;Testname=unoptimized; Arguments=-O0 -fbin -obinexe.exe -i../misc/; Files=stdout stderr binexe.exe ;Testname=optimized; Arguments=-Ox -fbin -obinexe.exe -i../misc/; Files=stdout stderr binexe.exe ; Demonstration of how to write an entire .EXE format program by using ; the `exebin.mac' macro package. ; To build: ; nasm -fbin binexe.asm -o binexe.exe -ipath ; (where `path' is such as to allow the %include directive to find ; exebin.mac) ; To test: ; binexe ; (should print `hello, world') %include "exebin.mac" EXE_begin EXE_stack 64 ; demonstrates overriding the 0x800 default section .text mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov dx,hello mov ah,9 int 0x21 mov ax,0x4c00 int 0x21 section .data hello: db 'hello, world', 13, 10, '$' EXE_end