#!/bin/sh # This announce-text script should be run before publishing an announce # of a new GNU MPFR release. It does some checking, then it outputs the # announce text to stdout. Information messages are written to stderr. # # Warning! The release name in the announce text may contain accented # letters. Make sure they are preserved if your locales are not UTF-8 # based. Moreover, you may need to modify the text. # # Usage: announce-text [ ] # where arguments can be, for instance: # root= # vers= # nopgpsig=1 to disable checking of the PGP signatures. # nogforge=1 to disable checking of the tarballs on INRIAGForge. # nognuftp=1 to disable checking of the tarballs on the GNU FTP. set -e tmpdir=`mktemp -d /tmp/announce-text-XXXXXXXX` trap 'rm -rf $tmpdir' 0 1 2 15 echo "Temporary directory: $tmpdir" >&2 alias wget="wget -q" for i in $@ do eval "$i" done [ -z "$root" ] && root=$(svn info | sed -n 's/^Repository Root: //p') echo "Repository root: $root" >&2 cd $tmpdir #vers=$(svn ls --xml "$root/tags" | xmlstarlet sel -T -t -v \ # "//entry[not(commit/@revision < //entry/commit/@revision)]/name" -) vers=$(svn ls -v "$root/tags" | perl -ne \ 'm,^\s*(\d+)\s.*\s(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/, && $1 > $r and ($r,$v) = ($1,$2); END { print $v }') echo "MPFR version: $vers" >&2 www="$root/misc/www/mpfr-$vers" echo "MPFR $vers www directory: $www" >&2 svn ls "$www" | sort > ls1 cat < ls2 index.html mpfr-$vers.tar.bz2 mpfr-$vers.tar.bz2.asc mpfr-$vers.tar.gz mpfr-$vers.tar.gz.asc mpfr-$vers.tar.xz mpfr-$vers.tar.xz.asc mpfr-$vers.zip mpfr-$vers.zip.asc mpfr.dvi.gz mpfr.html mpfr.pdf mpfr.ps.gz EOF missing=$(diff ls1 ls2 | sed -n 's/^> //p') if [ -n "$missing" ]; then echo "Missing files in the www directory:" $missing >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Getting the files from the www directory..." >&2 for i in tar.bz2 tar.gz tar.xz zip do svn cat "$www/mpfr-$vers.$i" > "mpfr-$vers.$i" if [ -z "$nopgpsig" ]; then svn cat "$www/mpfr-$vers.$i.asc" > "mpfr-$vers.$i.asc" gpg --verify "mpfr-$vers.$i.asc" >&2 rm "mpfr-$vers.$i.asc" fi done md5sum mpfr-$vers.* > md5sum.out sha1sum mpfr-$vers.* > sha1sum.out rm mpfr-* if [ -z "$nogforge" ]; then echo "Comparing with INRIAGForge..." >&2 gforge="https://gforge.inria.fr" wget -O files.html "$gforge/frs/?group_id=136" for i in $(sed -n "s/.*href=\"\([^\"]*mpfr-$vers\.[^\"]*[^c]\)\".*/\1/p" \ files.html) do wget "$gforge$i" done for i in md5sum sha1sum do $i mpfr-$vers.* > sums-gforge diff $i.out sums-gforge >&2 done rm mpfr-* sums-gforge fi if [ -z "$nognuftp" ]; then echo "Comparing with GNU FTP (ftp.gnu.org)..." >&2 for i in tar.bz2 tar.gz tar.xz zip do wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpfr/mpfr-$vers.$i done for i in md5sum sha1sum do $i mpfr-$vers.* > sums-gnu diff $i.out sums-gnu >&2 done rm mpfr-* sums-gnu fi # Do not use a pipe in order to check the exit status. svn cat "$root/tags/$vers/NEWS" > NEWS sed -n "/^Changes .* to version ${vers}:/,/^\$/p" NEWS > Changes if [ "$(wc -l < Changes)" -lt 3 ]; then echo "The Changes file is too small:" >&2 cat Changes >&2 exit 1 fi rname=$(sed -n "/^Changes .* to version ${vers%.*}\.0:/,+1 { s/.*The \(\".*\"\) release.*/\1/p }" NEWS) pl=${vers##*.} [ $pl -gt 0 ] && rname="$rname, patch level $pl" cat <. The key fingerprint is: 07F3 DBBE CC1A 3960 5078 094D 980C 1976 98C3 739D The signatures can be verified with: gpg --verify You should check that the key fingerprint matches. EOF cat Changes cat <, and give us the canonical system name (by running the "./config.guess" script), the processor and the compiler version, in order to complete the "Platforms Known to Support MPFR" section of the MPFR $vers web page. Regards, EOF