Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation. Contributed by the Spaces project, INRIA Lorraine. This file is part of the MPFR Library. The MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (either version 2.1 of the License, or, at your option, any later version) and the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation (most of MPFR is under the former, some under the latter). The MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ############################################################################## Documentation: - add a description of the algorithms used + proof of correctness - mpfr_set_prec: add an explanation of how to speed up calculations which increase their precision at each step. Installation: - from Kevin Ryde : Determine the exp2/exp3 thresholds using tune/tuneup.c. A start has been made on this, but there's a noticable step-effect in the times making them cross back and forward between which is faster. Hopefully this will go away with improvements to the exp code. - Build a dynamic library (.so / .dll). - Maybe use the autotools to manage properly the version number, ie create,,, and substitute MPFR_MAJOR_VERSION, MPFR_MINOR_VERSION, MPFR_PATCHLEVEL_VERSION within configure? Changes in existing functions: - mpfr_get_str should support base up to 62 too. - mpfr_can_round: 1) remove the first rounding mode (rnd1) that was giving the direction of the error. We'll consider now that the sign of the error is unknown. This will simplify the code, should not loose too much since in most cases we call mpfr_can_round with rnd1 = nearest, and should detect cases with exact results that may loop. 2) change the meaning of the 2nd argument (err). Currently the error is at most 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-err), i.e. err is the relative shift wrt the most significant bit of the approximation. I propose that the error is now at most 2^err ulps of the approximation, i.e. 2^(MPFR_EXP(b)-MPFR_PREC(b)+err). 3) the current code performs two computations to check if we can round: it checks if both round(approx-error) and round(approx+error) give the same result. One computation is enough: for example in directed rounding, if the round bit is 0 (resp. 1), we just have to check round(approx-error) (resp. round(approx+error)). New functions to implement: - modf (to extract integer and fractional parts), suggested by Dmitry Antipov Thu, 13 Jun 2002 - those from LIA: missing secant, cosecant, cotangent (trigo/hyperbolic) - atan2 - mpfr_root to compute x^(1/n) for n integer, similar to mpz_root [suggested by Damien Fisher,, 20 Jul 2003, and Mark Watkins , 23 Jul 2003] - mpfr_fmod (mpfr_t, mpfr_srcptr, mpfr_srcptr, mp_rnd_t) [suggested by Tomas Zahradnicky , 29 Nov 2003] Kevin: Might want to be called mpfr_mod, to match mpz_mod. -> we probably want to allow both mpfr_fmod and mpfr_mod. - mpfr_fms for a-b*c [suggested by Tomas Zahradnicky , 29 Nov 2003] - 1/sqrt(x) [Regis Dupont , 15 Sep 2004] - dilog() [the dilogarithm: dilog(x) = int(ln(t)/(1-t), t=1..x)] - mpfr_printf [Sisyphus Tue, 04 Jan 2005] for example mpfr_printf ("%.2Ff\n", x) Efficiency: - implement range reduction in sin/cos/tan for large arguments (currently too slow for 2^1024), and/or implement Mark Watkins's algorithm: My suggestion for a long-term fix to these sin/cos problems when one of them is close to zero is the following: Give input inp: 1) Reduce inp to the interval 0 to Pi/2 2) If inp is less than Pi/4, compute sin(inp) via a power series around 0. 3) If inp is more than Pi/4, compute s=Pi/2-inp to the working precision (most of the possible cancellation will occur here --- or in step 1) and calculate cos(inp) as a power series (in s) around Pi/2 --- thus the output is near zero precisely when the s-input is near zero, avoiding most cancellation problems. 4) Having sin or cos, compute the other via the sqrt. This will not cause cancellation problems because the computed sin or cos is not near 1. - mpfr_asin/acos are too slow for small values (2^(-1021) for example) - idem for mpfr_atanh (2^(-1021) for example) - improve generic.c to work for number of terms <> 2^k - rewrite mpfr_greater_p... as native code. - mpfr_mul(a,b,c): truncate b,c when their precision is larger than that of a - mpfr_tanh is inefficient is x is large (Pb of overflow too). Should compute tanh(x)=1-2/(exp(2x)+1) instead? - mpf_t uses a scheme where the number of limbs actually present can be less than the selected precision, thereby allowing low precision values (for instance small integers) to be stored and manipulated in an mpf_t efficiently. Perhaps mpfr should get something similar, especially if looking to replace mpf with mpfr, though it'd be a major change. Alternately perhaps those mpfr routines like mpfr_mul where optimizations are possible through stripping low zero bits or limbs could check for that (this would be less efficient but easier). - mpfr_set_q first tries to convert the numerator and the denominator to mpfr_t. But this convertion may fail even if the correctly rounded result is representable. New way to implement: Function q = a/b. nq = PREC(q) na = PREC(a) nb = PREC(b) If na < nb a <- a*2^(nb-na) n <- na-nb+ (HIGH(a,nb) >= b) if (n >= nq) bb <- b*2^(n-nq) a = q*bb+r --> q has exactly n bits. else aa <- a*2^(nq-n) aa = q*b+r --> q has exaclty n bits. If RNDN, takes nq+1 bits. (See also the new division function). Miscellaneous: - rename mpf2mpfr.h to gmp-mpf2mpfr.h? (will wait until mpfr is fully integrated into gmp :-) - from Kevin Ryde : Also for pi.c, a pre-calculated compiled-in pi to a few thousand digits would be good value I think. After all, say 10000 bits using 1250 bytes would still be small compared to the code size! Store pi in round to zero mode (to recover other modes). - add a new rounding mode: rounding away from 0. This can be easily implemented as follows: round to zero, and if the result is inexact, add one ulp to the mantissa. - add a new rounding mode: round to nearest, with ties away from zero (will be in 754r, could be used by mpfr_round) - add a new roundind mode: round to odd. If the result is not exactly representable, then round to the odd mantissa. This rounding has the nice property that for k > 1, if: y = round(x, p+k, TO_ODD) z = round(y, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN), then z = round(x, p, TO_NEAREST_EVEN) so it avoids the double-rounding problem. - check/define the sign of infinity for gamma(-integer) - add tests of the ternary value for constants Reentrancy / Thread-Safety: - Temporary changes to emin/emax are not safe (all uses of mpfr_save_emin_emax, eg. mpfr_set_q). - Global variables for caching in mpfr_const_log2 and mpfr_const_pi are not safe. Portability: - [Kevin about texp.c long strings] For strings longer than c99 guarantees, it might be cleaner to introduce a "tests_strdupcat" or something to concatenate literal strings into newly allocated memory. I thought I'd done that in a couple of places already. Arrays of chars are not much fun. Possible future MPF / MPFR integration: - mpf routines can become "extern inline"s calling mpfr equivalents, probably just with GMP_RNDZ hard coded, since that's what mpf has always done. - Want to preserve the mpf_t structure size, for binary compatibility. Breaking compatibility would cause lots of pain and potential subtle breakage for users. If the fields in mpf_t are not enough then extra space under _mp_d can be used. - mpf_sgn has been a macro directly accessing the _mp_size field, so a compatible representation would be required. At worst that field could be maintained for mpf_sgn, but not otherwise used internally. mpf_sgn should probably throw an exception if called with NaN, since there's no useful value it can return, so it might want to become a function. Inlined copies in existing binaries would hopefully never see a NaN, if they only do old-style mpf things. - mpfr routines replacing mpf routines must be reentrant and thread safe, since of course that's what has been documented for mpf. - mpfr_random will not be wanted since there's no corresponding mpf_random and new routines should not use the old style global random state.