# Data file for mpc_conj. # # Copyright (C) INRIA, 2008 # # This file is part of the MPC Library. # # The MPC Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # The MPC Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY # or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with the MPC Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307, USA. # # The line format respects the parameter order in function prototype as # follow: # # INEX_RE INEX_IM PREC_ROP_RE ROP_RE PREC_ROP_IM ROP_IM PREC_OP_RE OP_RE PREC_OP_IM OP_IM RND_RE RND_IM # # see sin.dat for precisions # special values (following ISO C99 standard) 0 0 53 -inf 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 +1 53 -inf 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 +0 53 -inf 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 -0 53 -inf 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 -1 53 -inf 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 -inf 53 -inf 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 -inf 53 nan 53 -inf 53 nan N N 0 0 53 -1 53 +inf 53 -1 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 -1 53 +0 53 -1 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 -1 53 -0 53 -1 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 -1 53 -inf 53 -1 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 -1 53 nan 53 -1 53 nan N N 0 0 53 -0 53 +inf 53 -0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 -0 53 +1 53 -0 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 +0 53 -0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 -0 53 -0 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 -1 53 -0 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 -inf 53 -0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 -0 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +inf 53 +0 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +1 53 +0 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 +0 53 +0 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -0 53 +0 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -1 53 +0 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 +0 53 -inf 53 +0 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 +0 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +1 53 +inf 53 +1 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +1 53 +0 53 +1 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +1 53 -0 53 +1 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +1 53 -inf 53 +1 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 +1 53 nan 53 +1 53 nan N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 +inf 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +1 53 +inf 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 +0 53 +inf 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -0 53 +inf 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -1 53 +inf 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 -inf 53 +inf 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 +inf 53 nan 53 +inf 53 nan N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +inf 53 nan 53 -inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +1 53 nan 53 -1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 +0 53 nan 53 -0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -0 53 nan 53 +0 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -1 53 nan 53 +1 N N 0 0 53 nan 53 -inf 53 nan 53 +inf N N 0 0 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan 53 nan N N # pure real argument 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 2 -0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 17 +0 N N 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 3 -0 54 -0x123456789abcdep+52 16 +0 Z N 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 4 +0 55 0x123456789abcdep+52 15 -0 U N 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 5 +0 56 -0x123456789abcdep+52 14 -0 D N 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 6 -0 57 0x123456789abcdep+52 13 +0 Z Z 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 7 -0 58 -0x123456789abcdep+52 12 +0 U Z 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 8 +0 59 0x123456789abcdep+52 11 -0 D Z 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 9 +0 60 -0x123456789abcdep+52 10 -0 N Z 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 10 -0 61 0x123456789abcdep+52 9 +0 U U 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 11 -0 62 -0x123456789abcdep+52 8 +0 D U 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 12 +0 63 0x123456789abcdep+52 7 -0 N U 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 13 +0 64 -0x123456789abcdep+52 6 -0 Z U 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 14 -0 65 0x123456789abcdep+52 5 +0 D D 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 15 -0 66 -0x123456789abcdep+52 4 +0 N D 0 0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 16 +0 67 0x123456789abcdep+52 3 -0 Z D 0 0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 17 +0 68 -0x123456789abcdep+52 2 -0 U D # pure imaginary argument 0 0 53 +0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 53 +0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 N N 0 0 53 -0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 51 -0 54 0x123456789abcdep+52 Z N 0 0 53 +0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 49 +0 55 -0x123456789abcdep+52 U N 0 0 53 -0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 47 -0 56 -0x123456789abcdep+52 D N 0 0 53 +0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 45 +0 57 0x123456789abcdep+52 Z Z 0 0 53 -0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 43 -0 58 0x123456789abcdep+52 U Z 0 0 53 +0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 41 +0 59 -0x123456789abcdep+52 D Z 0 0 53 -0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 39 -0 60 -0x123456789abcdep+52 N Z 0 0 53 +0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 37 +0 61 0x123456789abcdep+52 U U 0 0 53 -0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 35 -0 62 0x123456789abcdep+52 D U 0 0 53 +0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 33 +0 63 -0x123456789abcdep+52 N U 0 0 53 -0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 31 -0 64 -0x123456789abcdep+52 Z U 0 0 53 +0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 29 +0 65 0x123456789abcdep+52 D D 0 0 53 -0 53 -0x123456789abcdep+52 27 -0 66 0x123456789abcdep+52 N D 0 0 53 +0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 25 +0 67 -0x123456789abcdep+52 Z D 0 0 53 -0 53 0x123456789abcdep+52 23 -0 68 -0x123456789abcdep+52 U D