#include #include #include #include #include #include "item.h" #include "xmlconfig.h" #include "main.h" #include "navit.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "speech.h" #include "gui.h" #include "debug.h" #include "callback.h" #include "command.h" #include "event.h" #include "navit_nls.h" /* gui.fullscreen=!gui.fullscreen gui.menu() gui.get_data() zoom_in() zoom_out() speech.active=!speech.active osd_configuration=1 Not yet: osd[type=="xxx"].active=0;osd[type=="yyy"].active=0 */ struct result { struct attr attr; double val; const char *var; int varlen; const char *attrn; int attrnlen; int allocated; }; struct context { struct attr *attr; int error; const char *expr; struct result res; }; struct command_saved_cb { struct callback *cb; struct attr attr; }; struct command_saved { struct context ctx; struct result res; char *command; // The command string itself struct event_idle *idle_ev; // Event to update this command struct callback *idle_cb; struct callback *register_cb; // Callback to register all the callbacks struct event_idle *register_ev; // Idle event to register all the callbacks struct attr navit; int num_cbs; struct command_saved_cb *cbs; // List of callbacks for this saved command struct callback *cb; // Callback that should be called when we re-evaluate int error; }; enum error { no_error=0,missing_closing_brace, missing_colon, wrong_type, illegal_number_format, illegal_character, missing_closing_bracket, invalid_type, not_ready }; static void eval_comma(struct context *ctx, struct result *res); static struct attr ** eval_list(struct context *ctx); static void result_free(struct result *res) { } static int command_register_callbacks(struct command_saved *cs); static const char * get_op(struct context *ctx, int test, ...) { char *op; const char *ret=NULL; va_list ap; while (g_ascii_isspace(*ctx->expr)) { ctx->expr++; } va_start(ap, test); while ((op = va_arg(ap, char *))) { if (!strncmp(ctx->expr, op, strlen(op))) { ret=ctx->expr; if (! test) ctx->expr+=strlen(op); break; } } va_end(ap); return ret; } /*static int is_int(struct result *res) { return 1; }*/ static int is_double(struct result *res) { return 0; } static void dump(struct result *res) { #if 0 char object[res->varlen+1]; char attribute[res->attrnlen+1]; if (res->var) strncpy(object, res->var, res->varlen); object[res->varlen]='\0'; if (res->attrn) strncpy(attribute, res->attrn, res->attrnlen); attribute[res->attrnlen]='\0'; dbg(0,"type:%s\n", attr_to_name(res->attr.type)); dbg(0,"attribute '%s' from '%s'\n", attribute, object); #endif } static enum attr_type command_attr_type(struct result *res) { char *attrn=g_alloca(sizeof(char)*(res->attrnlen+1)); strncpy(attrn, res->attrn, res->attrnlen); attrn[res->attrnlen]='\0'; return attr_from_name(attrn); } static int command_object_get_attr(struct context *ctx, struct attr *object, enum attr_type attr_type, struct attr *ret) { struct object_func *func=object_func_lookup(object->type); if (!func || !func->get_attr) return 0; return func->get_attr(object->u.data, attr_type, ret, NULL); } static void command_get_attr(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { int result; enum attr_type attr_type=command_attr_type(res); result=command_object_get_attr(ctx, &res->attr, attr_type, &res->attr); if (result) { res->var=res->attrn; res->varlen=res->attrnlen; } else { res->attr.type=attr_none; res->var=NULL; res->varlen=0; } res->attrn=NULL; res->attrnlen=0; dump(res); } static void command_set_attr(struct context *ctx, struct result *res, struct result *newres) { int result=0; enum attr_type attr_type=command_attr_type(res); struct object_func *func=object_func_lookup(res->attr.type); if (!func || !func->set_attr) return; newres->attr.type=attr_type; result=func->set_attr(res->attr.u.data, &newres->attr); *res=*newres; } static void resolve_object(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { if (res->attr.type == attr_none && res->varlen) { res->attr=*ctx->attr; res->attrn=res->var; res->attrnlen=res->varlen; res->var=NULL; res->varlen=0; } } static void resolve(struct context *ctx, struct result *res, struct attr *parent) //FIXME What is that parent for? { resolve_object(ctx, res); if (res->attrn) command_get_attr(ctx, res); } static double get_double(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { resolve(ctx, res, NULL); return res->val; } static int get_int(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { resolve(ctx, res, NULL); if (res->attr.type == attr_none) return 0; if (res->attr.type >= attr_type_int_begin && res->attr.type <= attr_type_int_end) { return res->attr.u.num; } if (res->attr.type >= attr_type_double_begin && res->attr.type <= attr_type_double_end) { return (int) (*res->attr.u.numd); } ctx->error=wrong_type; return 0; } static char * get_string(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { resolve(ctx, res, NULL); return attr_to_text(&res->attr, NULL, 0); } static void set_double(struct context *ctx, struct result *res, double val) { result_free(res); res->val=val; } static void set_int(struct context *ctx, struct result *res, int val) { result_free(res); res->attr.type=attr_type_int_begin; res->attr.u.num=val; } static void eval_value(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { const char *op; int len,dots=0; op=ctx->expr; res->varlen=0; res->var=NULL; res->attrnlen=0; res->attrn=NULL; while (g_ascii_isspace(*op)) { op++; } if ((op[0] >= 'a' && op[0] <= 'z') || op[0] == '_') { res->attr.type=attr_none; res->var=op; for (;;) { while ((op[0] >= 'a' && op[0] <= 'z') || op[0] == '_') { res->varlen++; op++; } if (res->varlen == 3 && !strncmp(res->var,"new",3) && op[0] == ' ') { res->varlen++; op++; } else break; } ctx->expr=op; return; } if ((op[0] >= '0' && op[0] <= '9') || (op[0] == '.' && op[1] >= '0' && op[1] <= '9') || (op[0] == '-' && op[1] >= '0' && op[1] <= '9') || (op[0] == '-' && op[1] == '.' && op[2] >= '0' && op[2] <= '9')) { while ((op[0] >= '0' && op[0] <= '9') || op[0] == '.' || (res->varlen == 0 && op[0] == '-')) { if (op[0] == '.') dots++; if (dots > 1) { ctx->error=illegal_number_format; return; } res->varlen++; op++; } if (dots) { res->val = strtod(ctx->expr, NULL); res->attr.type=attr_type_double_begin; res->attr.u.numd=&res->val; } else { res->attr.type=attr_type_int_begin; res->attr.u.num=atoi(ctx->expr); } ctx->expr=op; return; } if (op[0] == '"') { do { op++; } while (op[0] != '"'); res->attr.type=attr_type_string_begin; len=op-ctx->expr-1; res->attr.u.str=g_malloc(len+1); strncpy(res->attr.u.str, ctx->expr+1, len); res->attr.u.str[len]='\0'; op++; ctx->expr=op; return; } ctx->error=illegal_character; } static int get_next_object(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { while (*ctx->expr) { res->varlen = 0; ctx->error = 0; eval_value(ctx,res); if ((res->attr.type == attr_none) && (res->varlen > 0)) { if (ctx->expr[0] != '.') { return 1; // 1 means "this is the final object name" } else { return 2; // 2 means "there are more object names following" (e.g. we just hit 'vehicle' in 'vehicle.position_speed' } } if (ctx->error) { // Probably hit an operator ctx->expr++; } } return 0; } static void eval_brace(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { if (get_op(ctx,0,"(",NULL)) { eval_comma(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; if (!get_op(ctx,0,")",NULL)) ctx->error=missing_closing_brace; return; } eval_value(ctx, res); } static void command_call_function(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct attr cbl,**list=NULL; char *function=g_alloca(sizeof(char)*(res->attrnlen+1)); if (res->attrn) strncpy(function, res->attrn, res->attrnlen); function[res->attrnlen]='\0'; dbg(1,"function=%s\n", function); if (ctx->expr[0] != ')') { list=eval_list(ctx); if (ctx->error) return; } if (!get_op(ctx,0,")",NULL)) { ctx->error=missing_closing_brace; return; } if (!strcmp(function,"_") && list && list[0] && list[0]->type >= attr_type_string_begin && list[0]->type <= attr_type_string_end) { res->attr.type=list[0]->type; res->attr.u.str=g_strdup(gettext(list[0]->u.str)); } else if (!strncmp(function,"new ",4)) { enum attr_type attr_type=attr_from_name(function+4); if (attr_type != attr_none) { struct object_func *func=object_func_lookup(attr_type); if (func && func->create) { res->attr.type=attr_type; res->attr.u.data=func->create(NULL, list); } } } else { if (command_object_get_attr(ctx, &res->attr, attr_callback_list, &cbl)) { int valid; struct attr **out=NULL; dbg(1,"function call %s from %s\n",function, attr_to_name(res->attr.type)); callback_list_call_attr_4(cbl.u.callback_list, attr_command, function, list, &out, &valid); if (out && out[0]) { attr_dup_content(out[0], &res->attr); attr_list_free(out); } else res->attr.type=attr_none; } else res->attr.type=attr_none; } res->var=NULL; res->varlen=0; res->attrn=NULL; res->attrnlen=0; } static void eval_postfix(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; const char *op; eval_brace(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!