/* Test file for mpfr_mul. Copyright 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the MPFR Library. The MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "mpfr-test.h" /* Workaround for sparc gcc 2.95.x bug, see notes in tadd.c. */ #define check(x,y,rnd_mode,px,py,pz,res) pcheck(x,y,res,rnd_mode,px,py,pz) /* checks that x*y gives the right result */ static void pcheck (const char *xs, const char *ys, const char *res, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode, unsigned int px, unsigned int py, unsigned int pz) { mpfr_t xx, yy, zz; mpfr_init2 (xx, px); mpfr_init2 (yy, py); mpfr_init2 (zz, pz); mpfr_set_str1 (xx, xs); mpfr_set_str1 (yy, ys); mpfr_mul(zz, xx, yy, rnd_mode); if (mpfr_cmp_str1 (zz, res) ) { printf ("(1)mpfr_mul failed for x=%s y=%s with rnd=%s\n", xs, ys, mpfr_print_rnd_mode (rnd_mode)); printf ("correct is %s, mpfr_mul gives ", res); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, zz, GMP_RNDN); /* printf("\nBinary forms:\nxx="); mpfr_print_binary (xx); printf("\nyy="); mpfr_print_binary (yy); printf("\nzz="); mpfr_print_binary(zz); printf("\nre="); mpfr_set_str1 (zz, res); mpfr_print_binary(zz); putchar('\n');*/ exit (1); } mpfr_clear(xx); mpfr_clear(yy); mpfr_clear(zz); } static void check53 (const char *xs, const char *ys, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode, const char *zs) { mpfr_t xx, yy, zz; mpfr_inits2 (53, xx, yy, zz, NULL); mpfr_set_str1 (xx, xs); mpfr_set_str1 (yy, ys); mpfr_mul (zz, xx, yy, rnd_mode); if (mpfr_cmp_str1 (zz, zs) ) { printf ("(2) mpfr_mul failed for x=%s y=%s with rnd=%s\n", xs, ys, mpfr_print_rnd_mode(rnd_mode)); printf ("correct result is %s,\n mpfr_mul gives ", zs); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, zz, GMP_RNDN); /* printf("\nBinary forms:\nxx="); mpfr_print_binary (xx); printf("\nyy="); mpfr_print_binary (yy); printf("\nzz="); mpfr_print_binary(zz); printf("\nre="); mpfr_set_str1 (zz, zs); mpfr_print_binary(zz); putchar('\n'); */ exit (1); } mpfr_clears (xx, yy, zz, NULL); } /* checks that x*y gives the right result with 24 bits of precision */ static void check24 (const char *xs, const char *ys, mp_rnd_t rnd_mode, const char *zs) { mpfr_t xx, yy, zz; mpfr_inits2 (24, xx, yy, zz, NULL); mpfr_set_str1 (xx, xs); mpfr_set_str1 (yy, ys); mpfr_mul (zz, xx, yy, rnd_mode); if (mpfr_cmp_str1 (zz, zs) ) { printf ("(3) mpfr_mul failed for x=%s y=%s with " "rnd=%s\n", xs, ys, mpfr_print_rnd_mode(rnd_mode)); printf ("correct result is gives %s, mpfr_mul gives ", zs); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, zz, GMP_RNDN); putchar('\n'); exit (1); } mpfr_clears(xx, yy, zz, NULL); } /* the following examples come from the paper "Number-theoretic Test Generation for Directed Rounding" from Michael Parks, Table 1 */ static void check_float (void) { check24("8388609.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDN, "70368760954880.0"); check24("16777213.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDN, "140737479966720.0"); check24("8388611.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDN, "70368777732096.0"); check24("12582911.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDN, "105553133043712.0"); check24("12582914.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDN, "105553158209536.0"); check24("13981013.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDN, "117281279442944.0"); check24("11184811.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDN, "93825028587520.0"); check24("11184810.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDN, "93825020198912.0"); check24("13981014.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDN, "117281287831552.0"); check24("8388609.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDZ, "70368760954880.0"); check24("16777213.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDZ, "140737471578112.0"); check24("8388611.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDZ, "70368777732096.0"); check24("12582911.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDZ, "105553124655104.0"); check24("12582914.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDZ, "105553158209536.0"); check24("13981013.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDZ, "117281271054336.0"); check24("11184811.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDZ, "93825028587520.0"); check24("11184810.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDZ, "93825011810304.0"); check24("13981014.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDZ, "117281287831552.0"); check24("8388609.