path: root/po/en@shaw.po
diff options
authorThomas Thurman <>2009-11-10 17:55:14 +0000
committerThomas Thurman <>2009-11-10 17:55:14 +0000
commit13f4560aeeedd3f1626556d688e008aaf9b97f20 (patch)
treeab43418b98173d2653b58cd4122c466679df14a1 /po/en@shaw.po
parent2bad8fcd7c67439826b7174bad4d2bfa5dee36c9 (diff)
Shavian translation
Diffstat (limited to 'po/en@shaw.po')
1 files changed, 1987 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/po/en@shaw.po b/po/en@shaw.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8996da6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/po/en@shaw.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+# Shavian translation for nautilus.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The Gnome Foundation.
+# Thomas Thurman <>, 2009.
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: nautilus\n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-11-06 19:17+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman <>\n"
+"Language-Team: Shavian <>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:165
+#, c-format
+msgid "File is not a valid .desktop file"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 .desktop 饜憮饜懖饜懁"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:188
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unrecognized desktop file Version '%s'"
+msgstr "饜懇饜懐饜懏饜懅饜憭饜懇饜憸饜懐饜懖饜憻饜憶 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憹饜懟饜憼饜懇饜懐 '%s'"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:958
+#, c-format
+msgid "Starting %s"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懄饜憴 %s"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1100
+#, c-format
+msgid "Application does not accept documents on command line"
+msgstr "饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐 饜憶饜懗饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憪饜憫 饜憶饜應饜憭饜懣饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜應饜懐 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懁饜懖饜懐"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggdesktopfile.c:1168
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unrecognized launch option: %d"
+msgstr "饜懇饜懐饜懏饜懅饜憭饜懇饜憸饜懐饜懖饜憻饜憶 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐: %d"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:225
+msgid "Disable connection to session manager"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憰饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憽饜懠"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:228
+msgid "Specify file containing saved configuration"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懕饜憹饜憶 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憮饜懄饜憸饜憳饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:228
+msgid "FILE"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:231
+msgid "Specify session management ID"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憽饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫 ID"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:231
+msgid "ID"
+msgstr "ID"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:252
+msgid "Session management options:"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憽饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻:"
+#: ../cut-n-paste-code/libegg/eggsmclient.c:253
+msgid "Show session management options"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憰饜懅饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憽饜懃饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:1
+msgid "Apparition"
+msgstr "饜懆饜憪饜懟饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:3
+msgid "Black"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懁饜懆饜憭"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:4
+msgid "Blue Ridge"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懁饜懙 饜懏饜懄饜憽"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:5
+msgid "Blue Rough"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懁饜懙 饜懏饜懗饜憮"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:6
+msgid "Blue Type"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懁饜懙 饜憫饜懖饜憪"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:7
+msgid "Brushed Metal"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懏饜懗饜憱饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜憫饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:8
+msgid "Bubble Gum"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懗饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憸饜懗饜懃"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:9
+msgid "Burlap"
+msgstr "饜憵饜懟饜懁饜懆饜憪"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:11
+msgid "Camouflage"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懃饜懇饜憮饜懁饜懎饜憼"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:12
+msgid "Chalk"
+msgstr "饜憲饜懛饜憭"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:13
+msgid "Charcoal"
+msgstr "饜憲饜懎饜懏饜憭饜懘饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:14
+msgid "Concrete"
+msgstr "饜憭饜應饜懐饜憭饜懏饜懓饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:15
+msgid "Cork"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懝饜憭"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:16
+msgid "Countertop"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懚饜懐饜憫饜懟饜憫饜懎饜憪"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:17
+msgid "Danube"
+msgstr "路饜憶饜懆饜懐饜憳饜懙饜憵"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:18
+msgid "Dark Cork"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懜饜憭 饜憭饜懝饜憭"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:19
+msgid "Dark GNOME"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懜饜憭 路饜憸饜懐饜懘饜懃"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:20
+msgid "Deep Teal"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懓饜憪 饜憫饜懓饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:21
+msgid "Dots"
+msgstr "饜憶饜應饜憫饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:22
+msgid "Drag a color to an object to change it to that color"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懏饜懆饜憸 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憫 饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憫 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜懄饜憫 饜憫 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:23
+msgid "Drag a pattern tile to an object to change it"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懏饜懆饜憸 饜懇 饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懠饜懐 饜憫饜懖饜懁 饜憫 饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憫 饜憲饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜懄饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:24
+msgid "Drag an emblem to an object to add it to the object"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懏饜懆饜憸 饜懇饜懐 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜憫 饜懇饜懐 饜應饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憫 饜懆饜憶 饜懄饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜應饜憵饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:25
+msgid "Eclipse"
+msgstr "饜懅饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憪饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:26
+msgid "Envy"
+msgstr "饜懅饜懐饜憹饜懄"
+#. translators: this is the name of an emblem
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:28 ../src/nautilus-emblem-sidebar.c:928
+#: ../src/nautilus-property-browser.c:1819
+msgid "Erase"
+msgstr "饜懄饜懏饜懕饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:29
+msgid "Fibers"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜憵饜懠饜憻"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:30
+msgid "Fire Engine"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懠 饜懅饜懐饜憽饜懄饜懐"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:31
+msgid "Fleur De Lis"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜懟 饜憶饜懅 饜懁饜懄"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:32
+msgid "Floral"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懁饜應饜懏饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:33
+msgid "Fossil"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懎饜憰饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:34
+msgid "GNOME"
+msgstr "路饜憸饜懐饜懘饜懃"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:35
+msgid "Granite"
+msgstr "饜憸饜懏饜懆饜懐饜懇饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:36
+msgid "Grapefruit"
+msgstr "饜憸饜懏饜懕饜憪饜憮饜懏饜懙饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:37
+msgid "Green Weave"
+msgstr "饜憸饜懏饜懓饜懐 饜憿饜懓饜憹"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:38
+msgid "Ice"
+msgstr "饜懖饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:39
+msgid "Indigo"
+msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懇饜憸饜懘"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:40
+msgid "Leaf"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懓饜憮"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:41
+msgid "Lemon"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懅饜懃饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:42
+msgid "Mango"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懆饜憴饜憸饜懘"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:43
+msgid "Manila Paper"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懄饜懁饜懇 饜憪饜懕饜憪饜懠"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:44
+msgid "Moss Ridge"
+msgstr "饜懃饜應饜憰 饜懏饜懄饜憽"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:45
+msgid "Mud"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懗饜憶"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:46
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠饜憻"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:47
+msgid "Ocean Strips"
+msgstr "饜懘饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:48
+msgid "Onyx"
+msgstr "饜懎饜懐饜懄饜憭饜憰"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:49
+msgid "Orange"
+msgstr "饜懝饜懄饜懐饜憽"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:50
+msgid "Pale Blue"
+msgstr "饜憪饜懕饜懁 饜憵饜懁饜懙"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:51
+msgid "Purple Marble"
+msgstr "饜憪饜懟饜憪饜懁 饜懃饜懜饜憵饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:52
+msgid "Ridged Paper"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憽饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜憪饜懠"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:53
+msgid "Rough Paper"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懗饜憮 饜憪饜懕饜憪饜懠"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:54
+msgid "Ruby"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懙饜憵饜懓"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:55
+msgid "Sea Foam"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懓 饜憮饜懘饜懃"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:56
+msgid "Shale"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懕饜懁"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:57
