;; library functions for rdtmain - test of rdx linking and execution ;; library function = _strcmp, defined as in C [SECTION .text] [BITS 32] [GLOBAL _strcmp] _strcmp: push ebp mov ebp,esp ;; ebp+8 = first paramater, ebp+12 = second mov esi,[ebp+8] mov edi,[ebp+12] .loop: mov cl,byte [esi] mov dl,byte [edi] cmp cl,dl jb .below ja .above or cl,cl jz .match inc esi inc edi jmp .loop .below: mov eax,-1 pop ebp ret .above: mov eax,1 pop ebp ret .match: xor eax,eax pop ebp ret [SECTION .data] [GLOBAL _message] _message: db 'hello',0