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authorJoseph Herlant <>2019-09-22 15:23:36 -0700
committerJoseph Herlant <>2019-09-22 15:23:36 -0700
commita9fac21fc6f142513d656478fd8b349f73cb4db9 (patch)
parentd648037a2ca6963962a5332bbaefc19a0be51105 (diff)
add:doc: Migrate windows development to readthedocs
2 files changed, 539 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/development/windows_development.rst b/docs/development/windows_development.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f71b8c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/development/windows_development.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
+Windows Development
+Compiling using CMake
+At the moment, compiling with [[CMake]] seems to be the only way to create a runnable binary in Windows.
+Compiling / debugging using CodeBlocks & mingw compiler
+ Up to and including release 0.0.4 the Win32 builds were supported using the CodeBlocks/mingw development environment,
+ in combination with the glade for win32 GTK devlopment toolkit. For release 0.1.0 and later use native mingw
+ (see below) or cygwin (see below).
+In order to compile the win32 version of Navit, you need the following software development tools:
+ * Glade/gtk+ toolkit for win32 from `Glade 3.43 / Gtk 2.12.9 <>`_
+ and `SourceForgeDownload: Gtk+ 2.10.11 <>`_
+ * ming compiler from `Website: mingw <>`_ or `SourceForgeDownload: MinGW <>`_ (select Automated MinGW installer).
+ * CodeBlocks IDE from `CodeBlocks download page <>`_ (select recent development snapshot)
+ or `SourceForgeDownload: CodeBlocks <>`_
+Install the packages mentioned above. After everything has been installed you can open the navit.workspace file in CodeBlocks:
+.. warning::
+ Not up to date! Directory projs\CodeBlocks was deleted in 2009
+.. warning::
+ Not up to date! Directory projs\CodeBlocks was deleted in 2009
+To compile:
+ * Start the CodeBlocks application
+ * Open the navit.workspace file (located in projs\CodeBlocks directory)
+ * Set the GTK_DIR enviroment variable in CodeBlocks (Setting/Environment, and select environments variables)
+ * the GTK_DIR should point to where you have installed the Glade/Gtk toolkit package (e.g. d:\gtk)
+Now you should be able to build/debug the navit project:
+**ZLIB -lzdll message** `Settings> Compiler and Debugger..> Global compiler settings` In the Linker settings TAB (Add) C:\MinGW\lib\libzdll.a
+**SAPI** You need to download and install the `Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 <>`_ for this project to build.
+Running from debugger
+In order to run navit from the CodeBlocks debugger, you have to:
+ * Copy the navit.xml file from the source directory into the projs\CodeBlocks directory
+ * Copy the xpm directory from the toplevel directory into the projs\CodeBlocks directory
+ * Modify the navit.xml to set the map (currently only OSM binary files are supported)
+Compiling and running using cygwin
+Download cygwin
+Download the cygwin setup.exe from
+.. note::
+ I have been unable to build with cygwin according to these instructions. I suggest you only try it if you are knowledgable
+ and can improve the instructions. --[[User:Nop|Nop]] 13:01, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
+You will probably need the following packages from cygwin :
+ * automake
+ * autoconf
+ * gtk2-x11-devel
+ * libQt4Gui-devel
+ * libQtSql4--devel
+ * gcc
+ * g++ (for qt rendered)
+ * gettext-devel
+ * diffutils
+ * pkgconfig
+ * xorg-x11-devel
+ * glib2-devel
+ * pango-devel
+ * atk-devel
+ * libtool
+ * make
+ * rsvg
+ * wget
+ * cvs because of autopoint
+Prepare the build
+When using cygwin 1.7 you can skip this block and continue at cygwin 1.7
+Edit and add the following to CFLAGS at line 10:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
+It should look like this :
+.. code-block:: bash
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wcast-align -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wreturn-type -D_GNU_SOURCE -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include"
+Now run ` && ./configure`
+If you get: `checking for X... no`
+try adding the following parameters to ./configure :
+`--x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --x-include=/usr/X11R6/includes`
+Cygwin 1.7
+With cygwin 1.7 is fairly easy to build navit. Install all the required packages(some has diffrent names now).
