# Data file for mpc_atan. # # Copyright (C) INRIA, 2009 # # This file is part of the MPC Library. # # The MPC Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # The MPC Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with the MPC Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # # The line format respects the parameter order in function prototype as # follow: # # INEX_RE INEX_IM PREC_ROP_RE ROP_RE PREC_ROP_IM ROP_IM PREC_OP_RE OP_RE PREC_OP_IM OP_IM RND_RE RND_IM # # where op = op_re + i * op_im, rop = rop_re + i * rop_im, # rop_re is ROP_RE rounded to nearest to the precision of PREC_ROP_RE # rop_im is ROP_IM rounded to nearest to the precision of PREC_ROP_IM # op_re is OP_RE rounded to nearest to the precision of PREC_OP_RE # op_im is OP_IM rounded to nearest to the precision of PREC_OP_IM # ROP_RE is checked against Re(atan op) rounded to the precision PREC_ROP_RE # in the direction RND_RE # ROP_IM is checked against Im(atan op) rounded to the precision PREC_ROP_IM # in the direction RND_IM # INEX_RE is the ternary value for the real part with the following notation: # "?" ternary value not checked # "+" if ROP_RE is greater than the exact mathematical result # "0" if ROP_RE is exactly the mathematical result # "-" if ROP_RE is less than the exact mathematical result # (m.m. INEX_IM) # rounding modes notation: # "N" is rounding to nearest # "Z" is rounding towards zero # "U" is rounding towards plus infinity # "D" is rounding towards minus infinity # Use prefixes "0b" for values in base two, "0x" for values in base sixteen, # no prefix for value in base ten. # In all bases, "nan" is NaN, "inf" is infinity; # The sign of the result is checked with "+inf", "-inf", "-0", or "+0". # special values (following ISO C99 standard) + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 -inf 53 -inf N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 -inf 53 -1 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 -inf 53 -0 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 -inf 53 +0 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 -inf 53 +1 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 -inf 53 +inf N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 0 53 -inf 53 nan N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 -6 53 -inf N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 -6 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 -6 53 nan N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 -0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 -0 53 -0 53 -0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 +0 53 -0 53 +0 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 -0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 +0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -0 53 +0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +0 53 +0 53 +0 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 +0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 +6 53 -inf N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 +6 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 +6 53 nan N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -inf N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -1 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -0 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +0 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +1 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +inf N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 0 53 +inf 53 nan N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan N N # pure real argument - 0 53 -0x16DCC57BB565FDp-52 53 -0 53 -7 53 -0 N N - 0 53 -0x16DCC57BB565FDp-52 53 +0 53 -7 53 +0 N N + 0 53 -0x1F730BD281F69Bp-53 53 -0 53 -1.5 53 -0 N N + 0 53 -0x1F730BD281F69Bp-53 53 +0 53 -1.5 53 +0 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-53 53 -0 53 -1 53 -0 N N + 0 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-53 53 +0 53 -1 53 +0 N N - 0 53 -0x1700A7C5784634p-53 53 -0 53 -0.875 53 -0 N N - 0 53 -0x1700A7C5784634p-53 53 +0 53 -0.875 53 +0 N N - 0 53 -0x1FD5BA9AAC2F6Ep-56 53 -0 53 -0.125 53 -0 N N - 0 53 -0x1FD5BA9AAC2F6Ep-56 53 +0 53 -0.125 53 +0 N N + 0 53 +0x1FD5BA9AAC2F6Ep-56 53 +0 53 +0.125 53 +0 N N + 0 53 +0x1FD5BA9AAC2F6Ep-56 53 -0 53 +0.125 53 -0 N N + 0 53 +0x1700A7C5784634p-53 53 +0 53 +0.875 53 +0 N N + 0 53 +0x1700A7C5784634p-53 53 -0 53 +0.875 53 -0 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-53 53 +0 53 +1 53 +0 N N - 0 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-53 53 -0 53 +1 53 -0 N N - 0 53 +0x1F730BD281F69Bp-53 53 +0 53 +1.5 53 +0 N N - 0 53 +0x1F730BD281F69Bp-53 53 -0 53 +1.5 53 -0 N N + 0 53 +0x16DCC57BB565FDp-52 53 +0 53 +7 53 +0 N N + 0 53 +0x16DCC57BB565FDp-52 53 -0 53 +7 53 -0 N N # pure imaginary argument + + 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0x1269621134DB92p-55 53 -0 53 -7 N N - + 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0x1269621134DB92p-55 53 +0 53 -7 N N + + 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0x19C041F7ED8D33p-53 53 -0 53 -1.5 N N - + 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 -0x19C041F7ED8D33p-53 53 +0 53 -1.5 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -inf 53 -0 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -inf 53 +0 53 -1 N N 0 + 53 -0 53 -0x15AA16394D481Fp-52 53 -0 53 -0.875 N N 0 + 53 +0 53 -0x15AA16394D481Fp-52 53 +0 53 -0.875 N N 0 + 53 -0 53 -0x1015891C9EAEF7p-55 53 -0 53 -0.125 N N 0 + 53 +0 53 -0x1015891C9EAEF7p-55 53 +0 53 -0.125 N N 0 - 53 +0 53 +0x1015891C9EAEF7p-55 53 +0 53 +0.125 N N 0 - 53 -0 53 +0x1015891C9EAEF7p-55 53 -0 53 +0.125 N N 0 - 53 +0 53 +0x15AA16394D481Fp-52 53 +0 53 +0.875 N N 0 - 53 -0 53 +0x15AA16394D481Fp-52 53 -0 53 +0.875 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +inf 53 -0 53 +1 N N - - 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0x19C041F7ED8D33p-53 53 +0 53 +1.5 N N + - 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0x19C041F7ED8D33p-53 53 -0 53 +1.5 N N - - 53 +0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0x1269621134DB92p-55 53 +0 53 +7 N N + - 53 -0x1921FB54442D18p-52 53 +0x1269621134DB92p-55 53 -0 53 +7 N N 0 + 53 +0 53 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF82p-52 53 +0 53 0x1ED9505E1BC3C2p-53 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -inf 53 +0 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +1 N N + - 512 0x6487ED5110B4611A62633145C06E0E68948127044533E63A0105DF531D89CD9128A5043CC71A026EF7CA8CD9E69D218D98158536F92F8A1BA7F09AB6B6A8E123p-510 512 0x5D137113B914461DA3202D77346EE4980DA5FD0BAD68F5A7928DCA9F632750D9BFFA00654C523929F15DED554EC6BC476DB2C46FA433E569227085E0BDEA86FFp-509 512 0 512 0x1018734E311AB77B710F9212969B3C86E8F388BB7DA5BAF74ADE078F43D96456D088C8A0B2A370159DFB8D4A4BC51BCDA91F2DCD01B2EC610C62AA33FAD1688p-504 N Z + - 12 0xC91p-11 12 0x6F1p-50 12 +0 12 0x9380000000 N N # general inputs + - 72 0x91EA521228BFC46ACAp-118 72 -0x9E96A01DBAD6470974p-73 72 0x84C3E02A5C6DEE8410p-118 72 -0x99B43C52A95A21C220p-73 U N + - 156 -0xC90FDAA22167B20DB08A0C3B1FF415CABE49624p-155 156 0xEA84E971BD52E49CCEE036E303D5ECB2D9D9B9Ap-222 156 -0xF0CE58073F866A53F25DB85DE8D503FBDD81051p-109 156 0xCF81D7C76BB9754A52056CB0F144B0C6700CC8Cp-128 N N - - 2 0.75 2 -3 2 0x1p-7 2 -1 N N - + 2 0.75 2 3 2 0x1p-7 2 1 N N