diff options
authorLionel AINS <>2018-11-19 21:50:09 +0100
committerLionel AINS <>2018-11-19 21:50:09 +0100
commit3e781f167cbfb034e3cb09e7261c67b29f2be982 (patch)
parent2ed7bc8116b584bf84690ffbe15209919e3f20e6 (diff)
parente70a28963ff9754d3257361fad93aebf59edee08 (diff)
Merge branch 'trunk' into fixing_resize
29 files changed, 7317 insertions, 7061 deletions
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index 8f07440c7..b74c73ef2 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -49,6 +49,22 @@ jobs:
command: bash scripts/
- store_artifacts:
path: /root/project/doc
+ build_sailfish:
+ machine: true
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run:
+ name: install docker
+ command: circleci-install docker
+ - run:
+ name: make build dir
+ command: mkdir ../rpmbuild
+ - run:
+ name: run build
+ command: ls -lah ../rpmbuild && docker run -e VERSION_ID= -v `pwd`/../rpmbuild:/home/nemo/rpmbuild:rw -v `pwd`:/home/nemo/navit hoehnp/sailfishos-platform-sdk: /bin/bash -x /home/nemo/navit/contrib/sailfish/
+ - store_artifacts:
+ name: Store rpm
+ path: ../rpmbuild/RPMS/
working_directory: ~/code
@@ -88,14 +104,10 @@ jobs:
- run:
name: Process xml's
command: |
+ make navit_config_xml
cd navit
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitldpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1 ICON_SMALL=24 ICON_MEDIUM=32 ICON_BIG=48
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitmdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1.33 ICON_SMALL=32 ICON_MEDIUM=48 ICON_BIG=64
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navithdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2 ICON_SMALL=48 ICON_MEDIUM=64 ICON_BIG=96
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2.67 ICON_SMALL=64 ICON_MEDIUM=96 ICON_BIG=128
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=4 ICON_SMALL=96 ICON_MEDIUM=128 ICON_BIG=192
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=5.33 ICON_SMALL=128 ICON_MEDIUM=192 ICON_BIG=256
- mv *dpi.xml android/res/raw
+ mkdir -p ./android/assets
+ cp -R config ./android/assets/
cd ../
- run:
name: Chmod permissions
@@ -257,6 +269,9 @@ workflows:
- build_android_arm:
- sanity_check
+ - build_sailfish:
+ requires:
+ - sanity_check
- build_win32:
- sanity_check
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index d7fd1bcd8..93ed3eb76 100755
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ else()
- include_directories( ${SDL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${SDL_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+ include_directories( ${SDL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${SDL_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIRS})
set(SDL_IMAGE 1)
set(SDL_TTF 1)
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
index 11980a77c..4f14be872 100755
--- a/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
@@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ fi
%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
diff --git a/navit/CMakeLists.txt b/navit/CMakeLists.txt
index f6dbe5bb8..ca19ce41d 100644
--- a/navit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/navit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -124,21 +124,37 @@ add_custom_command(
# additional parameter are passed to the stylesheet processor as parameter
-macro(process_xslt SRC_XML DEST_XML)
+macro(process_xslt SRC_DIR SRC_XML DEST_DIR DEST_XML)
+ # Create a unique temporary name based on the PATH and filename of the target xml file
+ # Create this unique temporary directory inside ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}. This is where we will store our intermediate xml file (called ${SRC_XML}.temp after each xslt pass
+ # Also copy the dtd file in the same directory as the xml file (required by the xslt processor)
string(REPLACE "," ";" XSLTS "${XSLTS}")
foreach(tmp ${XSLTS})
+ # We will run this loop below for each xslt file provided in the XSLTS variable
set(XSLT_FILE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit/xslt/${tmp}.xslt")
list(APPEND XSLT_COMMANDS COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo Applying ${tmp}.xslt)
- compose_xslt_transform_command(CMD "${XSLT_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${DEST_XML}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${DEST_XML}.tmp" "${ARGN}")
+ compose_xslt_transform_command(CMD "${XSLT_FILE}" "${TMPDIR}/${SRC_XML}.temp" "${TMPDIR}/${SRC_XML}.output" "${ARGN}")
+ # Move the final resulting xml file to the target filename and directory (provided in arguments)
# Depend on all XSLT files, because the main XSLT file may pull in other files.
# Ideally we'd parse the main XSLT file for includes, but that is tricky to do reliably.
# Note that this list of files is only updated when (re)running CMake, so if files are
@@ -146,26 +162,58 @@ macro(process_xslt SRC_XML DEST_XML)
file(GLOB ALL_XSLT_FILES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit/xslt/*.xslt")
+# Give instructions on how to build all navit_*.xml navit_layout_*.xml files, obtained applying relevant xslt tranformation on the source navit_shipped_*.xml files
+# The following XMLCFG_ALL_FILE_PREFIXES variable below lists all xml config files, semicolon is the delimiter
+# For example, it contains layout_navit_car, that will then be used to guess the source filename navit_layout_car_shipped.xml, installed as navit_layout_car.xml (or on android DPI-related files like navit_layout_car_xxxhdpi.xml)
+set(XMLCFG_ALL_FILE_PREFIXES "navit;navit_layout_car;navit_layout_car_dark;navit_layout_car_android;navit_layout_car_simple;navit_layout_bike;navit_layout_th")
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=5.33 ICON_SMALL=128 ICON_MEDIUM=192 ICON_BIG=256)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=4 ICON_SMALL=96 ICON_MEDIUM=128 ICON_BIG=192)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2.67 ICON_SMALL=64 ICON_MEDIUM=96 ICON_BIG=128)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navithdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2 ICON_SMALL=48 ICON_MEDIUM=64 ICON_BIG=96)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitmdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1.33 ICON_SMALL=32 ICON_MEDIUM=48 ICON_BIG=64)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitldpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1 ICON_SMALL=24 ICON_MEDIUM=32 ICON_BIG=48)
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS navitxxxhdpi.xml navitxxhdpi.xml navitxhdpi.xml navithdpi.xml navitmdpi.xml navitldpi.xml)
+ # On android, additional xlst transformations are applied to scale the OSD, icons etc... and the size is selected depending on the definition of the screen of the device (xxxhdpi, xxhdpi, ... ldpi)
+ # Files for all screen definitions are shipped inside the android package (suffixed with _xxxhdpi, _xxhdpi etc.), and it is only at runtime that the correct navit_*.xml (corresponding to the current device's resolution) is selected
+ set(XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST "") # Used to build the list of generated *xml filenames (only file basename, directory part excluded)
+ endforeach()
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST})
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navit.xml "")
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml_resource DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share/navit COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml resources/share/navit)
+ set(XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST "") # Used to build the list of generated *xml filenames (only file basename, directory part excluded)
+ set(XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST "") # A list of full path to installed xml files
+ endforeach()
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml_resource DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST} COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share/navit COMMAND cp ${XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST} resources/share/navit)
add_custom_target( locale_resource DEPENDS locales COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share COMMAND cp -a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../locale resources/share/locale)
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS navit.xml)
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST})
@@ -189,6 +237,12 @@ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml
"set(APPLE ${APPLE} CACHE BOOL init)\n"
diff --git a/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt b/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
index f78532297..91a4b29e7 100644