+msgid "Silver"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜懁饜憹饜懟"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:58
+msgid "Sky"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憭饜懖"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:59
+msgid "Sky Ridge"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憭饜懖 饜懏饜懄饜憽"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:60
+msgid "Snow Ridge"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懐饜懘 饜懏饜懄饜憽"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:61
+msgid "Stucco"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憭饜懘"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:62
+msgid "Tangerine"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懆饜懐饜憽饜懟饜懓饜懐"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:64
+msgid "Violet"
+msgstr "饜憹饜懖饜懁饜懇饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:65
+msgid "Wavy White"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懕饜憹饜懓 饜憿饜懖饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:66
+msgid "White"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懖饜憫"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:67
+msgid "White Ribs"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懖饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憵饜憻"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:68
+msgid "_Emblems"
+msgstr "_饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻"
+#: ../data/browser.xml.h:69
+msgid "_Patterns"
+msgstr "_饜憪饜懆饜憫饜懠饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Saved search"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懕饜憹饜憶 饜憰饜懟饜憲"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:109
+msgid "Image/label border"
+msgstr "饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽/饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憵饜懝饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:110
+msgid "Width of border around the label and image in the alert dialog"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憵饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜懠饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憺 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懐 饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:119
+msgid "Alert Type"
+msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫 饜憫饜懖饜憪"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:120
+msgid "The type of alert"
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:128
+msgid "Alert Buttons"
+msgstr "饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:129
+msgid "The buttons shown in the alert dialog"
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懇饜懁饜懟饜憫 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸"
+#: ../eel/eel-alert-dialog.c:193
+msgid "Show more _details"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懃饜懝 _饜憶饜懓饜憫饜懕饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../eel/eel-canvas.c:1227 ../eel/eel-canvas.c:1228
+msgid "X"
+msgstr "X"
+#: ../eel/eel-canvas.c:1234 ../eel/eel-canvas.c:1235
+msgid "Y"
+msgstr "Y"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:313
+msgid "Text"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:314
+msgid "The text of the label."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憺 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:320
+msgid "Justification"
+msgstr "饜憽饜懇饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憮饜懇饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:329
+msgid "Line wrap"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懖饜懐 饜懏饜懆饜憪"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:330
+msgid "If set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wide."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫, 饜懏饜懆饜憪 饜懁饜懖饜懐饜憻 饜懄饜憮 饜憺 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜懗饜懃饜憻 饜憫饜懙 饜憿饜懖饜憶."
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:337
+msgid "Cursor Position"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懟饜憰饜懠 饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:347
+msgid "Selection Bound"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懍饜懐饜憶"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:3178
+msgid "Select All"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懛饜懁"
+#: ../eel/eel-editable-label.c:3189
+msgid "Input Methods"
+msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜懃饜懅饜憯饜懇饜憶饜憻"
+#: ../eel/eel-gconf-extensions.c:90
+msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal."
+msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜憮饜懟饜憺饜懠 饜懟饜懠饜憻 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜應饜懐 饜憫饜懟饜懃饜懄饜懐饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../eel/eel-stock-dialogs.c:203
+msgid "You can stop this operation by clicking cancel."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜應饜憪饜懠饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懖 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../eel/eel-vfs-extensions.c:92
+msgid " (invalid Unicode)"
+msgstr " (饜懄饜懐饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懄饜憶 路饜懣饜懐饜懄饜憭饜懘饜憶)"
+#. Translators: date_modified - mtime, the last time file contents were changed
+#. date_changed - ctime, the last time file meta-information changed
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"A list of captions below an icon in the icon view and the desktop. The "
+"actual number of captions shown depends on the zoom level. Possible values "
+"are: \"size\", \"type\", \"date_modified\", \"date_changed\", "
+"\"date_accessed\", \"owner\", \"group\", \"permissions\", "
+"\"octal_permissions\" and \"mime_type\"."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懇 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憭饜懆饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憵饜懇饜懁饜懘 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懣 饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪. 饜憺 饜懆饜憭饜憲饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠 饜憹 "
+"饜憭饜懆饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憱饜懘饜懐 饜憶饜懄饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜: \"size\", \"type\", "
+"\"date_modified\", \"date_changed\", \"date_accessed\", \"owner\", \"group\", "
+"\"permissions\", \"octal_permissions\" 饜懐 \"mime_type\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "All columns have same width"
+msgstr "饜懛饜懁 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憰饜懕饜懃 饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Color for the default folder background. Only used if background_set is true."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶. 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜憮 background_set 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懏饜懙."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Computer icon visible on desktop"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懣饜憫饜懠 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜應饜懐 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Criteria for search bar searching"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懄饜懏饜懓饜懇 饜憮饜懝 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憵饜懜 饜憰饜懟饜憲饜懄饜憴"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Criteria when matching files searched for in the search bar. If set to "
+"\"search_by_text\", then Nautilus will Search for files by file name only. "
+"If set to \"search_by_text_and_properties\", then Nautilus will search for "
+"files by file name and file properties."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憭饜懏饜懖饜憫饜懄饜懏饜懓饜懇 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜憲饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憰饜懟饜憲饜憫 饜憮饜懝 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憵饜懜. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"search_by_text\", "
+"饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憵饜懖 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 "
+"\"search_by_text_and_properties\", 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憵饜懖 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懐 "
+"饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憪饜懠饜憫饜懄饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Current Nautilus theme (deprecated)"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憯饜懓饜懃 (饜憶饜懅饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憭饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶)"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Custom Background"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Custom Side Pane Background Set"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憰饜懅饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Date Format"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default Background Color"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default Background Filename"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default Side Pane Background Color"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憭饜懗饜懁饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default Side Pane Background Filename"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default Thumbnail Icon Size"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憯饜懗饜懃饜懐饜懕饜懁 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憰饜懖饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default column order in the list view"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default column order in the list view."
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default compact view zoom level"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憹饜懣 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default folder viewer"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憹饜懣饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default icon zoom level"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default list of columns visible in the list view"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default list of columns visible in the list view."
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憭饜應饜懁饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default list zoom level"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default sort order"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懝饜憫 饜懝饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default zoom level used by the compact view."
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜憭饜應饜懃饜憪饜懆饜憭饜憫 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default zoom level used by the icon view."
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Default zoom level used by the list view."