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDU, "70368769343488.0"); check24("16777213.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDU, "140737479966720.0"); check24("8388611.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDU, "70368786120704.0"); check24("12582911.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDU, "105553133043712.0"); check24("12582914.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDU, "105553166598144.0"); check24("13981013.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDU, "117281279442944.0"); check24("11184811.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDU, "93825036976128.0"); check24("11184810.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDU, "93825020198912.0"); check24("13981014.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDU, "117281296220160.0"); check24("8388609.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDD, "70368760954880.0"); check24("16777213.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDD, "140737471578112.0"); check24("8388611.0", "8388609.0", GMP_RNDD, "70368777732096.0"); check24("12582911.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDD, "105553124655104.0"); check24("12582914.0", "8388610.0", GMP_RNDD, "105553158209536.0"); check24("13981013.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDD, "117281271054336.0"); check24("11184811.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDD, "93825028587520.0"); check24("11184810.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDD, "93825011810304.0"); check24("13981014.0", "8388611.0", GMP_RNDD, "117281287831552.0"); } /* check sign of result */ static void check_sign (void) { mpfr_t a, b; mpfr_init2 (a, 53); mpfr_init2 (b, 53); mpfr_set_si (a, -1, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_ui (b, 2, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_mul(a, b, b, GMP_RNDN); if (mpfr_cmp_ui (a, 4) ) { printf ("2.0*2.0 gives \n"); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 10, 0, a, GMP_RNDN); putchar('\n'); exit (1); } mpfr_clear(a); mpfr_clear(b); } /* checks that the inexact return value is correct */ static void check_exact (void) { mpfr_t a, b, c, d; mp_prec_t prec; int i, inexact; mp_rnd_t rnd; mpfr_init (a); mpfr_init (b); mpfr_init (c); mpfr_init (d); mpfr_set_prec (a, 17); mpfr_set_prec (b, 17); mpfr_set_prec (c, 32); mpfr_set_str_binary (a, "1.1000111011000100e-1"); mpfr_set_str_binary (b, "1.0010001111100111e-1"); if (mpfr_mul (c, a, b, GMP_RNDZ)) { printf ("wrong return value (1)\n"); exit (1); } for (prec = 2; prec < 100; prec++) { mpfr_set_prec (a, prec); mpfr_set_prec (b, prec); mpfr_set_prec (c, 2 * prec - 2); mpfr_set_prec (d, 2 * prec); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { mpfr_random (a); mpfr_random (b); rnd = RND_RAND (); inexact = mpfr_mul (c, a, b, rnd); if (mpfr_mul (d, a, b, rnd)) /* should be always exact */ { printf ("unexpected inexact return value\n"); exit (1); } if ((inexact == 0) && mpfr_cmp (c, d)) { printf ("inexact=0 but results differ\n"); exit (1); } else if (inexact && (mpfr_cmp (c, d) == 0)) { printf ("inexact!=0 but results agree\n"); printf ("prec=%u rnd=%s a=", (unsigned int) prec, mpfr_print_rnd_mode (rnd)); mpfr_out_str (stdout, 2, 0, a, rnd); printf ("\nb="); mpfr_out_str (stdout, 2, 0, b, rnd); printf ("\nc="); mpfr_out_str (stdout, 2, 0, c, rnd); printf ("\nd="); mpfr_out_str (stdout, 2, 0, d, rnd); printf ("\n"); exit (1); } } } mpfr_clear (a); mpfr_clear (b); mpfr_clear (c); mpfr_clear (d); } static void check_max(void) { mpfr_t xx, yy, zz; mp_exp_t emin; mpfr_init2(xx, 4); mpfr_init2(yy, 4); mpfr_init2(zz, 4); mpfr_set_str1 (xx, "0.68750"); mpfr_mul_2si(xx, xx, MPFR_EMAX_DEFAULT/2, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_str1 (yy, "0.68750"); mpfr_mul_2si(yy, yy, MPFR_EMAX_DEFAULT - MPFR_EMAX_DEFAULT/2 + 1, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_clear_flags(); mpfr_mul(zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDU); if (!(mpfr_overflow_p() && MPFR_IS_INF(zz))) { printf("check_max failed (should be an overflow)\n"); exit(1); } mpfr_clear_flags(); mpfr_mul(zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDD); if (mpfr_overflow_p() || MPFR_IS_INF(zz)) { printf("check_max failed (should NOT be an overflow)\n"); exit(1); } mpfr_set_str1 (xx, "0.93750"); mpfr_mul_2si(xx, xx, MPFR_EMAX_DEFAULT, GMP_RNDN); if (!