--- a/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -48,26 +48,53 @@ if (ANDROID AND NOT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} STREQUAL Ninja)
add_custom_target( android_resources
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/ldpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/mdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/hdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xhdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxhdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxxhdpi
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/navit*.xml"
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/ldpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/ldpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/icons/*.png"
- -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/res/drawable-nodpi
- -D LOWER=1
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/mdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/mdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/*/*/.libs/lib[b-z]*.so"
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/hdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/hdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D LOWER=1
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xxhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xxxhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxxhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/icons/*.png"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/res/drawable-nodpi
+ -D LOWER=1
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/*/*/.libs/lib[b-z]*.so"
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D LOWER=1
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
add_dependencies (android_resources images locales ${NAVIT_LIBNAME})
diff --git a/navit/android/build.gradle b/navit/android/build.gradle
index e2e42bc80..1385336bf 100644
--- a/navit/android/build.gradle
+++ b/navit/android/build.gradle
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ android {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
+ arguments '-DUSE_PLUGINS=n', '-DBUILD_MAPTOOL=n', '-DXSL_PROCESSING=y', '-DXSLTS=android', '-DANDROID=y', '-DSAMPLE_MAP=n'
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ android {
resources.srcDirs = ["src"]
renderscript.srcDirs = ["src"]
res.srcDirs = ["res"]
+ assets.srcDirs = ["assets"]
externalNativeBuild {
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
index feb472764..e6a477a37 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import android.content.SharedPreferences;
+import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
@@ -162,32 +163,35 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- /* Translates a string from its id
+ /**
+ * Translates a string from its id
* in R.strings
* @param Rid resource identifier
- * @retrun translated string
+ * @return translated string
String getTstring(int Rid) {
return getLocalizedString(getString(Rid));
- private boolean extractRes(String resname, String result) {
- boolean needs_update = false;
- Log.e(TAG, "Res Name " + resname + ", result " + result);
- int id = NavitResources.getIdentifier(resname, "raw", NAVIT_PACKAGE_NAME);
- Log.e(TAG, "Res ID " + id);
- if (id == 0) {
- return false;
- }
+ /**
+ * Check if a specific file needs to be extracted from the apk archive
+ * This is based on whether the file already exist, and if so, whether it is older than the archive or not
+ *
+ * @param filename The full path to the file
+ * @return true if file does not exist, but it can be created at the specified location, we will also return
+ * true if the file exist but the apk archive is more recent (probably package was upgraded)
+ */
+ private boolean resourceFileNeedsUpdate(String filename) {
+ File resultfile = new File(filename);
- File resultfile = new File(result);
if (!resultfile.exists()) {
- needs_update = true;
File path = resultfile.getParentFile();
if (!path.exists() && !resultfile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Could not create directory path for " + filename);
return false;
+ return true;
} else {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo appInfo;
@@ -200,16 +204,33 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
if (apkUpdateTime > resultfile.lastModified()) {
- needs_update = true;
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
- if (needs_update) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Extracting resource");
+ /**
+ * Extract a ressource from the apk archive (res/raw) and save it to a local file
+ *
+ * @param result The full path to the local file
+ * @param resname The name of the ressource file in the archive
+ * @return true if the local file is extracted in @p result
+ */
+ private boolean extractRes(String resname, String result) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Res Name " + resname + ", result " + result);
+ int id = NavitResources.getIdentifier(resname, "raw", NAVIT_PACKAGE_NAME);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Res ID " + id);
+ if (id == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (resourceFileNeedsUpdate(result)) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Extracting resource");
try {
InputStream resourcestream = NavitResources.openRawResource(id);
- FileOutputStream resultfilestream = new FileOutputStream(resultfile);
+ FileOutputStream resultfilestream = new FileOutputStream(new File(result));
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int i;
while ((i = != -1) {
@@ -224,6 +245,44 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Extract an asset from the apk archive (assets) and save it to a local file
+ *
+ * @param output The full path to the output local file
+ * @param assetFileName The full path of the asset file within the archive
+ * @return true if the local file is extracted in @p output
+ */
+ private boolean extractAsset(String assetFileName, String output) {
+ AssetManager assetMgr = NavitResources.getAssets();
+ InputStream assetstream;
+ Log.d(TAG, "Asset Name " + assetFileName + ", output " + output);
+ try {
+ assetstream =;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed opening asset '" + assetFileName + "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (resourceFileNeedsUpdate(output)) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Extracting asset '" + assetFileName + "'");
+ try {
+ FileOutputStream outputFilestream = new FileOutputStream(new File(output));
+ byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+ int i = 0;
+ while ((i = != -1) {
+ outputFilestream.write(buf, 0, i);
+ }
+ outputFilestream.close();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e.getMessage());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
private void showInfos() {
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(NAVIT_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE);
boolean firstStart = settings.getBoolean("firstStart", true);
@@ -386,13 +445,23 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
} else if (densityDpi < 640) {
my_display_density = "xxxhdpi";
} else {
- Log.e(TAG, "found device of very high density (" + densityDpi + ")");
- Log.e(TAG, "using xxxhdpi values");
+ Log.w(TAG, "found device of very high density (" + densityDpi + ")");
+ Log.w(TAG, "using xxxhdpi values");
my_display_density = "xxxhdpi";
+ Log.i(TAG, "Device density detected: " + my_display_density);
- if (!extractRes("navit" + my_display_density, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/share/navit.xml")) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract navit.xml for " + my_display_density);
+ try {
+ AssetManager assetMgr = NavitResources.getAssets();
+ String[] children = assetMgr.list("config/" + my_display_density);
+ for (String child : children) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Processing config file '" + child + "' from assets");
+ if (!extractAsset("config/" + my_display_density + "/" + child, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/share/" + child)) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract asset config/" + my_display_density + "/" + child);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed to access assets using AssetManager");
Log.d(TAG, "android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=" + Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK));
@@ -669,7 +738,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Shows the Options menu.
+ * Shows the Options menu.
* Calling this method has the same effect as pressing the hardware Menu button, where present, or touching
* the overflow button in the Action bar.
@@ -680,7 +749,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Shows the native keyboard or other input method.
