#!/usr/bin/env zsh # Utility to transform a raw patch into a patch to be put on the MPFR # www server. Assume that update-version is in the same directory. # MPFR_CURRENT_DIR should contain a path to a directory corresponding # to /misc/www/mpfr-current in the MPFR repository; if not set, it is # assumed to be "$HOME/mpfr-misc/www/mpfr-current". # # Typical use: # svn diff -c > $MPFR_CURRENT_DIR/mpfr.patch # cd $MPFR_CURRENT_DIR # patchlevel=$(($(ls patch?? | tail -n 1 | sed 's/patch//')+1)) # .../build-patch mpfr.patch $patchlevel # cat patch?? > allpatches # # But sometimes, autotools-generated files also need to be rebuilt # for inclusion in the patch (e.g. if configure.ac is patched), # with correction of timestamps. set -e prg=$0 upv=$prg:h/update-version if [[ $# -gt 3 || $1 == -* ]] then echo "Usage: $prg [ [ [ ] ] ]" >&2 exit 1 fi mpfrdir=$(realpath ${MPFR_CURRENT_DIR:-$HOME/mpfr-misc/www/mpfr-current}) base=$mpfrdir:t version=${base#mpfr-} if [[ -z "$version" ]] then echo "${prg}: bad version" >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ $# -ge 2 ]] then newpatch=$(printf patch%02d $2) else newpatch=$base-patch fi checkobj() { if [[ -e $1 ]] then echo "${prg}: $1 is in the way" >&2 exit 3 fi } checkobj $base checkobj $base-a checkobj $base-b checkobj $newpatch atool -eqx -- $mpfrdir/$base.tar.xz pushd $base touch -a $mpfrdir/allpatches patch -N -Z -p1 < $mpfrdir/allpatches : > PATCHES popd mv -T $base $base-a cp -aT $base-a $base-b if [[ $# -ge 1 ]] then patchfile=$(realpath $1) pushd $base-b echo "Applying patch $1" if grep -q '^--- mpfr.*/' $patchfile; then p=1 else p=0 fi patch --no-backup-if-mismatch -p$p < $patchfile if [[ $# -ge 2 ]] then ~/wd/mpfr/tools/update-version ${(s:.:)version} p$2 - if [[ $# -ge 3 ]] then echo $3 >> PATCHES fi fi if ! cmp --quiet $mpfrdir/$base-{a,b}/doc/mpfr.texi; then ./configure make info make distclean fi popd set +e TZ=UTC diff -Naurd $base-a $base-b > $newpatch if [[ $? -ne 1 ]] then echo "${prg}: something has gone wrong with diff" >&2 exit 4 fi set -e rm -r $base-a $base-b echo "OK, patch in $newpatch" fi