.nautilus-empty-state-icon { opacity: 0.50; } /* Toolbar */ /* Here we use the .button background-image colors from Adwaita, but ligthen them, * since is not possible to use lighten () in common css. */ @keyframes needs_attention_keyframes { 0% {background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fafafa, #ededed 40%, #e0e0e0); border-color: @borders; } /* can't do animation-direction, so holding the color on two keyframes */ 30% {background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, @view_bg_color, @view_bg_color, @view_bg_color); border-color: @window_fg_color; } 90% {background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, @view_bg_color, @view_bg_color, @view_bg_color); border-color: @window_fg_color; } 100% {background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #fafafa, #ededed 40%, #e0e0e0); border-color: @borders; } } .nautilus-operations-button-needs-attention { animation: needs_attention_keyframes 2s ease-in-out; } .nautilus-operations-button-needs-attention-multiple { animation: needs_attention_keyframes 3s ease-in-out; animation-iteration-count: 3; } /* Remove white background and highlight on hover which GTK adds by default * to GtkListBox. TODO: Switch to GtkListView and drop this CSS hack. */ .operations-list, .operations-list > :hover { background: none; } /* Path bar */ #NautilusPathBar { background-color: alpha(currentColor, 0.1); border-radius: 6px; } #NautilusPathBar > menubutton { margin: 0px; } #NautilusPathBar > scrolledwindow undershoot.left { background: linear-gradient(to right, @headerbar_shade_color 6px, alpha(@headerbar_shade_color, 0) 24px); border-left: solid 1px @borders; } #NautilusPathBar > scrolledwindow undershoot.right { background: linear-gradient(to left, @headerbar_shade_color 6px, alpha(@headerbar_shade_color, 0) 24px); border-right: solid 1px @borders; } /* Match sidebar's rounded corners on the "start" side. */ #NautilusPathBar > scrolledwindow:dir(ltr) undershoot.left { border-radius: 6px 0px 0px 6px; } #NautilusPathBar > scrolledwindow:dir(rtl) undershoot.right { border-radius: 0px 6px 6px 0px; } #NautilusPathButton { margin: 3px; border-radius: 4px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; } #NautilusPathButton:not(:hover), #NautilusPathButton.current-dir { background: none; } #NautilusPathButton:not(.current-dir):not(:backdrop):hover label, #NautilusPathButton:not(.current-dir):not(:backdrop):hover image { opacity: 1; } /* Search bar */ #NautilusQueryEditor > * { margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } #NautilusQueryEditorTag > button, #NautilusQueryEditor > menubutton > button { min-width: 24px; min-height: 24px; margin: 0px; } #NautilusQueryEditorTag { background-color: alpha(currentColor, 0.1); border-radius: 100px; } /* Mimic the style of GtkEntry icons, but keep button background if pressed. */ #NautilusQueryEditor > menubutton > button:not(:checked) { background: none; } #NautilusQueryEditor > menubutton > button:not(:hover):not(:checked) { opacity: 0.7; } /* Floating status bar */ .floating-bar { padding: 3px; background-color: @view_bg_color; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px @borders; border-radius: 8px 0 0 0; } .floating-bar.bottom.left { /* axes left border and border radius */ border-top-left-radius: 0; } .floating-bar.bottom.right { /* axes right border and border radius */ border-top-right-radius: 0; } .floating-bar:backdrop { background-color: @view_bg_color; border-color: @unfocused_borders; } .floating-bar button { padding: 0px; } .disk-space-free { color: alpha(@dark_5, 0.12); } .disk-space-used { color: @accent_bg_color; } .search-information { background-color: @accent_bg_color; color:white; padding:2px; } .conflict-row { background: @warning_bg_color; color: @warning_fg_color; } /* Grid view */ .nautilus-grid-view gridview { padding: 15px; } .nautilus-grid-view gridview > child { padding: 0px; } .nautilus-grid-view #NautilusViewCell { padding: 6px; border-radius: 6px; } /* Column view */ /* Setup padding on the list. Horizontal padding must be set on the columnview * for it to calculate column widths correctly. */ .nautilus-list-view columnview { padding-left: 24px; padding-right: 24px; } .nautilus-list-view columnview > listview { padding-top: 12px; padding-bottom: 24px; } /* Use negative margins to extend rubberbanding area into the columnview's * padding, then apply positive margin on rows to reestablish positioning. */ .nautilus-list-view columnview > listview { margin-left: -24px; margin-right: -24px; } .nautilus-list-view columnview > listview > row { margin-left: 24px; margin-right: 24px; } .nautilus-list-view columnview > listview > row { border-radius: 6px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; } .nautilus-list-view.compact columnview > listview > row { margin-top: 2px; margin-bottom: 2px; } /* GTK unconditionally sets padding on GtkColumnViewCell, even with .data-table. * We don't want this to hpappen because we have event controllers on the child, * which should thus cover the whole area of the row. */ .nautilus-list-view columnview > listview > row > cell { padding: 0px; } .nautilus-list-view #NautilusViewCell { padding: 6px; } /* We want drop feedback on the whole row. Disable per-cell feedback */ .nautilus-list-view #NautilusViewCell:drop(active) { box-shadow: none; } .nautilus-list-view.compact #NautilusViewCell { padding-top: 3px; padding-bottom: 3px; } .nautilus-list-view:not(.compact) image.star { padding: 6px; } /* Both views */ .nautilus-list-view:drop(active), .nautilus-grid-view:drop(active) { box-shadow: none; } .view .thumbnail { background: url('/org/gnome/nautilus/Checkerboard.png') repeat; border-radius: 2px; /* Draw a shin and outline to meld better with full-color icons */ box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px @shade_color, 0px 2px 0px 0px @shade_color; } .view picture { filter: drop-shadow(0px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)); } .view .cut { opacity: 0.55; } .view image.star:hover { opacity: 1; } @keyframes rotate_star { from { -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(-72deg); } to {} } .view image.star.added { animation: rotate_star 0.4s ease; } #NautilusAppChooser treeview { min-height: 36px; -gtk-icon-size: 32px; }