diff options
authorCarlos Soriano <>2014-11-19 15:21:37 +0100
committerCosimo Cecchi <>2014-11-25 08:52:59 -0800
commita5d9bc265fea325a10bf01c7743ee8ee246cee8c (patch)
parentf62ed7bf0cd49e4cb6d0bda15e08d63b3a624e90 (diff)
nautilus-application: Don't trigger activate signal for -n option
Until now we were using --no-default-window in cases when we wanted to manage the icons on the desktop, which is the most common use case of this setting. The problems were: - When using --no-default-window for the first inscante, the user couldn't open a new window of nautilus, since the only window allowed was the desktop one in the first instance. The code was just early returning in activate if the private setting of the instance is set. - When using --no-default-window for the consecutive instances after starting nautilus without --no-default-window it was creating a new window anyway, since the first instance doesn't have the setting set in its private and the second instance was just calling the activate of the first instance. For instance that was happening when the user activate/deactivate the show-desktop-icons gsetting, since the nautilus-autostart desktop file was running nautilus --no-default-window, but the first instance was a instance withouth the --no-default-window. So the solution for both cases is avoiding calling activate if the --no-default-window is an arggument, instead of a private setting of the instance. To avoid calling activate we can return a value less than 0 to the GApplication in the handle_local_options function. So if the --no-default-window is passed as an argument, we just skip the activate call. Since when launching consecutive instances they take care of its own handle_local_options they can skip as well the activate call redirected to the first instance. Big thanks to Ray Strode for discussion, debugging and base of this patch, and Debarshy Ray for discussion and debugging.
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/nautilus-application.c b/src/nautilus-application.c
index 25b2b6762..f26c8c7a3 100644
--- a/src/nautilus-application.c
+++ b/src/nautilus-application.c
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ struct _NautilusApplicationPriv {
NautilusFreedesktopDBus *fdb_manager;
gboolean desktop_override;
- gboolean no_default_window;
NotifyNotification *unmount_notify;
@@ -931,9 +930,14 @@ nautilus_application_handle_local_options (GApplication *application,
self->priv->desktop_override = TRUE;
g_action_group_activate_action (G_ACTION_GROUP (application),
"close-desktop", NULL);
+ } else if (g_variant_dict_contains (options, "no-default-window")) {
+ /* We want to avoid trigering the activate signal; so no window is created.
+ * GApplication doesn't call activate if we return a value >= 0.
+ * Use EXIT_SUCCESS since is >= 0. */
+ retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ goto out;
- self->priv->no_default_window = g_variant_dict_contains (options, "no-default-window");
retval = nautilus_application_handle_file_args (self, options);
@@ -950,10 +954,6 @@ nautilus_application_activate (GApplication *app)
DEBUG ("Calling activate");
- if (self->priv->no_default_window) {
- return;
- }
files = g_malloc0 (2 * sizeof (GFile *));
files[0] = g_file_new_for_path (g_get_home_dir ());
g_application_open (app, files, 1, "new-window");