respect to the exponent of the number. Let $\corr z = f (\corr {z_1}, \ldots) = \corr x + i \corr y$ be the correct result of a complex function applied to the correct arguments $\corr {z_n}$. We assume that the $\corr {z_n}$ themselves are not known, but only approximate input values $\appro {z_n} = \appro {x_n} + i \appro {y_n}$; for instance, the $\corr {z_n}$ may be the exact results of some formul\ae, whereas the $\appro {z_n}$ are the outcome of the corresponding computation and affected by rounding errors. We suppose that error bounds $\error (\appro {x_n}) \leq k_{R, n} 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_n}) - p}$ and $\error (\appro {y_n}) \leq k_{I, n} 2^{\Exp (\appro {y_n}) - p}$ for some $k_{R, n}$ and $k_{I, n}$ are known. (This particular notation becomes more comprehensible when $\appro {x_n}$ and $\appro {y_n}$ are representable at precision~$p$, since then the units of the error measure become $\Ulp (\appro {x_n})$ and $\Ulp (\appro {y_n})$, respectively; however, there is no need to restrict the results of this chapter to representable numbers.) Our aim is to determine the propagated error in the output value $\appro z = \appro x + i \appro y = f (\appro {z_1}, \ldots)$, which is given by \begin {equation} \label {eq:properror} \error (\appro x) \leq | \Re (f (\corr {z_1}, \ldots)) - \Re (f (\appro {z_1}, \ldots)) | \end {equation} and an analogous formula for $\error (\appro y)$. In general, we are looking for $k_R$ and $k_I$ such that \[ \error (\appro x) \leq k_R 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \text { and } \error (\appro y) \leq k_I 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - p}. \] Moreover, we are interested in the cumulated error if additionally $\appro z$ is rounded coordinatewise at the target precision~$p$ to $\round (\appro z)$. This operation adds an error of $c_R \Ulp (\round (\appro x))$ to the real and of $c_I \Ulp (\round (\appro y))$ to the imaginary part, where $c_X \leq 1$ when $\round$ stands for rounding up, down, to zero or to infinity, and $c_X \leq \frac {1}{2}$ when $\round$ stands for rounding to nearest. Then, via Proposition~\ref {prop:expround}, \[ \error (\round (\appro x)) \leq (k_R + c_R) \Ulp (\appro x) \text { and } \error (\round (\appro y)) \leq (k_I + c_I) \Ulp (\appro y). \] \subsubsection {Real relative error} It can sometimes be useful to determine errors not absolutely as differences (close to~$0$), but relatively as multiplicative factors (close to~$1$). \begin {definition} \label {def:relerror} Given a real number $\corr x$ and its approximation $\appro x$, we define the {\em upper relative error} of $\appro x$ by \[ \relerror^+ (\appro x) = \epsilon^+ = \frac {\max (0, \corr x - \appro x)}{|\appro x|}. \] and its {\em lower relative error} by \[ \relerror^- (\appro x) = \epsilon^- = \frac {\max (0, \appro x - \corr x)}{|\appro x|}. \] The {\em relative error} of $\appro x$ is \[ \relerror (\appro x) = \epsilon = \max (\epsilon^-, \epsilon^+) = \frac {\error (\appro x)}{|\appro x|}. \] \end {definition} Notice that $\epsilon^- = 0$ whenever $\appro x \leq \corr x$ and $\epsilon^+ = 0$ whenever $\appro x \geq \corr x$, so that at least one of $\epsilon^+$ and $\epsilon^-$ is zero. We express relative errors with respect to the approximate value; thus, they define an interval around the approximate value containing the correct one. Precisely, $\corr x = \appro x (1 + \vartheta)$ for some number $\theta$ with $|\theta| \leq \epsilon$. The definition of relative error carries over to complex numbers, see \S\ref {sssec:comrelerror}. However, in the following we usually argument separately for the two coordinates, so we use corresponding $\epsilon$-values with subscript $R$ and $I$ for the real and imaginary part, respectively. When an absolute error is expressed in the relative unit $\Ulp$, then it is easy to switch back and forth between absolute and relative errors. \begin {prop} \label {prop:relerror} Let $\appro x$ be representable at precision $p$. \begin {enumerate} \item If $\error (\appro x) \leq k \Ulp (\appro x)$, then $\relerror (\appro x) \leq k 2^{1 - p}$. \item If $\relerror (\appro x) \leq k 2^{-p}$, then $\error (\appro x) \leq k \Ulp (\appro x)$. \end {enumerate} These assertions remain valid if $\appro x$ is not representable at precision~$p$ and $\Ulp (\appro x)$ is replaced by $2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}$. \end {prop} \begin {proof} Concerning the first assertion, we have $ \relerror (\appro x) = \frac {\error (\appro x)}{|\appro x|} \leq \frac {k \Ulp (\appro x)}{|\appro x|}. $ Plugging in from Definition~\ref {def:ulp} that $\Ulp (\appro x) = 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}$ and $|\appro x| \geq 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - 1}$ finishes the proof. The second assertion is proved in the same manner, using $|\appro x| \leq 2^{\Exp (\appro x)}$. \end {proof} \subsubsection {Complex relative error} \label {sssec:comrelerror} The sign of errors is not meaningful any more in the complex case, and only the notion of total relative error carries over. \begin {definition} \label {def:comrelerror} Given a complex number $\corr z$ and its non-zero approximation $\appro z$, let \[ \theta = \frac {\corr z - \appro z}{\appro z}, \text { or } \corr z = (1 + \theta) \appro z. \] Then the {\em relative error} of $\appro z$ is \[ \relerror (\appro z) = \epsilon = | \theta | = \left| \frac {\corr z - \appro z}{\appro z} \right|. \] \end {definition} The following result gives a coarse estimate of the relative errors of the real and imaginary parts in terms of the complex relative error, and vice versa. \begin {prop} \label {prop:comrelerror} Let $\corr z = \corr x + i \corr y$, $\appro z = \appro x + i \appro y$, $\epsilon = \relerror (\appro z)$, $\epsilon_R = \relerror (\appro x)$ and $\epsilon_I = \relerror (\appro y)$. Then \begin {align*} \epsilon_R &\leq \left( 1 + 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - \Exp (\appro x) + 1} \right) \epsilon, \\ \epsilon_I &\leq \left( 1 + 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - \Exp (\appro y) + 1} \right) \epsilon, \\ \epsilon &\leq \max \left( \epsilon_R, \epsilon_I \right). \end {align*} \end {prop} \begin {proof} Write $\theta = \frac {\corr z - \appro z}{\appro z} = \theta_R + i \theta_I$. Then $\corr x - \appro x = \Re (\appro z \theta) = \appro x \theta_R - \appro y \theta_I$, and \begin {align*} \epsilon_R &= \left| \frac {\corr x - \appro x}{\appro x} \right| \leq |\theta_R| + \left| \frac {\appro y}{\appro x} \right| |\theta_I| \leq \left( 1 + \left| \frac {\appro y}{\appro x} \right| \right) \max (|\theta_R|, |\theta_I|) \\ &\leq \left( 1 + 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - \Exp (\appro x) + 1} \right) |\theta| \end {align*} by Proposition~\ref {prop:expmuldiv}. The second inequality is proved in the same way. For the converse direction, write \[ |\theta|^2 = \frac {(\corr x - \appro x)^2 + (\corr y - \appro y)^2}{\appro x^2 + \appro y^2} = \frac {\epsilon_R^2 \appro x^2 + \epsilon_I^2 \appro y^2}{\appro x^2 + \appro y^2} \leq \max \left( \epsilon_R^2, \epsilon_I^2 \right). \] \end {proof} \subsection {Real functions} In this section, we derive for later use results on error propagation for functions with real arguments and values. Those already contained in \cite{MPFRAlgorithms} are simply quoted for the sake of self-containedness. \subsubsection {Division} \label {sssec:proprealdiv} Let \[ \appro x = \frac {\appro {x_1}}{\appro {x_2}}. \] Then \[ \error (\appro x) = \left| \frac {\corr {x_1}}{\corr {x_2}} - \frac {\appro {x_1}}{\appro {x_2}} \right| = \left| \frac {\appro {x_1}}{\appro {x_2}} \right| \cdot \left| 1 - \left| \frac {\corr {x_1}}{\appro {x_1}} \right| \cdot \left| \frac {\appro {x_2}}{\corr {x_2}} \right| \right| = | \appro x | \cdot \left| 1 - \left| \frac {\corr {x_1}}{\appro {x_1}} \right| \cdot \left| \frac {\appro {x_2}}{\corr {x_2}} \right| \right| \] Using the notation introduced in Definition~\ref {def:relerror} together with the obvious subscripts to the $\epsilon$, we obtain the bounds \[ - \frac {\epsilon_1^+ + \epsilon_2^-}{1 - \epsilon_2^-} = 1 - \frac {1 + \epsilon_1^+}{1 - \epsilon_2^-} \leq 1 - \left| \frac {\corr {x_1}}{\appro {x_1}} \right| \cdot \left| \frac {\appro {x_2}}{\corr {x_2}} \right| \leq 1 - \frac {1 - \epsilon_1^-}{1 + \epsilon_2^+} = \frac {\epsilon_1^- + \epsilon_2^+}{1 + \epsilon_2^+} \] We need to make the assumption that $\epsilon_2^- < 1$, which is reasonable since otherwise the absolute error on $\appro {x_2}$ would exceed the number itself. Then \[ \error (\appro x) \leq \max \left( \frac {\epsilon_1^+ + \epsilon_2^-}{1 - \epsilon_2^-}, \frac {\epsilon_1^- + \epsilon_2^+}{1 + \epsilon_2^+} \right) |\appro x| \leq \frac {\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2}{1 - \epsilon_2^-} 2^{\Exp (\appro x)} \] Using the estimation of the relative in terms of the absolute error of Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}, this bound can be translated into \begin {equation} \label {eq:proprealdiv} \error (\appro x) \leq \frac {2 (k_1 + k_2)}{1 - \epsilon_2^-} 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \leq \frac {2 (k_1 + k_2)}{1 - k_2 2^{1 - p}} 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \end {equation} \subsubsection {Square root} \label {sssec:proprealsqrt} Let \[ \appro x = \sqrt {\appro {x_1}}. \] Then by \cite[\S1.7]{MPFRAlgorithms}, \begin {equation} \label {eq:proprealsqrt} \error (\appro x) \leq \frac {2 k_1}{1 + \sqrt {1 + \epsilon_1^-}} 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}. \end {equation} \subsection {Complex functions} \subsubsection {Addition/subtraction} Using the notation introduced above, we consider \[ \appro z = \appro {z_1} + \appro {z_2}. \] By \eqref {eq:properror}, we obtain \begin{align*} \error (\appro x) & \leq | (\corr {x_1} + \corr {x_2}) - (\appro {x_1} + \appro {x_2})| \\ & \leq | \corr {x_1} - \appro {x_1} | + | \corr {x_2} - \appro {x_2}| \\ & \leq k_{R,1} 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_1}) - p} + k_{R,2} 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_2}) - p} \\ & \leq \left( k_{R,1} 2^{d_{R,1}} + k_{R,2} 2^{d_{R,2}} \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}, \end{align*} where $d_{R,n}=\Exp(\appro {x_n})-\Exp(\appro x)$. Otherwise said, the absolute errors add up, but their relative expression in terms of $\Ulp$ of the result grows if the result has a smaller exponent than the operands, that is, if cancellation occurs. If $\appro {x_1}$ and $\appro {x_2}$, have the same sign, then there is no cancellation, $d_{R, n} \leq 0$ and \[ \error (\appro x) \leq (k_{R,1} + k_{R,2} + c_R) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}. \] An analogous error bound holds for the imaginary part. For subtraction, the same bounds are obtained, except that the simpler bound now holds whenever $\appro {x_1}$ and $\appro {x_2}$ resp. $\appro {y_1}$ and $\appro {y_2}$ have different signs. \subsubsection {Multiplication} \label {sssec:propmul} Let \[ \appro z = \appro {z_1} \times \appro {z_2}, \] so that \begin {align*} \appro x & = \appro {x_1} \appro {x_2} - \appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}, \\ \appro y & = \appro {x_1} \appro {y_2} + \appro {x_2} \appro {y_1}. \end {align*} Then \[ \error (\appro x) \leq | \Re (\corr {z_1} \times \corr {z_2}) - \Re (\appro {z_1} \times \appro {z_2})| \leq | \corr {x_1} \corr {x_2} - \appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}| + | \corr {y_1} \corr {y_2} - \appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}|. \] The first term on the right hand side can be bounded as follows, where we use the short-hand notation $\epsilon_{R, 1}^+$ for $\relerror^+ (\appro {x_1})$, and analogously for other relative errors: \begin{align*} | \corr {x_1} \corr {x_2} - \appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}| & \leq \frac{1}{2} \left( |\appro {x_1} - \corr {x_1}| (|\appro {x_2}| + |\corr {x_2}|) + |\appro {x_2} - \corr {x_2}| (|\appro {x_1}| + |\corr {x_1}|) \right) \\ & \leq \frac {1}{2} \left( \epsilon_{R, 1} |\appro {x_1}| |\appro {x_2}| \left( 1 + \frac {|\corr {x_2}|}{|\appro {x_2}|} \right) + \epsilon_{R, 2} |\appro {x_2}| |\appro {x_1}| \left( 1 + \frac {|\corr {x_1}|}{|\appro {x_1}|} \right) \right) \\ & \leq \left( k_{R, 1} \left( 1 + \frac {|\corr {x_2}|}{|\appro {x_2}|} \right) + k_{R, 2} \left( 1 + \frac {|\corr {x_1}|}{|\appro {x_1}|} \right) \right) |\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}| \, 2^{-p} \text { by Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}} \\ & \leq \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}) - p}. \end{align*} In the same way, we obtain \[ | \corr {y_1} \corr {y_2} - \appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}| \leq \left( k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}) - p}. \] It remains to estimate $\Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2})$ and $\Exp (\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2})$ with respect to $\Exp (\appro x)$ to obtain a bound in terms of $\Ulp (\appro x)$. This becomes problematic when, due to the subtraction, cancellation occurs. In all generality, let $d = \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}) - \Exp (\appro x) \leq \Exp (\appro {x_1}) + \Exp (\appro {x_2}) - \Exp (\appro x)$ by Proposition~\ref {prop:expmuldiv} and $d' = \Exp( \appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro x) \leq \Exp (\appro {y_1}) + \Exp (\appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro x)$. Then \begin {equation} \label {eq:propmulre} \error( \appro x) \leq \left( \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) \right) 2^d + \left( k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{d'} \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}. \end {equation} If $\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}$ and $\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}$ have different signs, then there is no cancellation, and, using the