/* * Copyright (C) 2022 The GNOME project contributors * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ #include "nautilus-list-base-private.h" #include "nautilus-grid-view.h" #include "nautilus-grid-cell.h" #include "nautilus-global-preferences.h" struct _NautilusGridView { NautilusListBase parent_instance; GtkGridView *view_ui; GActionGroup *action_group; gint zoom_level; gboolean directories_first; GQuark caption_attributes[NAUTILUS_GRID_CELL_N_CAPTIONS]; GQuark sort_attribute; gboolean reversed; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (NautilusGridView, nautilus_grid_view, NAUTILUS_TYPE_LIST_BASE) static guint get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (NautilusGridZoomLevel zoom_level); static gint nautilus_grid_view_sort (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer user_data) { NautilusGridView *self = user_data; NautilusFile *file_a; NautilusFile *file_b; file_a = nautilus_view_item_get_file (NAUTILUS_VIEW_ITEM ((gpointer) a)); file_b = nautilus_view_item_get_file (NAUTILUS_VIEW_ITEM ((gpointer) b)); return nautilus_file_compare_for_sort_by_attribute_q (file_a, file_b, self->sort_attribute, self->directories_first, self->reversed); } static void real_bump_zoom_level (NautilusFilesView *files_view, int zoom_increment) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); NautilusGridZoomLevel new_level; new_level = self->zoom_level + zoom_increment; if (new_level >= NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL && new_level <= NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_EXTRA_LARGE) { g_action_group_change_action_state (self->action_group, "zoom-to-level", g_variant_new_int32 (new_level)); } } static guint get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (NautilusGridZoomLevel zoom_level) { switch (zoom_level) { case NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL: { return NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_SMALL; } break; case NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL_PLUS: { return NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_SMALL_PLUS; } break; case NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_MEDIUM: { return NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM; } break; case NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGE: { return NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_LARGE; } break; case NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_EXTRA_LARGE: { return NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_EXTRA_LARGE; } break; } g_return_val_if_reached (NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM); } static gint get_default_zoom_level (void) { NautilusGridZoomLevel default_zoom_level; default_zoom_level = g_settings_get_enum (nautilus_icon_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_ICON_VIEW_DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL); /* Sanitize preference value */ return CLAMP (default_zoom_level, NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL, NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_EXTRA_LARGE); } static void set_captions_from_preferences (NautilusGridView *self) { g_auto (GStrv) value = NULL; gint n_captions_for_zoom_level; value = g_settings_get_strv (nautilus_icon_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_ICON_VIEW_CAPTIONS); /* Set a celling on the number of captions depending on the zoom level. */ n_captions_for_zoom_level = MIN (1 + self->zoom_level, G_N_ELEMENTS (self->caption_attributes)); /* Reset array to zeros beforehand, as we may not refill all elements. */ memset (&self->caption_attributes, 0, sizeof (self->caption_attributes)); for (gint i = 0, quark_i = 0; value[i] != NULL && quark_i < n_captions_for_zoom_level; i++) { if (g_strcmp0 (value[i], "none") == 0) { continue; } /* Convert to quarks in advance, otherwise each NautilusFile attribute * getter would call g_quark_from_string() once for each file. */ self->caption_attributes[quark_i] = g_quark_from_string (value[i]); quark_i++; } } static void set_zoom_level (NautilusGridView *self, guint new_level) { self->zoom_level = new_level; /* The zoom level may change how many captions are allowed. Update it before * setting the icon size, under the assumption that NautilusGridCell * updates captions whenever the icon size is set*/ set_captions_from_preferences (self); nautilus_list_base_set_icon_size (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self), get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (new_level)); nautilus_files_view_update_toolbar_menus (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); } static void real_restore_standard_zoom_level (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { NautilusGridView *self; self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); g_action_group_change_action_state (self->action_group, "zoom-to-level", g_variant_new_int32 (NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_MEDIUM)); } static gboolean real_is_zoom_level_default (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { NautilusGridView *self; guint icon_size; self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); icon_size = get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (self->zoom_level); return icon_size == NAUTILUS_GRID_ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM; } static gboolean real_can_zoom_in (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); return self->zoom_level < NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_EXTRA_LARGE; } static gboolean real_can_zoom_out (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); return self->zoom_level > NAUTILUS_GRID_ZOOM_LEVEL_SMALL; } /* The generic implementation in src/nautilus-list-base.c doesn't allow the * 2-dimensional movements expected from a grid. Let's hack GTK here. */ static void real_preview_selection_event (NautilusFilesView *files_view, GtkDirectionType direction) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); guint direction_keyval; g_autoptr (GtkShortcutTrigger) direction_trigger = NULL; g_autoptr (GListModel) controllers = NULL; gboolean success = FALSE; /* We want the same behavior as when the user presses the arrow keys while * the focus is in the view. So, let's get the matching arrow key. */ switch (direction) { case GTK_DIR_UP: { direction_keyval = GDK_KEY_Up; } break; case GTK_DIR_DOWN: { direction_keyval = GDK_KEY_Down; } break; case GTK_DIR_LEFT: { direction_keyval = GDK_KEY_Left; } break; case GTK_DIR_RIGHT: { direction_keyval = GDK_KEY_Right; } break; default: { g_return_if_reached (); } } /* We cannot simulate a click, but we can find the shortcut it triggers and * activate its action programatically. * * First, we create out would-be trigger.*/ direction_trigger = gtk_keyval_trigger_new (direction_keyval, 0); /* Then we iterate over the shortcut installed in GtkGridView until we find * a matching trigger. There may be multiple shortcut controllers, and each * shortcut controller may hold multiple shortcuts each. Let's loop. */ controllers = gtk_widget_observe_controllers (GTK_WIDGET (self->view_ui)); for (guint i = 0; i < g_list_model_get_n_items (controllers); i++) { g_autoptr (GtkEventController) controller = g_list_model_get_item (controllers, i); if (!GTK_IS_SHORTCUT_CONTROLLER (controller)) { continue; } for (guint j = 0; j < g_list_model_get_n_items (G_LIST_MODEL (controller)); j++) { g_autoptr (GtkShortcut) shortcut = g_list_model_get_item (G_LIST_MODEL (controller), j); GtkShortcutTrigger *trigger = gtk_shortcut_get_trigger (shortcut); if (gtk_shortcut_trigger_equal (trigger, direction_trigger)) { /* Match found. Activate the action to move cursor. */ success = gtk_shortcut_action_activate (gtk_shortcut_get_action (shortcut), 0, GTK_WIDGET (self->view_ui), gtk_shortcut_get_arguments (shortcut)); break; } } } /* If the hack fails (GTK may change it's internal behavior), fallback. */ if (!success) { NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW_CLASS (nautilus_grid_view_parent_class)->preview_selection_event (files_view, direction); } } /* We only care about the keyboard activation part that GtkGridView provides, * but we don't need any special filtering here. Indeed, we ask GtkGridView * to not activate on single click, and we get to handle double clicks before * GtkGridView does (as one of widget subclassing's goal is to modify the parent * class's behavior), while claiming the click gestures, so it means GtkGridView * will never react to a click event to emit this signal. So we should be pretty * safe here with regards to our custom item click handling. */ static void on_grid_view_item_activated (GtkGridView *grid_view, guint position, gpointer user_data) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (user_data); nautilus_files_view_activate_selection (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); } static guint real_get_icon_size (NautilusListBase *list_base_view) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (list_base_view); return get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (self->zoom_level); } static GtkWidget * real_get_view_ui (NautilusListBase *list_base_view) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (list_base_view); return GTK_WIDGET (self->view_ui); } static void real_scroll_to_item (NautilusListBase *list_base_view, guint position) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (list_base_view); gtk_widget_activate_action (GTK_WIDGET (self->view_ui), "list.scroll-to-item", "u", position); } static void real_sort_directories_first_changed (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { NautilusGridView *self; NautilusViewModel *model; g_autoptr (GtkCustomSorter) sorter = NULL; self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (files_view); self->directories_first = nautilus_files_view_should_sort_directories_first (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); model = nautilus_list_base_get_model (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self)); sorter = gtk_custom_sorter_new (nautilus_grid_view_sort, self, NULL); nautilus_view_model_set_sorter (model, GTK_SORTER (sorter)); } static void action_sort_order_changed (GSimpleAction *action, GVariant *value, gpointer user_data) { const gchar *target_name; NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (user_data); NautilusViewModel *model; g_autoptr (GtkCustomSorter) sorter = NULL; /* Don't resort if the action is in the same state as before */ if (g_variant_equal (value, g_action_get_state (G_ACTION (action)))) { return; } g_variant_get (value, "(&sb)", &target_name, &self->reversed); self->sort_attribute = g_quark_from_string (target_name); sorter = gtk_custom_sorter_new (nautilus_grid_view_sort, self, NULL); model = nautilus_list_base_get_model (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self)); nautilus_view_model_set_sorter (model, GTK_SORTER (sorter)); set_directory_sort_metadata (nautilus_files_view_get_directory_as_file (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)), target_name, self->reversed); g_simple_action_set_state (action, value); } static guint real_get_view_id (NautilusFilesView *files_view) { return NAUTILUS_VIEW_GRID_ID; } static void action_zoom_to_level (GSimpleAction *action, GVariant *state, gpointer user_data) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (user_data); int zoom_level; zoom_level = g_variant_get_int32 (state); set_zoom_level (self, zoom_level); g_simple_action_set_state (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), state); if (g_settings_get_enum (nautilus_icon_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_ICON_VIEW_DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL) != zoom_level) { g_settings_set_enum (nautilus_icon_view_preferences, NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_ICON_VIEW_DEFAULT_ZOOM_LEVEL, zoom_level); } } static void on_captions_preferences_changed (NautilusGridView *self) { set_captions_from_preferences (self); /* Hack: this relies on the assumption that NautilusGridCell updates * captions whenever the icon size is set (even if it's the same value). */ nautilus_list_base_set_icon_size (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self), get_icon_size_for_zoom_level (self->zoom_level)); } static void dispose (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_grid_view_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void finalize (GObject *object) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (nautilus_grid_view_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void bind_cell (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GtkListItem *listitem, gpointer user_data) { GtkWidget *cell; g_autoptr (NautilusViewItem) item = NULL; cell = gtk_list_item_get_child (listitem); item = listitem_get_view_item (listitem); g_return_if_fail (item != NULL); nautilus_view_item_set_item_ui (item, cell); if (nautilus_view_cell_once (NAUTILUS_VIEW_CELL (cell))) { GtkWidget *parent; /* At the time of ::setup emission, the item ui has got no parent yet, * that's why we need to complete the widget setup process here, on the * first time ::bind is emitted. */ parent = gtk_widget_get_parent (cell); gtk_widget_set_halign (parent, GTK_ALIGN_CENTER); gtk_widget_set_valign (parent, GTK_ALIGN_START); gtk_widget_set_margin_top (parent, 3); gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (parent, 3); gtk_widget_set_margin_start (parent, 3); gtk_widget_set_margin_end (parent, 3); gtk_accessible_update_relation (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (parent), GTK_ACCESSIBLE_RELATION_LABELLED_BY, cell, NULL, -1); } } static void unbind_cell (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GtkListItem *listitem, gpointer user_data) { g_autoptr (NautilusViewItem) item = NULL; item = listitem_get_view_item (listitem); /* item may be NULL when row has just been destroyed. */ if (item != NULL) { nautilus_view_item_set_item_ui (item, NULL); } } static