/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- nautilus-directory.c: Nautilus directory model. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Eazel, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Darin Adler */ #include "nautilus-file.h" #include "nautilus-directory.h" #include #define NAUTILUS_FILE_TOP_LEFT_TEXT_MAXIMUM_CHARACTERS_PER_LINE 80 #define NAUTILUS_FILE_TOP_LEFT_TEXT_MAXIMUM_LINES 24 #define NAUTILUS_FILE_TOP_LEFT_TEXT_MAXIMUM_BYTES 10000 /* These are in the typical sort order. Known things come first, then * things where we can't know, finally things where we don't yet know. */ typedef enum { KNOWN, UNKNOWABLE, UNKNOWN } Knowledge; typedef struct { int automatic_emblems_as_integer; char emblem_keywords[1]; } NautilusFileSortByEmblemCache; struct NautilusFileDetails { NautilusDirectory *directory; char *relative_uri; /* Set by the NautilusDirectory while it's loading the file * list so the file knows not to do redundant I/O. */ GnomeVFSFileInfo *info; GnomeVFSResult get_info_error; guint directory_count; guint deep_directory_count; guint deep_file_count; guint deep_unreadable_count; GnomeVFSFileSize deep_size; GList *mime_list; /* If this is a directory, the list of MIME types in it. */ char *top_left_text; char *activation_uri; /* The following is for file operations in progress. Since * there are normally only a few of these, we can move them to * a separate hash table or something if required to keep the * file objects small. */ GList *operations_in_progress; /* We use this to cache automatic emblems and emblem keywords to speed up compare_by_emblems. */ NautilusFileSortByEmblemCache *compare_by_emblem_cache; /* boolean fields: bitfield to save space, since there can be many NautilusFile objects. */ eel_boolean_bit unconfirmed : 1; eel_boolean_bit is_gone : 1; eel_boolean_bit loading_directory : 1; /* got_info known from info field being non-NULL */ eel_boolean_bit get_info_failed : 1; eel_boolean_bit file_info_is_up_to_date : 1; eel_boolean_bit got_directory_count : 1; eel_boolean_bit directory_count_failed : 1; eel_boolean_bit directory_count_is_up_to_date : 1; NautilusRequestStatus deep_counts_status : 2; /* no deep_counts_are_up_to_date field; since we expose intermediate values for this attribute, we do actually forget it rather than invalidating. */ eel_boolean_bit got_mime_list : 1; eel_boolean_bit mime_list_failed : 1; eel_boolean_bit mime_list_is_up_to_date : 1; eel_boolean_bit got_top_left_text : 1; eel_boolean_bit top_left_text_is_up_to_date : 1; eel_boolean_bit got_activation_uri : 1; eel_boolean_bit activation_uri_is_up_to_date : 1; }; NautilusFile *nautilus_file_new_from_info (NautilusDirectory *directory, GnomeVFSFileInfo *info); NautilusFile *nautilus_file_get_existing (const char *uri); void nautilus_file_emit_changed (NautilusFile *file); void nautilus_file_mark_gone (NautilusFile *file); gboolean nautilus_file_info_missing (NautilusFile *file, GnomeVFSFileInfoFields needed_mask); char * nautilus_extract_top_left_text (const char *text, int length); void nautilus_file_set_directory (NautilusFile *file, NautilusDirectory *directory); gboolean nautilus_file_get_date (NautilusFile *file, NautilusDateType date_type, time_t *date); void nautilus_file_updated_deep_count_in_progress (NautilusFile *file); /* Compare file's state with a fresh file info struct, return FALSE if * no change, update file and return TRUE if the file info contains * new state. */ gboolean nautilus_file_update_info (NautilusFile *file, GnomeVFSFileInfo *info); gboolean nautilus_file_update_name (NautilusFile *file, const char *name); /* Return true if the top lefts of files in this directory should be * fetched, according to the preference settings. */ gboolean nautilus_file_should_get_top_left_text (NautilusFile *file); /* Mark specified attributes for this file out of date without canceling current * I/O or kicking off new I/O. */ void nautilus_file_invalidate_attributes_internal (NautilusFile *file, GList *file_attributes); GList * nautilus_file_get_all_attributes (void); gboolean nautilus_file_is_self_owned (NautilusFile *file);