+ * Shows the native keyboard or other input method.
public int showNativeKeyboard() {
@@ -721,7 +790,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Hides the native keyboard or other input method.
+ * Hides the native keyboard or other input method.
public void hideNativeKeyboard() {
mgr.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0);
diff --git a/navit/attr_def.h b/navit/attr_def.h
index 0dffc93e5..2b51f11eb 100644
--- a/navit/attr_def.h
+++ b/navit/attr_def.h
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ ATTR(daylayout)
diff --git a/navit/file.c b/navit/file.c
index 0ef39bddd..4d7f226f8 100644
--- a/navit/file.c
+++ b/navit/file.c
@@ -231,7 +231,13 @@ file_create_url(char *url) {
#define S_ISREG(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
-int file_is_dir(char *name) {
+ * @brief Check if a given path corresponds to a directory
+ *
+ * @param name The path to the filesystem element
+ * @return !=0 (true) if @p name is a directory
+ */
+int file_is_dir(const char *name) {
struct stat buf;
if (! stat(name, &buf)) {
return S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
@@ -240,7 +246,13 @@ int file_is_dir(char *name) {
-int file_is_reg(char *name) {
+ * @brief Check if a given path corresponds to a regular file
+ *
+ * @param name The path to the filesystem element
+ * @return !=0 (true) if @p name is a regular file
+ */
+int file_is_reg(const char *name) {
struct stat buf;
if (! stat(name, &buf)) {
return S_ISREG(buf.st_mode);
diff --git a/navit/file.h b/navit/file.h
index e44ca96ad..8105302ba 100644
--- a/navit/file.h
+++ b/navit/file.h
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ struct attr;
int file_request(struct file *f, struct attr **options);
char *file_http_header(struct file *f, char *header);
struct file *file_create(char *name, struct attr **options);
-int file_is_dir(char *name);
+int file_is_dir(const char *name);
+int file_is_reg(const char *name);
long long file_size(struct file *file);
int file_mkdir(char *name, int pflag);
int file_mmap(struct file *file);
@@ -95,7 +96,6 @@ int file_version(struct file *file, int byname);
void *file_get_os_handle(struct file *file);
int file_set_cache_size(int cache_size);
void file_init(void);
-int file_is_reg(char *name);
void file_data_remove(struct file *file, unsigned char *data);
/* end of prototypes */
diff --git a/navit/layout.c b/navit/layout.c
index 25f60bc4b..f2f3d1a75 100644
--- a/navit/layout.c
+++ b/navit/layout.c
@@ -25,15 +25,31 @@
#include "layout.h"
#include "coord.h"
#include "debug.h"
+#include "navit.h"
-struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
+ * @brief Create a new layout object and attach it to a navit parent
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent for this layout (a navit attr)
+ * @param attrs An array of attributes that for this layout
+ * @return The newly created layout object
+ */
+struct layout *
+layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
struct layout *l;
+ struct navit *navit;
struct color def_color = {COLOR_BACKGROUND_};
struct attr *name_attr,*color_attr,*order_delta_attr,*font_attr,*day_attr,*night_attr,*active_attr;
if (! (name_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name)))
return NULL;
+ navit = parent->u.navit;
+ if (navit_get_layout_by_name(navit, name_attr->u.str)) {
+ dbg(lvl_warning, "Another layout with name '%s' has already been parsed. Discarding subsequent duplicate.",
+ name_attr->u.str);
+ return NULL;
+ }
l = g_new0(struct layout, 1);
navit_object_ref((struct navit_object *)l);
@@ -55,7 +71,7 @@ struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
if ((active_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_active)))
l->active = active_attr->u.num;
- l->navit=parent->u.navit;
+ l->navit=navit;
return l;
diff --git a/navit/main.c b/navit/main.c
index 75a3a5f93..986947f0d 100644
--- a/navit/main.c
+++ b/navit/main.c
@@ -73,10 +73,19 @@ void setenv(char *var, char *val, int overwrite) {
- * environment_vars[][0:name,1-3:mode]
- * ':' replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX
- * '::' replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX and LIBDIR
- * '~' replaced with HOME
+ * @def environment_vars
+ *
+ * @brief Environment variables automatically added (and expanded) by navit at startup
+ *
+ * A NUL-terminated string array
+ * environment_vars[0] is the name of the variable
+ * environment_vars[1] is the value used when running from source dir
+ * environment_vars[2] is the value used on Linux
+ * environment_vars[3] is the value used on Windows (see main_init())
+ * environment_vars[4] is the value used on Android
+ * ':' is replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX
+ * '::' is replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX and LIBDIR
+ * '~' is replaced with HOME
static char *environment_vars[][5]= {
{"NAVIT_LIBDIR", ":", ":/"LIB_DIR, ":\\lib", ":/lib"},
@@ -319,6 +328,10 @@ static void win_set_nls(void) {
+void main_update_default_layout(struct navit *navit) {
+ navit_update_current_layout(navit, NULL);
void main_init(const char *program) {
char *s;
#ifdef _UNICODE /* currently for wince */
diff --git a/navit/main.h b/navit/main.h
index 47f275c09..910d56200 100644
--- a/navit/main.h
+++ b/navit/main.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ void main_add_navit(struct navit *nav);
void main_remove_navit(struct navit *nav);
int main_add_attr(struct attr *attr);
int main_remove_attr(struct attr *attr);
+void main_update_default_layout(struct navit *navit);
void main_init(const char *program);
void main_init_nls(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv);
diff --git a/navit/navit.c b/navit/navit.c
index 84af773e2..90935786d 100644
--- a/navit/navit.c
+++ b/navit/navit.c
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ struct navit {
GList *mapsets;
GList *layouts;
struct gui *gui;
- struct layout *layout_current;
+ char *default_layout_name; /*!< The default layout indicated by the config file (if any) */
+ struct layout *layout_current; /*!< The current layout theme used to display the map */
struct graphics *gra;
struct action *action;
struct transformation *trans, *trans_cursor;
@@ -1343,6 +1344,7 @@ navit_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
+ this_->default_layout_name=NULL;
this_->center_timeout = 10;
this_->use_mousewheel = 1;
@@ -2406,11 +2408,19 @@ static int navit_set_attr_do(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr, int init) {
attr_updated=(this_->vehicle->follow_curr != attr->u.num);
this_->vehicle->follow_curr = attr->u.num;
+ case attr_default_layout:
+ if(!attr->u.str)
+ return 0;
+ if(this_->default_layout_name) /* There is already a default layout, ignore this new value */
+ g_free(this_->default_layout_name); /* Drop the previous layout name, use the this one instead */
+ this_->default_layout_name=g_strdup(attr->u.str);
+ attr_updated=1;
+ break;
case attr_layout:
return 0;
if(this_->layout_current!=attr->u.layout) {
- this_->layout_current=attr->u.layout;
+ navit_update_current_layout(this_, attr->u.layout);
if (this_->ready == 3)
@@ -2789,6 +2799,58 @@ int navit_get_attr(struct navit *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr,
return ret;
+ * @brief Select the default layout by name
+ *
+ * @param this_ The navit instance
+ * @param name The new default layout's name
+ *
+ * @return The first layout match (if any), or NULL if there was no match
+ */
+struct layout *navit_get_layout_by_name(struct navit *this_, const char *layout_name) {
+ struct attr_iter *iter;
+ struct attr layout_attr;
+ struct layout *result = NULL;
+ if (!layout_name)
+ return NULL;
+ iter=navit_attr_iter_new();
+ while (navit_get_attr(this_, attr_layout, &layout_attr, iter)) {
+ if (strcmp(layout_attr.u.layout->name, layout_name) == 0) {
+ result = layout_attr.u.layout;
+ }
+ }
+ navit_attr_iter_destroy(iter);
+ return result;
+ * @brief Set the current layout
+ *
+ * @param this_ The navit instance
+ * @param layout The layout to set as default (if NULL, we will set the current layout according to the default name stored in this_->default_layout_name
+ *
+ * @note If argument @p layout is NULL and the default layout name in the config file does not exist or has not been provided in the config file, the default layout is unchanged
+ */
+void navit_update_current_layout(struct navit *this_, struct layout *layout) {
+ struct layout *default_layout = NULL;
+ if (layout) {
+ this_->layout_current=layout;
+ } else {
+ if (this_->default_layout_name) { /* If a default layout name was provided */
+ default_layout=navit_get_layout_by_name(this_, this_->default_layout_name);
+ if (default_layout) {
+ dbg(lvl_debug, "Found the config-specified default layout '%s'", this_->default_layout_name);
+ this_->layout_current=default_layout;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ dbg(lvl_warning, "No definition exists in config for specified default layout '%s'", this_->default_layout_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
static int navit_add_log(struct navit *this_, struct log *log) {
struct attr type_attr;
if (!log_get_attr(log, attr_type, &type_attr, NULL))
diff --git a/navit/navit.h b/navit/navit.h
index 898ff6cff..7125c1878 100644
--- a/navit/navit.h
+++ b/navit/navit.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ struct coord_rect;
struct displaylist;
struct graphics;
struct gui;
+struct layout;
struct mapset;
struct message;
struct navigation;
@@ -103,6 +104,8 @@ void navit_set_center_cursor(struct navit *this_, int autozoom, int keep_orienta
void navit_set_center_screen(struct navit *this_, struct point *p, int set_timeout);
int navit_set_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
int navit_get_attr(struct navit *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter);
+struct layout *navit_get_layout_by_name(struct navit *this_, const char *layout_name);
+void navit_update_current_layout(struct navit *this_, struct layout *layout);
int navit_add_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
int navit_remove_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
struct attr_iter *navit_attr_iter_new(void);
diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd5a9943a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<layout xmlns:xi="" name="Bike" color="#ffefb7" font="Liberation Sans">
+ <cursor w="26" h="26">
+ <itemgra>
+ <circle color="#0000ff" radius="24" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </circle>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="-2">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="3-">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="-7" y="-10"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="12"/>
+ <coord x="7" y="-10"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ </cursor>
+ <layer name="Landuse">
+ <itemgra item_types="image" order="0-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_wood" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#8ec78d"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_town" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffc895"/>