+Run the autogen script first `./`
+and then configure with the following options: `./configure --disable-binding-python --disable-plugins`
+Build navit
+Skip for cygwin 1.7
+Currently, building navit will fail at this point, because we haven't found an implementation of the wordexp function for cygwin.
+Here's a message in that thread from an actual competent Cygwin user:
+The implication of that is a "C library". A "C library" is an "implementation" of reusable code. It consists of a library file that contains the compiled object code and a header file with the matching declarations that goes along with it. The library is implemented as a static archive at build time and simply linked into the app binary. There's nothing to include in that case -- it's already in there.
+Cygwin 1.7
+Just type `make` and `make install`. You can use stow for easy install and uninstall stuff without using packagemangement.
+Configuration GPS
+.. note::
+ If this works at all, it's only when running under cygwin. See above for the proper Win32 configuration. --[[User:Nop|Nop]] 13:04, 7 November 2010 (UTC)
+If you have a gps cable device which spits out NMEA data, you can configure it like under unix. Beware of the following enumeration:
+ * ComPort1==ttyS0
+ * ComPort2==ttyS1
+ * ...
+.. code-block:: xml
+ <vehicle name="GPSOnCom3" profilename="car" enabled="yes" active="1" source="file:/dev/ttyS2" baudrate="38400" color="#0000ff"/>
+Running under Cygwin
+To run navit under cygwin you need to install the cygwin xorg-server. Than just run navit.
+Make a redistributable package
+Please read and understand so that you don't infringe Cygwin's intellectual property rights (copyleft) when you distribute the package you've built.
+Then follows:
+Compiling a native binary using mingw
+The main advantage of this method is that it will produce a redistributable binary.
+In order to compile the win32 version of Navit, you need the following software development tools
+ * GTK+ toolkit for win32 from `SourceForgeDownload: Glade/GTK+ <>`_ (select gtk+-win32-devel)
+ * MinGW from `SourceForgeDownload: MinGW <>`_ (select Automated MinGW installer)
+ * MSYS from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Base System <>`_
+ * msysCORE from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Base System <>`_
+ * diffutils from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Base System <>`_
+ * autoconf from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+ * autogen from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+ * automake from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+ * gettext from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+ * libtool from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+ * libiconv from `SourceForgeDownload: MSYS Supplementary Tools <>`_
+Probably the easiest way to obtain and install all the MSYS packages is to follow the instructions `here <>`_
+For speech support, one option is to use the "cmdline" speech type (refer to [[Configuration]]) and a utility such as a Windows port of `Say <>`_
+.. code-block::
+ /bin/m4: unrecognized option '--gnu'
+Wrong version of m4, use 1.4.13
+.. code-block::
+ Can't locate object method "path" via package "Request (perhaps you forgot to load "Request"?)
+Wrong version of Autoconf, make sure the latest version is installed, plus the wrapper (version 1.7). Also delete autom4te.cache.
+.. code-block::
+ command PKG_MODULE_EXISTS not recognized
+For some reason the necessary file "pkg.m4" containing various macros is missing. Find it and put it in ./m4
+Cross-Compiling win32 exe using Linux Ubuntu 14.04.1
+This is a quick walk-thru on compiling a win32 exe using Ubuntu as development machine.
+Set up Ubuntu to build Linux version
+First, setup compiling in linux ubuntu explained in
+Here is a quick walk-thru:
+Get all the dependencies for Ubuntu in one command:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev libpng12-dev libgtk2.0-dev librsvg2-bin \
+ g++ gpsd gpsd-clients libgps-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev freeglut3-dev libxft-dev \
+ libglib2.0-dev libfreeimage-dev gettext
+get the latest SVN-source.
+First, cd into root: `cd ~`
+Now, let's grab the code from SVN. This assumes that you have subversion installed.
+This will download the latest SVN source and put in in folder "navit-source".
+You can use any location you want for the source, just to keep it simple we place it right in the root.
+`svn co svn:// navit-source`
+Create a directory to put the build in and cd into it:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ mkdir navit-build
+ cd navit-build
+Start compiling and build navit: `cmake ~/navit-source && make`
+At the end of the process navit is built into navit-build/.
+You can start navit to see if all worked well:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ~/navit-build/navit/
+ ./navit
+Building the win32 exe
+Now that we have set up the basic building environment we can build a win32 exe using the next walk-thru.