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憻饜懙饜懃 饜懁饜懅饜憹饜懇饜懁 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Desktop computer icon name"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懣饜憫饜懠 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Desktop font"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憮饜應饜懐饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Desktop home icon name"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Desktop trash icon name"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Enables the classic Nautilus behavior, where all windows are browsers"
+msgstr "饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憻 饜憺 饜憭饜懁饜懆饜憰饜懄饜憭 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憵饜懄饜懀饜懕饜憹饜憳饜懠, 饜憿饜懞 饜懛饜懁 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜懜 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Filename for the default folder background. Only used if background_set is "
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶. 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜憮 background_set 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懏饜懙."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Filename for the default side pane background. Only used if "
+"side_pane_background_set is true."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶. 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜憮 side_pane_background_set 饜懄饜憻 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Folders over this size will be truncated to around this size. The purpose of "
+"this is to avoid unintentionally blowing the heap and killing Nautilus on "
+"massive folders. A negative value denotes no limit. The limit is approximate "
+"due to the reading of folders chunk-wise."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懖饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憫饜懏饜懇饜憴饜憭饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憶 饜憫 饜懠饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憰饜懖饜憻. 饜憺 饜憪饜懟饜憪饜懇饜憰 饜憹 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憫 饜懇饜憹饜懚饜憶 "
+"饜懇饜懐饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懅饜懐饜憱饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懁饜懓 饜憵饜懁饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜懀饜懓饜憪 饜懐 饜憭饜懄饜懁饜懄饜憴 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜應饜懐 饜懃饜懆饜憰饜懄饜憹 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻. 饜懇 饜懐饜懅饜憸饜懇饜憫饜懄饜憹 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣 "
+"饜憶饜懄饜懐饜懘饜憫饜憰 饜懐饜懘 饜懁饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憫. 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜懃饜懄饜憫 饜懄饜憻 饜懇饜憪饜懏饜應饜憭饜憰饜懄饜懃饜懕饜憫 饜憶饜懣 饜憫 饜憺 饜懏饜懓饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜憹 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憲饜懇饜憴饜憭-饜憿饜懖饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"For users with mice that have \"Forward\" and \"Back\" buttons, this key "
+"will determine if any action is taken inside of Nautilus when either is "
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懝 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懃饜懖饜憰 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 \"饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶\" 饜懐 \"饜憵饜懆饜憭\" 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻, 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憭饜懓 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜憫饜懟饜懃饜懄饜懐 饜懄饜憮 "
+"饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜懆饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜憫饜懕饜憭饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憹 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懖饜憺饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜憪饜懏饜懅饜憰饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"For users with mice that have buttons for \"Forward\" and \"Back\", this key "
+"will set which button activates the \"Back\" command in a browser window. "
+"Possible values range between 6 and 14."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懝 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懃饜懖饜憰 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憮饜懝 \"饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶\" 饜懐 \"饜憵饜懆饜憭\", 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憭饜懓 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜憲 "
+"饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憹饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜憺 \"饜憵饜懆饜憭\" 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懏饜懕饜懐饜憽 饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 "
+"6 饜懐 14."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"For users with mice that have buttons for \"Forward\" and \"Back\", this key "
+"will set which button activates the \"Forward\" command in a browser window. "
+"Possible values range between 6 and 14."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懝 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懃饜懖饜憰 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憮饜懝 \"饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶\" 饜懐 \"饜憵饜懆饜憭\", 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憭饜懓 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜憲 "
+"饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憹饜懕饜憫饜憰 饜憺 \"饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶\" 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懏饜懕饜懐饜憽 "
+"饜憵饜懄饜憫饜憿饜懓饜懐 6 饜懐 14."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Home icon visible on desktop"
+msgstr "饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜應饜懐 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to \"after_current_tab\", then new tabs are inserted after the "
+"current tab. If set to \"end\", then new tabs are appended to the end of the "
+"tab list."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"after_current_tab\", 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憫饜懆饜憵饜憻 饜懜 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懎饜憮饜憫饜懠 饜憺 饜憭饜懗饜懏饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜憫饜懆饜憵. 饜懄饜憮 "
+"饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"end\", 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憫饜懆饜憵饜憻 饜懜 饜懇饜憪饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懄饜憶 饜憫 饜憺 饜懅饜懐饜憶 饜憹 饜憺 饜憫饜懆饜憵 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, Nautilus will only show folders in the tree side pane. "
+"Otherwise it will show both folders and files."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憱饜懘 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐. 饜懗饜憺饜懠饜憿饜懖饜憻 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憱饜懘 "
+"饜憵饜懘饜憯 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, newly opened windows will have the location bar visible."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憺 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懜 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If set to true, newly opened windows will have the side pane visible."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憺 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If set to true, newly opened windows will have the status bar visible."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憺 饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰 饜憵饜懜 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If set to true, newly opened windows will have toolbars visible."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憫饜懙饜懁饜憵饜懜饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus lets you edit and display file permissions in "
+"a more unix-like way, accessing some more esoteric options."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜懁饜懅饜憫饜憰 饜懣 饜懅饜憶饜懄饜憫 饜懐 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜懃饜懝 路饜懣饜懐饜懄饜憭饜憰-"
+"饜懁饜懖饜憭 饜憿饜懕, 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜憰饜懗饜懃 饜懃饜懝 饜懅饜憰饜懇饜憫饜懅饜懏饜懄饜憭 饜應饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus shows folders prior to showing files in the "
+"icon and list views."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憱饜懘饜憻 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憪饜懏饜懖饜懟 饜憫 饜憱饜懘饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus will ask for confirmation when you attempt to "
+"delete files, or empty the Trash."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憮饜懝 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懣 饜懇饜憫饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻, 饜懝 "
+"饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus will automatically mount media such as user-"
+"visible hard disks and removable media on start-up and media insertion."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懛饜憫饜懇饜懃饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懁饜懄 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇 饜憰饜懗饜憲 饜懆饜憻 饜懣饜憻饜懠-饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懀饜懜饜憶 "
+"饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭饜憰 饜懐 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇 饜應饜懐 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫-饜懗饜憪 饜懐 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憱饜懇饜懐."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If set to true, then Nautilus will draw the icons on the desktop."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憶饜懏饜懛 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus will have a feature allowing you to delete a "
+"file immediately and in-place, instead of moving it to the trash. This "
+"feature can be dangerous, so use caution."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜懇 饜憮饜懓饜憲饜懠 饜懇饜懁饜懍饜懄饜憴 饜懣 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懇 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懄饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懢饜憫饜懁饜懓 饜懐 饜懄饜懐-"
+"饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰, 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懅饜憶 饜憹 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱. 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懓饜憲饜懠 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懕饜懐饜憽饜懠饜懇饜憰, 饜憰饜懘 饜懣饜憻 饜憭饜懛饜憱饜懇饜懐."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then Nautilus will use the user's home folder as the "
+"desktop. If it is false, then it will use ~/Desktop as the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懣饜憰 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠'饜憰 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懆饜憻 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪. 饜懄饜憮 饜懄饜憫 饜懄饜憻 "
+"饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憰, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懣饜憰 ~/Desktop 饜懆饜憻 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then all Nautilus windows will be browser windows. This is "
+"how Nautilus used to behave before version 2.6, and some people prefer this "
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懛饜懁 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻. 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜懀饜懍 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 "
+"饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜懀饜懕饜憹 饜憵饜懄饜憮饜懝 饜憹饜懟饜憼饜懇饜懐 2.6, 饜懐 饜憰饜懗饜懃 饜憪饜懓饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜懄饜憮饜懟 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憵饜懄饜懀饜懕饜憹饜憳饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If set to true, then multiple views can be opened in one browser window, "
+"each in a separate tab."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懃饜懗饜懁饜憫饜懄饜憪饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懣饜憻 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憿饜懗饜懐 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘, 饜懓饜憲 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 "
+"饜憰饜懅饜憪饜懠饜懇饜憫 饜憫饜懆饜憵."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to true, an icon linking to the Network Servers view will be "
+"put on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜憺 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻 饜憹饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to true, an icon linking to the computer location will be put "
+"on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懣饜憫饜懠 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to true, an icon linking to the home folder will be put on "
+"the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜憺 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to true, an icon linking to the trash will be put on the "
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If this is set to true, icons linking to mounted volumes will be put on the "
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懄饜憻 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If true, icons will be laid out tighter by default in new windows."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜懁饜懕饜憶 饜懍饜憫 饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懟 饜憵饜懖 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"If true, labels will be placed beside icons rather than underneath them."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懄饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻 饜懏饜懎饜憺饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜懐 饜懗饜懐饜憶饜懠饜懐饜懓饜憯 饜憺饜懅饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "If true, new windows will use manual layout by default."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜憫饜懏饜懙, 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懣饜憰 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜憳饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懁饜懕饜懍饜憫 饜憵饜懖 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "List of possible captions on icons"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憭饜懆饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "List of x-content/* types set to \"Do Nothing\""
+msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 x-content/* 饜憫饜懖饜憪饜憰 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜懗饜憯饜懄饜憴\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "List of x-content/* types set to \"Open Folder\""
+msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 x-content/* 饜憫饜懖饜憪饜憰 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"List of x-content/* types where the preferred application will be launched"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹 x-content/* 饜憫饜懖饜憪饜憰 饜憿饜懞 饜憺 饜憪饜懏饜懄饜憮饜懟饜憶 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜懁饜應饜懐饜憲饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Maximum handled files in a folder"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懄饜懃饜懇饜懃 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁饜憶 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Mouse button to activate the \"Back\" command in browser window"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懍饜憰 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫 饜憺 \"饜憵饜懆饜憭\" 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Mouse button to activate the \"Forward\" command in browser window"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懍饜憰 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫 饜憺 \"饜憮饜懝饜憿饜懠饜憶\" 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜懎饜懐饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Name of the Nautilus theme to use. This has been deprecated as of Nautilus 2."
