* Metadata on a directory ** background image ** background color (can be a ramp) ** background ramp direction (h or v) ** position and size of window ** actions for "index view" ** Preferred view name * Metadata for an item ** position of icon gnomad had bounding box (x, y, width, height) ** width and height of icon (allows stretching each icon) ** image URL for icon (overrides the default) ** list of images / parameterized image for icon that looks different at different zoom levels ** user level at which the item becomes visible (it's invisible at lower user levels) ** list of keywords that item has been tagged with (includes things like "archived") ** notes ** vault path for use in vault synchronization ** last known fingerprint (MD5 sum) for use in vault synchronization ** flag that specifies a particular item is non-draggable ** Media files *** Title *** Artist *** Cover image * Global prefs ** Current user level ** Open-in-new-window