/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* * Nautilus * * Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. * * Nautilus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Nautilus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Author: Andy Hertzfeld * * This is the implementation for the nautilus about dialog * */ #include #include "nautilus-about.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct NautilusAboutDetails { GtkWidget *drawing_area; GdkPixbuf *background_pixbuf; int last_update_time; int timer_task; char **authors; int *order_array; }; static gboolean nautilus_about_close (NautilusAbout *about, gpointer *unused); static void nautilus_about_class_init (NautilusAboutClass *klass); static void nautilus_about_init (NautilusAbout *about); static void nautilus_about_destroy (GtkObject *object); static void nautilus_about_repaint (GtkWidget *drawing_area, GdkEventExpose *event, NautilusAbout *about); static void nautilus_about_draw_info (NautilusAbout *about, const char *title, const char *version, const char *copyright, const char **authors, const char *comments, const char *translators, const char *time_stamp); static int update_authors_if_necessary (gpointer callback_data); /* author box layout definitions */ #define AUTHOR_TOP_POS 88 #define AUTHOR_LEFT_POS 200 #define AUTHOR_COLUMN_WIDTH 140 #define AUTHOR_LINE_HEIGHT 15 #define ITEMS_PER_COLUMN 11 /* delay between randomizing, in seconds */ #define UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL 8 /* gtk class definition boilerplate */ EEL_CLASS_BOILERPLATE (NautilusAbout, nautilus_about, GNOME_TYPE_DIALOG) static void nautilus_about_class_init (NautilusAboutClass *about_class) { GtkObjectClass *object_class = GTK_OBJECT_CLASS (about_class); object_class->destroy = nautilus_about_destroy; } static void nautilus_about_destroy (GtkObject *object) { NautilusAbout *about; about = NAUTILUS_ABOUT (object); if (about->details->background_pixbuf != NULL) { gdk_pixbuf_unref (about->details->background_pixbuf); } g_strfreev (about->details->authors); g_free (about->details->order_array); if (about->details->timer_task != 0) { gtk_timeout_remove (about->details->timer_task); } g_free (about->details); EEL_CALL_PARENT (GTK_OBJECT_CLASS, destroy, (object)); } /* initialize the about */ static void nautilus_about_init (NautilusAbout *about) { char *background_path; GtkWidget *frame; int area_width, area_height; about->details = g_new0 (NautilusAboutDetails, 1); background_path = nautilus_theme_get_image_path ("about_background.png"); about->details->background_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (background_path, NULL); g_free (background_path); /* set the window title and standard close key accelerator */ gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (about), _("About Nautilus")); gtk_window_set_wmclass (GTK_WINDOW (about), "about", "Nautilus"); eel_gtk_window_set_up_close_accelerator (GTK_WINDOW (about)); /* allocate a frame to hold the drawing area */ frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GNOME_DIALOG(about)->vbox), GTK_WIDGET(frame)); gtk_widget_show (frame); /* allocate the drawing area */ about->details->drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new (); area_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (about->details->background_pixbuf); area_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (about->details->background_pixbuf); gtk_widget_set_usize (GTK_WIDGET (about->details->drawing_area), area_width, area_height); gtk_widget_set_events (about->details->drawing_area, GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (about->details->drawing_area), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK (nautilus_about_repaint), about); gtk_widget_show (about->details->drawing_area); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), about->details->drawing_area); /* set up the timer task */ about->details->timer_task = gtk_timeout_add (2000, update_authors_if_necessary, about); /* configure the dialog */ gnome_dialog_append_button (GNOME_DIALOG(about), GNOME_STOCK_BUTTON_OK); gnome_dialog_set_close (GNOME_DIALOG(about), TRUE); gnome_dialog_close_hides (GNOME_DIALOG(about), TRUE); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (about), "close", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (nautilus_about_close), NULL); } /* allocate a new about dialog */ GtkWidget * nautilus_about_new (const char *title, const char *version, const char *copyright, const char **authors, const char *comments, const char *translators, const char *time_stamp) { NautilusAbout *about; about = NAUTILUS_ABOUT (gtk_widget_new (nautilus_about_get_type (), NULL)); /* draw the info onto the pixbuf, once and for all */ nautilus_about_draw_info (about, title, version, copyright, authors, comments, translators, time_stamp); return GTK_WIDGET (about); } /* utility to simplify drawing */ static void draw_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, GdkDrawable *drawable, int x, int y) { gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable_alpha (pixbuf, drawable, 0, 0, x, y, gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf), gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf), GDK_PIXBUF_ALPHA_BILEVEL, 128, GDK_RGB_DITHER_MAX, 0, 0); } /* here's the routine that does all the real work, repainting the drawing area */ static void nautilus_about_repaint (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, NautilusAbout *about) { /* draw the background image */ if (about->details->background_pixbuf != NULL) { draw_pixbuf (about->details->background_pixbuf, widget->window, 0, 0); } } /* utility routine to draw a string at a position */ static void draw_aa_string (EelScalableFont *font, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, int font_size, int x_pos, int y_pos, guint color, guint shadow_color, const char *text, int shadow_offset) { if (shadow_offset != 0) { eel_scalable_font_draw_text (font, pixbuf, x_pos + shadow_offset, y_pos + shadow_offset, eel_gdk_pixbuf_whole_pixbuf, font_size, text, strlen (text), shadow_color, EEL_OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE); } eel_scalable_font_draw_text (font, pixbuf, x_pos, y_pos, eel_gdk_pixbuf_whole_pixbuf, font_size, text, strlen (text), color, EEL_OPACITY_FULLY_OPAQUE); } /* randomize_authors randomizes the order array so different names get displayed in different positions each time */ static void randomize_authors (NautilusAbout *about) { int author_count; int index, temp; int swap_element; /* count the authors */ author_count = 0; while (about->details->authors[author_count] != NULL) { author_count += 1; } /* initialize the order array */ g_free (about->details->order_array); about->details->order_array = g_new (int, author_count); for (index = 0; index < author_count; index++) { about->details->order_array[index] = index; } /* shuffle the order array */ for (index = 0; index < author_count - 1; index++) { swap_element = rand() % (author_count - index); temp = about->details->order_array[index]; about->details->order_array[index] = about->details->order_array[swap_element]; about->details->order_array[swap_element] = temp; } } /* draw the author list */ static void draw_author_list (NautilusAbout *about, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, EelScalableFont *plain_font) { int index, column_count; int xpos, ypos; /* draw the authors */ index = 0; column_count = 0; xpos = AUTHOR_LEFT_POS; ypos = AUTHOR_TOP_POS; while (about->details->authors[about->details->order_array[index]] != NULL) { draw_aa_string (plain_font, pixbuf, 12, xpos, ypos, EEL_RGB_COLOR_BLACK, EEL_RGB_COLOR_BLACK, about->details->authors[about->details->order_array[index]], 0); ypos += AUTHOR_LINE_HEIGHT; index++; column_count++; if (column_count >= ITEMS_PER_COLUMN) { /* two columns only and then stop drawing */ if (xpos != AUTHOR_LEFT_POS) break; column_count = 0; ypos = AUTHOR_TOP_POS; xpos += AUTHOR_COLUMN_WIDTH; } } } /* draw the information onto the pixbuf */ static void nautilus_about_draw_info (NautilusAbout *about, const char *title, const char *version, const char *copyright, const char **authors, const char *comments, const char *translators, const char *time_stamp) { char *display_str, *temp_str; char **comment_array; EelScalableFont *plain_font, *bold_font; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; uint black, white, grey; int xpos, ypos, total_height; int index; plain_font = eel_scalable_font_get_default_font (); bold_font = eel_scalable_font_make_bold (plain_font); pixbuf = about->details->background_pixbuf; total_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf); black = EEL_RGBA_COLOR_PACK (0, 0, 0, 255); white = EEL_RGBA_COLOR_PACK (255, 255, 255, 255); grey = EEL_RGBA_COLOR_PACK (153, 153, 153, 255); /* draw the name and version */ display_str = g_strdup_printf ("%s %s", title, version); draw_aa_string (bold_font, pixbuf, 24, 12, 5, white, black, display_str, 1); g_free (display_str); /* draw the copyright notice */ draw_aa_string (bold_font, pixbuf, 11, 12, 40, black, black, copyright, 0); /* draw the authors title */ draw_aa_string (bold_font, pixbuf, 20, 184, 64, black, black, _("Authors"), 0); /* draw the time stamp */ draw_aa_string (plain_font, pixbuf, 11, 284, total_height - 14, grey, black, time_stamp, 0); /* draw the translator's credit, if necessary */ if (eel_strcmp (translators, "Translator Credits") != 0) { comment_array = g_strsplit (translators, "\n", 10); index = 0; while (comment_array[index] != NULL) { index += 1; } xpos = 6; ypos = total_height - (14 * index); index = 0; while (comment_array[index] != NULL) { draw_aa_string (plain_font, pixbuf, 11, xpos, ypos, black, black, comment_array[index], 0); ypos += 14; index++; } g_strfreev (comment_array); } /* remember the authors */ g_strfreev (about->details->authors); temp_str = g_strjoinv ("\n", (char**) authors); about->details->authors = g_strsplit (temp_str, "\n", -1); g_free (temp_str); randomize_authors (about); draw_author_list (about, pixbuf, plain_font); about->details->last_update_time = time (NULL); /* draw the comment, breaking it up into multiple lines */ comment_array = g_strsplit (comments, "\n", 10); index = 0; xpos = 6; ypos = 118; while (comment_array[index] != NULL) { draw_aa_string (plain_font, pixbuf, 14, xpos, ypos, black, black, comment_array[index], 0); ypos += 18; index++; } g_strfreev (comment_array); /* release the fonts */ gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(plain_font)); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(bold_font)); } /* update authors is called to randomize the author array and redraw it */ void nautilus_about_update_authors (NautilusAbout *about) { ArtIRect author_area; EelScalableFont *plain_font; /* clear the author area */ author_area = eel_art_irect_assign (AUTHOR_LEFT_POS - 24, AUTHOR_TOP_POS, 2 * AUTHOR_COLUMN_WIDTH, AUTHOR_LINE_HEIGHT * ITEMS_PER_COLUMN); eel_gdk_pixbuf_fill_rectangle_with_color (about->details->background_pixbuf, author_area, EEL_RGBA_COLOR_PACK (255, 255, 255, 255)); /* randomize the author array */ randomize_authors (about); /* redraw the authors */ plain_font = eel_scalable_font_get_default_font (); draw_author_list (about, about->details->background_pixbuf, plain_font); gtk_object_unref (GTK_OBJECT(plain_font)); about->details->last_update_time = time (NULL); /* set up the timer task if necessary */ if (about->details->timer_task == 0) { about->details->timer_task = gtk_timeout_add (2000, update_authors_if_necessary, about); } /* schedule a redraw for the about box */ gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (about)); } /* handle the dialog closing by killing the timer task */ static gboolean nautilus_about_close (NautilusAbout *about, gpointer *unused) { if (about->details->timer_task != 0) { gtk_timeout_remove (about->details->timer_task); about->details->timer_task = 0; } return FALSE; } static int update_authors_if_necessary (gpointer callback_data) { NautilusAbout *about; guint current_time, next_time; about = NAUTILUS_ABOUT (callback_data); current_time = time (NULL); next_time = about->details->last_update_time + UPDATE_TIME_INTERVAL; if (current_time > next_time) { nautilus_about_update_authors (about); } return TRUE; }