+ <polyline color="#ebb481"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_park" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#7cc334"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_water" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#82c8ea"/>
+ <polyline color="#5096b8"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_land" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_airport" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#a0a0a0"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_sport" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ff8c00"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_industry,poly_place,poly_railway" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_commercial" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#fff8dc"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_industry,poly_building,poly_place,poly_brownfield,poly_greenfield,poly_construction,poly_railway" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ecd8ff"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_farm" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_meadow" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_scree,poly_scrub,poly_fell,poly_heath" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_marsh,poly_mud,poly_quarry" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#DEB887"/>
+ <polyline color="#DEB887"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_allotments,poly_playground,poly_village_green,poly_recreation_ground,poly_common,poly_garden" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_ruins" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#b6a6a6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_apron" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#d0d0d0"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_terminal" order="7-">
+ <polygon color="#e3c6a6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_cemetery" order="1-">
+ <polygon color="#bde3cb"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_car_parking" order="1-">
+ <polygon color="#d2d2d2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_building" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ff6347"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Contour Lines">
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="8">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_2" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="3"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_2" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_3" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <!-- "Contour Lines" -->
+ <layer name="Barriers">
+ <itemgra item_types="ditch" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#B8860B" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hedge" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#90EE90" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="fence" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="retaining_wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="city_wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#CD5C5C" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <!-- "Barriers" -->
+ <layer name="Waterways">
+ <itemgra item_types="water_line" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="4"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_canal" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="3"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_stream" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_drain" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Borders">
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="0-5">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="3,2,1,3" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="0-5">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="3,2,1,3" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="6-11">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="6,6,1,6" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="6-11">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="6,6,1,6" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="12-20">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="10,10,2,10" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="12-20">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="10,10,2,10" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Current Route">
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="2">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="3-5">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="16"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="9-10">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="28"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="52"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="64"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="68"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="132"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="268"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="530"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Ways and Paths">
+ <itemgra item_types="powerline" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="1"/>
+ <polyline color="#778899" dash="1,80" width="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_paved" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_gravelled" order="9-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_unpaved" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_ground" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1" dash="6,6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_grass" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="6,6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="bridleway" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#f4a460" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="cycleway" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#006400" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#3cb371" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="footway" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#CD853F" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="steps" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#F4A460" width="1" dash="6,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="path" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="2,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="4,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_mountain" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="6,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_mountain_demanding" order="13-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="8,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine" order="13-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="10,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine_demanding" order="14-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="12,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine_difficult" order="14-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="14,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Streets">
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian,poly_plaza" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#d2d2d2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="18"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="21"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="25"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="21"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="40"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="34"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="6"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="7"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="10"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="11"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_parking_lane" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_parking_lane" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_parking_lane" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_parking_lane" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="6"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_parking_lane" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="7"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="5"/>
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+ <!-- not really usefull -->
+ <!--
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+ -->
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bike layout? -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
+ <icon src="bench.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_car_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_car_shipped.xml
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+ <!-- This entry shows all unknow point elements as blue circles -->
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+ <!-- This entry shows all unknown linear elements as blue lines -->
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="ghost_town.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="parking.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="car_sharing.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="fuel.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="hospital.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="fastfood.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="police.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="shinto.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="sikh.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="telephone.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="tower.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_stages.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_reference.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_webcam.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="traffic_signals.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="wifi.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="taxi.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_image" order="12-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bicyle layout. -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
+ <icon src="bench.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_biergarten" order="12-">
+ <icon src="beer.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="boundary_stone.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="castle.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_ruins" order="11-">
+ <icon src="ruins.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hunting_stand" order="12-">
+ <icon src="hunting_stand.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_memorial" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_monument" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shelter" order="11-">
+ <icon src="shelter.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fountain" order="13-">
+ <icon src="fountain.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_potable_water" order="13-">
+ <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="toilets.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="viewpoint.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="tec_common" order="11-">
