path: root/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl
diff options
authorschevill <schevill@280ebfd0-de03-0410-8827-d642c229c3f4>2010-11-30 16:41:38 +0000
committerschevill <schevill@280ebfd0-de03-0410-8827-d642c229c3f4>2010-11-30 16:41:38 +0000
commit487520495ff3e13fffccb32870c17c8f9b80621e (patch)
tree87ac83df24a1d6da2054f425f2347bdd5f6d8f97 /tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl
parent290923bb083c928544300c7a30c402baa7e208f9 (diff)
Added metaMPFR in the tools directory of MPFR.
git-svn-id: svn:// 280ebfd0-de03-0410-8827-d642c229c3f4
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl')
1 files changed, 521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl b/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7917be78b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/metaMPFR/metaMPFR_common.mpl
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# These procedures come from the source code of GFun.
+getname:=proc(yofz::function(name), y, z)
+ y:=op(0,yofz);
+ if type(y,'procedure') then error `not an unassigned name`,y fi;
+ z:=op(yofz)
+end proc:
+# returns the smallest i such that u(n+i) appears in a recurrence
+minindex := proc(rec,u,n)
+ min(op(map(op,indets(rec,'specfunc'('linear'(n),u)))))-n
+end proc:
+# returns the largest i such that u(n+i) appears in a recurrence
+maxindex := proc(rec,u,n)
+ max(op(map(op,indets(rec,'specfunc'('linear'(n),u)))))-n
+end proc:
+# A recurrence of the form a(n+d) = p(n)/q(n) a(n) is represented through a record:
+# OneTermRecurrence : record(order, numerator, denominator)
+`type/OneTermRecurrence` := 'record(order, numerator, denominator)':
+# Input: a recurrence rec (either with or without initial conditions).
+# If it has initial conditions, they are ignored.
+# a(n): the name of the sequence and the name of the variable.
+# Output:
+# This procedure checks that rec is a recurrence of the form a(n+d) = p(n)/q(n) a(n)
+# If the check succeeds, it returns the corresponding record. If it fails, an error is
+# returned.
+checkOneTermRecurrence := proc(rec, aofn)::OneTermRecurrence;
+ local r, d, a, n, term1, term2, res;
+ getname(aofn, a, n):
+ if type(rec, 'set') then
+ r:=select(has, rec, n);
+ if nops(r)>1
+ then error `invalid recurrence`, rec
+ fi:
+ if nops(r)=0
+ then error "%1 does not appear in the recurrence", n
+ fi:
+ r := op(r):
+ else r:=rec:
+ fi:
+ if type(r,'`=`')
+ then r:=op(1,r)-op(2,r)
+ fi:
+ if indets(r,'specfunc'('anything',a)) <> indets(r,'specfunc'('linear'(n),a))
+ then error "the recurrence contains elements that are not linear in %1", n
+ fi:
+ if nops(r) <> 2
+ then error "the recurrence contains %1 terms (expected 2)", nops(r)
+ fi:
+ r := subs(n=n-minindex(r, a, n), r):
+ d := maxindex(r, a, n):
+ term1 := select(has, r, a(n)):
+ term2 := select(has, r, a(n+d)):
+ res := factor( -(term1/a(n)) / (term2/a(n+d)) ):
+ Record( 'order'=d, 'numerator' = numer(res), 'denominator' = denom(res) )
+end proc:
+# my_factors factorizes p the same way as factors(p) would do except that the constant part is computed
+# differently. We assume here that p has integer coefficients, and we want to factorize it over polynomials
+# with integer coefficients. my_factors ensures that the factors have integer coefficients.
+my_factors := proc(p)
+ local L, c, fact, i, my_c, my_fact, q:
+ L := factors(p):
+ c := L[1]: fact := L[2]:
+ my_c := c: my_fact := []:
+ for i from 1 to nops(fact) do
+ q := denom(fact[i][1]):
+ my_fact := [ op(my_fact), [ fact[i][1]*q, fact[i][2] ] ]:
+ my_c := my_c / (q^fact[i][2]):
+ od:
+ [ my_c, my_fact]:
+end proc:
+# This procedure decomposes a one-term recurrence with the following form:
+# a(n+d) = c * s1(n)/s1(n+d) * s2(n+d)/s2(n) * p(n)/q(n) * a(n)
+# Known issue: this procedure assumes that the only variables involved are n and x with their usual meaning.