(op=get_op(ctx,0,"[","(",".",NULL))) return; if (op[0] == '.') { eval_brace(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; resolve(ctx, res,NULL); if (ctx->error) return; res->attrn=tmp.var; res->attrnlen=tmp.varlen; dump(res); } else if (op[0] == '[') { if (!get_op(ctx,0,"]",NULL)) { ctx->error=missing_closing_bracket; return; } } else if (op[0] == '(') { dbg(1,"function call\n"); resolve_object(ctx, res); command_call_function(ctx, res); } } } static void eval_unary(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { const char *op; op=get_op(ctx,0,"~","!",NULL); if (op) { eval_unary(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; if (op[0] == '~') set_int(ctx, res, ~get_int(ctx, res)); else set_int(ctx, res, !get_int(ctx, res)); } else eval_postfix(ctx, res); } static void eval_multiplicative(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; const char *op; eval_unary(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!(op=get_op(ctx,0,"*","/","%",NULL))) return; eval_unary(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; if (is_double(res) || is_double(&tmp)) { if (op[0] == '*') set_double(ctx, res, get_double(ctx, res) * get_double(ctx, &tmp)); else if (op[0] == '/') set_double(ctx, res, get_double(ctx, res) / get_double(ctx, &tmp)); else { ctx->error=invalid_type; return; } } else { if (op[0] == '*') set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) * get_int(ctx, &tmp)); else if (op[0] == '/') set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) / get_int(ctx, &tmp)); else set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) % get_int(ctx, &tmp)); } if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_additive(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; const char *op; eval_multiplicative(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!(op=get_op(ctx,0,"-","+",NULL))) return; eval_multiplicative(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; if (is_double(res) || is_double(&tmp)) { if (op[0] == '+') set_double(ctx, res, get_double(ctx, res) + get_double(ctx, &tmp)); else set_double(ctx, res, get_double(ctx, res) - get_double(ctx, &tmp)); } else { if (op[0] == '+') set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) + get_int(ctx, &tmp)); else set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) - get_int(ctx, &tmp)); } if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_equality(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; const char *op; eval_additive(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!(op=get_op(ctx,0,"==","!=","<=",">=","<",">",NULL))) return; eval_additive(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; switch (op[0]) { case '=': set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) == get_int(ctx, &tmp))); break; case '!': set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) != get_int(ctx, &tmp))); break; case '<': if (op[1] == '=') { set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) <= get_int(ctx, &tmp))); } else { set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) < get_int(ctx, &tmp))); } break; case '>': if (op[1] == '=') { set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) >= get_int(ctx, &tmp))); } else { set_int(ctx, res, (get_int(ctx, res) > get_int(ctx, &tmp))); } break; default: break; } result_free(&tmp); } } static void eval_bitwise_and(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_equality(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (get_op(ctx,1,"&&",NULL)) return; if (!get_op(ctx,0,"&",NULL)) return; eval_equality(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) & get_int(ctx, &tmp)); if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_bitwise_xor(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_bitwise_and(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!get_op(ctx,0,"^",NULL)) return; eval_bitwise_and(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) ^ get_int(ctx, &tmp)); if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_bitwise_or(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_bitwise_xor(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (get_op(ctx,1,"||",NULL)) return; if (!get_op(ctx,0,"|",NULL)) return; eval_bitwise_xor(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) | get_int(ctx, &tmp)); if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_logical_and(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_bitwise_or(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!get_op(ctx,0,"&&",NULL)) return; eval_bitwise_or(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) && get_int(ctx, &tmp)); if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_logical_or(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_logical_and(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!get_op(ctx,0,"||",NULL)) return; eval_logical_and(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; set_int(ctx, res, get_int(ctx, res) || get_int(ctx, &tmp)); if (ctx->error) return; } } static void