+"2. Please use the icon theme instead."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憹 饜憺 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憯饜懓饜懃 饜憫 饜懣饜憰. 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憶饜懅饜憪饜懏饜懇饜憭饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懆饜憻 饜憹 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 2.2. 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懣饜憻 饜憺 "
+"饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憯饜懓饜懃 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懅饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Nautilus handles drawing the desktop"
+msgstr "路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁饜憻 饜憶饜懏饜懛饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Nautilus uses the users home folder as the desktop"
+msgstr "路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜懣饜憻饜懇饜憻 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠饜憻 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懆饜憻 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Nautilus will exit when last window destroyed."
+msgstr "路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懅饜憸饜憻饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懁饜懎饜憰饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘 饜憶饜懇饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懚饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Network Servers icon visible on the desktop"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Network servers icon name"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Only show folders in the tree side pane"
+msgstr "饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憱饜懘 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Possible values are \"single\" to launch files on a single click, or "
+"\"double\" to launch them on a double click."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"single\" 饜憫 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜懇 饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憸饜懇饜懁 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭, 饜懝 \"double\" 饜憫 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 "
+"饜憺饜懅饜懃 饜應饜懐 饜懇 饜憶饜懗饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Put labels beside icons"
+msgstr "饜憪饜懌饜憫 饜懁饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁饜憻 饜憵饜懄饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Reverse sort order in new windows"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懟饜憰 饜憰饜懝饜憫 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#. Translators: please note this can choose the size. e.g.
+#. "Sans 15". Please do not change "Sans", only change the size if you need to. In
+#. most cases, this should be left alone.
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Sans 10"
+msgstr "Sans 10"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show advanced permissions in the file property dialog"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懇饜憶饜憹饜懎饜懐饜憰饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憪饜懏饜應饜憪饜懠饜憫饜懄 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show folders first in windows"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻 饜憮饜懟饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show location bar in new windows"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懜 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show mounted volumes on the desktop"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show side pane in new windows"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show status bar in new windows"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憰饜憫饜懕饜憫饜懌饜憰 饜憵饜懜 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show the package installer for unknown mime types"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憺 饜憪饜懆饜憭饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懛饜懁饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜懗饜懐饜懘饜懐 MIME 饜憫饜懖饜憪饜憰"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Show toolbar in new windows"
+msgstr "饜憱饜懘 饜憫饜懙饜懁饜憵饜懜 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Side pane view"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憹饜懣"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Speed tradeoff for when to show a preview of text file contents in the "
+"file's icon. If set to \"always\" then always show previews, even if the "
+"folder is on a remote server. If set to \"local_only\" then only show "
+"previews for local file systems. If set to \"never\" then never bother to "
+"read preview data."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憰饜憪饜懓饜憶 饜憫饜懏饜懕饜憶饜應饜憮 饜憮饜懝 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜懇 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憹 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懇饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁'饜憰 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 "
+"饜憫 \"always\" 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懛饜懁饜憿饜懕饜憻 饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜憳饜懙饜憻, 饜懓饜憹饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憮 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜懇 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 "
+"饜憫 \"local_only\" 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜憳饜懙饜憻 饜憮饜懝 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"never\" "
+"饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懐饜懅饜憹饜懠 饜憵饜懘饜憯饜懠 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜懇."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Speed tradeoff for when to show the number of items in a folder. If set to "
+"\"always\" then always show item counts, even if the folder is on a remote "
+"server. If set to \"local_only\" then only show counts for local file "
+"systems. If set to \"never\" then never bother to compute item counts."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憰饜憪饜懓饜憶 饜憫饜懏饜懕饜憶饜應饜憮 饜憮饜懝 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憺 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠 饜憹 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"always\" 饜憺饜懅饜懐 "
+"饜懛饜懁饜憿饜懕饜憻 饜憱饜懘 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫饜憰, 饜懓饜憹饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憮 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜懇 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懘饜憫 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 "
+"\"local_only\" 饜憺饜懅饜懐 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憱饜懘 饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜憮饜懝 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憰饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻. 饜懄饜憮 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜憫 \"never\" 饜憺饜懅饜懐 "
+"饜懐饜懅饜憹饜懠 饜憵饜懘饜憯饜懠 饜憫 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜憳饜懙饜憫 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憭饜懍饜懐饜憫饜憰."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "The default size of an icon for a thumbnail in the icon view."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜憻 饜憹 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憮饜懝 饜懇 饜憯饜懗饜懃饜懐饜懕饜懁 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懣."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"The default sort-order for items in the icon view. Possible values are "
+"\"name\", \"size\", \"type\", \"modification_date\", and \"emblems\"."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懝饜憫-饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懣. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 "
+"\"name\", \"size\", \"type\", \"modification_date\", 饜懐 \"emblems\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"The default sort-order for the items in the list view. Possible values are "
+"\"name\", \"size\", \"type\", and \"modification_date\"."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懝饜憫-饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜懁饜懄饜憰饜憫 饜憹饜懣. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 "
+"\"name\", \"size\", \"type\", and \"modification_date\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "The default width of the side pane in new windows."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憺 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "The font description used for the icons on the desktop."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憭饜懏饜懄饜憪饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"The format of file dates. Possible values are \"locale\", \"iso\", and "
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憮饜懝饜懃饜懆饜憫 饜憹 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憶饜懕饜憫饜憰. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"locale\", \"iso\", 饜懐 \"informal\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "The side pane view to show in newly opened windows."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憹饜懣 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"This name can be set if you want a custom name for the computer icon on the "
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憭饜懇饜懃饜憪饜懣饜憫饜懠 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"This name can be set if you want a custom name for the home icon on the "
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懀饜懘饜懃 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"This name can be set if you want a custom name for the network servers icon "
+"on the desktop."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懐饜懅饜憫饜憿饜懟饜憭 饜憰饜懟饜憹饜懠饜憻 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜懐 饜憺 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"This name can be set if you want a custom name for the trash icon on the "
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Trash icon visible on desktop"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹饜懄饜憰饜懄饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜應饜懐 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Type of click used to launch/open files"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜懣饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲/饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Use extra mouse button events in Nautilus' browser window"
+msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫饜懏饜懇 饜懃饜懍饜憰 饜憵饜懗饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憹饜懅饜懐饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰' 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Use manual layout in new windows"
+msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜懃饜懆饜懐饜憳饜懌饜懇饜懁 饜懁饜懕饜懍饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Use tighter layout in new windows"
+msgstr "饜懣饜憻 饜憫饜懖饜憫饜懟 饜懁饜懕饜懍饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜懐饜懣 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "What to do with executable text files when activated"
+msgstr "饜憿饜應饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懙 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懅饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憭饜懣饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"What to do with executable text files when they are activated (single or "
+"double clicked). Possible values are \"launch\" to launch them as programs, "
+"\"ask\" to ask what to do via a dialog, and \"display\" to display them as "
+"text files."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憿饜應饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懙 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懅饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憭饜懣饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憺饜懕 饜懜 饜懆饜憭饜憫饜懄饜憹饜懕饜憫饜懇饜憶 (饜憰饜懄饜憴饜憸饜懇饜懁 饜懝 饜憶饜懗饜憵饜懇饜懁 "
+"饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憭饜憫). 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"launch\" 饜憫 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲 饜憺饜懅饜懃 饜懆饜憻 饜憪饜懏饜懘饜憸饜懏饜懆饜懃饜憻, \"ask\" 饜憫 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憿饜應饜憫 饜憫 "
+"饜憶饜懙 饜憹饜懖饜懇 饜懇 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸, 饜懐 \"display\" 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜憰饜憪饜懁饜懕 饜憺饜懅饜懃 饜懆饜憻 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"When a folder is visited this viewer is used unless you have selected "
+"another view for that particular folder. Possible values are \"list_view\", "
+"\"icon_view\" and \"compact_view\"."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜憹饜懄饜憻饜懇饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憹饜懣饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜懣饜憻饜憶 饜懗饜懐饜懁饜懅饜憰 饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇饜懐饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜憹饜懣 饜憮饜懝 饜憺饜懆饜憫 "
+"饜憪饜懠饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懣饜懁饜懠 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠. 饜憪饜應饜憰饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憹饜懆饜懁饜懣饜憻 饜懜 \"list_view\", \"icon_view\" 饜懐 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "When to show number of items in a folder"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠 饜憹 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "When to show preview text in icons"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憹饜懣 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Where to position newly open tabs in browser windows."
