;Testname=unoptimized; Arguments=-O0 -fobj -oelif.obj; Files=stdout stderr elif.obj ;Testname=optimized; Arguments=-Ox -fobj -oelif.obj; Files=stdout stderr elif.obj %macro DosPrintMsg 1+ %ifnid %1 section .data %%str_to_print:db %1 section .text mov dx,%%str_to_print mov ah,9 int 0x21 %else mov dx,(%1) mov ah,9 int 0x21 %endif %endmacro %macro DosExit 1 %if (%1) == 0 ;use short-form return 0 exit int 0x20 %elif ((%1) < 256) && ((%1) > 0) mov ax,0x4C00 | (%1) int 0x21 %else %error Invalid return value %endif %endmacro org 0x100 DosPrintMsg predefined_str DosPrintMsg "Using string with macro-defined label",10,0 DosExit 0 DosExit 1 DosExit 256 section .data predefined_str:db "Using string with predefined label",10,0