/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- nautilus-string.h: String routines to augment . Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Authors: Darin Adler */ #ifndef NAUTILUS_STRING_H #define NAUTILUS_STRING_H #include #include /* We use the "str" abbrevation to mean char * string, since * "string" usually means g_string instead. We use the "istr" * abbreviation to mean a case-insensitive char *. */ /* NULL is allowed for all the str parameters to these functions. */ /* Versions of basic string functions that allow NULL, and handle * cases that the standard ones get a bit wrong for our purposes. */ size_t nautilus_strlen (const char *str); char * nautilus_strchr (const char *haystack, char needle); int nautilus_strcmp (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); int nautilus_strcoll (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); int nautilus_strcasecmp (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); int nautilus_strcmp_case_breaks_ties (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); /* GCompareFunc versions. */ int nautilus_strcmp_compare_func (gconstpointer str_a, gconstpointer str_b); int nautilus_strcoll_compare_func (gconstpointer str_a, gconstpointer str_b); int nautilus_strcasecmp_compare_func (gconstpointer str_a, gconstpointer str_b); /* Other basic string operations. */ gboolean nautilus_str_is_empty (const char *str_or_null); gboolean nautilus_str_is_equal (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); gboolean nautilus_istr_is_equal (const char *str_a, const char *str_b); gboolean nautilus_str_has_prefix (const char *target, const char *prefix); char * nautilus_str_get_prefix (const char *source, const char *delimiter); char * nautilus_str_get_after_prefix (const char *source, const char *delimiter); gboolean nautilus_istr_has_prefix (const char *target, const char *prefix); gboolean nautilus_str_has_suffix (const char *target, const char *suffix); gboolean nautilus_istr_has_suffix (const char *target, const char *suffix); char * nautilus_str_get_prefix (const char *source, const char *delimiter); char * nautilus_str_strip_chr (const char *str, char remove_this); char * nautilus_str_strip_trailing_chr (const char *str, char remove_this); char * nautilus_str_strip_trailing_str (const char *str, const char *remove_this); /* Conversions to and from strings. */ gboolean nautilus_str_to_int (const char *str, int *integer); gboolean nautilus_eat_str_to_int (char *str_gets_freed, int *integer); /* Escape function for '_' character. */ char * nautilus_str_double_underscores (const char *str); /* Capitalize a string */ char * nautilus_str_capitalize (const char *str); /* Middle truncate a string to a maximum of truncate_length characters. * The resulting string will be truncated in the middle with a "..." * delimeter. */ char * nautilus_str_middle_truncate (const char *str, guint truncate_length); /* Count the number of 'c' characters that occur in 'string'. */ guint nautilus_str_count_characters (const char *str, char c); /* Remove all characters after the passed-in substring. */ char * nautilus_str_strip_substring_and_after (const char *str, const char *substring); /* Replace all occurrences of substring with replacement. */ char * nautilus_str_replace_substring (const char *str, const char *substring, const char *replacement); #endif /* NAUTILUS_STRING_H */