Hacking on Nautilus ------------------- The Nautilus source tree is available from GNOME svn (svn.gnome.org) and in releases on the GNOME FTP site (http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/nautilus/). If you plan to hack on Nautilus, please make sure you work from the SVN version. The SVN version can be checked from the GNOME svn server. See http://developer.gnome.org/tools/svn.html for details on how to get started with GNOME SVN. If you want to contribute in development discussions, please send mail to the nautilus mailing list: . Archives and subscription information are available at http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/nautilus-list Submitting Patches ------------------ If you've been working on a change to Nautilus and want to propose it for inclusion, you have to generate a patch and submit it for review by the maintainers. Patches should be made with 'svn diff --diff-cmd diff -x -up >patch' and should conform to Nautilus coding style as described in docs/style-guide.html. We are pretty strict about coding style, so please make sure you follow the style guide to avoid unnecessary work on both sides when reviewing the patch. The best way to submit a patch for review is to post it on the mailing list. That way everyone sees it and can take part in the following discussion about it. Sometimes people also attach patches to bugs in bugzilla (http://bugzilla.gnome.org, product 'nautilus'). If you do this, please send a mail to the list saying you did so, because it is very easy for the bugzilla email to get lost in all the bugzilla reports, and only the people CCd on the bug can partake in the discussion. The Nautilus maintainers do their best to review patches and help developers that want to work on something, however we are often swamped in work and can miss an email or just forget to answer it. Don't be afraid of reposting your patches after a while, or poking us about the status of them. Also, if you're planning to do large changes, please take them up for discussion on the list first. If you get feedback early it is much easier to integrate it into your work.