+decomposeOneTermRecurrence := proc(formalRec::OneTermRecurrence, res_cste, res_s1, res_s2, res_p, res_q)
+ local p, q, cste, s1, s2, d, L, i, tmp, exponent, r, polyring;
+ p := formalRec:-numerator:
+ q := formalRec:-denominator:
+ d := formalRec:-order:
+ s1 := 1:
+ L := op(2,my_factors(p)): # L contains the non trivial factors of p
+ for i from 1 to nops(L) do
+ tmp := L[i][1]: exponent := L[i][2]:
+ r := gcd(tmp^exponent, subs(n=n-d, q)):
+ p := quo(p,r,n): q := quo(q, subs(n=n+d, r),n): s1 := s1 * r:
+ od:
+ s2 := 1:
+ L := op(2,my_factors(p)): # L contains the *remaining* non trivial factors of p
+ for i from 1 to nops(L) do
+ tmp := L[i][1]: exponent := L[i][2]:
+ r := gcd(tmp^exponent, subs(n=n+d, q)):
+ p := quo(p, r, n): q := quo(q, subs(n=n-d, r), n): s2 := s2 * r:
+ od:
+ # Finally we look for the constant part (with respect to n) of p/q
+ cste := op(1, my_factors(p))/op(1, my_factors(q)):
+ p := p/op(1, my_factors(p)): q := q/op(1, my_factors(q)):
+ polyring := RegularChains[PolynomialRing]([n,x]):
+ L := op(2, my_factors(p)):
+ for i from 1 to nops(L) do
+ if RegularChains[MainVariable](L[i][1], polyring) = x
+ then cste := cste * L[i][1]^L[i][2]: p := quo(p,L[i][1]^L[i][2],x):
+ fi:
+ od:
+ L := op(2, my_factors(q)):
+ for i from 1 to nops(L) do
+ if RegularChains[MainVariable](L[i][1], polyring) = x
+ then cste := cste / L[i][1]^L[i][2]: q := quo(q,L[i][1]^L[i][2],x):
+ fi:
+ od:
+ res_cste := cste;
+ res_s1 := s1;
+ res_s2 := s2;
+ res_p := simplify(p);
+ res_q := simplify(q);
+end proc:
+# Input: a linear recurrence rec (either with or without initial conditions).
+# a(n): the name of the sequence and the name of the variable.
+# x: a value or symbolic name
+# Output:
+# The recurrence satisfied by a(n)*x^n. Note that this recurrence is also denoted by a(n).
+# If initial conditions were provided, corresponding initial conditions are computed.
+coeffrecToTermsrec := proc(rec, aofn, x)
+ local a,n,L,r,cond,d,i,tmp,c,res;
+ getname(aofn, a, n):
+ if type(rec, 'set') then
+ L := selectremove(has, rec, n):
+ r := L[1]:
+ if nops(r)>1
+ then error `invalid recurrence`, rec
+ fi:
+ if nops(r)=0
+ then error "%1 does not appear in the recurrence", n
+ fi:
+ r := op(r):
+ cond := L[2]:
+ else r := rec:
+ fi:
+ d := maxindex(r, a, n):
+ L := indets(r,'specfunc'('linear'(n),a)):
+ if indets(r,'specfunc'('anything',a)) <> L
+ then error "the recurrence contains elements that are not linear in %1", n
+ fi:
+ L := map(op, L):
+ for i from 1 to nops(L) do
+ r := subs(a(op(i,L))=a(op(i,L))*x^(d-op(i,L)+n), r):
+ od:
+ if cond<>'cond' then
+ c := {}:
+ for i from 1 to nops(cond) do
+ tmp := op(i, cond): # tmp should have the form 'a(k) = cste'
+ if not type(tmp,'`=`') then error "Invalid initial condition: %1", tmp: fi:
+ L := selectremove(has, {op(tmp)}, a):
+ if (nops(L[1]) <> 1) or (nops(L[2])<>1)
+ then error "Invalid initial condition: %1", tmp:
+ fi:
+ tmp := op(1, L[1]): # tmp has the form 'a(k)'
+ c := {op(c), tmp = op(1, L[2])*x^op(tmp)}:
+ od:
+ res := {r, op(c)}:
+ else res := r:
+ fi:
+ res:
+end proc:
+# This procedure removes the conditions of the form a(k)=0 from the initial conditions of rec
+# It returns a list L = [L1, L2, ...] where Li = [k, expr] representing the condition a(k)=expr.