(MPFR_IS_FP(xx) && MPFR_IS_FP(zz))) { printf("check_max failed (internal error)\n"); exit(1); } if (mpfr_cmp(xx, zz) != 0) { printf("check_max failed: got "); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 2, 0, zz, GMP_RNDZ); printf(" instead of "); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 2, 0, xx, GMP_RNDZ); printf("\n"); exit(1); } /* check underflow */ emin = mpfr_get_emin (); set_emin (0); mpfr_set_str_binary (xx, "0.1E0"); mpfr_set_str_binary (yy, "0.1E0"); mpfr_mul (zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDN); /* exact result is 0.1E-1, which should round to 0 */ MPFR_ASSERTN(mpfr_cmp_ui (zz, 0) == 0 && MPFR_IS_POS(zz)); set_emin (emin); /* coverage test for mpfr_powerof2_raw */ emin = mpfr_get_emin (); set_emin (0); mpfr_set_prec (xx, mp_bits_per_limb + 1); mpfr_set_str_binary (xx, "0.1E0"); mpfr_nextabove (xx); mpfr_set_str_binary (yy, "0.1E0"); mpfr_mul (zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDN); /* exact result is just above 0.1E-1, which should round to minfloat */ MPFR_ASSERTN(mpfr_cmp (zz, yy) == 0); set_emin (emin); mpfr_clear(xx); mpfr_clear(yy); mpfr_clear(zz); } static void check_min(void) { mpfr_t xx, yy, zz; mpfr_init2(xx, 4); mpfr_init2(yy, 4); mpfr_init2(zz, 3); mpfr_set_str1(xx, "0.9375"); mpfr_mul_2si(xx, xx, MPFR_EMIN_DEFAULT/2, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_str1(yy, "0.9375"); mpfr_mul_2si(yy, yy, MPFR_EMIN_DEFAULT - MPFR_EMIN_DEFAULT/2 - 1, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_mul(zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDD); if (mpfr_sgn(zz) != 0) { printf("check_min failed: got "); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 2, 0, zz, GMP_RNDZ); printf(" instead of 0\n"); exit(1); } mpfr_mul(zz, xx, yy, GMP_RNDU); mpfr_set_str1 (xx, "0.5"); mpfr_mul_2si(xx, xx, MPFR_EMIN_DEFAULT, GMP_RNDN); if (mpfr_sgn(xx) <= 0) { printf("check_min failed (internal error)\n"); exit(1); } if (mpfr_cmp(xx, zz) != 0) { printf("check_min failed: got "); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 2, 0, zz, GMP_RNDZ); printf(" instead of "); mpfr_out_str(stdout, 2, 0, xx, GMP_RNDZ); printf("\n"); exit(1); } mpfr_clear(xx); mpfr_clear(yy); mpfr_clear(zz); } static void check_nans (void) { mpfr_t p, x, y; mpfr_init2 (x, 123L); mpfr_init2 (y, 123L); mpfr_init2 (p, 123L); /* nan * 0 == nan */ mpfr_set_nan (x); mpfr_set_ui (y, 0L, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_mul (p, x, y, GMP_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_nan_p (p)); /* 1 * nan == nan */ mpfr_set_ui (x, 1L, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_nan (y); mpfr_mul (p, x, y, GMP_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_nan_p (p)); /* 0 * +inf == nan */ mpfr_set_ui (x, 0L, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_nan (y); mpfr_mul (p, x, y, GMP_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_nan_p (p)); /* +1 * +inf == +inf */ mpfr_set_ui (x, 1L, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_inf (y, 1); mpfr_mul (p, x, y, GMP_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_inf_p (p)); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_sgn (p) > 0); /* -1 * +inf == -inf */ mpfr_set_si (x, -1L, GMP_RNDN); mpfr_set_inf (y, 1); mpfr_mul (p, x, y, GMP_RNDN); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_inf_p (p)); MPFR_ASSERTN (mpfr_sgn (p) < 0); mpfr_clear (x); mpfr_clear (y); mpfr_clear (p); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { tests_start_mpfr (); check_nans (); check_exact (); check_float (); check53("6.9314718055994530941514e-1", "0.0", GMP_RNDZ, "0.0"); check53("0.0", "6.9314718055994530941514e-1", GMP_RNDZ, "0.0"); check_sign(); check53("-4.165000000e4", "-0.00004801920768307322868063274915", GMP_RNDN, "2.0"); check53("2.71331408349172961467e-08", "-6.72658901114033715233e-165", GMP_RNDZ, "-1.8251348697787782844e-172"); check53("0.31869277231188065", "0.88642843322303122", GMP_RNDZ, "2.8249833483992453642e-1"); check("8.47622108205396074254e-01", "3.24039313247872939883e-01", GMP_RNDU, 28, 45, 2, "0.375"); check("2.63978122803639081440e-01", "6.8378615379333496093e-1", GMP_RNDN, 34, 23, 31, "0.180504585267044603"); check("1.0", "0.11835170935876249132", GMP_RNDU, 6, 41, 36, "0.1183517093595583"); check53("67108865.0", "134217729.0", GMP_RNDN, "9.007199456067584e15"); check("1.37399642157394197284e-01", "2.28877275604219221350e-01", GMP_RNDN, 49, 15, 32, "0.0314472340833162888"); check("4.03160720978664954828e-01", "5.854828e-1" /*"5.85483042917246621073e-01"*/, GMP_RNDZ, 51, 22, 32, "0.2360436821472831"); check("3.90798504668055102229e-14", "9.85394674650308388664e-04", GMP_RNDN, 46, 22, 12, "0.385027296503914762e-16"); check("4.58687081072827851358e-01", "2.20543551472118792844e-01", GMP_RNDN, 49, 3, 2, "0.09375"); check_max(); check_min(); tests_end_mpfr (); return 0; }