#!/bin/sh # (C)opyright 2011 Lutz Möhrmann # License: GPL v2 show_api_lvl () { case $1 in 1) ver='Android 1.0' ;; 2) ver='Android 1.1' ;; 3) ver='Android 1.5 "Cupcake"' ;; 4) ver='Android 1.6 "Donut"' ;; 5) ver='Android 2.0 "Eclair"' ;; 6) ver='Android 2.0.1 "Eclair"' ;; 7) ver='Android 2.1 "Eclair"' ;; 8) ver='Android 2.2 "Froyo"' ;; 9) ver='Android 2.3 "Gingerbread"' ;; 10) ver='Android 2.3.3+ "Gingerbread"' ;; 11) ver='Android 3.0 "Honeycomb"' ;; 12) ver='Android 3.1 "Ice Cream Sandwich"' ;; esac echo "$1 $ver" } if [ -z $ANDROID_NDK ]; then echo "The environment variable ANDROID_NDK must be set!" exit fi platforms=$ANDROID_NDK/platforms if [ ! -d $platforms ]; then platforms=$ANDROID_NDK/build/platforms fi if [ ! -d $platforms ]; then echo "The environment variable ANDROID_NDK must be pointing to the android NDK!" exit fi if [ ! -d navit -o ! -f autogen.sh ]; then echo "This script must be called from the navit main directory (where autogen.sh is in)" exit fi api_lvl=${1-$ANDROID_API_LVL} while [ -z $api_lvl ]; do echo "The environment variable ANDROID_API_LVL is not set and the API level was also not given on the commandline." echo "Possible API levels for your NDK are:" cd $platforms for p in android-*; do [ -d $p/arch-arm ] || continue show_api_lvl ${p#android-} done cd - > /dev/null echo "Enter the desired API level (4 is recommended)" read api_lvl if [ ! -d $platforms/android-$api_lvl/arch-arm ]; then echo "Bad choice, retrying..."; echo "" unset api_lvl fi done ANDROID_API_LVL=$api_lvl export ANDROID_API_LVL ANDROID_PLATFORM=$platforms/android-$ANDROID_API_LVL/arch-arm export ANDROID_PLATFORM PATH=`echo $ANDROID_NDK/toolchains/arm-eabi-*/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin`:$PATH export PATH if [ ! -f Makefile.in ]; then echo ""; echo "*** Running autogen.sh ***"; echo "" ./autogen.sh fi if [ ! -f Makefile ]; then echo ""; echo "*** Running configure ***"; echo "" ./configure \ PKG_CONFIG=arm-eabi-pkgconfig \ RANLIB=arm-eabi-ranlib \ AR=arm-eabi-ar \ CC="arm-eabi-gcc -L$ANDROID_PLATFORM/usr/lib -L. -I$ANDROID_PLATFORM/usr/include" \ CXX=arm-eabi-g++ \ --host=arm-eabi-linux_android \ --enable-avoid-float \ --enable-avoid-unaligned \ --enable-cache-size=20971520 \ --enable-svg2png-scaling=8,16,32,48,64,96 \ --enable-svg2png-scaling-nav=59 \ --enable-svg2png-scaling-flag=32 \ --with-xslts=android,plugin_menu,pedestrian_button,pedestrian \ --with-saxon=saxonb-xslt \ --enable-transformation-roll \ --enable-plugin-pedestrian \ --with-android-permissions=CAMERA \ --with-android-project=android-$ANDROID_API_LVL fi set -e echo ""; echo "*** Running make ***"; echo "" make echo ""; echo "*** Running make apkg ***"; echo "" cd navit make apkg cd - > /dev/null apk=`pwd`/navit/android/bin/Navit-debug.apk if [ -f $apk ]; then echo "Great - looks like it worked! The result is"; echo "" ls -l $apk echo "" else echo "This shouldn't happen! Something went terribly wrong..." fi