+# Moreover, it asserts that the Li are ordered by increasing k.
+removeTrivialConditions := proc(rec, aofn)
+ local a,n,i,L,tmp,c,cond,k:
+ getname(aofn, a, n):
+ if not type(rec, 'set') then
+ error "%1 is not a recurrence with initial conditions", rec
+ else
+ L := selectremove(has, rec, n):
+ cond := L[2]:
+ if nops(cond)=0
+ then error "%1 does not contain initial conditions", rec
+ fi:
+ fi:
+ c := []:
+ for i from 1 to nops(cond) do
+ tmp := op(i, cond): # tmp should have the form 'a(k) = cste'
+ if not type(tmp,'`=`') then error "Invalid initial condition: %1", tmp: fi:
+ L := selectremove(has, {op(tmp)}, a):
+ if (nops(L[1]) <> 1) or (nops(L[2])<>1)
+ then error "Invalid initial condition: %1", tmp:
+ fi:
+ if op(1, L[2])<>0 then c := [op(c), [op(op(1, L[1])), op(1, L[2])]]: fi:
+ od:
+ # We check that the conditions are ordered by increasing k.
+ if (nops(c)=0) then return c: fi:
+ k := c[1][1]:
+ for i from 2 to nops(c) do
+ if (c[i][1]<=k)
+ then error "Unexpected error in removeTrivialConditions: the conditions are not correctly ordered (%1)\n", c
+ else k := c[i][1]
+ fi:
+ od:
+ c:
+end proc:
+# findFixpointOfDifferences: takes a set L of integer and returns the smallest set S
+# containing L and such that for each i, S[i]-S[i-1] \in S
+findFixpointOfDifferences := proc(L)
+ local res, i:
+ res := L:
+ for i from 2 to nops(L) do
+ res := { op(res), L[i]-L[i-1] }:
+ od:
+ if (res=L) then return res else return findFixpointOfDifferences(res) fi:
+end proc:
+# error_counter functions allows one to follow the accumulation of errors in each variable.
+# an error_counter is a list of the form [[var1, c1], [var2, c2], ... ]
+# where the vari are variable names and the ci indicate how many approximation errors
+# are accumulated in vari.
+# This procedure initializes the counter associated with variable var to 1 (and creates it if needed.)
+# It returns an up-to-date error_counter.
+init_error_counter := proc (var, error_counter)
+ local i, res:
+ res := error_counter:
+ for i from 1 to nops(res) do
+ if (res[i][1]=var)
+ then res[i][2] := 1:
+ return res:
+ fi
+ od:
+ res := [op(res), [var, 1]]:
+# This procedure adds a given number to the counter associated with variable var.
+# It returns an up-to-date error_counter.
+add_to_error_counter := proc (var, n, error_counter)
+ local i, res:
+ res := error_counter:
+ for i from 1 to nops(res) do
+ if (res[i][1]=var)
+ then res[i][2] := res[i][2]+n:
+ return res:
+ fi
+ od:
+ res := [op(res), [var, n]]:
+end proc:
+# This procedure sets the value of the counter associated with variable var.
+# It returns an up-to-date error_counter.
+set_error_counter := proc(var, n, error_counter)
+ local i,err:
+ err := error_counter:
+ for i from 1 to nops(err) do
+ if (err[i][1]=var)
+ then err[i][2] := n:
+ return err:
+ fi
+ od:
+ err := [op(err), [var, n]]:
+end proc:
+# This procedure initializes the counter associated to the multiplication of var2 and var3,
+# putting the result in variable var1.
+# It returns an up-to-date error_counter.