void setup_cell (GtkSignalListItemFactory *factory, GtkListItem *listitem, gpointer user_data) { NautilusGridView *self = NAUTILUS_GRID_VIEW (user_data); NautilusGridCell *cell; cell = nautilus_grid_cell_new (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self)); setup_cell_common (listitem, NAUTILUS_VIEW_CELL (cell)); setup_cell_hover (NAUTILUS_VIEW_CELL (cell)); nautilus_grid_cell_set_caption_attributes (cell, self->caption_attributes); } static GtkGridView * create_view_ui (NautilusGridView *self) { NautilusViewModel *model; GtkListItemFactory *factory; GtkWidget *widget; model = nautilus_list_base_get_model (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self)); factory = gtk_signal_list_item_factory_new (); g_signal_connect (factory, "setup", G_CALLBACK (setup_cell), self); g_signal_connect (factory, "bind", G_CALLBACK (bind_cell), self); g_signal_connect (factory, "unbind", G_CALLBACK (unbind_cell), self); widget = gtk_grid_view_new (GTK_SELECTION_MODEL (model), factory); /* We don't use the built-in child activation feature for clicks because it * doesn't fill all our needs nor does it match our expected behavior. * Instead, we roll our own event handling and double/single click mode. * However, GtkGridView:single-click-activate has other effects besides * activation, as it affects the selection behavior as well (e.g. selects on * hover). Setting it to FALSE gives us the expected behavior. */ gtk_grid_view_set_single_click_activate (GTK_GRID_VIEW (widget), FALSE); gtk_grid_view_set_max_columns (GTK_GRID_VIEW (widget), 20); gtk_grid_view_set_enable_rubberband (GTK_GRID_VIEW (widget), TRUE); /* While we don't want to use GTK's click activation, we'll let it handle * the key activation part (with Enter). */ g_signal_connect (widget, "activate", G_CALLBACK (on_grid_view_item_activated), self); return GTK_GRID_VIEW (widget); } const GActionEntry view_icon_actions[] = { { "sort", NULL, "(sb)", "('invalid',false)", action_sort_order_changed }, { "zoom-to-level", NULL, NULL, "100", action_zoom_to_level } }; static void nautilus_grid_view_class_init (NautilusGridViewClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); NautilusFilesViewClass *files_view_class = NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW_CLASS (klass); NautilusListBaseClass *list_base_view_class = NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = dispose; object_class->finalize = finalize; files_view_class->bump_zoom_level = real_bump_zoom_level; files_view_class->can_zoom_in = real_can_zoom_in; files_view_class->can_zoom_out = real_can_zoom_out; files_view_class->sort_directories_first_changed = real_sort_directories_first_changed; files_view_class->get_view_id = real_get_view_id; files_view_class->restore_standard_zoom_level = real_restore_standard_zoom_level; files_view_class->is_zoom_level_default = real_is_zoom_level_default; files_view_class->preview_selection_event = real_preview_selection_event; list_base_view_class->get_icon_size = real_get_icon_size; list_base_view_class->get_view_ui = real_get_view_ui; list_base_view_class->scroll_to_item = real_scroll_to_item; } static void nautilus_grid_view_init (NautilusGridView *self) { GtkWidget *content_widget; gtk_widget_add_css_class (GTK_WIDGET (self), "nautilus-grid-view"); set_captions_from_preferences (self); g_signal_connect_object (nautilus_icon_view_preferences, "changed::" NAUTILUS_PREFERENCES_ICON_VIEW_CAPTIONS, G_CALLBACK (on_captions_preferences_changed), self, G_CONNECT_SWAPPED); content_widget = nautilus_files_view_get_content_widget (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); self->view_ui = create_view_ui (self); nautilus_list_base_setup_gestures (NAUTILUS_LIST_BASE (self)); gtk_scrolled_window_set_child (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (content_widget), GTK_WIDGET (self->view_ui)); self->action_group = nautilus_files_view_get_action_group (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); g_action_map_add_action_entries (G_ACTION_MAP (self->action_group), view_icon_actions, G_N_ELEMENTS (view_icon_actions), self); self->directories_first = nautilus_files_view_should_sort_directories_first (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)); self->zoom_level = get_default_zoom_level (); /* Keep the action synced with the actual value, so the toolbar can poll it */ g_action_group_change_action_state (nautilus_files_view_get_action_group (NAUTILUS_FILES_VIEW (self)), "zoom-to-level", g_variant_new_int32 (self->zoom_level)); } NautilusGridView * nautilus_grid_view_new (NautilusWindowSlot *slot) { return g_object_new (NAUTILUS_TYPE_GRID_VIEW, "window-slot", slot, NULL); }