+msgstr "饜憿饜懞 饜憫 饜憪饜懇饜憻饜懄饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懐饜懣饜懁饜懄 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憫饜懆饜憵饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether a custom default folder background has been set."
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether a custom default side pane background has been set."
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜懇 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懛饜懁饜憫 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜懀饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懐 饜憰饜懅饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to ask for confirmation when deleting files, or emptying Trash"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憮饜懝 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懅饜懐 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻, 饜懝 饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to automatically mount media"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懛饜憫饜懇饜懃饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懁饜懄 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to enable immediate deletion"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜懄饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to enable tabs in Nautilus browser windows"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫饜懆饜憵饜憻 饜懄饜懐 路饜懐饜懛饜憫饜懄饜懁饜懇饜憰 饜憵饜懏饜懍饜憻饜懠 饜憿饜懄饜懐饜憶饜懘饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to show backup files"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜懗饜憪 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Whether to show hidden files"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜懀饜懄饜憶饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid ""
+"Whether to show the user a package installer dialog in case an unknown mime "
+"type is opened, in order to search for an application to handle it."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憱饜懘 饜憺 饜懣饜憻饜懠 饜懇 饜憪饜懆饜憭饜懄饜憽 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懛饜懁饜懠 饜憶饜懖饜懇饜懁饜應饜憸 饜懄饜懐 饜憭饜懕饜憰 饜懇饜懐 饜懗饜懐饜懘饜懐 MIME 饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜懄饜憻 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐饜憶, 饜懄饜懐 "
+"饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憫 饜憰饜懟饜憲 饜憮饜懝 饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁 饜懄饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/
+msgid "Width of the side pane"
+msgstr "饜憿饜懄饜憶饜憯 饜憹 饜憺 饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憪饜懕饜懐"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:488
+msgid "No applications found"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懘 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐饜憻 饜憮饜懍饜懐饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:504
+msgid "Ask what to do"
+msgstr "饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憿饜應饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懙"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:520
+msgid "Do Nothing"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜懗饜憯饜懄饜憴"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:535
+#: ../data/
+msgid "Open Folder"
+msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:567
+#: ../src/nautilus-x-content-bar.c:122
+#, c-format
+msgid "Open %s"
+msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 %s"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:606
+msgid "Open with other Application..."
+msgstr "饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐..."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:940
+msgid "You have just inserted an Audio CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇饜懐 饜懛饜憶饜懄饜懘 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:942
+msgid "You have just inserted an Audio DVD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇饜懐 饜懛饜憶饜懄饜懘 DVD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:944
+msgid "You have just inserted a Video DVD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憹饜懄饜憶饜懄饜懘 DVD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:946
+msgid "You have just inserted a Video CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憹饜懄饜憶饜懄饜懘 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:948
+msgid "You have just inserted a Super Video CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憰饜懙饜憪饜懠 饜憹饜懄饜憶饜懄饜懘 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:950
+msgid "You have just inserted a blank CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憵饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憭 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:952
+msgid "You have just inserted a blank DVD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憵饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憭 DVD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:958
+msgid "You have just inserted a Photo CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜憫饜懘 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:960
+msgid "You have just inserted a Picture CD."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憪饜懄饜憭饜憲饜懠 CD."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:962
+msgid "You have just inserted a medium with digital photos."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇饜懃 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憶饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜憫饜懘饜憻."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:964
+msgid "You have just inserted a digital audio player."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憽饜懇饜憫饜懇饜懁 饜懛饜憶饜懄饜懘 饜憪饜懁饜懕饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:966
+msgid ""
+"You have just inserted a medium with software intended to be automatically "
+msgstr ""
+"饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇饜懃 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憰饜應饜憮饜憫饜憿饜懞 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懅饜懐饜憶饜懇饜憶 饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懛饜憫饜懇饜懃饜懆饜憫饜懄饜憭饜懁饜懄 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懇饜憶."
+#. fallback to generic greeting
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:969
+msgid "You have just inserted a medium."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憽饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懟饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜懇 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:971
+msgid "Choose what application to launch."