+ <icon src="tec_common.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="vehicle" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gui_vehicle_16_16.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gui_vehicle_pedestrian_16_16.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="%s"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="POI Labels">
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_airport,town_ghost,poi_hotel,poi_car_parking,poi_car_dealer_parts,poi_car_sharing,poi_fuel,poi_shopping,poi_attraction,poi_cafe,poi_bar,poi_pub,highway_exit,poi_camp_rv,poi_museum_history,poi_hospital,poi_dining,poi_fastfood,poi_police,poi_autoservice,poi_bank,poi_atm,poi_bus_station,poi_bus_stop,poi_business_service,poi_car_rent,poi_church,poi_bahai,poi_buddhist,poi_hindu,poi_islamic,poi_jain,poi_jewish,poi_pagan,poi_pastafarian,poi_shinto,poi_sikh,poi_taoist,poi_cinema,poi_concert,poi_drinking_water,poi_emergency,poi_fair,poi_fish,poi_government_building,poi_hotspring,poi_information,poi_justice,poi_landmark,poi_library,poi_mall,poi_manmade_feature,poi_marine,poi_marine_type,poi_mark,poi_oil_field,poi_peak,poi_personal_service,poi_pharmacy,poi_post_office,poi_public_office,poi_rail_halt,poi_rail_station,poi_rail_tram_stop,poi_repair_service,poi_resort,poi_restaurant,poi_restricted_area,poi_sailing,poi_scenic_area,poi_school,poi_service,poi_shop_bicycle,poi_shop_retail,poi_skiing,poi_social_service,poi_sport,poi_stadium,poi_swimming,poi_theater,poi_townhall,poi_trail,poi_truck_stop,poi_tunnel,poi_worship,poi_wrecker,poi_zoo,poi_biergarten,poi_castle,poi_ruins,poi_memorial,poi_monument,poi_shelter,poi_fountain,poi_viewpoint,vehicle" order="14-">
+ <circle color="#606060" radius="0" width="0" text_size="10"/>
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+ <itemgra item_types="poi_custom0,poi_custom1,poi_custom2,poi_custom3,poi_custom4,poi_custom5,poi_custom6,poi_custom7,poi_custom8,poi_custom9,poi_customa,poi_customb,poi_customc,poi_customd,poi_custome,poi_customf" order="14-">
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+ <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4029833f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
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diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aebc79d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
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+ <!-- highway=service,footway, ,... -->
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="35"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="30"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="73"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="67"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="144"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="138"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=secondary -->
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="7">
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="8">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="11"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="16"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="19"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="23"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="21"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="36"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="34"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="75"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="73"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="152"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="150"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=primary -->
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="2-6">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="6"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="18"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="21"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="24"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="39"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="33"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="78"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="72"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="156"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="150"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=motorway -->
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="2">
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="3-5">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="7"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="9-10">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="15"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="10"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="25"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="17"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="31"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="24"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="33"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="27"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="65"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="59"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="133"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="127"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="264"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="258"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_exit_label" order="10-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=primary (font)-->
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land,street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes,living_street" order="10-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land,street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="11-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass,street_0,street_1_city,street_1_land,footway" order="12-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=suburb -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label,district_label,town_label_0e0,town_label_1e0,town_label_2e0,town_label_5e0,town_label_1e1,town_label_2e1,town_label_5e1,town_label_1e2,town_label_2e2,town_label_5e2,district_label_0e0,district_label_1e0,district_label_2e0,district_label_5e0,district_label_1e1,district_label_2e1,district_label_5e1,district_label_1e2,district_label_2e2,district_label_5e2" order="9-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e3,district_label_2e3,district_label_5e3" order="11-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e3,town_label_2e3,town_label_5e3,place_label" order="10-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e4,district_label_2e4,district_label_5e4" order="9-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e4,town_label_2e4,town_label_5e4" order="8-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e5,district_label_2e5,district_label_5e5" order="6-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=city -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e5,town_label_2e5,town_label_5e5" order="4-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e6,district_label_2e6,district_label_5e6" order="3-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e6,town_label_2e6,town_label_5e6" order="2-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e7,district_label_1e7" order="1-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="rg_point" order="0-">
+ <circle color="#FF089C" radius="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="2">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="4" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="3-5">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="8" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="6">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="10" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="7-8">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="16" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="9-10">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="20" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="28" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="12">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="32" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="13">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="52" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="14">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="64" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="15">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="68" width="6" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="16">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="132" width="8" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="17">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="268" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="530" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- !!!!...POIs...!!!! -->
+ <!-- amenity=bank -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="14-">
+ <icon src="bank.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
+ <icon src="atm.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=fuel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="fuel.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=hospitalg -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hospital.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=parking -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="14-">
+ <icon src="parking.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=police -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="14-">
+ <icon src="police.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=restaurant -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="14-">
+ <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- leisure=golf_curse -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="14-">
+ <icon src="golf.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- tourism=hotel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hotel.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
diff --git a/navit/navit_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_shipped.xml
index ae2eedd37..9e87d2fba 100644
--- a/navit/navit_shipped.xml
+++ b/navit/navit_shipped.xml
@@ -27,27 +27,32 @@
<!-- timestamps 0/1 - prefix log messages with a timestamp -->
<debug name="timestamps" level="0"/>
- <!-- center= defines which map location Navit will show after first start.
- It will only be used for the first start; subsequent starts will remember the
- last position (in center.txt).
- Center coordinates format: "Long Lat" in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
- For other formats see
- -->
- <navit center="11.5666 48.1333" zoom="256" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest="250" drag_bitmap="0">
- <!-- Use one of gtk_drawing_area, qt_qpainter or sdl.
- On windows systems, use win32 -->
+ <!--
+ center= defines which map location Navit will show after first start.
+ It will only be used for the first start; subsequent starts will remember the
+ last position (in center.txt).
