% Copyright 1997 Marco Nelissen. % Copyright 1996-1998,2001,2002,2009 Alain Knaff. % This documentation is for Mtools which is a collection of tools to % allow Unix systems to manipulate MS-DOS files. % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document % under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or % any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no % Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover % Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled % ``GNU Free Documentation License''. NOTE: THIS FILE ONLY REFERS TO THE BEBOX. IF YOU ARE USING UNIX, REFER TO README. This is mtools 3.6 for BeOS DR9. This release will no longer work on DR8, which should be no problem since everybody should have upgraded to DR9 by now. mtools 3.6 can be used as a replacement for the version 2.0.7 mtools supplied with BeOS. mtools 3.6 supports the VFAT filesystem (long filenames), which the Be-supplied tools do not. To install: - build the executables: type "make -f Makefile.Be" in the mtools directory. Again, this instruction is only for the Bebox, not for any kind of Unix. They should compile without any warnings or errors. WARNING: do NOT rerun the configure script. Although DR9 bash will no longer lock up when running the configure script, the resulting files are not entirely correct, and mtools will fail to compile. I have hand-crafted a config.h that can be used to compile mtools. This will be used if you just type "make -f Makefile.Be" - copy the "mtools" executable (and perhaps also "mkmanifest") to /bin, or to another directory in your path. Since all of the mtools-commands are contained within a single executable, you must either define aliases for each command, or create links for them. To create aliases, add the following lines to the file /boot/.profile alias mattrib="mtools -c mattrib" alias mbadblocks="mtools -c mbadblocks" alias mcd="mtools -c mcd" alias mcopy="mtools -c mcopy" alias mdel="mtools -c mdel" alias mdeltree="mtools -c mdeltree" alias mdir="mtools -c mdir" alias mformat="mtools -c mformat" alias minfo="mtools -c minfo" alias mlabel="mtools -c mlabel" alias mmd="mtools -c mmd" alias mmount="mtools -c mmount" alias mrd="mtools -c mrd" alias mmove="mtools -c mmove" alias mpartition="mtools -c mpartition" alias mren="mtools -c mren" alias mtoolstest="mtools -c mtoolstest" alias mtest="mtools -c mtest" alias mtype="mtools -c mtype" alias mzip="mtools -c mzip" (then close and re-open all terminals and shells, or type ". /boot/.profile" in each open terminal to activate the aliases. Optional: remove the old mtools from the /bin directory) To create links, open a shell, and type the following commands (assuming you copied the mtools executable to /bin): cd /bin rm mattrib mcd mcopy mdel mdir mformat mkmanifest mlabel mmd mrd mread mren mtype mwrite ln -s mtools mattrib ln -s mtools mbadblocks ln -s mtools mcd ln -s mtools mcopy ln -s mtools mdel ln -s mtools mdeltree ln -s mtools mdir ln -s mtools mformat ln -s mtools minfo ln -s mtools mlabel ln -s mtools mmd ln -s mtools mmount ln -s mtools mrd ln -s mtools mread ln -s mtools mmove ln -s mtools mpartition ln -s mtools mren ln -s mtools mtoolstest ln -s mtools mtest ln -s mtools mtype ln -s mtools mwrite ln -s mtools mzip Alternatively, make multiple copies of the "mtools" executable and use the names mdir, mdel etcetera. - if you want more than just floppy support, you need to make a configuration file. An example mtools.conf.be is included in the distribution. mtools looks in a number of standard places for its config file, such as: /boot/.mtoolsrc /boot/mtools.conf /boot/system/mtools.conf By defining the variable MTOOLSRC you can give the config file any name you like and put it at any location. You need to add something like "export MTOOLSRC=/conf/mtools.cfg" to your .profile file. Take care to remove or change the entries that you don't need. The provided mtools.conf is for unix systems, with some BeOS settings at the end. The sample entry for a ZIP disk on the BeOS has been provided by Chris Herborth (chrish@qnx.com). - enjoy! Marco Nelissen Alain Knaff