+msgstr "饜憲饜懙饜憻 饜憿饜應饜憫 饜懇饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憰饜懇饜懐 饜憫 饜懁饜懛饜懐饜憲."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:980
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"Select how to open \"%s\" and whether to perform this action in the future "
+"for other media of type \"%s\"."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懀饜懍 饜憫 饜懘饜憪饜懇饜懐 \"%s\" 饜懐 饜憿饜懅饜憺饜懠 饜憫 饜憪饜懠饜憮饜懝饜懃 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懆饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懣饜憲饜懠 饜憮饜懝 饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懄饜懇 饜憹 "
+"饜憫饜懖饜憪 \"%s\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:1002
+msgid "_Always perform this action"
+msgstr "_饜懛饜懁饜憿饜懕饜憻 饜憪饜懠饜憮饜懝饜懃 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜懆饜憭饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#. name, stock id
+#. label, accelerator
+#. add the "Eject" menu item
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-autorun.c:1018
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:7063
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:7091
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:7172
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-tree-view.c:1325
+#: ../src/nautilus-places-sidebar.c:2242
+msgid "_Eject"
+msgstr "_饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫"
+#. name, stock id
+#. label, accelerator
+#. tooltip
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-clipboard.c:437
+msgid "Cut the selected text to the clipboard"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懗饜憫 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憪饜憵饜懝饜憶"
+#. name, stock id
+#. label, accelerator
+#. tooltip
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-clipboard.c:441
+msgid "Copy the selected text to the clipboard"
+msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜憺 饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憫 饜憺 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憪饜憵饜懝饜憶"
+#. name, stock id
+#. label, accelerator
+#. tooltip
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-clipboard.c:445
+msgid "Paste the text stored on the clipboard"
+msgstr "饜憪饜懕饜憰饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憰饜憫饜懝饜憶 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憭饜懁饜懄饜憪饜憵饜懝饜憶"
+#. name, stock id
+#. label, accelerator
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-clipboard.c:448
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:7001
+msgid "Select _All"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 _饜懛饜懁"
+#. tooltip
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-clipboard.c:449
+msgid "Select all the text in a text field"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懇饜懁饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜懛饜懁 饜憺 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜懇 饜憫饜懅饜憭饜憰饜憫 饜憮饜懓饜懁饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-chooser.c:323
+msgid "Move _Up"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懙饜憹 _饜懗饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:43
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-mime-application-chooser.c:273
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-list-view.c:1485
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懕饜懃"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:44
+msgid "The name and icon of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懐 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:50
+msgid "Size"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懖饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:51
+msgid "The size of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憰饜懖饜憻 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:58
+msgid "Type"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懖饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:59
+msgid "The type of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:65
+#: ../src/nautilus-image-properties-page.c:270
+msgid "Date Modified"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜懃饜應饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懖饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:66
+msgid "The date the file was modified."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懃饜應饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懖饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:73
+msgid "Date Accessed"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憰饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:74
+msgid "The date the file was accessed."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懕饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憰饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:81
+msgid "Owner"
+msgstr "饜懘饜懐饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:82
+msgid "The owner of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜懘饜懐饜懠 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:89
+msgid "Group"
+msgstr "饜憸饜懏饜懙饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:90
+msgid "The group of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憸饜懏饜懙饜憪 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:97
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-properties-window.c:4789
+msgid "Permissions"
+msgstr "饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:98
+msgid "The permissions of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:113
+msgid "MIME Type"
+msgstr "MIME 饜憫饜懖饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:114
+msgid "The mime type of the file."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜懃饜懖饜懃 饜憫饜懖饜憪 饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁."
+#. TODO: Change after string freeze over
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:127
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-column-utilities.c:129
+#: ../src/nautilus-image-properties-page.c:346
+#: ../src/nautilus-query-editor.c:117
+msgid "Location"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-customization-data.c:405
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-mime-application-chooser.c:428
+#: ../src/nautilus-property-browser.c:1863
+msgid "Reset"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懓饜憰饜懅饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-desktop-directory-file.c:440
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-desktop-icon-file.c:150
+msgid "on the desktop"
+msgstr "饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-desktop-link-monitor.c:101
+#, c-format
+msgid "You cannot move the volume \"%s\" to the trash."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憺 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃 \"%s\" 饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-desktop-link-monitor.c:111
+msgid ""
+"If you want to eject the volume, please use \"Eject\" in the popup menu of "
+"the volume."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 饜憺 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃, 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懣饜憻 \"饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫\" 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憪饜應饜憪饜懗饜憪 饜懃饜懅饜懐饜懣 饜憹 饜憺 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:776
+msgid "_Move Here"
+msgstr "_饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懀饜懡"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:781
+msgid "_Copy Here"
+msgstr "_饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜懀饜懡"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:786
+msgid "_Link Here"
+msgstr "_饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭 饜懀饜懡"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:791
+msgid "Set as _Background"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懆饜憻 _饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:798
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:852
+msgid "Cancel"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜憰饜懇饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:840
+msgid "Set as background for _all folders"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懝 _饜懛饜懁 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-dnd.c:845
+msgid "Set as background for _this folder"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫 饜懆饜憻 饜憵饜懆饜憭饜憸饜懏饜懍饜懐饜憶 饜憮饜懝 _饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:209
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:214
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:259
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:273
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:295
+msgid "The emblem cannot be installed."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜憫饜懛饜懁饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:210
+msgid "Sorry, but you must specify a non-blank keyword for the new emblem."
+msgstr "饜憰饜應饜懏饜懄, 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜懣 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憰饜憪饜懅饜憰饜懄饜憮饜懖 饜懇 饜懐饜應饜懐-饜憵饜懁饜懆饜憴饜憭 饜憭饜懓饜憿饜懟饜憶 饜憮饜懝 饜憺 饜懐饜懣 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:215
+msgid ""
+"Sorry, but emblem keywords can only contain letters, spaces and numbers."
+msgstr "饜憰饜應饜懏饜懄, 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜憭饜懓饜憿饜懟饜憶饜憻 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懕饜懐 饜懁饜懅饜憫饜懠饜憻, 饜憰饜憪饜懕饜憰饜懇饜憻 饜懐 饜懐饜懗饜懃饜憵饜懠饜憻."
+#. this really should never happen, as a user has no idea
+#. * what a keyword is, and people should be passing a unique
+#. * keyword to us anyway
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:225
+#, c-format
+msgid "Sorry, but there is already an emblem named \"%s\"."
+msgstr "饜憰饜應饜懏饜懄, 饜憵饜懗饜憫 饜憺饜懞 饜懄饜憻 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懇饜懐 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"%s\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:226
+msgid "Please choose a different emblem name."
+msgstr "饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜憲饜懙饜憻 饜懇 饜憶饜懄饜憮饜懠饜懇饜懐饜憫 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:260
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:274
+msgid "Sorry, unable to save custom emblem."
+msgstr "饜憰饜應饜懏饜懄, 饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-emblem-utils.c:296
+msgid "Sorry, unable to save custom emblem name."
+msgstr "饜憰饜應饜懏饜懄, 饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜憰饜懕饜憹 饜憭饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜懃 饜懅饜懃饜憵饜懁饜懇饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:185
+msgid "_Skip"
+msgstr "_饜憰饜憭饜懄饜憪"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:187
+msgid "_Retry"
+msgstr "_饜懏饜懓饜憫饜懏饜懖"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:188
+msgid "Delete _All"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 _饜懛饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:189
+msgid "_Replace"
+msgstr "_饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:190
+msgid "Replace _All"
+msgstr "饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰 _饜懛饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:191
+msgid "_Merge"
+msgstr "_饜懃饜懟饜憽"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:192
+msgid "Merge _All"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懟饜憽 _饜懛饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:193
+msgid "Copy _Anyway"
+msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 _饜懅饜懐饜懄饜憿饜懕"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:278
+#, c-format
+msgid "%'d second"
+msgid_plural "%'d seconds"
+msgstr[0] "%'d 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶"
+msgstr[1] "%'d 饜憰饜懅饜憭饜懇饜懐饜憶饜憻"
+#. appended to new link file
+#. Note to localizers: convert file type string for file
+#. * (e.g. "folder", "plain text") to file type for symbolic link
+#. * to that kind of file (e.g. "link to folder").
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:377
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:6197
+#: ../src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:10142
+#, c-format
+msgid "Link to %s"
+msgstr "饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭 饜憫 %s"
+#. appended to new link file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:381
+#, c-format
+msgid "Another link to %s"
+msgstr "饜懇饜懐饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭 饜憫 %s"
+#. Localizers:
+#. * Feel free to leave out the st, nd, rd and th suffix or
+#. * make some or all of them match.