+Install ming32 and the dependencies: `sudo apt-get install mingw32 libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin mingw32-binutils mingw32-runtime default-jdk`
+now cd into the source:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd ~
+ cd navit-source
+We are going to place the build directory within the source directory.
+First, make the build directory and cd into it:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+From within the build directory start compiling and building:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../Toolchain/mingw32.cmake ../
+And then make the actual build:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ make -j4
+The -j4 part is used to define the amount of processors the process can use.
+So if you have a dual-core pc use -j2
+If -j4 fails, try -j2 and if that fails try "make" alone.
+Known "bugs"
+The "locale" folder is generated one level up.
+because of that the languages in navit are not working
+Cut and paste (or move) the "locale" folder to the navit folder.
+This should be investigated anf fixed so the folder is in the correct place after a build.
+So move `navit-source/build/locale/` to `navit-source/build/navit/locale`
+You can run `mv navit-source/build/locale/ navit-source/build/navit/`
+The country-flags images in the "town" search are not displayed.
+This could be due to a conversion error during build, has to be investigated and solved but doesn't inflict with the use of navit.
+There are a lot of empty folders that are not of use.
+Also there are cmake folders and files in every folder.
+You can delete those without any problem.
+Windows Mobile/Windows CE
+[[WinCE_development]] may have details that are relevant for compilation on WindowsCE / Windows Mobile.
+You can download now
+[ cab or zip file for Windows Mobile and WindowsCE]!
+Highest number is the newest version of NavIt.
+Download it and save on your Storage Card. Install it.
+Now you have NavIt on your PDA or Mobile Phone.
+This is a manual for self compiling (navit.exe)
+You need to have a Linux (like Ubuntu).
+If you didn´t have Linux, start your Linux on Live-CD.
+Compiling navit for wince using
+Download latest cegcc release and install it.
+In November 2009 versions compiled using arm-cegcc-gcc (both revision 1214 and release 0.59.1) had problems (threw exception_datatype_misalignment and caused access violations).<br />
+Using the variant arm-mingw32ce of CeGCC 0.59.1 it was possible to build a working executable which can be debugged (see [[WinCE development]]).
+Source [;package=4837 cegcc-arm and mingw] (TODO dead link)
+Current installs in /opt/cegcc.
+Setup a cross-compile environment:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ #! /bin/bash
+ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/cegcc/bin/
+ export CEGCC_PATH=/opt/cegcc
+ export WINCE_PATH=/opt/wince
+ export PATH=$CEGCC_PATH/bin:$PATH
+ export CPPFLAGS="-I$WINCE_PATH/include"
+ export LDFLAGS="-L$WINCE_PATH/lib -L$CEGCC_PATH/lib"
+ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$WINCE_PATH/lib/pkgconfig"
+ export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="$WINCE_PATH/lib/pkgconfig"
+For installation, compiling and configuring please see manual for NavIt on Linux.
+Then and configure navit. Example configure for wince:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./configure \
+ RANLIB=arm-cegcc-ranlib \
+ CXX=arm-cegcc-g++ \
+ CC=arm-cegcc-gcc \
+ --host=arm-pe-wince \
+ --disable-readline \
+ --disable-dynamic-extensions \
+ --disable-largefile \
+ --enable-tempstore \
+ CFLAGS="-I/opt/wince/include -mwin32 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32_WCE=0x0400 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0400 -Wl,--enable-auto-import" \
+ LDFLAGS="-L/opt/wince/lib" \
+ --prefix=/opt/wince/ \
+ WINDRES=arm-cegcc-windres \
+ --disable-vehicle-demo \
+ --disable-vehicle-file \
