#!/usr/bin/perl ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved ## See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for ## the specific copyright holders. ## ## Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ## modification, are permitted provided that the following ## conditions are met: ## ## * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ## notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ## * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ## copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following ## disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided ## with the distribution. ## ## THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND ## CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, ## INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ## MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ## DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR ## CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ## SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ## NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ## LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ## HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ## CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ## OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ## EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ## ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Instruction template flags. These specify which processor # targets the instruction is eligible for, whether it is # privileged or undocumented, and also specify extra error # checking on the matching of the instruction. # # IF_SM stands for Size Match: any operand whose size is not # explicitly specified by the template is `really' intended to be # the same size as the first size-specified operand. # Non-specification is tolerated in the input instruction, but # _wrong_ specification is not. # # IF_SM2 invokes Size Match on only the first _two_ operands, for # three-operand instructions such as SHLD: it implies that the # first two operands must match in size, but that the third is # required to be _unspecified_. # # IF_SB invokes Size Byte: operands with unspecified size in the # template are really bytes, and so no non-byte specification in # the input instruction will be tolerated. IF_SW similarly invokes # Size Word, and IF_SD invokes Size Doubleword. # # (The default state if neither IF_SM nor IF_SM2 is specified is # that any operand with unspecified size in the template is # required to have unspecified size in the instruction too...) # # iflag_t is defined to store these flags. # # The order does matter here. We use some predefined masks to quick test # for a set of flags, so be careful moving bits (and # don't forget to update C code generation then). # sub dword_align($) { my($n) = @_; $$n = ($$n + 31) & ~31; return $n; } my $n_iflags = 0; my %flag_byname; my @flag_bynum; my @flag_fields; my $iflag_words; sub if_($$) { my($name, $def) = @_; my $num = $n_iflags++; my $v = [$num, $name, $def]; $flag_byname{$name} = $v; $flag_bynum[$num] = $v; return 1; } sub if_align($) { my($name) = @_; if ($#flag_fields >= 0) { $flag_fields[$#flag_fields]->[2] = $n_iflags-1; } $n_iflags = ($n_iflags + 31) & ~31; if (defined($name)) { push(@flag_fields, [$name, $n_iflags, undef]); } return 1; } sub if_end() { if_align(undef); $iflag_words = $n_iflags >> 5; } # The actual flags defintions require 'x86/iflags.ph'; if_end(); # Compute the combinations of instruction flags actually used in templates my %insns_flag_hash = (); my @insns_flag_values = (); my @insns_flag_lists = (); sub insns_flag_index(@) { return undef if $_[0] eq "ignore"; my @prekey = sort(@_); my $key = join(',', @prekey); my $flag_index = $insns_flag_hash{$key}; unless (defined($flag_index)) { my @newkey = (0) x $iflag_words; foreach my $i (@prekey) { my $flag = $flag_byname{$i}; die "No key for $i (in $key)\n" if not defined($flag); $newkey[$flag->[0] >> 5] |= (1 << ($flag->[0] & 31)); } my $str = join(',', map { sprintf("UINT32_C(0x%08x)",$_) } @newkey); push @insns_flag_values, $str; push @insns_flag_lists, $key; $insns_flag_hash{$key} = $flag_index = $#insns_flag_values; } return $flag_index; } sub write_iflaggen_h() { print STDERR "Writing $oname...\n"; open(N, '>', $oname) or die "$0: $!\n"; print N "/* This file is auto-generated. Don't edit. */\n"; print N "#ifndef NASM_IFLAGGEN_H\n"; print N "#define NASM_IFLAGGEN_H 1\n\n"; # The flag numbers; the <= in the loop is intentional my $next = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $n_iflags; $i++) { if ((defined($flag_bynum[$i]) || $i >= $n_iflags) && $next != $i) { printf N "%-31s /* %-64s */\n", '', ($next < $i-1) ? sprintf("%d...%d reserved", $next-1, $i-1) : sprintf("%d reserved", $i-1); } if (defined($flag_bynum[$i])) { printf N "#define IF_%-16s %3d /* %-64s */\n", $flag_bynum[$i]->[1], $i, $flag_bynum[$i]->[2]; $next = $i+1; } } print N "\n"; # The flag masks for individual bits $next = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $n_iflags; $i++) { if (($i & 31) == 0) { printf N "/* Mask bits for field %d : %d...%d */\n", $i >> 5, $i, $i+31; } if (defined(my $v = $flag_bynum[$i])) { printf N "#define IFM_%-15s UINT32_C(0x%08x) /* %3d */\n", $v->[1], 1 << ($i & 31), $i; $next = $i+1; } } print N "\n"; # The names of fields for ($i = 0; $i <= $#flag_fields; $i++) { printf N "#define %-19s %3d /* %-64s */\n", 'IF_'.$flag_fields[$i]->[0].'_FIELD', $flag_fields[$i]->[1] >> 5, sprintf("IF_%s (%d) ... IF_%s (%d)", $flag_bynum[$flag_fields[$i]->[1]]->[1], $flag_bynum[$flag_fields[$i]->[1]]->[0], $flag_bynum[$flag_fields[$i]->[2]]->[1], $flag_bynum[$flag_fields[$i]->[2]]->[0]); printf N "#define %-19s %3d\n", 'IF_'.$flag_fields[$i]->[0].'_NFIELDS', ($flag_fields[$i]->[2] - $flag_fields[$i]->[1] + 31) >> 5; } print N "\n"; printf N "#define IF_FIELD_COUNT %d\n", $iflag_words; print N "typedef struct {\n"; print N " uint32_t field[IF_FIELD_COUNT];\n"; print N "} iflag_t;\n"; print N "\n"; print N "/* All combinations of instruction flags used in instruction patterns */\n"; printf N "extern const iflag_t insns_flags[%d];\n\n", $#insns_flag_values + 1; print N "#endif /* NASM_IFLAGGEN_H */\n"; close N; } sub write_iflag_c() { print STDERR "Writing $oname...\n"; open(N, '>', $oname) or die "$0: $!\n"; print N "/* This file is auto-generated. Don't edit. */\n"; print N "#include \"iflag.h\"\n\n"; print N "/* All combinations of instruction flags used in instruction patterns */\n"; printf N "const iflag_t insns_flags[%d] = {\n", $#insns_flag_values + 1; foreach my $i (0 .. $#insns_flag_values) { printf N " {{%s}}, /* %3d : %s */\n", $insns_flag_values[$i], $i, $insns_flag_lists[$i]; } print N "};\n"; close N; } 1;