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the first copy of a file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:448
+msgid " (copy)"
+msgstr " (饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)"
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the second copy of a file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:450
+msgid " (another copy)"
+msgstr " (饜懇饜懐饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)"
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the x11th copy of a file
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the x12th copy of a file
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the x13th copy of a file
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the xxth copy of a file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:453
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:455
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:457
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:467
+msgid "th copy)"
+msgstr "饜憯 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)"
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the x1st copy of a file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:460
+msgid "st copy)"
+msgstr "饜憰饜憫 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)"
+#. localizers: tag used to detect the x2nd copy of a file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:462
+msgid "nd copy)"
+msgstr "饜懐饜憶 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)"
+#. localizers: appended to first file copy
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:481
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (copy)%s"
+msgstr "%s (饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)%s"
+#. localizers: appended to second file copy
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:483
+#, c-format
+msgid "%s (another copy)%s"
+msgstr "%s (饜懇饜懐饜懗饜憺饜懠 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄)%s"
+#. localizers: opening parentheses to match the "th copy)" string
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:602
+msgid " ("
+msgstr " ("
+#. localizers: opening parentheses of the "th copy)" string
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:610
+#, c-format
+msgid " (%'d"
+msgstr " (%'d"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1297
+msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%B\" from the trash?"
+msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 \"%B\" 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1310
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1378
+msgid "If you delete an item, it will be permanently lost."
+msgstr "饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懇饜懐 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃, 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懁饜應饜憰饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1330
+msgid "Empty all of the items from the trash?"
+msgstr "饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜懛饜懁 饜憹 饜憺 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1334
+msgid ""
+"If you choose to empty the trash, all items in it will be permanently lost. "
+"Please note that you can also delete them separately."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜憮 饜懣 饜憲饜懙饜憻 饜憫 饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱, 饜懛饜懁 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懁饜應饜憰饜憫. 饜憪饜懁饜懓饜憻 饜懐饜懘饜憫 饜憺饜懆饜憫 "
+"饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐 饜懛饜懁饜憰饜懘 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜憺饜懅饜懃 饜憰饜懅饜憪饜懠饜懇饜憫饜懁饜懄."
+#. Empty Trash menu item
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1339
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2182
+#: ../src/nautilus-places-sidebar.c:2279 ../src/nautilus-trash-bar.c:125
+msgid "Empty _Trash"
+msgstr "饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 _饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1366
+msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%B\"?"
+msgstr "饜懜 饜懣 饜憱饜懌饜懠 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 \"%B\"?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1418
+msgid "Deleting files"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1499
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1533
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1572
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1649
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2409
+msgid "Error while deleting."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1503
+msgid ""
+"Files in the folder \"%B\" cannot be deleted because you do not have "
+"permissions to see them."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜憰饜懓 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1506
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2468
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3434
+msgid ""
+"There was an error getting information about the files in the folder \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憸饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1515
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3443
+msgid "_Skip files"
+msgstr "_饜憰饜憭饜懄饜憪 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1536
+msgid ""
+"The folder \"%B\" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to "
+"read it."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜懄饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1539
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2507
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3479
+msgid "There was an error reading the folder \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜懏饜懓饜憶饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1573
+msgid "Could not remove the folder %B."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 %B."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1650
+msgid "There was an error deleting %B."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 %B."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1730
+msgid "Moving files to trash"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1782
+msgid "Cannot move file to trash, do you want to delete immediately?"
+msgstr "饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱, 饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫 饜懄饜懃饜懓饜憶饜懢饜憫饜懁饜懓?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1783
+msgid "The file \"%B\" cannot be moved to the trash."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜憶 饜憫 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1958
+msgid "Trashing Files"
+msgstr "饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:1960
+msgid "Deleting Files"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懄饜懁饜懓饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2022
+msgid "Unable to eject %V"
+msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫 %V"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2174
+msgid ""
+"In order to regain the free space on this volume the trash must be emptied. "
+"All trashed items on the volume will be permanently lost."
+msgstr ""
+"饜懄饜懐 饜懝饜憶饜懠 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憸饜懕饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懏饜懓 饜憰饜憪饜懕饜憰 饜應饜懐 饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃 饜憺 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱 饜懃饜懗饜憰饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄饜憶. 饜懛饜懁 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱饜憫 饜懖饜憫饜懇饜懃饜憻 "
+"饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憹饜應饜懁饜懣饜懃 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜憵饜懓 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懇饜懐饜懇饜懐饜憫饜懁饜懄 饜懁饜應饜憰饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2180
+msgid "Do _not Empty Trash"
+msgstr "饜憶饜懙 _饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懄 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2279
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to mount %s"
+msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫 %s"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2405
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3300
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3426
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3471
+msgid "Error while copying."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2407
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3424
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3469
+msgid "Error while moving."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2411
+msgid "Error while moving files to trash."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憫 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2465
+msgid ""
+"Files in the folder \"%B\" cannot be handled because you do not have "
+"permissions to see them."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜憰饜懓 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2504
+msgid ""
+"The folder \"%B\" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to "
+"read it."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜懄饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2581
+msgid ""
+"The file \"%B\" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to "
+"read it."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懀饜懆饜懐饜憶饜懇饜懁饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜懄饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2584
+msgid "There was an error getting information about \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憸饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2684
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2726
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2759
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2789
+msgid "Error while copying to \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 饜憫 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2688
+msgid "You do not have permissions to access the destination folder."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜懆饜憭饜憰饜懅饜憰 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2690
+msgid "There was an error getting information about the destination."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憸饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懇饜憵饜懍饜憫 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2727
+msgid "The destination is not a folder."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2760
+msgid ""
+"There is not enough space on the destination. Try to remove files to make "
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜懄饜憻 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懄饜懐饜懗饜憮 饜憰饜憪饜懕饜憰 饜應饜懐 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐. 饜憫饜懏饜懖 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憫 饜懃饜懕饜憭 饜憰饜憪饜懕饜憰."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2762
+#, c-format
+msgid "There is %S available, but %S is required."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜懄饜憻 %S 饜懇饜憹饜懕饜懁饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁, 饜憵饜懗饜憫 %S 饜懄饜憻 饜懏饜懄饜憭饜憿饜懖饜懠饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2790
+msgid "The destination is read-only."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜懄饜憻 饜懏饜懅饜憶-饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2849
+msgid "Moving \"%B\" to \"%B\""
+msgstr "饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 \"%B\" 饜憫 \"%B\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2850
+msgid "Copying \"%B\" to \"%B\""
+msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 \"%B\" 饜憫 \"%B\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2855
+msgid "Duplicating \"%B\""
+msgstr "饜憶饜懣饜憪饜懁饜懄饜憭饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 \"%B\""
+#. To translators: %S will expand to a size like "2 bytes" or "3 MB", so something like "4 kb of 4 MB"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:2915
+#, c-format
+msgid "%S of %S"
+msgstr "%S 饜憹 %S"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3304
+msgid ""
+"The folder \"%B\" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to "
+"create it in the destination."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫 饜懄饜憫 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 "
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3307
+msgid "There was an error creating the folder \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3431
+msgid ""
+"Files in the folder \"%B\" cannot be copied because you do not have "
+"permissions to see them."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜憰饜懓 饜憺饜懅饜懃."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3476
+msgid ""
+"The folder \"%B\" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to "
+"read it."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 \"%B\" 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜憶 饜憵饜懄饜憭饜應饜憻 饜懣 饜憶饜懙 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懀饜懆饜憹 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜憶 饜懄饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3521
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4133
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4712
+msgid "Error while moving \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3522
+msgid "Could not remove the source folder."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3607
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3648
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4135
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4206
+msgid "Error while copying \"%B\"."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 \"%B\"."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3608
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not remove files from the already existing folder %F."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憮饜懏饜應饜懃 饜憺 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 %F."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3649
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not remove the already existing file %F."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憺 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁 %F."
+#. the run_warning() frees all strings passed in automatically
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3865
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4539
+msgid "You cannot move a folder into itself."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懌 饜懄饜憫饜憰饜懅饜懁饜憮."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3866
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4540
+msgid "You cannot copy a folder into itself."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懌 饜懄饜憫饜憰饜懅饜懁饜憮."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3867
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4541
+msgid "The destination folder is inside the source folder."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懄饜憻 饜懄饜懐饜憰饜懖饜憶 饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠."
+#. the run_warning() frees all strings passed in automatically
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3899
+msgid "You cannot move a file over itself."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懇 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜懄饜憫饜憰饜懅饜懁饜憮."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3900
+msgid "You cannot copy a file over itself."
+msgstr "饜懣 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄 饜懇 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懘饜憹饜懠 饜懄饜憫饜憰饜懅饜懁饜憮."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:3901
+msgid "The source file would be overwritten by the destination."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憿饜懌饜憶 饜憵饜懓 饜懘饜憹饜懟饜懏饜懄饜憫饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懖 饜憺 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憫饜懄饜懐饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4031
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4621
+msgid ""
+"A folder named \"%B\" already exists. Do you want to merge the source "
+msgstr "饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"%B\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰. 饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懃饜懟饜憽 饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4033
+msgid ""
+"The source folder already exists in \"%B\". Merging will ask for "
+"confirmation before replacing any files in the folder that conflict with the "
+"files being copied."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 \"%B\". 饜懃饜懟饜憽饜懄饜憴 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憮饜懝 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懄饜憮饜懝 "
+"饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懁饜懄饜憭饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4038
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4628
+msgid "A folder named \"%B\" already exists. Do you want to replace it?"
+msgstr "饜懇 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"%B\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰. 饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰 饜懄饜憫?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4040
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4630
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The folder already exists in \"%F\". Replacing it will remove all files in "
+"the folder."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 \"%F\". 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜懛饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4045
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4635
+msgid "A file named \"%B\" already exists. Do you want to replace it?"
+msgstr "饜懇 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憶 \"%B\" 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰. 饜憶饜懙 饜懣 饜憿饜應饜懐饜憫 饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰 饜懄饜憫?"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4047
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4637
+#, c-format
+msgid ""
+"The file already exists in \"%F\". Replacing it will overwrite its content."
+msgstr "饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 \"%F\". 饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜懄饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懘饜憹饜懠饜懏饜懖饜憫 饜懄饜憫饜憰 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憫饜懅饜懐饜憫."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4137
+#, c-format
+msgid "Could not remove the already existing file with the same name in %F."
+msgstr "饜憭饜懌饜憶 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懏饜懄饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憺 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜憰饜懕饜懃 饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜懄饜懐 %F."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4207
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error copying the file into %F."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懌 %F."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4431
+msgid "Copying Files"
+msgstr "饜憭饜應饜憪饜懄饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4448
+msgid "Preparing to Move to \"%B\""
+msgstr "饜憪饜懏饜懓饜憪饜懞饜懄饜憴 饜憫 饜懃饜懙饜憹 饜憫 \"%B\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4623
+msgid ""
+"The source folder already exists in \"%B\". Merging will ask for "
+"confirmation before replacing any files in the folder that conflict with the "
+"files being moved."
+msgstr ""
+"饜憺 饜憰饜懝饜憰 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜懛饜懁饜懏饜懅饜憶饜懄 饜懅饜憭饜憻饜懄饜憰饜憫饜憰 饜懄饜懐 \"%B\". 饜懃饜懟饜憽饜懄饜憴 饜憿饜懄饜懁 饜懎饜憰饜憭 饜憮饜懝 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懠饜懃饜懕饜憱饜懇饜懐 饜憵饜懄饜憮饜懝 "
+"饜懏饜懄饜憪饜懁饜懕饜憰饜懄饜憴 饜懅饜懐饜懄 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜懄饜懐 饜憺 饜憮饜懘饜懁饜憶饜懠 饜憺饜懆饜憫 饜憭饜應饜懐饜憮饜懁饜懄饜憭饜憫 饜憿饜懄饜憺 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻 饜憵饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜憶."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4713
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error moving the file into %F."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懄饜懐饜憫饜懌 %F."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4973
+msgid "Moving Files"
+msgstr "饜懃饜懙饜憹饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:4990
+msgid "Creating links in \"%B\""
+msgstr "饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜憰 饜懄饜懐 \"%B\""
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5123
+msgid "Error while creating link to %B."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭 饜憫 %B."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5125
+msgid "Symbolic links only supported for local files"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懄饜懃饜憵饜應饜懁饜懄饜憭 饜懁饜懄饜憴饜憭饜憰 饜懘饜懐饜懁饜懄 饜憰饜懇饜憪饜懝饜憫饜懇饜憶 饜憮饜懝 饜懁饜懘饜憭饜懇饜懁 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5425
+msgid "Setting permissions"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懅饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憪饜懟饜懃饜懄饜憱饜應饜懐饜憻"
+#. localizers: the initial name of a new empty file
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5682
+msgid "new file"
+msgstr "饜懐饜懣 饜憮饜懖饜懁"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5830
+msgid "Error while creating directory %B."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 %B."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5832
+msgid "Error while creating file %B."
+msgstr "饜懟饜懠 饜憿饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憮饜懖饜懁 %B."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:5834
+#, c-format
+msgid "There was an error creating the directory in %F."
+msgstr "饜憺饜懞 饜憿饜應饜憻 饜懇饜懐 饜懟饜懠 饜憭饜懏饜懄饜懕饜憫饜懄饜憴 饜憺 饜憶饜懖饜懏饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懠饜懄 饜懄饜懐 %F."
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:6090
+msgid "Emptying Trash"
+msgstr "饜懅饜懃饜憪饜憫饜懓饜懄饜憴 饜憫饜懏饜懆饜憱"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:6137
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:6178
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:6213
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file-operations.c:6248
+msgid "Unable to mark launcher trusted (executable)"
+msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 路饜懃饜懜饜憭 饜懁饜應饜懐饜憲饜懟 饜憫饜懏饜懗饜憰饜憫饜懇饜憶 (饜懅饜憭饜憰饜懇饜憭饜懣饜憫饜懇饜憵饜懇饜懁)"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1210
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-vfs-file.c:381
+msgid "This file cannot be mounted"
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懃饜懍饜懐饜憫饜懇饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1262
+msgid "This file cannot be ejected"
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜懄饜憽饜懅饜憭饜憫饜懇饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1289
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-vfs-file.c:559
+msgid "This file cannot be started"
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜憫饜懜饜憫饜懇饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1341
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1372
+msgid "This file cannot be stopped"
+msgstr "饜憺饜懄饜憰 饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜憭饜懆饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憵饜懓 饜憰饜憫饜應饜憪饜憫"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1772
+#, c-format
+msgid "Slashes are not allowed in filenames"
+msgstr "饜憰饜懁饜懆饜憱饜懄饜憻 饜懜 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜懇饜懁饜懍饜憶 饜懄饜懐 饜憮饜懖饜懁饜懐饜懕饜懃饜憻"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1790
+#, c-format
+msgid "File not found"
+msgstr "饜憮饜懖饜懁 饜懐饜應饜憫 饜憮饜懍饜懐饜憶"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1841
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to rename desktop icon"
+msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜懖饜憭饜應饜懐"
+#: ../libnautilus-private/nautilus-file.c:1878
+#, c-format
+msgid "Unable to rename desktop file"
+msgstr "饜懗饜懐饜懕饜憵饜懇饜懁 饜憫 饜懏饜懓饜懐饜懕饜懃 饜憶饜懅饜憰饜憭饜憫饜應饜憪 饜憮饜懖饜懁"