Adding Mime-Type Sensitive Context Menus to Nautilus November 10, 2002 James Willcox Ok, this is how it works: 1) User selects one or more files in the icon or list view 2) Nautilus queries bonobo-activation for all components that have the following properties: a) Has an attribute named "nautilus:context_menu_handler", which is a boolean. b) Has an attribute named "nautilus:can_handle_multiple_files", which is also a boolean (I think its meaning is self explanatory) c) Implements IDL:Bonobo/Listener:1.0 Also, the normal nautilus component selection rules apply here, so it will look at it bonobo:supported_mime_types, bonobo:supported_uri_schemes, etc. as well. 3) Then, we look at each component, and find all attributes that start with "nautilusverb:". The part following the colon will be the event name that gets passed to Bonobo::Listener::event(). The value of this attribute is the text that should be displayed in the menu item. So, you might have something like the following for unpacking an archive: If the component has "nauitlus:can_handle_multiple_files" set to false, the item will still be displayed when multiple files are selected, but it will be insensitive. When the user clicks the menu item, nautilus activates the component, and invoked Bonobo::Listener::event() on it, passing the event name and a CORBA sequence of the selected URIs as the args.