+ Center coordinates format: "Long Lat" in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
+ For other formats see
+ -->
+ <navit center="11.5666 48.1333" zoom="256" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest="250" drag_bitmap="0" default_layout="Car">
+ <!-- Use one of gtk_drawing_area, qt_qpainter or sdl. On windows systems, use win32 -->
<graphics type="gtk_drawing_area"/>
- <!-- The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
+ <!--
+ The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
Options include internal (optimized for touch screen devices), gtk (useful for desktop computers).
- If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag -->
+ If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag
+ -->
<gui type="gtk" enabled="no" menubar="1" toolbar="1" statusbar="1"/>
- <!--
- In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
- Here's an example for a freerunner: -->
- <!-- <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/> -->
- <!-- The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
- To get the prvious behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'
- -->
+ <!--
+ In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
+ Here's an example for a freerunner:
+ <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
+ To get the previous behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'
+ -->
<gui type="internal" enabled="yes"><![CDATA[
<a name='Main Menu'><text>Main menu</text>
@@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
<roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
<roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
- <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
<roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
<roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
@@ -374,9 +379,11 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<announce type="street_n_lanes,highway_land" level0="300" level1="1000" level2="2000" unit="m"/>
- <!-- Navit provides speech output in text format.
- If you have a speech synthesizer like festival lite installed, you can get turn by turn directions out of navit. Please set the "cps"-value to how many characters your tts engine approximately speaks per second.
- The default is text output to the shell -->
+ <!--
+ Navit provides speech output in text format.
+ If you have a speech synthesizer like festival lite installed, you can get turn by turn directions out of navit. Please set the "cps"-value to how many characters your tts engine approximately speaks per second.
+ The default is text output to the shell
+ -->
<speech type="cmdline" data="echo 'Fix the speech tag in navit.xml to let navit say:' '%s'" cps="15"/>
Instead of using a speech synthesizer, navit can also play pre-recorded samples for each word.
@@ -385,7 +392,7 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<speech type="cmdline" data="aplay -q %s"
sample_dir="/path/to/sampledir" sample_suffix=".wav" flags="1"
vocabulary_name="0" vocabulary_name_systematic="0" vocabulary_distances="0"/>
- -->
+ -->
<!-- You can only have enabled only one mapset at time, but with as much maps enabled as you want -->
@@ -420,6896 +427,15 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
- <layout name="Car" nightlayout="Car-dark" color="#ffefb7" font="Liberation Sans">
- <cursor w="57" h="57">
- <itemgra speed_range="-2">
- <polyline color="#00BC00" radius="0" width="4">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </polyline>
- <circle color="#008500" radius="9" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- <circle color="#00BC00" radius="13" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- <circle color="#008500" radius="18" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra speed_range="3-">
- <polygon color="#008500">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#00BC00">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#009C00">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#006500">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- </itemgra>
- </cursor>
- <layer name="polygons">
- <itemgra item_types="image" order="0-">
- <image/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_nature_reserve" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#cedec6"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_glacier" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#ddecec"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_town" order="0-">
- <polygon color="#ffc895"/>
- <polyline color="#ebb481"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_naval_base" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#6a9993"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_airfield" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#ecd3cf"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_university" order="8-">
- <polygon color="#d68fb8"/>
- <polyline color="#881155"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_college" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#f4f4f4"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_attraction" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#01a36c"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_theme_park" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#01a36c"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_water_park" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#8cc1c8"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
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- <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bicyle layout. -->
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- <icon src="ghost_town.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="12-">
- <icon src="hotel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="11-">
- <icon src="parking.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_sharing" order="11-">
- <icon src="car_sharing.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_dealer_parts" order="0-">
- <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="10-">
- <icon src="fuel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shopping" order="10-">
- <icon src="shopping.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_attraction" order="8-">
- <icon src="attraction.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cafe" order="12-">
- <icon src="cafe.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bar" order="12-">
- <icon src="bar.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pub" order="12-">
- <icon src="beer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bridge" order="0-">
- <icon src="bridge.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="highway_exit" order="11-">
- <icon src="exit.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_camp_rv" order="9-">
- <icon src="camping.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_museum_history" order="12-">
- <icon src="museum.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="12-">
- <icon src="hospital.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- not really usefull -->
- <!--
- <itemgra item_types="point_unkn" order="0-">
- <circle color="#8080ff" radius="3"/>
- </itemgra>
- -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_dining" order="12-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fastfood" order="12-">
- <icon src="fastfood.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="12-">
- <icon src="police.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_auto_club" order="0-">
- <icon src="auto_club.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_autoservice" order="0-">
- <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="12-">
- <icon src="bank.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
- <icon src="atm.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bay" order="0-">
- <icon src="bay.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bend" order="0-">
- <icon src="bend.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_boat_ramp" order="12-">
- <icon src="boat_ramp.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_border_station" order="0-">
- <icon src="border_station.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bowling" order="0-">
- <icon src="bowling.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_station" order="12-">
- <icon src="bus.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_stop" order="12-">
- <icon src="bus_stop.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_business_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="business_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_rent" order="11-">
- <icon src="car_rent.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_wash" order="12-">
- <icon src="car_wash.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_casino" order="11-">
- <icon src="casino.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cemetery" order="11-">
- <icon src="cemetery.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_church" order="11-">
- <icon src="church.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bahai" order="11-">
- <icon src="bahai.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_buddhist" order="11-">
- <icon src="buddhist.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hindu" order="11-">
- <icon src="hindu.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_islamic" order="11-">
- <icon src="islamic.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_jain" order="11-">
- <icon src="jain.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_jewish" order="11-">
- <icon src="jewish.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pagan" order="11-">
- <icon src="pagan.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pastafarian" order="11-">
- <icon src="pastafarian.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shinto" order="11-">
- <icon src="shinto.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sikh" order="11-">
- <icon src="sikh.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_taoist" order="11-">
- <icon src="taoist.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cinema" order="12-">
- <icon src="cinema.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_communication" order="0-">
- <icon src="communication.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_concert" order="0-">
- <icon src="concert.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cove" order="0-">
- <icon src="cove.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_crossing" order="0-">
- <icon src="crossing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_dam" order="0-">
- <icon src="dam.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_area" order="12-">
- <icon src="danger_16_16.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_sea_wreck" order="0-">
- <icon src="dangerous.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_daymark" order="0-">
- <icon src="daymark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_diving" order="0-">
- <icon src="diving.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_drinking_water" order="0-">
- <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_emergency" order="0-">
- <icon src="emergency.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fair" order="0-">
- <icon src="fair.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_firebrigade" order="12-">
- <icon src="firebrigade.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fish" order="0-">
- <icon src="fish.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_forbidden_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="forbidden_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_gps" order="0-">
- <icon src="garmin.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="12-">
- <icon src="golf.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_government_building" order="0-">
- <icon src="government_building.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_height" order="0-">
- <icon src="height.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_heliport" order="7-">
- <icon src="heliport.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotspring" order="0-">
- <icon src="hotspring.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_icesport" order="0-">
- <icon src="icesport.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_information" order="12-">
- <icon src="information.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_justice" order="10-">
- <icon src="justice.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_landmark" order="0-">
- <icon src="landmark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_levee" order="0-">
- <icon src="levee.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_level_crossing" order="11-">
- <icon src="level_crossing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_library" order="12-">
- <icon src="library.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_locale" order="0-">
- <icon src="locale.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_loudspeaker" order="0-">