eval_conditional(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; int cond; eval_logical_or(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; if (!get_op(ctx,0,"?",NULL)) return; cond=!!get_int(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; eval_logical_or(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; if (cond) *res=tmp; if (!get_op(ctx,0,":",NULL)) { ctx->error=missing_colon; return; } eval_logical_or(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; if (!cond) *res=tmp; } /* = *= /= %= += -= >>= <<= &= ^= |= */ static void eval_assignment(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_conditional(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; if (!get_op(ctx,0,"=",NULL)) return; eval_conditional(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; resolve(ctx, &tmp, NULL); if (ctx->error) return; resolve_object(ctx, res); command_set_attr(ctx, res, &tmp); } /* , */ static void eval_comma(struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { struct result tmp; eval_assignment(ctx, res); if (ctx->error) return; for (;;) { if (!get_op(ctx,0,",",NULL)) return; eval_assignment(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) return; *res=tmp; } } static struct attr ** eval_list(struct context *ctx) { struct result tmp; struct attr **ret=NULL; for (;;) { eval_assignment(ctx, &tmp); if (ctx->error) { attr_list_free(ret); return NULL; } resolve(ctx, &tmp, NULL); ret=attr_generic_add_attr(ret, &tmp.attr); if (!get_op(ctx,0,",",NULL)) return ret; } } #if 0 void command(struct attr *attr, char *expr) { struct result res; struct context ctx; memset(&res, 0, sizeof(res)); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.attr=attr; ctx.error=0; ctx.expr=expr; printf("command='%s'\n", expr); eval_comma(&ctx,&res); printf("err=%d %s\n", ctx.error, ctx.expr); dump(&res); printf("***\n"); resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); dump(&res); printf("%s\n", get_string(&ctx, &res)); } #endif static void command_evaluate_to(struct attr *attr, const char *expr, struct context *ctx, struct result *res) { memset(res, 0, sizeof(*res)); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); ctx->attr=attr; ctx->expr=expr; eval_comma(ctx,res); } enum attr_type command_evaluate_to_attr(struct attr *attr, char *expr, int *error, struct attr *ret) { struct result res; struct context ctx; command_evaluate_to(attr, expr, &ctx, &res); if (ctx.error) return attr_none; resolve_object(&ctx, &res); *ret=res.attr; dbg(0,"type %s\n",attr_to_name(command_attr_type(&res))); return command_attr_type(&res); } void command_evaluate_to_void(struct attr *attr, char *expr, int *error) { struct result res; struct context ctx; command_evaluate_to(attr, expr, &ctx, &res); if (!ctx.error) resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); if (error) *error=ctx.error; } char * command_evaluate_to_string(struct attr *attr, char *expr, int *error) { struct result res; struct context ctx; char *ret=NULL; command_evaluate_to(attr, expr, &ctx, &res); if (!ctx.error) resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); if (!ctx.error) ret=get_string(&ctx, &res); if (error) *error=ctx.error; if (ctx.error) return NULL; else return ret; } int command_evaluate_to_int(struct attr *attr, char *expr, int *error) { struct result res; struct context ctx; int ret=0; command_evaluate_to(attr, expr, &ctx, &res); if (!ctx.error) resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); if (!ctx.error) ret=get_int(&ctx, &res); if (error) *error=ctx.error; if (ctx.error) return 0; else return ret; } int command_evaluate_to_boolean(struct attr *attr, const char *expr, int *error) { struct result res; struct context ctx; int ret=0; command_evaluate_to(attr, expr, &ctx, &res); if (!ctx.error) resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); if (!ctx.error) { if (res.attr.type == attr_none) ret=0; else if ((res.attr.type >= attr_type_int_begin && res.attr.type <= attr_type_int_end) || (res.attr.type >= attr_type_double_begin && res.attr.type <= attr_type_double_end)) ret=get_int(&ctx, &res); else ret=res.attr.u.data != NULL; } if (error) *error=ctx.error; if (ctx.error) return 0; else return ret; } void command_evaluate(struct attr *attr, const char *expr) { struct result res; struct context ctx; memset(&res, 0, sizeof(res)); memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(ctx)); ctx.attr=attr; ctx.error=0; ctx.expr=expr; for (;;) { eval_comma(&ctx,&res); if (ctx.error) return; resolve(&ctx, &res, NULL); if (ctx.error) return; if (!get_op(&ctx,0,";",NULL)) return; } } #if 0 void command_interpreter(struct attr *attr) { char buffer[4096]; int size; for (;;) { size=read(0, buffer, 4095); buffer[size]='\0'; if (size) { buffer[size-1]='\0'; } command(attr, buffer); } } #endif static void command_table_call(struct command_table *table, int count, void *data, char *command, struct attr **in, struct attr ***out, int *valid) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if (!strcmp(command,table->command)) { if (valid) *valid=1; table->func(data, command, in, out); } table++; } } void command_add_table_attr(struct command_table *table, int count, void *data, struct attr *attr) { attr->type=attr_callback; attr->u.callback=callback_new_attr_3(callback_cast(command_table_call),attr_command, table, count, data); } void command_add_table(struct callback_list *cbl, struct command_table *table, int count, void *data) { struct attr attr; command_add_table_attr(table, count, data, &attr); callback_list_add(cbl, attr.u.callback); } void command_saved_set_cb (struct command_saved *cs, struct callback *cb) { cs->cb = cb; } int command_saved_get_int (struct command_saved *cs) { return get_int(&cs->ctx, &cs->res); } int command_saved_error (struct command_saved *cs) { return cs->error; } static void command_saved_evaluate_idle (struct command_saved *cs) { // Only run once at a time if (cs->idle_ev) { event_remove_idle(cs->idle_ev); cs->idle_ev = NULL; } command_evaluate_to(&cs->navit, cs->command, &cs->ctx, &cs->res); if (!cs->ctx.error) { cs->error = 0; if (cs->cb) { callback_call_1(cs->cb, cs); } } else { cs->error = cs->ctx.error; } } static void command_saved_evaluate(struct command_saved *cs) { if (cs->idle_ev) { // We're already scheduled for reevaluation return; } if (!cs->idle_cb) { cs->idle_cb = callback_new_1(callback_cast(command_saved_evaluate_idle), cs); } cs->idle_ev = event_add_idle(100, cs->idle_cb); } static void command_saved_callbacks_changed(struct command_saved *cs) { // For now, we delete each and every callback and then re-create them int i; struct object_func *func; struct attr attr; if (cs->register_ev) { event_remove_idle(cs->register_ev); cs->register_ev = NULL; } attr.type = attr_callback; for (i = 0; i < cs->num_cbs; i++) { func = object_func_lookup(cs->cbs[i].attr.type); if (!func->remove_attr) { dbg(0, "Could not remove command-evaluation callback because remove_attr is missing for type %i!\n", cs->cbs[i].attr.type); continue; } attr.u.callback = cs->cbs[i].cb; func->remove_attr(cs->cbs[i].attr.u.data, &attr); callback_destroy(cs->cbs[i].cb); } g_free(cs->cbs); cs->cbs = NULL; cs->num_cbs = 0; // Now, re-create all the callbacks command_register_callbacks(cs); } static int command_register_callbacks(struct command_saved *cs) { struct attr prev,cb_attr,attr; int status; struct object_func *func; struct callback *cb; attr = cs->navit; cs->ctx.expr = cs->command; cs->ctx.attr = &attr; prev = cs->navit; while ((status = get_next_object(&cs->ctx, &cs->res)) != 0) { resolve(&cs->ctx, &cs->res, NULL); if (cs->ctx.error || (cs->res.attr.type == attr_none)) { // We could not resolve an object, perhaps because it has not been created return 0; } if (prev.type != attr_none) { func = object_func_lookup(prev.type); if (func->add_attr) { if (status == 2) { // This is not the final attribute name cb = callback_new_attr_1(callback_cast(command_saved_callbacks_changed), cs->res.attr.type, (void*)cs); attr = cs->res.attr; } else if (status == 1) { // This is the final attribute name cb = callback_new_attr_1(callback_cast(command_saved_evaluate), cs->res.attr.type, (void*)cs); cs->ctx.attr = &cs->navit; } else { dbg(0, "Error: Strange status returned from get_next_object()\n"); } cs->num_cbs++; cs->cbs = g_realloc(cs->cbs, (sizeof(struct command_saved_cb) * cs->num_cbs)); cs->cbs[cs->num_cbs-1].cb = cb; cs->cbs[cs->num_cbs-1].attr = prev; cb_attr.u.callback = cb; cb_attr.type = attr_callback; func->add_attr(prev.u.data, &cb_attr); } else { dbg(0, "Could not add callback because add_attr is missing for type %i}n", prev.type); } } if (status == 2) { prev = cs->res.attr; } else { prev = cs->navit; } } command_saved_evaluate_idle(cs); return 1; } struct command_saved *command_saved_new(char *command, struct navit *navit, struct callback *cb) { struct command_saved *ret; ret = g_new0(struct command_saved, 1); ret->command = g_strdup(command); ret->navit.u.navit = navit; ret->navit.type = attr_navit; ret->cb = cb; ret->error = not_ready; if (!command_register_callbacks(ret)) { // We try this as an idle call again ret->register_cb = callback_new_1(callback_cast(command_saved_callbacks_changed), ret); ret->register_ev = event_add_idle(300, ret->register_cb); } return ret; } void command_saved_destroy(struct command_saved *cs) { g_free(cs->command); g_free(cs); }