language: c sudo: false matrix: include: - os: linux compiler: gcc - os: linux compiler: clang # - os: osx # compiler: gcc - os: osx compiler: clang before_script: - gem install asciidoctor script: # Print all environment variables to aid in CI development - printenv # Print version and available CMake generators to aid in CI development - cmake --version - cmake --help # Perform out-of-source build - mkdir build - cd build # Perform CMake backend generation, build, and test - cmake .. - cmake --build . -- -j4 - ctest --output-on-failure -C Debug -j4 #deploy: # provider: releases # api_key: # secure: fVMvvlhsginfIB7gEhAoKG7xzvF6D94yl8Z+jjfHQG4YtG3SScKVeQUnpWK7NhT90uoUfPnxd5dN3ZWlApoLBSz7iVD0sT1+VGYerM0Gn3LTUj3xvTB3WAAft6YePKhQeJfduzSNqsRjQ7buKgI1SFH0Ek5xwZe4Kl/O/D2Tsw0= # file: # - nanomsg-${TRAVIS_TAG}.zip # - nanomsg-${TRAVIS_TAG}.tar.gz # - nanomsg-${TRAVIS_TAG}.tar.bz2 # skip_cleanup: true # on: # tags: true # repo: nanomsg/nanomsg