/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- nautilus-directory.c: Nautilus directory model. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Eazel, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Darin Adler */ #include #include "nautilus-directory-private.h" #include "nautilus-directory-metafile.h" #include "nautilus-directory-notify.h" #include "nautilus-file-private.h" #include "nautilus-file-utilities.h" #include "nautilus-glib-extensions.h" #include "nautilus-global-preferences.h" #include "nautilus-gtk-macros.h" #include "nautilus-lib-self-check-functions.h" #include "nautilus-metadata.h" #include "nautilus-string.h" #include "nautilus-trash-directory.h" #include "nautilus-vfs-directory.h" #include "nautilus-wait-until-ready.h" #include #include #include enum { FILES_ADDED, FILES_CHANGED, DONE_LOADING, LAST_SIGNAL }; static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL]; /* Specifications for in-directory metafile. */ #define METAFILE_NAME ".nautilus-metafile.xml" /* Specifications for parallel-directory metafile. */ #define METAFILES_DIRECTORY_NAME "metafiles" #define METAFILE_SUFFIX ".xml" #define METAFILES_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS \ (GNOME_VFS_PERM_USER_ALL \ | GNOME_VFS_PERM_GROUP_ALL \ | GNOME_VFS_PERM_OTHER_ALL) static GHashTable *directories; static void nautilus_directory_destroy (GtkObject *object); static void nautilus_directory_initialize (gpointer object, gpointer klass); static void nautilus_directory_initialize_class (NautilusDirectoryClass *klass); static NautilusDirectory *nautilus_directory_new (const char *uri); static char *real_get_name_for_self_as_new_file (NautilusDirectory *directory); NAUTILUS_DEFINE_CLASS_BOILERPLATE (NautilusDirectory, nautilus_directory, GTK_TYPE_OBJECT) static void nautilus_directory_initialize_class (NautilusDirectoryClass *klass) { GtkObjectClass *object_class; object_class = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->destroy = nautilus_directory_destroy; signals[FILES_ADDED] = gtk_signal_new ("files_added", GTK_RUN_LAST, object_class->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (NautilusDirectoryClass, files_added), gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_POINTER); signals[FILES_CHANGED] = gtk_signal_new ("files_changed", GTK_RUN_LAST, object_class->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (NautilusDirectoryClass, files_changed), gtk_marshal_NONE__POINTER, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 1, GTK_TYPE_POINTER); signals[DONE_LOADING] = gtk_signal_new ("done_loading", GTK_RUN_LAST, object_class->type, GTK_SIGNAL_OFFSET (NautilusDirectoryClass, done_loading), gtk_marshal_NONE__NONE, GTK_TYPE_NONE, 0); gtk_object_class_add_signals (object_class, signals, LAST_SIGNAL); klass->get_name_for_self_as_new_file = real_get_name_for_self_as_new_file; } static void nautilus_directory_initialize (gpointer object, gpointer klass) { NautilusDirectory *directory; directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY(object); directory->details = g_new0 (NautilusDirectoryDetails, 1); directory->details->file_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); } void nautilus_directory_ref (NautilusDirectory *directory) { if (directory == NULL) { return; } g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (directory)); } void nautilus_directory_unref (NautilusDirectory *directory) { if (directory == NULL) { return; } g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT (directory)); } static void nautilus_directory_destroy (GtkObject *object) { NautilusDirectory *directory; directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (object); g_assert (directory->details->metafile_write_state == NULL); nautilus_directory_cancel (directory); g_assert (directory->details->metafile_read_state == NULL); g_assert (directory->details->count_in_progress == NULL); g_assert (directory->details->top_left_read_state == NULL); if (directory->details->monitor_list != NULL) { g_warning ("destroying a NautilusDirectory while it's being monitored"); nautilus_g_list_free_deep (directory->details->monitor_list); } g_hash_table_remove (directories, directory->details->uri); if (directory->details->dequeue_pending_idle_id != 0) { gtk_idle_remove (directory->details->dequeue_pending_idle_id); } g_free (directory->details->uri); if (directory->details->private_metafile_vfs_uri != NULL) { gnome_vfs_uri_unref (directory->details->private_metafile_vfs_uri); } if (directory->details->vfs_uri != NULL) { gnome_vfs_uri_unref (directory->details->vfs_uri); } if (directory->details->public_metafile_vfs_uri != NULL) { gnome_vfs_uri_unref (directory->details->public_metafile_vfs_uri); } g_assert (directory->details->file_list == NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (directory->details->file_hash); nautilus_directory_metafile_destroy (directory); g_assert (directory->details->directory_load_in_progress == NULL); g_assert (directory->details->count_in_progress == NULL); g_assert (directory->details->dequeue_pending_idle_id == 0); gnome_vfs_file_info_list_unref (directory->details->pending_file_info); g_assert (directory->details->write_metafile_idle_id == 0); g_free (directory->details); NAUTILUS_CALL_PARENT_CLASS (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS, destroy, (object)); } static void invalidate_one_count (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { NautilusDirectory *directory; g_assert (key != NULL); g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (value)); g_assert (user_data == NULL); directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (value); nautilus_directory_invalidate_counts (directory); } static void filtering_changed_callback (gpointer callback_data) { g_assert (callback_data == NULL); /* Preference about which items to show has changed, so we * can't trust any of our precomputed directory counts. */ g_hash_table_foreach (directories, invalidate_one_count, NULL); } static void add_filtering_callbacks (void) { nautilus_preferences_add_callback (NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES, filtering_changed_callback, NULL); nautilus_preferences_add_callback (NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_SHOW_BACKUP_FILES, filtering_changed_callback, NULL); } static void remove_filtering_callbacks (void) { nautilus_preferences_remove_callback (NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES, filtering_changed_callback, NULL); nautilus_preferences_remove_callback (NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_SHOW_BACKUP_FILES, filtering_changed_callback, NULL); } static char * nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical (const char *uri) { char *canonical_maybe_trailing_slash; char *canonical; char *with_slashes; size_t length; canonical_maybe_trailing_slash = nautilus_make_uri_canonical (uri); /* To NautilusDirectory, a uri with or without a trailing * / is equivalent. This is necessary to prevent separate * NautilusDirectories for the same location from being * created. (See bugzilla.eazel.com 3322 for an example.) */ canonical = nautilus_str_strip_trailing_chr (canonical_maybe_trailing_slash, '/'); if (strcmp (canonical, canonical_maybe_trailing_slash) != 0) { /* If some trailing '/' were stripped, there's the possibility, * that we stripped away all the '/' from a uri that has only * '/' characters. If you change this code, check to make sure * that "file:///" still works as a URI. */ length = strlen (canonical); if (length == 0 || canonical[length - 1] == ':') { with_slashes = g_strconcat (canonical, "///", NULL); g_free (canonical); canonical = with_slashes; } } g_free (canonical_maybe_trailing_slash); return canonical; } /** * nautilus_directory_get: * @uri: URI of directory to get. * * Get a directory given a uri. * Creates the appropriate subclass given the uri mappings. * Returns a referenced object, not a floating one. Unref when finished. * If two windows are viewing the same uri, the directory object is shared. */ NautilusDirectory * nautilus_directory_get_internal (const char *uri, gboolean create) { char *canonical_uri; NautilusDirectory *directory; if (uri == NULL) { return NULL; } canonical_uri = nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical (uri); /* Create the hash table first time through. */ if (directories == NULL) { directories = nautilus_g_hash_table_new_free_at_exit (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, "nautilus-directory.c: directories"); add_filtering_callbacks (); g_atexit (remove_filtering_callbacks); } /* If the object is already in the hash table, look it up. */ g_assert (nautilus_uri_is_canonical_uri (canonical_uri)); directory = g_hash_table_lookup (directories, canonical_uri); if (directory != NULL) { nautilus_directory_ref (directory); } else if (create) { /* Create a new directory object instead. */ directory = nautilus_directory_new (canonical_uri); if (directory == NULL) { return NULL; } g_assert (strcmp (directory->details->uri, canonical_uri) == 0); /* Put it in the hash table. */ g_hash_table_insert (directories, directory->details->uri, directory); } g_free (canonical_uri); return directory; } NautilusDirectory * nautilus_directory_get (const char *uri) { return nautilus_directory_get_internal (uri, TRUE); } static NautilusDirectory * nautilus_directory_get_existing (const char *uri) { return nautilus_directory_get_internal (uri, FALSE); } /* Returns a reffed NautilusFile object for this directory. */ NautilusFile * nautilus_directory_get_corresponding_file (NautilusDirectory *directory) { NautilusFile *file; file = nautilus_directory_get_existing_corresponding_file (directory); if (file == NULL) { file = nautilus_file_get (directory->details->uri); } return file; } /* Returns a reffed NautilusFile object for this directory, but only if the * NautilusFile object has already been created. */ NautilusFile * nautilus_directory_get_existing_corresponding_file (NautilusDirectory *directory) { NautilusFile *file; file = directory->details->as_file; if (file != NULL) { nautilus_file_ref (file); return file; } return nautilus_file_get_existing (directory->details->uri); } /* nautilus_directory_get_name_for_self_as_new_file: * * Get a name to display for the file representing this * directory. This is called only when there's no VFS * directory for this NautilusDirectory. */ char * nautilus_directory_get_name_for_self_as_new_file (NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), NULL); return NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, get_name_for_self_as_new_file, (directory)); } static char * real_get_name_for_self_as_new_file (NautilusDirectory *directory) { const char *directory_uri; char *name, *colon; directory_uri = directory->details->uri; colon = strchr (directory_uri, ':'); if (colon == NULL) { name = g_strdup (directory_uri); } else { name = g_strndup (directory_uri, colon - directory_uri); } return name; } char * nautilus_directory_get_uri (NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), NULL); return g_strdup (directory->details->uri); } static GnomeVFSURI * construct_private_metafile_vfs_uri (const char *uri) { GnomeVFSResult result; char *user_directory; GnomeVFSURI *user_directory_uri, *metafiles_directory_uri, *alternate_uri; char *escaped_uri, *file_name; /* Ensure that the metafiles directory exists. */ user_directory = nautilus_get_user_directory (); user_directory_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (user_directory); g_free (user_directory); metafiles_directory_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_append_file_name (user_directory_uri, METAFILES_DIRECTORY_NAME); gnome_vfs_uri_unref (user_directory_uri); result = nautilus_make_directory_and_parents (metafiles_directory_uri, METAFILES_DIRECTORY_PERMISSIONS); if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK && result != GNOME_VFS_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) { gnome_vfs_uri_unref (metafiles_directory_uri); return NULL; } /* Construct a file name from the URI. */ escaped_uri = gnome_vfs_escape_slashes (uri); file_name = g_strconcat (escaped_uri, ".xml", NULL); g_free (escaped_uri); /* Construct a URI for something in the "metafiles" directory. */ alternate_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_append_file_name (metafiles_directory_uri, file_name); gnome_vfs_uri_unref (metafiles_directory_uri); g_free (file_name); return alternate_uri; } static NautilusDirectory * nautilus_directory_new (const char *uri) { NautilusDirectory *directory; GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri; g_assert (uri != NULL); if (nautilus_uri_is_trash (uri)) { directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (gtk_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_TRASH_DIRECTORY, NULL)); } else { directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (gtk_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_VFS_DIRECTORY, NULL)); } gtk_object_ref (GTK_OBJECT (directory)); gtk_object_sink (GTK_OBJECT (directory)); directory->details->uri = g_strdup (uri); directory->details->private_metafile_vfs_uri = construct_private_metafile_vfs_uri (uri); vfs_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (uri); directory->details->vfs_uri = vfs_uri; directory->details->public_metafile_vfs_uri = vfs_uri == NULL ? NULL : gnome_vfs_uri_append_file_name (vfs_uri, METAFILE_NAME); return directory; } gboolean nautilus_directory_is_local (NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), FALSE); if (directory->details->vfs_uri == NULL) { return TRUE; } return gnome_vfs_uri_is_local (directory->details->vfs_uri); } gboolean nautilus_directory_are_all_files_seen (NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), FALSE); return NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, are_all_files_seen, (directory)); } static void add_to_hash_table (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file, GList *node) { g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (g_hash_table_lookup (directory->details->file_hash, file->details->name) == NULL); g_hash_table_insert (directory->details->file_hash, file->details->name, node); } static GList * extract_from_hash_table (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { char *name; GList *node; name = file->details->name; if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Find the list node in the hash table. */ node = g_hash_table_lookup (directory->details->file_hash, name); g_hash_table_remove (directory->details->file_hash, name); return node; } void nautilus_directory_add_file (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { GList *node; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_FILE (file)); g_assert (file->details->name != NULL); /* Add to list. */ node = g_list_prepend (directory->details->file_list, file); directory->details->file_list = node; /* Add to hash table. */ add_to_hash_table (directory, file, node); /* Ref if we are monitoring. */ if (nautilus_directory_is_file_list_monitored (directory)) { nautilus_file_ref (file); } } void nautilus_directory_remove_file (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { GList *node; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_FILE (file)); g_assert (file->details->name != NULL); /* Find the list node in the hash table. */ node = extract_from_hash_table (directory, file); g_assert (node != NULL); g_assert (node->data == file); /* Remove the item from the list. */ directory->details->file_list = g_list_remove_link (directory->details->file_list, node); g_list_free_1 (node); /* Unref if we are monitoring. */ if (nautilus_directory_is_file_list_monitored (directory)) { nautilus_file_unref (file); } } GList * nautilus_directory_begin_file_name_change (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { /* Find the list node in the hash table. */ return extract_from_hash_table (directory, file); } void nautilus_directory_end_file_name_change (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file, GList *node) { /* Add the list node to the hash table. */ if (node != NULL) { add_to_hash_table (directory, file, node); } } NautilusFile * nautilus_directory_find_file (NautilusDirectory *directory, const char *name) { GList *node; g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); node = g_hash_table_lookup (directory->details->file_hash, name); return node == NULL ? NULL : NAUTILUS_FILE (node->data); } void nautilus_directory_emit_files_added (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *added_files) { if (added_files != NULL) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (directory), signals[FILES_ADDED], added_files); } } void nautilus_directory_emit_files_changed (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *changed_files) { if (changed_files != NULL) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (directory), signals[FILES_CHANGED], changed_files); } } void nautilus_directory_emit_change_signals_deep (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *changed_files) { GList *p; for (p = changed_files; p != NULL; p = p->next) { nautilus_file_emit_changed (p->data); } nautilus_directory_emit_files_changed (directory, changed_files); } void nautilus_directory_emit_metadata_changed (NautilusDirectory *directory) { /* Say that all the files have changed. * We could optimize this to only mention files that * have metadata, but this is a fine rough cut for now. */ nautilus_directory_emit_change_signals_deep (directory, directory->details->file_list); } void nautilus_directory_emit_done_loading (NautilusDirectory *directory) { gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (directory), signals[DONE_LOADING]); } static char * uri_get_directory_part (const char *uri) { GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri, *directory_vfs_uri; char *directory_uri; /* Make VFS version of URI. */ vfs_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (uri); if (vfs_uri == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Make VFS version of directory URI. */ directory_vfs_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_get_parent (vfs_uri); gnome_vfs_uri_unref (vfs_uri); if (directory_vfs_uri == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Make text version of directory URI. */ directory_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_to_string (directory_vfs_uri, GNOME_VFS_URI_HIDE_NONE); gnome_vfs_uri_unref (directory_vfs_uri); return directory_uri; } /* Return a directory object for this one's parent. */ static NautilusDirectory * get_parent_directory (const char *uri) { char *directory_uri; NautilusDirectory *directory; directory_uri = uri_get_directory_part (uri); directory = nautilus_directory_get (directory_uri); g_free (directory_uri); return directory; } /* If a directory object exists for this one's parent, then * return it, otherwise return NULL. */ static NautilusDirectory * get_parent_directory_if_exists (const char *uri) { char *directory_uri; NautilusDirectory *directory; /* Make text version of directory URI. */ directory_uri = uri_get_directory_part (uri); directory = nautilus_directory_get_existing (directory_uri); g_free (directory_uri); return directory; } static void hash_table_list_prepend (GHashTable *table, gconstpointer key, gpointer data) { GList *list; list = g_hash_table_lookup (table, key); list = g_list_prepend (list, data); g_hash_table_insert (table, (gpointer) key, list); } static void call_files_added_free_list (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (key)); g_assert (value != NULL); g_assert (user_data == NULL); gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (key), signals[FILES_ADDED], value); g_list_free (value); } static void call_files_changed_free_list (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (key)); g_assert (value != NULL); g_assert (user_data == NULL); nautilus_directory_emit_change_signals_deep (key, value); g_list_free (value); } static void call_files_changed_unref_free_list (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (key)); g_assert (value != NULL); g_assert (user_data == NULL); nautilus_directory_emit_change_signals_deep (key, value); nautilus_file_list_free (value); } static void call_get_file_info_free_list (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (key)); g_assert (value != NULL); g_assert (user_data == NULL); nautilus_directory_get_info_for_new_files (key, value); gnome_vfs_uri_list_free (value); } static void invalidate_count_and_unref (gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer user_data) { NautilusDirectory *directory; g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (key)); g_assert (value == key); g_assert (user_data == NULL); directory = NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY (key); nautilus_directory_invalidate_counts (directory); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); } static void collect_parent_directories (GHashTable *hash_table, NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_assert (hash_table != NULL); g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); if (g_hash_table_lookup (hash_table, directory) == NULL) { nautilus_directory_ref (directory); g_hash_table_insert (hash_table, directory, directory); } } void nautilus_directory_notify_files_added (GList *uris) { GHashTable *added_lists; GList *p; NautilusDirectory *directory; GHashTable *parent_directories; const char *uri; GnomeVFSURI *vfs_uri; /* Make a list of added files in each directory. */ added_lists = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* Make a list of parent directories that will need their counts updated. */ parent_directories = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); for (p = uris; p != NULL; p = p->next) { uri = (const char *) p->data; /* See if the directory is already known. */ directory = get_parent_directory_if_exists (uri); if (directory == NULL) { continue; } collect_parent_directories (parent_directories, directory); /* If no one is monitoring files in the directory, nothing to do. */ if (!nautilus_directory_is_file_list_monitored (directory)) { nautilus_directory_unref (directory); continue; } /* Collect the URIs to use. */ vfs_uri = gnome_vfs_uri_new (uri); if (vfs_uri == NULL) { nautilus_directory_unref (directory); g_warning ("bad uri %s", uri); continue; } hash_table_list_prepend (added_lists, directory, vfs_uri); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); } /* Now get file info for the new files. This creates NautilusFile * objects for the new files, and sends out a files_added signal. */ g_hash_table_foreach (added_lists, call_get_file_info_free_list, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (added_lists); /* Invalidate count for each parent directory. */ g_hash_table_foreach (parent_directories, invalidate_count_and_unref, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (parent_directories); } void nautilus_directory_notify_files_removed (GList *uris) { GHashTable *changed_lists; GList *p; NautilusDirectory *directory; GHashTable *parent_directories; const char *uri; NautilusFile *file; /* Make a list of changed files in each directory. */ changed_lists = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* Make a list of parent directories that will need their counts updated. */ parent_directories = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); /* Go through all the notifications. */ for (p = uris; p != NULL; p = p->next) { uri = (const char *) p->data; /* Update file count for parent directory if anyone might care. */ directory = get_parent_directory_if_exists (uri); if (directory != NULL) { collect_parent_directories (parent_directories, directory); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); } /* Find the file. */ file = nautilus_file_get_existing (uri); if (file != NULL) { /* Mark it gone and prepare to send the changed signal. */ nautilus_file_mark_gone (file); hash_table_list_prepend (changed_lists, file->details->directory, file); } } /* Now send out the changed signals. */ g_hash_table_foreach (changed_lists, call_files_changed_unref_free_list, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (changed_lists); /* Invalidate count for each parent directory. */ g_hash_table_foreach (parent_directories, invalidate_count_and_unref, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (parent_directories); } void nautilus_directory_notify_files_moved (GList *uri_pairs) { GList *p; URIPair *pair; NautilusFile *file; NautilusDirectory *old_directory, *new_directory; GHashTable *parent_directories; GList *new_files_list, *unref_list; GHashTable *added_lists, *changed_lists; char *name; /* Make a list of added and changed files in each directory. */ new_files_list = NULL; added_lists = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); changed_lists = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); unref_list = NULL; /* Make a list of parent directories that will need their counts updated. */ parent_directories = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal); for (p = uri_pairs; p != NULL; p = p->next) { pair = p->data; /* Handle overwriting a file. */ file = nautilus_file_get_existing (pair->to_uri); if (file != NULL) { /* Mark it gone and prepare to send the changed signal. */ nautilus_file_mark_gone (file); new_directory = file->details->directory; hash_table_list_prepend (changed_lists, new_directory, file); collect_parent_directories (parent_directories, new_directory); } /* Move an existing file. */ file = nautilus_file_get_existing (pair->from_uri); if (file == NULL) { /* Handle this as if it was a new file. */ new_files_list = g_list_prepend (new_files_list, pair->to_uri); } else { /* Handle notification in the old directory. */ old_directory = file->details->directory; hash_table_list_prepend (changed_lists, old_directory, file); collect_parent_directories (parent_directories, old_directory); /* Locate the new directory. */ new_directory = get_parent_directory (pair->to_uri); g_assert (new_directory != NULL); collect_parent_directories (parent_directories, new_directory); /* Point the file at the new directory. * We already have a ref to it from the get_parent_directory * function so we don't have to ref. We do have to unref * the old directory, but we better not do that before * the code below runs. */ file->details->directory = new_directory; /* If the file is moving between directories, * there is more to do. */ if (new_directory != old_directory) { /* Remove from old directory. */ nautilus_directory_remove_file (old_directory, file); /* Update the name. */ name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (pair->to_uri); nautilus_file_update_name (file, name); g_free (name); /* Add to new directory. */ nautilus_directory_add_file (new_directory, file); /* Handle notification in the new directory. */ hash_table_list_prepend (added_lists, new_directory, file); } /* Done with the old directory. */ nautilus_directory_unref (old_directory); /* Unref each file once to balance out nautilus_file_get. */ unref_list = g_list_prepend (unref_list, file); } } /* Now send out the changed and added signals for existing file objects. */ g_hash_table_foreach (changed_lists, call_files_changed_free_list, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (changed_lists); g_hash_table_foreach (added_lists, call_files_added_free_list, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (added_lists); /* Let the file objects go. */ nautilus_file_list_free (unref_list); /* Invalidate count for each parent directory. */ g_hash_table_foreach (parent_directories, invalidate_count_and_unref, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy (parent_directories); /* Separate handling for brand new file objects. */ nautilus_directory_notify_files_added (new_files_list); g_list_free (new_files_list); } void nautilus_directory_schedule_metadata_copy (GList *uri_pairs) { GList *p; URIPair *pair; NautilusDirectory *source_directory, *destination_directory; char *source_file_name, *destination_file_name; for (p = uri_pairs; p != NULL; p = p->next) { pair = (URIPair *) p->data; source_directory = get_parent_directory (pair->from_uri); destination_directory = get_parent_directory (pair->to_uri); source_file_name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (pair->from_uri); destination_file_name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (pair->to_uri); nautilus_directory_copy_file_metadata (source_directory, source_file_name, destination_directory, destination_file_name); g_free (destination_file_name); g_free (source_file_name); nautilus_directory_unref (source_directory); nautilus_directory_unref (destination_directory); } } void nautilus_directory_schedule_metadata_move (GList *uri_pairs) { GList *p; URIPair *pair; NautilusDirectory *source_directory, *destination_directory; char *source_file_name, *destination_file_name; for (p = uri_pairs; p != NULL; p = p->next) { pair = (URIPair *) p->data; source_directory = get_parent_directory (pair->from_uri); destination_directory = get_parent_directory (pair->to_uri); source_file_name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (pair->from_uri); destination_file_name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (pair->to_uri); nautilus_directory_copy_file_metadata (source_directory, source_file_name, destination_directory, destination_file_name); nautilus_directory_remove_file_metadata (source_directory, source_file_name); g_free (destination_file_name); g_free (source_file_name); nautilus_directory_unref (source_directory); nautilus_directory_unref (destination_directory); } } void nautilus_directory_schedule_metadata_remove (GList *uris) { GList *p; const char *uri; NautilusDirectory *directory; char *file_name; for (p = uris; p != NULL; p = p->next) { uri = (const char *) p->data; directory = get_parent_directory (uri); file_name = nautilus_uri_get_basename (uri); nautilus_directory_remove_file_metadata (directory, file_name); g_free (file_name); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); } } void nautilus_directory_schedule_position_setting (GList *position_setting_list) { GList *p; const NautilusFileChangesQueuePositionSetting *item; NautilusFile *file; char *position_string; for (p = position_setting_list; p != NULL; p = p->next) { item = (const NautilusFileChangesQueuePositionSetting *) p->data; file = nautilus_file_get (item->uri); position_string = g_strdup_printf ("%d,%d", item->point.x, item->point.y); nautilus_file_set_metadata (file, NAUTILUS_METADATA_KEY_ICON_POSITION, NULL, position_string); g_free (position_string); nautilus_file_unref (file); } } gboolean nautilus_directory_contains_file (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusFile *file) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_FILE (file), FALSE); if (nautilus_file_is_gone (file)) { return FALSE; } return NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, contains_file, (directory, file)); } void nautilus_directory_call_when_ready (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *file_attributes, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, call_when_ready, (directory, file_attributes, callback, callback_data)); } void nautilus_directory_cancel_callback (NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusDirectoryCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_return_if_fail (callback != NULL); NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, cancel_callback, (directory, callback, callback_data)); } void nautilus_directory_file_monitor_add (NautilusDirectory *directory, gconstpointer client, GList *file_attributes, gboolean force_reload) { g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_return_if_fail (client != NULL); NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, file_monitor_add, (directory, client, file_attributes, force_reload)); } void nautilus_directory_file_monitor_remove (NautilusDirectory *directory, gconstpointer client) { g_return_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_return_if_fail (client != NULL); NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, file_monitor_remove, (directory, client)); } gboolean nautilus_directory_is_not_empty (NautilusDirectory *directory) { g_return_val_if_fail (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory), FALSE); return NAUTILUS_CALL_VIRTUAL (NAUTILUS_DIRECTORY_CLASS, directory, is_not_empty, (directory)); } #if !defined (NAUTILUS_OMIT_SELF_CHECK) #include "nautilus-debug.h" #include "nautilus-file-attributes.h" static int data_dummy; static gboolean got_metadata_flag; static gboolean got_files_flag; static void got_metadata_callback (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *files, gpointer callback_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_assert (callback_data == &data_dummy); got_metadata_flag = TRUE; } static void got_files_callback (NautilusDirectory *directory, GList *files, gpointer callback_data) { g_assert (NAUTILUS_IS_DIRECTORY (directory)); g_assert (g_list_length (files) > 10); g_assert (callback_data == &data_dummy); got_files_flag = TRUE; } /* Return the number of extant NautilusDirectories */ int nautilus_directory_number_outstanding (void) { return directories ? g_hash_table_size (directories) : 0; } void nautilus_self_check_directory (void) { NautilusDirectory *directory; NautilusFile *file; GList *attributes; directory = nautilus_directory_get ("file:///etc"); file = nautilus_file_get ("file:///etc/passwd"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (g_hash_table_size (directories), 1); nautilus_directory_file_monitor_add (directory, &data_dummy, NULL, FALSE); got_metadata_flag = FALSE; attributes = g_list_append (NULL, NAUTILUS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_METADATA); nautilus_directory_call_when_ready (directory, attributes, got_metadata_callback, &data_dummy); g_list_free (attributes); while (!got_metadata_flag) { gtk_main_iteration (); } nautilus_file_set_metadata (file, "TEST", "default", "value"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_metadata (file, "TEST", "default"), "value"); nautilus_file_set_boolean_metadata (file, "TEST_BOOLEAN", TRUE, TRUE); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_boolean_metadata (file, "TEST_BOOLEAN", TRUE), TRUE); nautilus_file_set_boolean_metadata (file, "TEST_BOOLEAN", TRUE, FALSE); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_boolean_metadata (file, "TEST_BOOLEAN", TRUE), FALSE); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_boolean_metadata (NULL, "TEST_BOOLEAN", TRUE), TRUE); nautilus_file_set_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 0, 17); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 0), 17); nautilus_file_set_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 0, -1); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 0), -1); nautilus_file_set_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 42, 42); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_integer_metadata (file, "TEST_INTEGER", 42), 42); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_integer_metadata (NULL, "TEST_INTEGER", 42), 42); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_integer_metadata (file, "NONEXISTENT_KEY", 42), 42); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_directory_get ("file:///etc") == directory, TRUE); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_directory_get ("file:///etc/") == directory, TRUE); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (nautilus_directory_get ("file:///etc////") == directory, TRUE); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); nautilus_file_unref (file); nautilus_directory_file_monitor_remove (directory, &data_dummy); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); while (g_hash_table_size (directories) != 0) { gtk_main_iteration (); } NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (g_hash_table_size (directories), 0); directory = nautilus_directory_get ("file:///etc"); got_metadata_flag = FALSE; attributes = g_list_append (NULL, NAUTILUS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_METADATA); nautilus_directory_call_when_ready (directory, attributes, got_metadata_callback, &data_dummy); g_list_free (attributes); while (!got_metadata_flag) { gtk_main_iteration (); } NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (directory->details->metafile != NULL, TRUE); got_files_flag = FALSE; attributes = g_list_prepend (NULL, NAUTILUS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_MIME_TYPE); attributes = g_list_prepend (attributes, NAUTILUS_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEEP_COUNTS); nautilus_directory_call_when_ready (directory, attributes, got_files_callback, &data_dummy); g_list_free (attributes); while (!got_files_flag) { gtk_main_iteration (); } NAUTILUS_CHECK_BOOLEAN_RESULT (directory->details->file_list == NULL, TRUE); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (g_hash_table_size (directories), 1); file = nautilus_file_get ("file:///etc/passwd"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_file_get_metadata (file, "TEST", "default"), "value"); nautilus_file_unref (file); nautilus_directory_unref (directory); NAUTILUS_CHECK_INTEGER_RESULT (g_hash_table_size (directories), 0); /* escape_slashes: code is now in gnome-vfs, but lets keep the tests here for now */ NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes (""), ""); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("a"), "a"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("/"), "%2F"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("%"), "%25"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("a/a"), "a%2Fa"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("a%a"), "a%25a"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("%25"), "%2525"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (gnome_vfs_escape_slashes ("%2F"), "%252F"); /* nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical */ NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical (""), "file:"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("file:/"), "file:///"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("file:///"), "file:///"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("TRASH:XXX"), "trash:"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("trash:xxx"), "trash:"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("GNOME-TRASH:XXX"), "trash:"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("gnome-trash:xxx"), "trash:"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("file:///home/mathieu/"), "file:///home/mathieu"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("file:///home/mathieu"), "file:///home/mathieu"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("ftp://mathieu:password@le-hackeur.org"), "ftp://mathieu:password@le-hackeur.org"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("ftp://mathieu:password@le-hackeur.org/"), "ftp://mathieu:password@le-hackeur.org"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("http://le-hackeur.org"), "http://le-hackeur.org"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("http://le-hackeur.org/"), "http://le-hackeur.org"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("http://le-hackeur.org/dir"), "http://le-hackeur.org/dir"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("http://le-hackeur.org/dir/"), "http://le-hackeur.org/dir"); NAUTILUS_CHECK_STRING_RESULT (nautilus_directory_make_uri_canonical ("search://[file://]file_name contains stuff"), "search://[file://]file_name contains stuff"); } #endif /* !NAUTILUS_OMIT_SELF_CHECK */