+error_counter_of_a_multiplication := proc (var1, var2, var3, error_counter)
+ local i, res, c2, c3:
+ c2 := 0: c3 := 0:
+ for i from 1 to nops(error_counter) do
+ if (error_counter[i][1]=var2) then c2 := error_counter[i][2] fi:
+ if (error_counter[i][1]=var3) then c3 := error_counter[i][2] fi:
+ if (error_counter[i][1]=var1)
+ then
+ res := [ op(error_counter[1..i-1]), op(error_counter[i+1..nops(error_counter)]) ]
+ fi:
+ od:
+ if (res = 'res') then res := error_counter fi:
+ res := [op(res), [var1, c2+c3+1]]:
+# Copies the error counter of var2 into var1
+error_counter_on_copy := proc(var1, var2, error_counter)
+ local i, err, c2:
+ c2 := 0:
+ for i from 1 to nops(error_counter) do
+ if (error_counter[i][1] = var2) then c2 := error_counter[i][2] fi:
+ if (error_counter[i][1] = var1)
+ then
+ err := [ op(error_counter[1..i-1]), op(error_counter[i+1..nops(error_counter)]) ]
+ fi:
+ od:
+ if (err = 'err') then err := error_counter fi:
+ if (c2 <> 0) then err := [op(res), [var1, c2]] fi:
+end proc:
+# Returns the value of the error counter associated to a variable
+find_in_error_counter := proc(var, error_counter)
+ local i:
+ for i from 1 to nops(error_counter) do
+ if (error_counter[i][1] = var) then return error_counter[i][2] fi:
+ od:
+ return 0:
+end proc:
+# generate_multiply_rational(fd, var1, var2, r, error_counter, indent) generates code for performing
+# var1 = var2*r in MPFR
+# fd is the file descriptor in which the code shall be produced.
+# var1 and var2 are strings representing variable names. r is a Maple rational number.
+# error_counter is an error_counter (as described above).
+# indent is an optional argument. It is a string used to correctly indent the code. It is prefixed to any
+# generated line. Hence, if indent=" ", the generated code will be indented by 2 spaces.
+# An up-to-date error_counter is returned.
+generate_multiply_rational := proc(fd, var1, var2, r, error_counter, indent:="")
+ local p,q,err:
+ err := error_counter:
+ if (whattype(r)<>'fraction') and (whattype(r)<>'integer')
+ then error "generate_multiply_rational used with non rational number %1", r: fi:
+ if (abs(r)=1)
+ then
+ if (var1=var2)
+ then
+ if (r<>1) then fprintf(fd, "%sMPFR_CHANGE_SIGN (%s);\n", indent, var1) fi:
+ return err:
+ else
+ if (r=1)
+ then fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_set (%s, %s, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var2):
+ else fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_neg (%s, %s, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var2):
+ fi:
+ return error_counter_on_copy(var1, var2, err):
+ fi
+ fi:
+ # Now, r is a rational number different from 1.
+ p := numer(r): q := denom(r):
+ if (abs(p)<>1)
+ then
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_mul_si (%s, %s, %d, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var2, p):
+ err := error_counter_of_a_multiplication(var1, var2, "", err):
+ if(q<>1)
+ then
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_div_si (%s, %s, %d, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var1, q):
+ err := error_counter_of_a_multiplication(var1, var1, "", err):
+ fi:
+ else
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_div_si (%s, %s, %d, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var2, p*q):
+ err := error_counter_of_a_multiplication(var1, var2, "", err):
+ fi:
+ return err:
+end proc:
+# generate_multiply_poly is the same as generate_multiply_rational but when r is a rational fraction.
+# The fraction r must have the form p/q where p and q are polynomials with integer coefficients.
+# Moreover, the gcd of the coefficients of p must be 1. Idem for q.
+# The procedure returned a list [m, d, err] where m is the set of indices k such that
+# a mpfr_mul_sik function is needed and idem for d with mpfr_div_sik.
+# err is an up-to-date error counter.