monotonicity of the exponent with respect to the absolute value, we obtain \[ \Exp (\appro x) = \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2} - \appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}) = \Exp (|\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}| + |\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}|) \geq \Exp (|\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}|), \Exp (|\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}|), \] so that $d$, $d' \leq 0$ and the error bound simplifies as \[ \error( \appro x) \leq \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) + k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}. \] The same approach yields the error of the imaginary part. Letting $\delta = \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro y) \leq \Exp( \appro {x_1}) + \Exp (\appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro y)$ and $\delta' = \Exp (\appro {x_2} \appro {y_1}) - \Exp (\appro {y}) \leq \Exp (\appro {x_2}) + \Exp (\appro {y_1}) - \Exp (\appro y)$, it becomes \begin {equation} \label {eq:propmulim} \error( \appro y) \leq \left( \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\delta} + \left( k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\delta'} \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - p}. \end {equation} If $\appro {x_1} \appro {y_2}$ and $\appro {x_2} \appro {y_1}$ have the same sign, then $\delta$, $\delta' \leq 0$ and \[ \error( \appro y) \leq \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) + k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - p}. \] Notice that $x_1 x_2$ and $y_1 y_2$ have the same sign if and only if $y_1 x_2$ and $x_1 y_2$ do. So there is always cancellation in precisely one of the real or the imaginary part. The different values $\epsilon_{X, n}^+$ for $X \in \{ R, I \}$ and $n \in \{ 1, 2 \}$ in the formul{\ae} above may be bounded by $k_{X, n} 2^{1 - p}$ according to Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}. If some $|\appro {x_n}| \geq |\corr {x_n}|$ resp. $|\appro {y_n}| \geq |\corr {y_n}|$ (for instance, because they have been computed by rounding away from zero), then the corresponding $\epsilon_{X, n}^+$ are zero. A coarser bound may be obtained more easily by considering complex relative errors. Write $\corr {z_n} = (1 + \theta_n) \appro {z_n}$ with $\epsilon_n = | \theta_n |$. Then $\corr z = (1 + \theta) \appro z$ with $\theta = \theta_1 + \theta_2 + \theta_1 \theta_2$ and $\epsilon = |\theta| \leq \epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 + \epsilon_1 \epsilon_2$. By Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}, we have $\epsilon_{X, n} \leq k_{X, n} 2^{1-p}$ for $X \in \{ R, I \}$, and by Proposition~\ref {prop:comrelerror}, $\epsilon_n \leq \max (k_{R, n}, k_{I, n}) 2^{1 - p}$. Under normal circumstances, $\epsilon_1 \epsilon_2$ should be negligible; for instance, if we assume that $\max (k_{R, 1}, k_{I, 1}) \max (k_{R, 2}, k_{I, 2}) \leq 2^{p - 1}$, then $\epsilon_1 \epsilon_2 \leq 2^{1-p}$ and $\epsilon \leq \big( \max (k_{R, 1}, k_{I, 1}) + \max (k_{R, 2}, k_{I, 2}) + 1 \big) 2^{1 - p}$. Applying Propositions~\ref {prop:comrelerror} and~\ref {prop:relerror} in the converse direction yields \begin {equation} \label {eq:propmulcomrel} \begin {array}{rl} \error (\appro x) &\leq \big( \max (k_{R, 1}, k_{I, 1}) + \max (k_{R, 2}, k_{I, 2}) + 1 \big) \left( 2 + 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - \Exp (\appro x) + 2} \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \\ \error (\appro y) &\leq \big( \max (k_{R, 1}, k_{I, 1}) + \max (k_{R, 2}, k_{I, 2}) + 1 \big) \left( 2 + 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - \Exp (\appro y) + 2} \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - p} \\ \end {array} \end {equation} \subsubsection {Norm} \label {sssec:propnorm} Let \[ \appro x = \Norm (\appro {z_1}) = |\appro {z_1}|^2 = \appro {x_1}^2 + \appro {y_1}^2. \] Then \[ \error (\appro x) \leq | \Norm (\corr {z_1}) - \Norm (\appro {z_1}) | \leq | \corr {x_1}^2 - \appro {x_1}^2 | + | \corr {y_1}^2 - \appro {y_1}^2 |. \] The first term can be bounded by \begin {align*} | \corr {x_1}^2 - \appro {x_1}^2 | & = |\appro {x_1}| \left| 1 + \frac {|\corr {x_1}|}{|\appro {x_1}|} \right| |\corr {x_1} - \appro {x_1}| \\ & \leq 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_1})} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) k_{R, 1} 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_1}) - p} \\ & \leq k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_1}^2) + 1 - p} \text { by Proposition~\ref {prop:expmuldiv}} \\ & \leq 2 k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \text { by the monotonicity of the exponent.} \end {align*} The analogous bound for the second error term yields \begin {equation} \label {eq:propnorm} \error (\appro x) \leq 2 \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) + k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \end {equation} The values $\epsilon_{X, 1}^+$ may be estimated as explained at the end of \S\ref {sssec:propmul}. We also need the relative lower error in the following. This can be obtained by writing \[ \appro {x_1}^2 - \corr {x_1}^2 = \left( 1 - \left| \frac {\corr {x_1}}{\appro {x_1}} \right|^2 \right) \cdot \appro {x_1}^2 \leq \big( 1 - (1 - \epsilon_{R, 1}^-)^2 \big) \appro {x_1}^2 = \big( \epsilon_{R, 1}^- (2 - \epsilon_{R, 1}^-) \big) \appro {x_1}^2. \] Adding the corresponding expression for the second term $\appro {x_1}^2 - \corr {x_1}^2$ yields \begin {equation} \label {eq:propnormepsminus} \frac {\appro x - \corr x}{\appro x} \leq \max \big( \epsilon_{R, 1}^- (2 - \epsilon_{R, 1}^-), \epsilon_{I, 1}^- (2 - \epsilon_{I, 1}^-) \big) =: \epsilon^-, \end {equation} and under the assumption that $\epsilon^- \geq 0$, inspection of Definition~\ref {def:relerror} shows that $\epsilon^- \geq \relerror^- (\appro x)$ since $\appro x$ and $\corr x$ are positive. The converse estimation yields \begin {equation} \label {eq:propnormepsplus} \relerror^+ (\appro x) \leq \epsilon^+ := \frac {\appro x - \corr x}{\appro x} \leq \max \big( \epsilon_{R, 1}^+ (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+), \epsilon_{I, 1}^+ (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \big) \end {equation} and $\relerror (\appro x) \leq \epsilon := \max (\epsilon^-, \epsilon^+)$. Letting $\epsilon_1 = \max ( \epsilon_{R, 1}^-, \epsilon_{R, 1}^+, \epsilon_{I, 1}^-, \epsilon_{I, 1}^+ ) = \max ( \epsilon_{R, 1}, \epsilon_{I, 1} )$ and $k_1 = \max ( k_{R, 1}, k_{I, 1})$, we have $\epsilon \leq \epsilon_1 (2 + \epsilon_1) \leq 2 k_1 (2 + \epsilon_1) 2^{-p}$ by Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}. We obtain an alternative expression for the absolute error as \begin {equation} \label {eq:propnormalt} \error (\appro x) \leq \epsilon \appro x \leq 2 k_1 (2 + \epsilon_1) 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p} \end {equation} \subsubsection {Division} \label{sssec:propdiv} Let \[ \appro z = \frac {\appro {z_1}}{\appro {z_2}} = \frac {\appro {z_1} \overline {\appro {z_2}}}{\Norm (\appro {z_2})}. \] Then the propagated error may be derived by cumulating the errors obtained for multiplication in \S\ref {sssec:propmul}, the norm in \S\ref {sssec:propnorm} and the division by a real in \S\ref {sssec:proprealdiv}. Let $\appro {z_3} = \appro {z_1} \overline {\appro {z_2}} = \appro {x_3} + i \appro {y_3}$, $d = \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}) - \Exp (\appro {x_3})$ and $d' = \Exp (\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro {x_3})$. Then \eqref {eq:propmulre} applies and yields $\error (\appro {x_3}) \leq k_{R, 3} 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_3}) - p}$ with \[ k_{R, 3} = \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) \right) 2^d + \left( k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{d'}. \] We then apply \eqref {eq:propnorm} and \eqref {eq:propnormepsminus} to $\appro {x_4} = \Norm (\appro {z_2})$ to obtain $\error (\appro {x_4}) \leq k_4 2^{\Exp (\appro {x_4}) - p}$ with \[ k_4 = 2 \left( k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) \right) \] and \[ \relerror (\appro {x_4}) = \epsilon_4^- \leq \max \big( \epsilon_{R, 2}^- (2 - \epsilon_{R, 2}^-), \epsilon_{I, 2}^- (2 - \epsilon_{I, 2}^-) \big). \] Now \eqref {eq:proprealdiv} shows that \begin {equation} \label {eq:propdivre} \error (\appro x) \leq \frac {2 (k_{R, 3} + k_4)}{1 - \epsilon_4^-} 2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}. \end {equation} As written above, $d$ and $d'$ depend not only on the input and output, but also on the intermediate value $\appro {x_3}$. But noting that $ \appro {x_3} = \appro x \Norm (\appro {z_2}) \geq \appro x 2^{2 \max (\Exp (\appro {x_2}, \Exp (\appro {y_2})) - 2}, $ so that \begin {align*} d &\leq \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {x_2}) - \Exp (\appro x) - 2 \max (\Exp (\appro {x_2}, \Exp (\appro {y_2})) + 2, \\ d' &\leq \Exp (\appro {y_1} \appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro x) - 2 \max (\Exp (\appro {x_2}, \Exp (\appro {y_2})) + 2, \end {align*} yields a bound \eqref {eq:propdivre} that is independent of intermediate values of the computation. The error in the imaginary part is computed in the same way as \begin {equation} \label {eq:propdivim} \error (\appro y) \leq \frac {2 (k_{I, 3} + k_4)}{1 - \epsilon_4^-} 2^{\Exp (\appro y) - p}. \end {equation} with \begin {align*} k_{I, 3} &= \left( k_{R, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 2}^+) + k_{I, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 1}^+) \right) 2^\delta + \left( k_{I, 1} (2 + \epsilon_{R, 2}^+) + k_{R, 2} (2 + \epsilon_{I, 1}^+) \right) 2^{\delta'} \\ \delta &\leq \Exp (\appro {x_1} \appro {y_2}) - \Exp (\appro y) - 2 \max (\Exp (\appro {x_2}, \Exp (\appro {y_2})) + 2 \\ \delta' &\leq \Exp (\appro {x_2} \appro {y_1}) - \Exp (\appro y) - 2 \max (\Exp (\appro {x_2}, \Exp (\appro {y_2})) + 2 \end {align*} As for the multiplication, a coarser bound may be obtained more easily using complex relative errors. Let $\corr {z_n} = (1 + \theta_n) \appro {z_n}$ with $\epsilon_n = | \theta_n |$. Then $\corr z = (1 + \theta_n) \appro z$ with \[ \theta = \frac {1 + \theta_1}{1 + \theta_2} - 1 = (\theta_1 - \theta_2) \sum_{k = 0}^\infty (- \theta_2)^k \text { and } \epsilon \leq (|\theta_1| + |\theta_2|) \sum_{k = 0}^\infty |\theta_2|^k. \] Using the same notation and assumptions as at the end of \S\ref {sssec:propmul}, in particular that all higher order error terms (involving $\epsilon_1^2$, $\epsilon_2^2$, $\epsilon_1 \epsilon_2$ or higher powers) are absorbed by $2^{\Exp (\appro x) - p}$, we find the exact same error estimate \eqref {eq:propmulcomrel} also for the case of division. \subsubsection {Logarithm} \section {Algorithms} This section describes in detail the algorithms used in \mpc, together with the error analysis that allows to prove that the results are correct in the {\mpc} semantics: The input numbers are assumed to be exact, and the output corresponds to the exact result rounded in the desired direction. \subsection {\texttt {mpc\_sqrt}} The following algorithm is due to Friedland \cite{Friedland67,Smith98}. Let $z = x + i y$. Let $w = \sqrt { \frac {|x| + \sqrt {x^2 + y^2}}{2}}$ and $t = \frac {y}{2w}$. Then $(w + it)^2 = |x| + iy$, and with the branch cut on the negative real axis we obtain \[ \sqrt z = \left\{ \begin {array}{cl} w + i t & \text {if } x > 0 \\ t + i w & \text {if } x < 0, y > 0 \\ -t - i w & \text {if } x < 0, y < 0 \end {array} \right. \] We compute $w$ rounded down and thus round down all intermediate results. $\sqrt {x^2 + y^2}$ is computed with an error of \ulp{1} by a call to \texttt {mpc\_abs}; $|x|$ is added with an error of \ulp{1}, since both terms are positive; division by~$2$ is free of error. So $w^2$ is computed with a cumulated error of \ulp{2}. This error of \ulp{2} propagates as is through the real square root: Since we rounded down the argument, we have $\epsilon_1^- = 0$ in \eqref {eq:proprealsqrt}; an error of \ulp{1} needs to be added for the rounding of $w$, so that the total error is \ulp{3}. $t$ is rounded away. Plugging the error of \ulp{3} for $w$ and \ulp{0} for $y$ into \eqref {eq:proprealdiv} shows that the propagated error of real division is \ulp{6}, to which an additional rounding error of \ulp{1} has to be added for a total error of \ulp{7}. \subsection {\texttt {mpc\_log}} Let $z = x + i y$. Then $\log (z) = \frac {1}{2} \log (x^2 + y^2) + i \atantwo (y, x)$. The imaginary part is computed by a call to the corresponding {\mpfr} function. Let $w = \log (x^2 + y^2)$, rounded down. The error of the complex norm is \ulp{1}. The generic error of the real logarithm is then given by \ulp{$2^{2 - e_w} + 1$}, where $e_w$ is the exponent of $w$. For $e_w \geq 2$, this is bounded by \ulp{2} or 2~digits; otherwise, it is bounded by \ulp{$2^{3 - e_w}$} or $3 - e_w$ digits. \subsection {\texttt {mpc\_tan}} Let $z = x + i y$ with $x \neq 0$ and $y \neq 0$. We compute $\tan z$ as follows: \begin{align*} u &\leftarrow \A(\sin z) &\error(\Re(u)) &\leq 1 \Ulp(\Re(u)) &\error(\Im(u)) &\leq 1 \Ulp(\Im(u)) \\ v &\leftarrow \A(\cos z) &\error(\Re(v)) &\leq 1 \Ulp(\Re(v)) &\error(\Im(v)) &\leq 1 \Ulp(\Im(v)) \\ t &\leftarrow \A(u/v) &\error(\Re(t)) &\leq k_R \Ulp(\Re(t)) &\error(\Im(t)) &\leq k_I \Ulp(\Im(t)) \end{align*} where $w_2 \leftarrow \A(w_1)$ means that the real and imaginary parts of $w_2$ are respectively the real and imaginary part of $w_1$ rounded away from zero to the working precision. We know that $\Re(\frac{a+i b}{c+i d})=\frac{a c +b d}{c^2 + d^2}$ and $\Im(\frac{a+i b}{c+i d})=\frac{a d -b c}{c^2 + d^2}$, so in the special case of $\tan z=\frac{\sin x\cosh y+i\cos x\sinh y}{\cos x\cosh y-i\sin x\sinh y}$, we have $abcd < 0$ which means that there might be a cancellation in the computation of the real part while it does never happen in the one of the imaginary part. Then, using the generic error of the division (see \ref{sssec:propdiv}), we have \begin{align*} \error(\Re(t)) &\leq [1+2^{3+e_1}+2^{3+e_2}+2^6] \Ulp(\Re(t)), \\ \error(\Im(t)) &\leq [1+2^3+2^3+2^6] \Ulp(\Im(t)), \end{align*} where $e_1=\Exp(a c) -\Exp(a c+b d)$ and $e_2=\Exp(b d) -\Exp(a c+b d)$. The second inequality shows that $2^7$ is suitable choice for $k_I$. As $|\sinh y|<\cosh y$ for every nonzero $y$, we have $bd0}$, $m$ odd and $e \in \Z$. Then $x^{m 2^e}$ is a dyadic complex if and only if $x^{2^e}$ is. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Notice that by Proposition~\ref {prop:dyadic} the set of dyadics forms a ring, whence any positive integral power of a dyadic is again dyadic. Thus if $x^{2^e}$ is dyadic, then so is $x^{m 2^e}$. Conversely, assume that $x^{m 2^e}$ is dyadic. If $e \geq 0$, then $x^{2^e}$ is dyadic independently of the assumption, and it remains to consider the case $e < 0$. Write $x = i^u \prod_{k \geq 0} p_k^{\alpha_k}$ and $z = x^{m 2^e} = i^v \prod_k p_k^{\beta_k}$, so that $x^m = z^{2^{|e|}}$. The uniqueness of the prime decomposition implies that $m \alpha_k = 2^{|e|} \beta_k$, and since $m$ is odd, $2^{|e|}$ must divide $\alpha_k$. Then $x^{2^e} = i^w \prod_k p_k^{\gamma_k}$ with $w \equiv m^{-1} v \pmod 4$ and $\gamma_k = \frac {\alpha_k}{2^{|e|}}$. Now $\alpha_k \geq 0$ for $k \geq 1$ implies $\gamma_k \geq 0$ for $k \geq 1$, and $x^{2^e}$ is dyadic by Proposition~\ref {prop:dyadic}. \end{proof} It remains to decide when $x^{2^e}$ is dyadic for $x$ dyadic. If $e \geq 0$, this is trivially the case. For $e < 0$, the question boils down to whether it is possible to take $e$ successive square roots of $x$; as soon as the process fails, it is clear that $x^{2^e}$ cannot be dyadic. \begin{lemma} \label {lm:sqrtrat} Let $x \in \Q (i)$, and write $x = (a + b i)^2$ with $a$, $b \in \R$. Then either both of $a$ and $b$ are rational, or none of them is. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Assume that one of $a$ and $b$ is rational. Then $\Im x = 2 a b \in \Q$ implies that also the other one is rational. \end{proof} \begin{lemma} Let $x$ be dyadic, and write $x = (a + b i)^2$ with $a$, $b \in \R$. Then either both of $a$ and $b$ are dyadic reals, or none of them is. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} Assume that one of $a$ and $b$ is a dyadic real, that is, a rational with a power of~$2$ as denominator. Then $a$, $b \in \Q$ by Lemma~\ref {lm:sqrtrat}. Now, $\Re x = a^2 - b^2$ implies that also the square of the \textit {a priori} not dyadic coefficient $a$ or $b$, and thus the coefficient itself, has as denominator a power of~$2$. \end{proof} \begin {theorem} Let $x = m 2^e$ and $y = n 2^f$ be dyadic complex numbers with $m$ and $n$ odd, and let $z = x^y$. Call the pair $(x, y)$ {\em exceptional} if at least one of $\Re z$ or $\Im z$ is a dyadic real. Exceptional pairs occur only in the following cases: \begin {enumerate} \item $y = 0$; then $z = 1$ \item $x \geq 0$ and $y \neq 0$ are real; then $\Im z = 0$, and the question whether $\Re z = x^y$ is dyadic involves only real numbers and can thus be delegated to \mpfr. \item $x < 0$ and $y \neq 0$ are real. \begin {enumerate} \item $y \in \Z$; then $\Im z = 0$, and $\Re z = x^y$ is dyadic if and only if $y > 0$, or $y < 0$ and $-m = 1$. \item $y \in \frac {1}{2} \Z \backslash \Z$, that is, $f = -1$; then $\Re z = 0$, and $\Im z = (-x)^y$ is dyadic if and only if $e$ is even, $-m$ is a square, and, in case $y < 0$, $-m = 1$. \item $y \in \frac {1}{4} \Z \backslash \frac {1}{2} \Z$, that is, $f = -2$; then $z = \frac {1 + i}{\sqrt 2} (-x)^y$ has both real and imaginary dyadic parts if and only if $e \equiv 2 \pmod 4$, $-m$ is a fourth power, and, in case $y < 0$, $-m = 1$. \end {enumerate} \item $y$ not real; see Conjecture~\ref {conj} \item $y > 0$ real, $x$ not real; see above \item $y < 0$ real, $x$ not real; still to do \end {enumerate} \end {theorem} \begin {proof} \begin {enumerate} \item Clear by definition. \item Clear. \item The first two subcases $f \geq -1$ follow from the observation that $x^y = (-1)^y (-x)^y$, where $(-1)^y \in \langle i \rangle$. For $y > 0$, the number $(-x)^y$ is dyadic if and only if $(-x)^{2^f}$ is, which leads to the result; for $y < 0$, one furthemore needs that $(-m)^{-1}$ is dyadic, which for $m$ odd is only possible if $-m = 1$. The third subcase $f = -2$ is similar, but one needs that $(-x)^y$ is dyadic up to a factor of $\sqrt 2$. We proceed to show that for $f \leq -3$, there is no exceptional pair. Suppose that $(x, y)$ is an exceptional pair; by switching to $\left( x^{|n|}, \frac {y}{|n|} \right)$, we may assume without loss of generality that $|n| = 1$. Then $x^y$ is obtained by taking $|f|$ successive square roots of either $x$ or $\frac {1}{x}$, both of which are elements of $\Q (i)$. Lemma~\ref {lm:sqrtrat} implies that both $\Re (x^y)$ and $\Im (x^y)$ are rational. Write $x^y = \alpha \zeta = \alpha \zeta_r + i \alpha \zeta_i$, where $\alpha = (-x)^y \in \R$ and $\zeta = \zeta_r + i \zeta_i$ is a primitive root of unity of order~$2^{|f| + 1}$. Then $\alpha \zeta_r$, $\alpha \zeta_i \in \Q$ implies $\zeta \in \Q (i, \alpha)$. Moreover, $\alpha^2 = \alpha^2 (\zeta_r^2 + \zeta_i^2) = (\alpha \zeta_r)^2 + (\alpha \zeta_i)^2 \in \Q (i)$, so that $\Q (i, \alpha)$ is an extension of degree at most~$4$ of $\Q$ containing $\Q (\zeta)$ and thus a primitive $16$-th root of unity, which is impossible. \item \item \item \end {enumerate} \end {proof} \paragraph{Sign of zeroes.} When the output value has a zero real or imaginary part, its sign should be decided, which is not always possible if we want it to be consistent with the formula $x^y = \exp(y\log x)$ (in the following, we exclude $0^y$). Let $x_1$, $x_2$, $y_1$, and $y_2$ real numbers so that $x = x_1 + x_2 i$ and $y = y_1 + y_2 i$. Let $\phi \in [-\pi, +\pi]$ the argument of $x = |x| e^{i\phi}$, with the convention that when $x_1 < 0$ the argument of $x$ is $+\pi$ if $x_2 = +0$ and $-\pi$ if $x_2 = -0$. Then \[ x^y=\exp\left(A(x,y)\right) \left(\cos B(x,y)+\sin B(x,y) i\right) \] where \begin {align*} A(x,y) & = y_1\log|x|-y_2\phi,\\ B(x,y) & = y_2\log|x|+y_1\phi. \end {align*} As $|x^y| = \exp\left(A(x,y)\right)$ is positive, the value of $B(x,y)$ determines the sign of each part of $x^y$. Note that $A(\overline{x},y) = A(x,\overline{y})$ and $B(\overline{x}, y)=-B(x,\overline{y})$, so $\overline{x}^y = \overline{x^{\overline{y}}}$ and we can restrict the study below to $x$ with nonnegative imaginary value (i.e., $x_2 \geq 0$ and $\pi \geq \phi \geq 0$). To determine the sign of the zero part of $x^y$ when it is pure real or pure imaginary, special study is needed around points $(x, y)$ where $B(x, y)$ is a multiple of $\pi/2$. Let \begin {equation} \label {eqn:Bk} B_k(x, y) = y_2 \log|x| +y_1\phi -k\frac{\pi}{2} \end {equation} where $k$ is an integer and let $S_k$ the set of points $(x, y)$ where $B_k(x, y) = 0$. For any integer $k$, we assume that the surface $S_k$ is orientable and not reduced to a single point, then each neighborhood of a point $(x_0, y_0)$ of $S_k$ intersects the region where $B(x, y) > k\pi/2$ and the region where $B(x, y) < k\pi/2$. Thus for an even $k$, we can make $(x, y)$ tend continuously to $(x_0, y_0)$ so that $\Re(x^y) > 0$ or we can make it tend to $(x_0, y_0)$ so that $\Re(x^y) < 0$ (the same applies with $k$ odd and $\Im(x^y)$). In such cases, the sign of the zero part of $x_0^{y_0}$ is not determined. However, when $S_k$ intersects an axis, for example when $\Re(x_0) = 0$, we have to distinguish two cases: $\Re(x_0) = +0$ and $\Re(x_0) = -0$. Then, if $Q_{x_0}$ (resp. $Q_{y_0}$) denotes the quadrant where $x_0$ (resp. $y_0$) lies, it is possible that the sign of $B_k(x,y)$ remains constant for $(x,y)$ in the intersection $I$ of a neighborhood of $(x_0, y_0)$ with $Q_{x_0}\times Q_{y_0}$, determining the sign of the zero part of $x^y$. Let $dB_k(x,y)$ be the derivative of $B_k(x, y)$, we have \begin {equation} \label {eqn:BkDerivative} dB_k(x, y)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = \frac{x_1y_2-x_2y_1}{x_1^2+x_2^2}\delta_1 + \frac{x_1y_1+x_2y_2}{x_1^2+x_2^2}\delta_2 + \phi\epsilon_1 + \log|x| \epsilon_2 \end {equation} If $dB_k(x_0, y_0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ is not zero and if its sign remains constant for all real numbers $\delta_1$, $\delta_2$, $\epsilon_1$, and $\epsilon_2$ so that $x = x_0 + \delta_1 + \delta_2i$, $y = y_0 +\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2i$, and $(x,y)$ is in the given neighborhood $I$ of $(x_0, y_0)$ defined above, then the sign of $dB_k(x_0, y_0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ determines the sign of the zero part of $x^y$. In following discussion, we write $B_k(x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2) := B_k(x_1+x_2i, y_1+y_2i)$, as a function of four real arguments. Let $\sigma_1 = -1,+1$ (resp. $\sigma_2$, $\rho_1$, $\rho_2$) denote the sign of $x_1$ (resp. $x_2$, $y_1$, $y_2$). \begin {enumerate} \item Case $B_k(\sigma_1 0, x_2, y_1, y_2)=0$ for $x_2 > 0$. Here $\phi = +\frac{\pi}{2}$. \begin {enumerate} \item if $y_2=\rho_2 0$, then replacing $\phi$ and $y_2$ by their value in (\ref{eqn:Bk}), we have $y_1= k$ and (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}) gives \[ dB_k(\sigma_1 0, x_2, k, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = - \frac{k}{x_2} \delta_1 + 0 \delta_2 + \frac{\pi}{2} \epsilon_1 + \log(x_2) \epsilon_2 \] where $\sigma_1 \delta_1 > 0$, and $\rho_2 \epsilon_2 > 0$ so that $\delta_1 + (x_2 + \delta_2)i$ (resp. $k+\epsilon_1 + \epsilon_2 i$) is in the same quadrant $Q_{x_0}$ (resp. $Q_{y_0}$) as $x_0=\sigma_1 0 +x_2 i$ (resp. $y_0=k +\rho_2 0i$). When $k \neq 0$, because, in the last expression, $\epsilon_1$ would take positive as well as negative values, so the sign of $\frac{\pi}{2} \epsilon_1$, and therefore the sign of $dB_k(x, y)\cdot (\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ is not constant. If $k=0$, then $y_1=\rho_1 0$ with $\rho_1 \epsilon_1 > 0$. In this case, \begin {align*} dB_0(\pm 0, x_2, +0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; x_2 \geq 1 \\ dB_0(\pm 0, x_2, +0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; 1 \geq x_2 > 0 \\ dB_0(\pm 0, x_2, -0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; x_2 \geq 1 \\ dB_0(\pm 0, x_2, -0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; 1 \geq x_2 > 0 \end {align*} and the sign of $dB_k(\sigma_1 0, x_2, \rho_1 0, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ is not constant in all other combinations of $k$, $\sigma_1$, $x_2>0$, $\rho_1$, and $\rho_2$. \item if $y_2\neq 0$, then from (\ref{eqn:Bk}) \[ x_2 = \exp\left(\frac{k-y_1}{2y_2}\pi\right). \] But the number in the right hand side of the last equation is known to be transcendental unless $k-y_1=0$. As $x_2$ is dyadic, we have $y_1= k$ and $x_2=+1$. Using (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}), we write \[ dB_k(\sigma_1 0, +1, k, y_2)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = - k \delta_1 + y_2 \delta_2 + \frac{\pi}{2} \epsilon_1 + 0 \epsilon_2 \] where $\sigma_1 \delta_1 > 0$. Here, $\delta_2$ can take negative and positive values preventing the sign of $dB_k(\sigma_1 0, +1, k, y_2)\cdot (\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ from being constant. \end {enumerate} \item Case $B_k(x_1, +0, y_1, y_2)=0$ with $x_1 \neq 0$. (Remember we assumed $x_2 \geq 0$.] \begin {enumerate} \item if $x_1 >0$, then $\phi = +0$. From (\ref{eqn:Bk}), we have \[ y_2 \log x_1 = k \frac{\pi}{2}. \] \begin {enumerate} \item if $y_2 = \rho_2 0$, the last equation implies $k = 0$, and from (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}) we have \[ dB_0(x_1, +0, y_1, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = 0 \delta_1 + \frac{y_1}{x_1} \delta_2 + 0 \epsilon_1 + \log(x_1) \epsilon_2 \] with $\delta_2 > 0$ and $\rho_2 \epsilon_2 > 0$. The sign of the last expression in constant only in the following cases, \begin {align*} dB_0(x_1, +0, y_1, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 \geq 0 \;\text{and}\; x_1 > 1\\ dB_0(+1, +0, y_1, \pm 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 > 0\\ dB_0(x_1, +0, y_1, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 \geq 0 \;\text{and}\; 1 > x_1 > 0 \\ dB_0(x_1, +0, y_1, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 \leq 0 \;\text{and}\; x_1 > 1\\ dB_0(+1, +0, y_1, \pm 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 < 0\\ dB_0(x_1, +0, y_1, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; y_1 \leq 0 \;\text{and}\; 1 > x_1 > 0. \end {align*} Notice that we cannot conclude when $dB_0(x,y)$ is identically zero, so the cases $x=+1+0i$, $y=y_1 \pm0i$ cannot be determined by this means. \item If $y_2 \neq 0$, then $x_1 = \exp\left(\frac{k}{2y_2}\pi\right)$ is a dyadic number only if $k=0$ and then $x_1=1$. We have, using (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}), \[ dB_0(+1, +0, y_1, y_2)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = y_2 \delta_1 + y_1 \delta_2 + 0 \epsilon_1 + 0 \epsilon_2 \] with $\delta_2 > 0$. Here $y_2 \delta_1$ can take negative as well as positive values preventing the sign of $dB_0(+1, +0, y_1, y_2)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ from being constant. \end {enumerate} \item if $x_1 < 0$, then $\phi = \pi$. Using (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}), we have \[ dB_k(x_1, +0, y_1, y_2)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = \frac{y_2}{x_1} \delta_1 + \frac{y_1}{x_1} \delta_2 + \pi \epsilon_1 + \log(-x_1) \epsilon_2 \] with $\delta_2 > 0$. If $y_1 \neq 0$, then $\epsilon_1$ can take negative as well as positive values, preventing $dB_k$ from having a constant sign. Assume thus $y_1 = 0$. As $x_1 \neq 0$, $\delta_1$ can also take negative and positive values, and $-y_2 \delta_1$ does not have a constant sign unless $y_2 = 0$. But from \ref {eqn:Bk}, we know that $B_k(x, 0)=0$ implies $k = 0$ since $x_1 = - \exp(\frac{k \pi}{2 y_2})$ is dyadic. When $y = 0$, the derivative of $B_k$ is \[ dB_0(x_1, +0, \rho_1 0, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = 0 \delta_1 + 0 \delta_2 + \pi \epsilon_1 + \log(-x_1) \epsilon_2 \] with $\delta_2 >0$, $\rho_1 \epsilon_1 >0$ and $\rho_2 \epsilon_2 >0$. Then, \begin {align*} dB_0(x_1, +0, +0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; x_1 \leq -1 \\ dB_0(x_1, +0, +0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; -1 \leq x_1 < 0 \\ dB_0(x_1, +0, -0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; x_1 \leq -1\\ dB_0(x_1, +0, -0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; -1 \leq x_1 < 0 \end {align*} and the sign of $dB_k(x_1, +0, \rho_1 0, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ is not constant in all other combinations of $k$, $x_1<0$, $\rho_1$, and $\rho_2$. \end {enumerate} \item Case $B_k(x_1, x_2, \rho_1 0, y_2)=0$ for $x_2 \geq 0$. Here, we have \[ y_2\log|x|-k\frac{\pi}{2} = 0. \] \begin{enumerate} \item If $y_2=0$, then from the last equation $k=0$. Using (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}) \[ dB_0(x_1,x_2,\rho_10,\rho_20)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = 0\delta_1 + 0\delta_2 + \phi \epsilon_1 +\log|x| \epsilon_2 \] where $\rho_1 \epsilon_1 > 0$ and $\rho_2 \epsilon_2 > 0$. The case $\phi = 0$, that is $x_1 > 0$ and $x_2 = 0$, has already been processed above in Case (b)(i). Let $\phi > 0$, then $x_2$ is not zero or $x_1 < 0$. Using the expression of the derivative given above, we have \begin{align*} dB_0(x_1, x_2, +0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; |x| \geq 1 \;\text{and}\; \pi \geq \phi > 0\\ dB_0(x_1, x_2, -0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; |x| \geq 1 \;\text{and}\; \pi \geq \phi > 0\\ dB_0(x_1, x_2, +0, -0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &> 0 \;\text{if}\; 1 \geq |x| > 0 \;\text{and}\; \pi \geq \phi > 0\\ dB_0(x_1, x_2, -0, +0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) &< 0 \;\text{if}\; 1 \geq |x| > 0 \;\text{and}\; \pi \geq \phi > 0 \end{align*} \item If $y_2 \neq 0$, from (\ref{eqn:Bk}), we have \[ |x|=\exp\left(\frac{k\pi}{2y_2}\right). \] The right hand side of the equation is known to be transcendental unless $k=0$. As the left hand side is dyadic, we have $k=0$, and then $|x|=1$. Here, (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}) gives \[ dB_0(x_1,x_2,\rho_10,y_2)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = x_1y_2\delta_1 + x_2y_2\delta_2 + \phi \epsilon_1 + 0\epsilon_2 \] with $\rho_1 \epsilon_1 > 0$. If $x_2 \neq 0$, then $x_2y_2\delta_2$ can take negative as well as positive values and the sign of the derivative is not constant. Assume thus $x_2 = 0$. Then, $x_1=\pm 1$ because $|x|=1$, and $x_1y_2\delta_1$ can take negative and positive values. So, the sign of the zero part of $B_k(x_1, x_2, \pm 0, y_2)$ (if any) cannot be determined for all integers $k$ and for all dyadic real numbers $x_1$, $x_2$, and $y_2 \neq 0$. \end{enumerate} \item If $B_k(x_1, x_2, y_1, \rho_2 0)=0$ for $x_2 \geq 0$. The case $y_1=0$ has already been precessed above in Case (c). Let $y_1 \neq 0$, then from (\ref{eqn:Bk}) we have \[ \phi = \frac{k}{2y_1}\pi \] which implies that the argument $\phi$ of $x$ can be written as $r \pi$ for some rational number $r$ and, in the same time, $\cos^2 \phi = x_1^2/|x|^2$ and $\sin^2 \phi = x_2^2/|x|^2$ are rational. The five only possibilities (with $x_2 \geq 0$) are:\footnote{This is wrong: consider $\phi = \pi/3$, with $\cos \phi = 1/2$ and $\sin \phi = \sqrt{3}/2$.} \begin{enumerate} \item $\phi = 0$, but then $x_2=0$. This case has been processed above. \item $\phi = \frac{\pi}{4}$, then $x_1 = x_2 > 0$. From (\ref{eqn:Bk}), we have $y_1 = 2k \neq 0$, and from (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}) \[ dB_k(x_1, x_1, 2k, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = -\frac{k}{x_1}\delta_1 + \frac{k}{x_1}\delta_2 + \frac{\pi}{4}\epsilon_1 + \log(\sqrt{2}x_1)\epsilon_2 \] with $\rho_2\epsilon_2>0$. As $x_1 \neq 0$ and $k \neq 0$, the term $\frac{k}{x_1}\delta_1$, and $dB_k(x_1, x_1, 2k, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2)$ as well, has no constant sign. \item $\phi = \frac{\pi}{2}$, then $x_1 = 0$. This case has been processed above in Case (a). \item $\phi = \frac{3\pi}{4}$, then $x_1 = -x_2$, $x_1 < 0$ and (\ref{eqn:Bk}) gives $k \neq 0$ and $y_1 = \frac{2k}{3}$. As $y_1$ is a dyadic number, the only compatible values for $k$ are multiple of 3. Let $n$ be a nonzero integer so that $k = 3n$ and $y_1 = 2n$. From (\ref{eqn:BkDerivative}), we have \[ dB_{3n}(-x_2, x_2, 2n, \rho_2 0)\cdot(\delta_1, \delta_2, \epsilon_1, \epsilon_2) = -\frac{n}{x_2}\delta_1 - \frac{n}{x_2}\delta_2 + \frac{3\pi}{4}\epsilon_1 + \log(\sqrt{2}x_2)\epsilon_2 \] with $\rho_2\epsilon_2 >0$. As $n \neq 0$, $\epsilon_1$ can take negative and positive values and the term $\frac{3\pi}{4}\epsilon_1$ has not a constant sign. \item $\phi = \pi$, then $x_1<0$ and $x_2 = 0$. This case has been processed above in Case (b). \end{enumerate} \end {enumerate} To sum up using the inequalities above and deriving those with negative $x_2$ from them and from the relation $\overline{x}^y = \overline{x^{\overline{y}}}$, we can give the almost complete list of complex powers of numbers (for dyadic complex) that have a determined signed zero part, the only exception being $x=+1 \pm 0i$ raised to zero power which cannot be treated as we have done here. \begin{tabular}{r@{ $=$ }lr@{ $=$ }ll} $x^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$,& $x^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $|x|>1$ and $x_2>0$\\ $x^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$,& $x^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $|x|>1$ and $x_2<0$\\ $(x_1 \pm 0i)^{\pm0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$,& $(x_1 \pm 0i)^{\pm0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $x_1>1$\\ $(x_1 +0i)^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(x_1 +0i)^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $|x_1|>1$\\ $(x_1 -0i)^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(x_1 -0i)^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $|x_1|>1$\\ $(x_1 +0i)^{y_1 +0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} +0i$, & $(x_1 -0i)^{y_1 -0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} -0i$ & if $x_1>1$ and $y_1>0$\\ $(x_1 -0i)^{y_1 +0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} +0i$, & $(x_1 +0i)^{y_1 -0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} -0i$ & if $x_1>1$ and $y_1<0$\\ $(+1 +0i)^{y_1 \pm0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(+1 -0i)^{y_1 \pm0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $y_1>0$\\ $(+1 -0i)^{y_1 \pm0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(+1 +0i)^{y_1 \pm0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $y_1<0$\\ $x^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $x^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1>|x|>0$ and $x_2>0$\\ $x^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $x^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1>|x|>0$ and $x_2<0$\\ $(x_1 \pm0i)^{\pm0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(x_1 \pm0i)^{\pm0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1 > x_1 > 0$ \\ $(x_1 +0i)^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(x_1 -0i)^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1 > |x_1| > 0$ \\ $(x_1 -0i)^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(x_1 +0i)^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1 > |x_1| > 0$ \\ $(x_1 +0i)^{y_1 -0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} +0i$, & $(x_1 -0i)^{y_1 +0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} -0i$ & if $1 > x_1 > 0$ and $y_1 > 0$ \\ $(x_1 -0i)^{y_1 -0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} +0i$, & $(x_1 +0i)^{y_1 +0i}$ & $x_1^{y_1} -0i$ & if $1 > x_1 > 0$ and $y_1 < 0$ \\ $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $x_2 \geq 1$ \\ $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $1 \geq x_2 > 0$ \\ $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{-0 -0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{+0 +0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $ 0 > x_2 \geq -1$ \\ $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{-0 +0i}$ & $1 +0i$, & $(\pm 0 +x_2i)^{+0 -0i}$ & $1 -0i$ & if $-1 \geq x_2$ \\ $(-1 +0i)^{+0 \pm0i}$ & $1+0i$, & $(-1 +0i)^{-0 \pm0i}$ & $1-0i$ \\ $(-1 -0i)^{-0 \pm0i}$ & $1+0i$, & $(-1 -0i)^{+0 \pm0i}$ & $1-0i$ \\ \end{tabular} So when $x^y$ is a pure real number, the following pattern is compatible with the determined cases: \begin{tabular}{rl} $x^y = x_1^{y_1} + \rho_2 0i$ & if $|x| > 1$\\ $x^y = 1 + \sigma_2 \rho_1 0i$ & if $|x| = 1$\\ $x^y = x_1^{y_1} - \rho_2 0i$ & if $|x| < 1$\\ $x^y = x_1^{y_1} + \sigma_2 \rho_1 0i$ & if $y_1 \neq 0$ \end{tabular} where $\sigma_2$ (resp $\rho_1$, $\rho_2$) is the sign of $x_2$ (resp. $y_1$, $y_2$) and with the convention $0^0=+1$. \subsection {\texttt {mpc\_pow\_ui}} \label {ssec:mpcpowui} In the case of a positive integer exponent $n$, it may be faster to use binary exponentiation to compute $x^n$. More generally, let $n_1, \ldots, n_k$ be an addition chain for $n$, that is, $n_1 = 1$, $n_k = n$, and for any index $2 \leq r \leq k$, there are indices $1 \leq s, t \leq r-1$ such that $n_r = n_s + n_t$. Define the corresponding powers of $x$ as $\corr x_r = x^{n_r}$, so that $\corr x_1 = x$, $\corr x_k = x^n$ and $\corr x_r = \corr x_s \corr x_t$. The special case of left-to-right binary exponentiation satisfies that $n_{r+1} = 2 n_r$ (which occurs $\lfloor \log_2 n \rfloor$ times) or $n_{r+1} = n_r + 1$ (which occurs once less than the number of $1$ in the binary expansion of $n$, or equivalently, once less than the Hamming weight of $n$); so $k \leq 2 \lfloor \log_2 n \rfloor + 1$. Instead of the correct sequence $\corr x_r$, we compute during the algorithm approximations $\appro x_1 = x = \corr x_1$ and $\appro x_r = \round (\appro x_s \appro x_t)$ at some precision~$p$. Let $\theta_r$ be such that $\corr x_r = \appro x_r (1 + \theta_r)$, so that the relative error of $\appro x_r$ is given by $\epsilon_r = |\theta_r|$. Write $z_r = \appro x_s \appro x_t$. Then $\appro x_r = \round (z_r)$ and $\corr x_r = z_r (1 + \theta_s)(1 + \theta_t)$. Assuming rounding to nearest, the absolute real error attributable to rounding $\Re z_r$ to $\Re \appro x_r$ is bounded by $\frac {1}{2} \cdot 2^{\Exp (\Re z_r) - p} \leq \frac {1}{2} \cdot 2^{\Exp (\Re \appro x_r) - p}$ by Proposition~\ref {prop:expround}, and the corresponding relative real error is bounded by $2^{-p}$ according to Proposition~\ref {prop:relerror}. The same holds for the imaginary part, and Proposition~\ref {prop:comrelerror} implies that the complex relative error is also bounded by $2^{-p}$. Otherwise said, $z_r = \appro x_r (1 + \eta_r)$ with some complex number $\eta_r$ such that $|\eta_r| \leq 2^{-p}$. Putting the equations together, we obtain $1 + \theta_r = (1 + \theta_s)(1 + \theta_t)(1 + \eta_r)$. We can thus rewrite $1 + \theta_r$ as a product of factors of the form $1 + \eta$ with $|\eta| \leq 2^{-p}$. Denoting by $u_r$ the number of such factors, we thus have $u_r = u_s + u_t + 1$, from which we deduce by induction, using $u_1 = 0 = n_1 - 1$, that $u_r = n_r - 1$. So the relative error of $\appro x_k$, compared to $x^n$, is given by $|\theta_k| \leq (1 + 2^{-p})^{n-1} - 1$. Using Propositions~\ref {prop:comrelerror} and~\ref {prop:relerror}, this translates into an absolute error of \[ \left( 1 + 2^{\Exp (\Im \appro x_k) - \Exp (\Re \appro x_k) + 1} \right) \left( (1 + 2^{-p})^{n-1} - 1 \right) 2^p \Ulp (\Re \appro x_k) \] on the real part and of \[ \left( 1 + 2^{\Exp (\Re \appro x_k) - \Exp (\Im \appro x_k) + 1} \right) \left( (1 + 2^{-p})^{n-1} - 1 \right) 2^p \Ulp (\Im \appro x_k) \] on the imaginary part of the result. If we further assume that $(n-1) 2^{-p} \leq 1$, then $(1 + 2^{-p})^{n-1} - 1 \leq 2 (n - 1) 2^{-p}$, because $(1+\varepsilon)^m-1 = \exp(m \log(1+\varepsilon)) - 1 \leq \exp(\varepsilon m) - 1 \leq 2 \varepsilon m$ as long as $\varepsilon m \leq 1$. This gives the simplified bounds \begin{equation} \label{eq:powui_re} \left( 2 + 2^{\Exp (\Im \appro x_k) - \Exp (\Re \appro x_k) + 2} \right) (n-1) \Ulp (\Re \appro x_k) \end{equation} on the real part and of \begin{equation} \label{eq:powui_im} \left( 2 + 2^{\Exp (\Re \appro x_k) - \Exp (\Im \appro x_k) + 2} \right) (n-1) \Ulp (\Im \appro x_k) \end{equation} on the imaginary part. \subsection {\texttt {mpc\_pow\_si}} For the computation of $x^{-n}$ with $n > 0$, the analysis of \S\ref {ssec:mpcpowui} essentially carries through. We keep the same notation. Using bounds on the absolute errors of $\Re z_r$ and $\Im z_r$, we have shown above, using Propositions~\ref {prop:relerror} and~\ref {prop:comrelerror}, that $z_r = \appro {x_r} (1 + \eta_r)$ with $|\eta_r| \leq 2^{-p}$ and concluded that $x^n = \corr {x_k} = \appro {x_k} (1 + \theta_k)$, where $1 + \theta_k$ is the product of $n-1$ factors of the form $1 + \eta$ with $|\eta| \leq 2^{-p}$. By exchanging the roles of $z_r$ and $\appro {x_r}$ and applying Propositions~\ref {prop:relerror} and~\ref {prop:comrelerror} analogously, we obtain that $z_r = \frac {\appro {x_r}}{1 + \zeta_r}$ with $|\zeta_r| \leq 2^{-p}$ and $x^n = \corr {x_k} = \frac {\appro {x_k}}{1 + \xi_k}$, where $\xi_k$ is the product of $n-1$ factors of the form $1 + \zeta$ with $|\zeta| \leq 2^{-p}$. Let $\corr {x_{k+1}} = \corr {x_k}^{-1} = x^{-n}$ be the desired result, $z_{k+1} = \appro {x_k}^{-1}$ and $\appro {x_{k+1}} = \round (z_{k+1})$. As shown in \S\ref {ssec:mpcpowui}, rounding of $z_{k+1}$ to the nearest implies that $z_{k+1} = \appro {x_{k+1}} (1 + \eta_{k+1})$ with $|\eta_{k+1}| \leq 2^{-p}$. Then $\corr {x_{k+1}} = \frac {1}{x_k} = \frac {1 + \xi_k}{\appro {x_k}} = z_{k+1} (1 + \xi_k) = \appro {x_{k+1}} (1 + \xi_k)(1 + \eta_{k+1})$, which contains $n$ factors of the form $1 + \eta$ with $|\eta| \leq 2^{-p}$. Thus, assuming that $n 2^{-p} \leq 1$, the error estimates \eqref {eq:powui_re} and \eqref {eq:powui_im} are valid with $n$ in the place of $n - 1$. \bibliographystyle{acm} \bibliography{algorithms} \end {document}