- <icon src="loudspeaker.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mall" order="0-">
- <icon src="mall.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_manmade_feature" order="0-">
- <icon src="manmade_feature.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_marine" order="0-">
- <icon src="marine.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_marine_type" order="0-">
- <icon src="marine_type.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mark" order="0-">
- <icon src="mark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_military" order="0-">
- <icon src="military.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mine" order="0-">
- <icon src="mine.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_nondangerous" order="0-">
- <icon src="nondangerous.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_oil_field" order="0-">
- <icon src="oil_field.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_peak" order="6-">
- <icon src="peak.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_personal_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="personal_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pharmacy" order="12-">
- <icon src="pharmacy.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_post_office,poi_post_box" order="13-">
- <icon src="post.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_public_office" order="0-">
- <icon src="public_office.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
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- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_station" order="11-">
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
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- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="2" width="2"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_tram_stop" order="12-">
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_repair_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="repair_service.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_resort" order="0-">
- <icon src="resort.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="12-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restricted_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="restricted_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restroom" order="13-">
- <icon src="toilets.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sailing" order="0-">
- <icon src="sailing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_scenic_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="scenic_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_school" order="12-">
- <icon src="school.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_apparel" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_apparel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_computer" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_computer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_department" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_department.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_furniture" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_furnish.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_grocery" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_grocery.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_handg" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_handg.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_merchandise" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_merchandise.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_retail" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_retail.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shower" order="0-">
- <icon src="shower.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_skiing" order="12-">
- <icon src="skiing.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_social_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="social_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sounding" order="0-">
- <icon src="sounding.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sport" order="12-">
- <icon src="sport.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_stadium" order="0-">
- <icon src="stadium.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_swimming" order="12-">
- <icon src="swimming.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_taxi" order="13-">
- <icon src="taxi.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_telephone" order="13-">
- <icon src="telephone.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_theater" order="12-">
- <icon src="theater.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tide" order="0-">
- <icon src="tide.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tower" order="13-">
- <icon src="tower.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_townhall" order="12-">
- <icon src="townhall.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_trail" order="0-">
- <icon src="trail.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_truck_stop" order="0-">
- <icon src="truck_stop.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tunnel" order="0-">
- <icon src="tunnel.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wifi" order="11-">
- <icon src="wifi.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wine" order="0-">
- <icon src="wine.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_worship" order="0-">
- <icon src="worship.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wrecker" order="0-">
- <icon src="wrecker.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_zoo" order="10-">
- <icon src="zoo.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_picnic" order="11-">
- <icon src="picnic.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_playground" order="12-">
- <icon src="playground.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_multi" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_multi.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_tradi" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_tradi.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_event" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_event.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_mystery" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_mystery.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_question" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_question.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_stages" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_stages.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_reference" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_reference.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_webcam" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_webcam.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="traffic_signals" order="13-">
- <icon src="traffic_signals.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_image" order="0-">
- <image/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bike layout? -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
- <icon src="bench.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_biergarten" order="12-">
- <icon src="beer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_boundary_stone" order="13-">
- <icon src="boundary_stone.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_castle" order="12-">
- <icon src="castle.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hunting_stand" order="13-">
- <icon src="hunting_stand.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_memorial" order="12-">
- <icon src="memorial.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_monument" order="12-">
- <icon src="memorial.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shelter" order="10-">
- <icon src="shelter.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fountain" order="12-">
- <icon src="fountain.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_potable_water" order="12-">
- <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_toilets" order="12-">
- <icon src="toilets.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_viewpoint" order="12-">
- <icon src="viewpoint.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="tec_common" order="11-">
- <icon src="tec_common.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="vehicle" order="0-">
- <icon src="gui_vehicle_16_16.png" />
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="vehicle_pedestrian" order="0-">
- <icon src="gui_vehicle_pedestrian_16_16.png" />
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="POI Labels">
- <itemgra item_types="poi_airport,town_ghost,poi_hotel,poi_car_parking,poi_car_dealer_parts,poi_fuel,poi_shopping,poi_attraction,poi_cafe,poi_bar,poi_pub,highway_exit,poi_camp_rv,poi_museum_history,poi_hospital,poi_dining,poi_fastfood,poi_police,poi_autoservice,poi_bank,poi_atm,poi_bus_station,poi_bus_stop,poi_business_service,poi_car_rent,poi_car_sharing,poi_church,poi_bahai,poi_buddhist,poi_hindu,poi_islamic,poi_jain,poi_jewish,poi_pagan,poi_pastafarian,poi_shinto,poi_sikh,poi_taoist,poi_cinema,poi_concert,poi_drinking_water,poi_emergency,poi_fair,poi_fish,poi_government_building,poi_hotspring,poi_information,poi_justice,poi_landmark,poi_library,poi_mall,poi_manmade_feature,poi_marine,poi_marine_type,poi_mark,poi_oil_field,poi_peak,poi_personal_service,poi_pharmacy,poi_post_office,poi_public_office,poi_rail_halt,poi_rail_station,poi_rail_tram_stop,poi_repair_service,poi_resort,poi_restaurant,poi_restricted_area,poi_sailing,poi_scenic_area,poi_school,poi_service,poi_shop_retail,poi_skiing,poi_social_service,poi_sport,poi_stadium,poi_swimming,poi_theater,poi_townhall,poi_trail,poi_truck_stop,poi_tunnel,poi_worship,poi_wrecker,poi_zoo,poi_biergarten,poi_castle,poi_ruins,poi_memorial,poi_monument,poi_shelter,poi_fountain,poi_viewpoint,vehicle" order="14-">
- <circle color="#606060" background_color="#000000" radius="0" width="0" text_size="10"/>
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
- </layout>
- <layout name="Car-Android" color="#fef9ee" font="Liberation Sans">
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- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="9-10">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="20" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="28" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="12">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="32" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="13">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="52" width="4" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="14">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="64" width="4" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="15">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="68" width="6" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="16">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="132" width="8" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="17">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="268" width="8" text_size="48"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="530" width="8" text_size="48"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- !!!!...POIs...!!!! -->
- <!-- amenity=bank -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="14-">
- <icon src="bank.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
- <icon src="atm.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=fuel -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="14-">
- <icon src="fuel.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=hospitalg -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="14-">
- <icon src="hospital.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=parking -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="14-">
- <icon src="parking.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=police -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="14-">
- <icon src="police.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=restaurant -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="14-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- leisure=golf_curse -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="14-">
- <icon src="golf.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- tourism=hotel -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="14-">
- <icon src="hotel.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
- </layout>
+ <!--
+ Layouts are defined in their own specific XML files and are included below (one file per layout, all files matching the wildcard expression below will be used)
+ The layout files describe the appearance of maps on the screen (colors, width, text fonts and sizes for each type of element to draw)
+ One layout is a specifid theme. At runtime, the user can select only one layout at a time (by choosing the corresponding theme from its name tag defined in the layout XML file).
