#!/bin/bash # this script helps to check MPFR is running on the GCC compile farm # 1) update the GMP version if needed # 2) update the MPFR release candidate # 3) ssh gcc100 < cfarm.sh if [ ! -d gmp-5.0.4 ]; then /bin/rm -fr gmp* wget ftp://ftp.gmplib.org/pub/gmp-5.0.4/gmp-5.0.4.tar.bz2 tar jxf gmp-5.0.4.tar.bz2 cd gmp-5.0.4 if [ "`hostname`" = "dingo" ]; then # gcc 4.3.2 miscompiles GMP ./configure --prefix=$HOME CC=/opt/cfarm/release/4.4.1/bin/gcc else ./configure --prefix=$HOME fi make make install cd $HOME fi /bin/rm -fr mpfr* wget http://www.mpfr.org/mpfr-3.1.1/mpfr-3.1.1-rc1.tar.bz2 tar jxf mpfr-3.1.1-rc1.tar.bz2 cd mpfr-3.1.1-rc1 if [ "`hostname`" = "dingo" ]; then # https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/mpfr/2011-10/msg00048.html ./configure --with-gmp=$HOME --disable-thread-safe else ./configure --with-gmp=$HOME fi make make check # results with mpfr-3.1.0-rc1.tar.bz2 # gcc10 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc11 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc12 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc13 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc14 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc15 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc16 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc17 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc20 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc33 Connection refused # gcc34 Connection refused # gcc35 Connection refused # gcc36 Connection refused # gcc37 Connection refused # gcc38 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc40 Connection timed out # gcc41 Connection refused # gcc42 Connection timed out # gcc43 Connection refused # gcc45 Connection refused # gcc46 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc47 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc48 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc50 Connection refused # gcc51 Connection refused # gcc52 Connection timed out # gcc53 Connection timed out # gcc54 1 of 160 tests failed FAIL: tagm ok with --disable-thread-safe or -O1 # gcc55 Connection timed out # gcc56 Connection refused # gcc57 Connection refused # gcc60 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc61 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) ABI=1.0 GCC 4.4.1 # gcc62 1 of 160 tests failed FAIL: tagm # gcc63 1 of 160 tests failed FAIL: tagm # gcc64 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc70 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc100 Connection timed out # gcc101 Connection timed out # gcc200 Connection timed out # gcc201 Connection timed out # results with mpfr-3.1.0-rc2.tar.bz2 # gcc54 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc61 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) ABI=1.0 GCC 4.4.1 # gcc62 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run) # gcc63 All 160 tests passed (1 test was not run)