;Testname=aout; Arguments=-faout -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=aoutb; Arguments=-faoutb -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=as86; Arguments=-fas86 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=elf32; Arguments=-felf32 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=elf64; Arguments=-felf64 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=obj; Arguments=-fobj -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=rdf; Arguments=-frdf -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=win32; Arguments=-fwin32 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ;Testname=win64; Arguments=-fwin64 -olnxhello.o -Ox; Files=.stdout .stderr lnxhello.o ; To test where code that is placed before any explicit SECTION ; gets placed, and what happens if a .text section has an ORG ;statement, uncomment the following lines. ; ; times 10h nop ; ;section .text ;org 0x300 ; times 20h inc ax ; let's see which of these sections can be placed in the specified order. section .appspecific section .data section .stringdata section .mytext section .code section .extra_code section .stringdata mystr1: db "Hello, this is string 1", 13, 10, '$' section .extra_code org 0x200 bits 16 more: mov si, asciz1 mov ah, 0x0E xor bx, bx .print: lodsb test al, al jz .end int 0x10 jmp short .print .end: xor ax, ax int 0x16 mov ax, 0x4c00 int 0x21 section .appspecific asciz1: db "This is string 2", 0 section .code org 0x100 bits 16 start: mov dx, mystr1 mov ah, 9 int 0x21 xor ax, ax int 0x16 jmp more section .text xor eax,eax times 50h nop section .mytext xor ebx,ebx section .data db 95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h,95h section .hmm resd 2 section .bss resd 8 section .final1 inc ax section .final2 inc bx section .final3 inc cx