+ --disable-speech-cmdline \
+ --disable-speech-speech-dispatcher \
+ --disable-postgresql \
+ --disable-plugins \
+ --prefix=/opt/wince \
+ --disable-graphics-qt-qpainter \
+ --disable-gui-sdl \
+ --disable-samplemap \
+ --disable-gui-gtk \
+ --disable-gui-internal \
+ --disable-vehicle-gypsy \
+ --disable-vehicle-file \
+ --disable-vehicle-demo \
+ --disable-binding-dbus \
+ --enable-avoid-unaligned \
+ --enable-avoid-float
+If example did not run, do this:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ./configure \
+ RANLIB=arm-mingw32ce-ranlib \
+ CXX=arm-mingw32ce-g++ \
+ CC=arm-mingw32ce-gcc \
+ --host=arm-pe-wince \
+ --disable-readline \
+ --disable-dynamic-extensions \
+ --disable-largefile \
+ --enable-tempstore ¸\
+ CFLAGS="-mwin32 -DWIN32 -D_WIN32_WCE=0x0400 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0400 -Wl,\
+ --enable-auto-import" WINDRES=arm-mingw32ce-windres \
+ --disable-vehicle-demo \
+ --disable-vehicle-file \
+ --disable-speech-cmdline \
+ --disable-speech-speech-dispatcher \
+ --disable-postgresql \
+ --disable-plugins \
+ --prefix=/opt/wince \
+ --disable-graphics-qt-qpainter \
+ --disable-gui-sdl \
+ --disable-samplemap \
+ --disable-gui-gtk \
+ --disable-gui-internal \
+ --disable-vehicle-gypsy \
+ --disable-vehicle-file \
+ --disable-vehicle-demo \
+ --disable-binding-dbus \
+ --enable-avoid-unaligned \
+ --enable-avoid-float \
+ --enable-support-libc \
+ PKG_CONFIG=arm-mingw32ce-pkgconfig
+This is basic just to view the maps. Then: `make`
+As usual, osm2navit.exe will fail to compile. `cd navit && make navit.exe`
+You find navit.exe under (your directory)/navit/navit/navit.exe
+Install sync on your system.
+For installation you need packages librapi, liprapi2, pyrapi2, libsync.
+Package synce-0.9.0-1 contains librapi and libsync.
+You do not need to install it again!
+Sources: [ Sync] If link is crashed, use this: [ Sync Link2]
+libsync: [ libsync]
+pyrapi2: [ pyrapi2]
+librapi2 [ librapi2]
+Once you have navit.exe ready, copy `/opt/cegcc/arm-cegcc/lib/device/*.dll` on your device.
+For Debian use:
+.. code-block::
+ synce-pcp /opt/cegcc/arm-cegcc/lib/device/cegcc.dll ":/windows/cegcc.dll"
+ synce-pcp /opt/cegcc/arm-cegcc/lib/device/cegccthrd.dll ":/windows/cegccthrd.dll"
+All other Linux/Unix systems use:
+.. code-block::
+ pcp /opt/cegcc/arm-cegcc/lib/device/cegcc.dll ":/windows/cegcc.dll"
+ pcp /opt/cegcc/arm-cegcc/lib/device/cegccthrd.dll ":/windows/cegccthrd.dll"
+Synchronisation with a grahic surface, if connection to device failed:
+Packages RAKI and RAPIP you can use.
+RAKI you have in packages synce-kde (see Synce).
+RAKI is like Active Sync, RAPIP is a little bit like fish:// under Konquerror.
+Under SuSE Linux you can run kitchensync (not for all PDA).
+For synchronisation you can also use kpilot under Suse Linux (runs not with all PDA) or Microsoft Active Sync under Windows (free download at Microsoft homepage).
+You can put your memory card in card reader and copy data. Over console you must type in `sync` before you remove memory card.
+Install navit.exe.
+.. code-block::
+ synce-pcp navit.exe ":/Storage Card/navit.exe"
+All other:
+.. code-block::
+ pcp navit.exe ":/Storage Card/navit.exe"
+Prepare a navit.xml.wince
+Change gui to win32 and graphics to win32.
+Fix the paths to your maps "/Storage Card/binfilemap.bin"
+.. code-block::
+ synce-pcp binfilemap.bin ":/Storage Card/binfilemap.bin"
+ synce-pcp navit.xml.wince ":/Storage Card/navit.xml"
+All other:
+.. code-block::
+ pcp binfilemap.bin ":/Storage Card/binfilemap.bin"
+ pcp navit.xml.wince ":/Storage Card/navit.xml"
+For a start best use the samplemap.
+Now you can launch navit.exe on the device.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 7cbe50da8..16ef92f9d 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -50,3 +50,4 @@ Navit is highly customizable, from map layouts and on-screen display to the deta
+ development/windows_development