#!/usr/bin/env perl # Check that a cast is performed for the last argument of # mpfr_inits, mpfr_inits2 and mpfr_clears. use strict; use warnings; use File::Find; use Cwd; my $err = 0; find(\&wanted, -d 'src' || getcwd() !~ m,/tools$, ? '.' : '..'); exit $err; sub wanted { /\.c$/ or return; my $ctr = 0; open FILE, '<', $_ or die; while () { /^ +mpfr_(init|clear)s/ && ! /\(mpfr_ptr\) *(0|NULL)/ or next; /, *$/ and $_ .= , redo; $ctr++ or print "Error found in $File::Find::name\n"; print; $err = 1; } close FILE or die; }