+generate_multiply_poly := proc(fd, var1, var2, r, error_counter, indent:="")
+ local p,q,Lp,Lq,n,i,j,var, required_mulsi, required_divsi, err:
+ err := error_counter:
+ required_mulsi := {}:
+ required_divsi := {}:
+ p := numer(r): q := denom(r):
+ Lp := my_factors(p): Lq := my_factors(q):
+ if (Lp[1] <> 1)
+ then error "generate_multiply_poly: an integer can be factored out of %1", p:
+ fi:
+ if (Lq[1] <> 1)
+ then error "generate_multiply_poly: an integer can be factored out of %1", q:
+ fi:
+ Lp := Lp[2]: Lq := Lq[2]:
+ var := var2:
+ if (nops(Lp) <> 0)
+ then
+ n := 0:
+ for i from 1 to nops(Lp) do n := n + Lp[i][2] od:
+ if (n=1)
+ then
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_mul_si (%s, %s", indent, var1, var):
+ else
+ required_mulsi := { op(required_mulsi), n }:
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_mul_si%d (%s, %s", indent, n, var1, var):
+ fi:
+ for i from 1 to nops(Lp) do
+ for j from 1 to Lp[i][2] do
+ fprintf(fd, ", %a", Lp[i][1]):
+ od:
+ od:
+ fprintf(fd, ", MPFR_RNDN);\n"):
+ err := set_error_counter(var1, n+find_in_error_counter(var, err) , err):
+ var := var1:
+ fi:
+ if (nops(Lq) <> 0)
+ then
+ n := 0:
+ for i from 1 to nops(Lq) do n := n + Lq[i][2] od:
+ if (n=1)
+ then
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_div_si (%s, %s", indent, var1, var):
+ else
+ required_divsi := { op(required_divsi), n }:
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_div_si%d (%s, %s", indent, n, var1, var)
+ fi:
+ for i from 1 to nops(Lq) do
+ for j from 1 to Lq[i][2] do
+ fprintf(fd, ", %a", Lq[i][1])
+ od:
+ od:
+ fprintf(fd, ", MPFR_RNDN);\n"):
+ err := set_error_counter(var1, n+find_in_error_counter(var, err) , err):
+ var := var1:
+ fi:
+ if (var1 <> var) then
+ fprintf(fd, "%smpfr_set (%s, %s, MPFR_RNDN);\n", indent, var1, var):
+ err := set_error_counter(var1, find_in_error_counter(var, err) , err):
+ fi:
+ return [required_mulsi, required_divsi, err]:
+end proc:
+# This function generates the code of a procedure mpfr_mul_uin or mpfr_div_uin
+generate_muldivsin := proc(op, n)
+ local i, var:
+ if ((op <> "mul") and (op <> "div"))
+ then error "Invalid argument to generate_muldivuin (%1). Must be 'mul' or 'div'", op
+ fi:
+ if (whattype(n) <> 'integer')
+ then error "Invalid argument to generate_muldivuin (%1). Must be an integer.", n
+ fi:
+ if (op="mul") then var := "MUL" else var := "DIV" fi:
+ printf("__MPFR_DECLSPEC void mpfr_div_si%d _MPFR_PROTO((mpfr_ptr, mpfr_srcptr,\n", n):
+ for i from n to 2 by -2 do
+ printf(" long int, long int,\n"):
+ od:
+ if (i=1)
+ then
+ printf(" long int, mpfr_rnd_t));\n"):
+ else
+ printf(" mpfr_rnd_t));\n")
+ fi:
+ printf("\n\n\n"):
+ printf("void\n"):
+ printf("mpfr_%s_si%d (mpfr_ptr y, mpfr_srcptr x,\n", op, n):
+ for i from n to 2 by -2 do
+ printf(" long int v%d, long int v%d,\n", n-i+1, n-i+2):
+ od:
+ if (i=1)
+ then
+ printf(" long int v%d, mpfr_rnd_t mode)\n", n):
+ else
+ printf(" mpfr_rnd_t mode)\n")
+ fi:
+ printf("{\n"):
+ printf(" long int acc = v1;\n"):
+ printf(" mpfr_set (y, x, mode);\n"):
+ for i from 2 to n do
+ printf(" MPFR_ACC_OR_%s (v%d);\n", var, i):
+ od:
+ printf(" mpfr_%s_si (y, y, acc, mode);\n", op):
+ printf("}\n"):
+ return:
+end proc: