/* nautilus-batch-rename-utilities.c * * Copyright (C) 2016 Alexandru Pandelea * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_H #define NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_H #include #include #include #include #include "nautilus-files-view.h" G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef enum { EQUIPMENT, CREATION_DATE, SEASON_NUMBER, EPISODE_NUMBER, TRACK_NUMBER, ARTIST_NAME, TITLE, ALBUM_NAME, ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, METADATA_INVALID, } MetadataType; typedef enum { NUMBERING_NO_ZERO_PAD, NUMBERING_ONE_ZERO_PAD, NUMBERING_TWO_ZERO_PAD, NUMBERING_INVALID, } NumberingType; typedef enum { NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_APPEND = 0, NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_PREPEND = 1, NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_REPLACE = 2, NAUTILUS_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG_FORMAT = 3, } NautilusBatchRenameDialogMode; typedef enum { ORIGINAL_ASCENDING = 0, ORIGINAL_DESCENDING = 1, FIRST_MODIFIED = 2, LAST_MODIFIED = 3, FIRST_CREATED = 4, LAST_CREATED = 5, } SortMode; typedef struct { const gchar *action_name; const gchar *label; MetadataType metadata_type; NumberingType numbering_type; gboolean is_metadata; } TagConstants; typedef struct { const gchar *action_target_name; const gchar *label; const SortMode sort_mode; } SortConstants; static const SortConstants sorts_constants[] = { { "name-ascending", N_("Original Name (Ascending)"), ORIGINAL_ASCENDING, }, { "name-descending", N_("Original Name (Descending)"), ORIGINAL_DESCENDING, }, { "first-modified", N_("First Modified"), FIRST_MODIFIED, }, { "last-modified", N_("Last Modified"), LAST_MODIFIED, }, { "first-created", N_("First Created"), FIRST_CREATED, }, { "last-created", N_("Last Created"), LAST_CREATED, }, }; static const TagConstants metadata_tags_constants[] = { { "add-equipment-tag", N_("Camera model"), EQUIPMENT, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-creation-date-tag", N_("Creation date"), CREATION_DATE, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-season-number-tag", N_("Season number"), SEASON_NUMBER, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-episode-number-tag", N_("Episode number"), EPISODE_NUMBER, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-track-number-tag", N_("Track number"), TRACK_NUMBER, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-artist-name-tag", N_("Artist name"), ARTIST_NAME, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-title-tag", N_("Title"), TITLE, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-album-name-tag", N_("Album name"), ALBUM_NAME, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, { "add-original-file-name-tag", N_("Original file name"), ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME, NUMBERING_INVALID, TRUE, }, }; static const TagConstants numbering_tags_constants[] = { { "add-numbering-no-zero-pad-tag", N_("1, 2, 3"), METADATA_INVALID, NUMBERING_NO_ZERO_PAD, FALSE, }, { "add-numbering-one-zero-pad-tag", N_("01, 02, 03"), METADATA_INVALID, NUMBERING_ONE_ZERO_PAD, FALSE, }, { "add-numbering-two-zero-pad-tag", N_("001, 002, 003"), METADATA_INVALID, NUMBERING_TWO_ZERO_PAD, FALSE, }, }; typedef struct { gchar *name; gint index; } ConflictData; typedef struct { GString *file_name; GString *metadata [G_N_ELEMENTS (metadata_tags_constants)]; } FileMetadata; #define NAUTILUS_TYPE_BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG (nautilus_batch_rename_dialog_get_type()) G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (NautilusBatchRenameDialog, nautilus_batch_rename_dialog, NAUTILUS, BATCH_RENAME_DIALOG, GtkDialog); GtkWidget* nautilus_batch_rename_dialog_new (GList *selection, NautilusDirectory *directory, NautilusWindow *window); void nautilus_batch_rename_dialog_query_finished (NautilusBatchRenameDialog *dialog, GHashTable *hash_table, GList *selection_metadata); G_END_DECLS #endif