/* nautilus-column-utilities.h - Utilities related to column specifications * * Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc. * * The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with the Gnome Library; see the column COPYING.LIB. If not, * see . * * Authors: Dave Camp */ #include #include "nautilus-column-utilities.h" #include #include #include #include "nautilus-file.h" #include "nautilus-global-preferences.h" #include "nautilus-metadata.h" #include "nautilus-module.h" static const char *default_column_order[] = { "name", "size", "type", "owner", "group", "permissions", "detailed_type", "where", "date_modified_with_time", "date_modified", "date_accessed", "date_created", "recency", "starred", NULL }; static const char *default_columns_for_recent[] = { "name", "size", "recency", NULL }; static const char *default_columns_for_trash[] = { "name", "size", "trashed_on", NULL }; static GList * get_builtin_columns (void) { GList *columns; columns = g_list_append (NULL, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "name", "attribute", "name", "label", _("Name"), "description", _("The name and icon of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "size", "attribute", "size", "label", _("Size"), "description", _("The size of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "type", "attribute", "type", "label", _("Type"), "description", _("The type of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "date_modified", "attribute", "date_modified", "label", _("Modified"), "description", _("The date the file was modified."), "default-sort-order", GTK_SORT_DESCENDING, "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "detailed_type", "attribute", "detailed_type", "label", _("Detailed Type"), "description", _("The detailed type of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "date_accessed", "attribute", "date_accessed", "label", _("Accessed"), "description", _("The date the file was accessed."), "default-sort-order", GTK_SORT_DESCENDING, "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "date_created", "attribute", "date_created", "label", _("Created"), "description", _("The date the file was created."), "default-sort-order", GTK_SORT_DESCENDING, "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "owner", "attribute", "owner", "label", _("Owner"), "description", _("The owner of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "group", "attribute", "group", "label", _("Group"), "description", _("The group of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "permissions", "attribute", "permissions", "label", _("Permissions"), "description", _("The permissions of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "where", "attribute", "where", "label", _("Location"), "description", _("The location of the file."), NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "date_modified_with_time", "attribute", "date_modified_with_time", "label", _("Modified — Time"), "description", _("The date the file was modified."), "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "recency", "attribute", "recency", "label", _("Recency"), "description", _("The date the file was accessed by the user."), "default-sort-order", GTK_SORT_DESCENDING, "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "starred", "attribute", "starred", "label", _("Star"), "description", _("Shows if file is starred."), "default-sort-order", GTK_SORT_DESCENDING, "xalign", 0.5, NULL)); return columns; } static GList * get_extension_columns (void) { GList *columns; GList *providers; GList *l; providers = nautilus_module_get_extensions_for_type (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN_PROVIDER); columns = NULL; for (l = providers; l != NULL; l = l->next) { NautilusColumnProvider *provider; GList *provider_columns; provider = NAUTILUS_COLUMN_PROVIDER (l->data); provider_columns = nautilus_column_provider_get_columns (provider); columns = g_list_concat (columns, provider_columns); } nautilus_module_extension_list_free (providers); return columns; } static GList * get_trash_columns (void) { static GList *columns = NULL; if (columns == NULL) { columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "trashed_on", "attribute", "trashed_on", "label", _("Trashed On"), "description", _("Date when file was moved to the Trash"), "xalign", 1.0, NULL)); columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "trash_orig_path", "attribute", "trash_orig_path", "label", _("Original Location"), "description", _("Original location of file before moved to the Trash"), NULL)); } return nautilus_column_list_copy (columns); } static GList * get_search_columns (void) { static GList *columns = NULL; if (columns == NULL) { columns = g_list_append (columns, g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_COLUMN, "name", "search_relevance", "attribute", "search_relevance", "label", _("Relevance"), "description", _("Relevance rank for search"), NULL)); } return nautilus_column_list_copy (columns); } GList * nautilus_get_common_columns (void) { static GList *columns = NULL; if (!columns) { columns = g_list_concat (get_builtin_columns (), get_extension_columns ()); } return nautilus_column_list_copy (columns); } GList * nautilus_get_all_columns (void) { GList *columns = NULL; columns = g_list_concat (nautilus_get_common_columns (), get_trash_columns ()); columns = g_list_concat (columns, get_search_columns ()); return columns; } GList * nautilus_get_columns_for_file (NautilusFile *file) { GList *columns; columns = nautilus_get_common_columns (); if (file != NULL && nautilus_file_is_in_trash (file)) { columns = g_list_concat (columns, get_trash_columns ()); } return columns; } GList * nautilus_column_list_copy (GList *columns) { GList *ret; GList *l; ret = g_list_copy (columns); for (l = ret; l != NULL; l = l->next) { g_object_ref (l->data); } return ret; } void nautilus_column_list_free (GList *columns) { GList *l; for (l = columns; l != NULL; l = l->next) { g_object_unref (l->data); } g_list_free (columns); } static int strv_index (char **strv, const char *str) { int i; for (i = 0; strv[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (strcmp (strv[i], str) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } static int column_compare (NautilusColumn *a, NautilusColumn *b, char **column_order) { int index_a; int index_b; char *name_a; char *name_b; int ret; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (a), "name", &name_a, NULL); index_a = strv_index (column_order, name_a); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (b), "name", &name_b, NULL); index_b = strv_index (column_order, name_b); if (index_a == index_b) { int pos_a; int pos_b; pos_a = strv_index ((char **) default_column_order, name_a); pos_b = strv_index ((char **) default_column_order, name_b); if (pos_a == pos_b) { char *label_a; char *label_b; g_object_get (G_OBJECT (a), "label", &label_a, NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (b), "label", &label_b, NULL); ret = strcmp (label_a, label_b); g_free (label_a); g_free (label_b); } else if (pos_a == -1) { ret = 1; } else if (pos_b == -1) { ret = -1; } else { ret = index_a - index_b; } } else if (index_a == -1) { ret = 1; } else if (index_b == -1) { ret = -1; } else { ret = index_a - index_b; } g_free (name_a); g_free (name_b); return ret; } GList * nautilus_sort_columns (GList *columns, char **column_order) { if (column_order == NULL) { return columns; } return g_list_sort_with_data (columns, (GCompareDataFunc) column_compare, column_order); } void nautilus_column_save_metadata (NautilusFile *file, GStrv column_order, GStrv visible_columns) { nautilus_file_set_metadata_list (file, NAUTILUS_METADATA_KEY_LIST_VIEW_VISIBLE_COLUMNS, visible_columns); nautilus_file_set_metadata_list (file, NAUTILUS_METADATA_KEY_LIST_VIEW_COLUMN_ORDER, column_order); } GStrv nautilus_column_get_default_visible_columns (NautilusFile *file) { if (nautilus_file_is_in_trash (file)) { return g_strdupv ((gchar **) default_columns_for_trash); } if (nautilus_file_is_in_recent (file)) { return g_strdupv ((gchar **) default_columns_for_recent); } return g_settings_get_strv (nautilus_list_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_LIST_VIEW_DEFAULT_VISIBLE_COLUMNS); } GStrv nautilus_column_get_visible_columns (NautilusFile *file) { g_autofree gchar **visible_columns = NULL; visible_columns = nautilus_file_get_metadata_list (file, NAUTILUS_METADATA_KEY_LIST_VIEW_VISIBLE_COLUMNS); if (visible_columns == NULL || visible_columns[0] == NULL) { return nautilus_column_get_default_visible_columns (file); } return g_steal_pointer (&visible_columns); } GStrv nautilus_column_get_default_column_order (NautilusFile *file) { if (nautilus_file_is_in_trash (file)) { return g_strdupv ((gchar **) default_columns_for_trash); } if (nautilus_file_is_in_recent (file)) { return g_strdupv ((gchar **) default_columns_for_recent); } return g_settings_get_strv (nautilus_list_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_LIST_VIEW_DEFAULT_COLUMN_ORDER); } GStrv nautilus_column_get_column_order (NautilusFile *file) { g_autofree gchar **column_order = NULL; column_order = nautilus_file_get_metadata_list (file, NAUTILUS_METADATA_KEY_LIST_VIEW_COLUMN_ORDER); if (column_order != NULL && column_order[0] != NULL) { return g_steal_pointer (&column_order); } return nautilus_column_get_default_column_order (file); }