+ If two layouts with the same name are included, the first one takes precedence.
+ In the list below, we use the user-defined layouts first (in $NAVIT_USER_DATADIR), they take precedence. Being next in the list, the default layouts (in $NAVIT_SHAREDIR) will only be used if there is no user-defined layout that was already defined with the same name.
+ -->
+ <xi:include href="$NAVIT_USER_DATADIR/navit_layout_*.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/navit_layout_*.xml"/>
<layout name="Route">
<layer name="streets">
<itemgra item_types="street_route_occluded" order="0-">
diff --git a/navit/script/check_itemdef b/navit/script/check_itemdef
deleted file mode 100755
index 61ea1cb29..000000000
--- a/navit/script/check_itemdef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-function check_item_def
- grep -q "[(,]$1)" ../item_def.h || echo "$1 missing"
-function check_item_xml
- grep -q "^$1\$" check.$$ || echo "$1 will not be rendered"
-awk '/<layout name="Car"/,/<\/layout/ { if (/<itemgra/) {print $0} }' < ../navit.xml | sed 's/.*item_types="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | tr "," "\012" | sort -u >check.$$
-echo item_def.h
-grep "^ITEM" ../item_def.h | sed -e "s/ITEM(\(.*\))/\1/" -e "s/ITEM2([^,]*,\(.*\))/\1/" |
-while read -r x
- check_item_xml "$x"
-rm -f check.$$
-echo maptool.c
-egrep '^ "[nw] +[^ ]+ +[^ ]+' ../maptool.c | sed "s/.* //" | sort -u |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "${x%%\\n\"}"
-echo "navit.xml"
-grep '<itemgra item_types="' <../navit.xml | cut -d \" -f 2 | tr "," "\012" |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "$x"
-echo "garmintypes.txt"
-grep "^[0-9]" ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt | sed -e 's/[A-Z][A-Z]*, //' -e 's/.*= \([^,]*\),.*/\1/' | sort -u |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "$x"
diff --git a/navit/script/ b/navit/script/
index bbe02b000..54a08225c 100755
--- a/navit/script/
+++ b/navit/script/
@@ -1,25 +1,69 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
+# This script parses the XML config file and checks if known itemgra elements are defined or not in each layout
+# Run ./ 2>/dev/null to get only the result without parsing information messages
my $layout;
my $type,$types;
+my $garmintypes;
my $order,$orders,@orders;
my @layouts;
-while (<IN>) {
- if (/<layout name="([^"]*)"/) {
- $layout=$1;
- push(@layouts,$layout);
- }
- if (/<itemgra item_types="([^"]*)"/) {
- $types=$1;
- if (/order="([^"]*)"/) {
- $order=$1;
- foreach $type (split(",",$types)) {
- $result->{$type}->{$layout}->{$order}=1;
+my $input_stream;
+my @input_stream_stack;
+my $current_filename = "../navit_shipped.xml";
+if (!open($input_stream,$current_filename)) {
+ print(STDERR "Failed to open \"" . $current_filename . "\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+while(defined($input_stream)) {
+ #printf("%d input streams in file recursion stack. Current input stream is " . $input_stream . "\n", $#input_stream_stack+1);
+ while (<$input_stream>) {
+ #print($_);
+ if (/<layout name="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $layout=$1;
+ push(@layouts,$layout);
+ }
+ if (/<xi:include href="([^"]*)"/) {
+ my $xml_include_file;
+ $xml_include_file=$1;
+ if ($xml_include_file =~ /^[\/\$]/) { # PATH is absolute or starts with a variable... do not modify PATH
+ }
+ $xml_include_file =~ s@^@../@; # Make PATH relative to ../ (navit XML config is in parent
+ if ($xml_include_file =~ /.*maps\/\*\.xml$/) { # Skip mapsets that use wildcards
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@input_stream_stack, $input_stream);
+ $input_stream = undef;
+ print(STDERR "Opening included file \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ if (!open($input_stream, $xml_include_file)) {
+ $xml_include_file =~ s/\.xml$/_shipped.xml/; # If file does not exist, try suffixing the filename with _shipped
+ print(SDTERR "Opening included file \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ if (!open($input_stream, $xml_include_file)) {
+ print(STDERR "Failed to open \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ $current_filename = $xml_include_file;
+ #printf("%d input streams in file recursion stack. Current input stream is " . $input_stream . "\n", $#input_stream_stack+1);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/<itemgra item_types="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $types=$1;
+ if (/order="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $order=$1;
+ print(STDERR "Order $order found in \"" . $current_filename . "\"\n");
+ foreach $type (split(",",$types)) {
+ $result->{$type}->{$layout}->{$order}=1;
+ }
+ close($input_stream);
+ $input_stream = pop(@input_stream_stack);
+ #print("Popped input stream " . $input_stream . "\n");
+print(STDERR "Finished parsing navit XML config\n");
+print(STDERR "Parsing item_def.h\n");
while (<IN>) {
if (/^ITEM2\([^,]*,(.*)\)/) {
@@ -32,13 +76,26 @@ while (<IN>) {
+print(STDERR "Parsing ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt\n");
+while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^[0-9][^=]*=\s*([^,]*),.*$/) {
+ $type=$1;
+ print("Garmintype: " . $type . "\n");
+ $garmintypes->{$type}->{"none"}=1;
+ }
+print(STDERR "Outputting results\n");
my $typefmt="%-30s";
my $layoutfmt="%10s";
foreach $layout (@layouts) {
+# Check which map items defined in ../item_def.h are actually handled by each layout
foreach $type (sort keys %$result) {
if (!$result->{$type}->{"none"}) {
@@ -55,3 +112,10 @@ foreach $type (sort keys %$result) {
+print("Analysis on ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt:\n");
+foreach $type (sort keys %$garmintypes) {
+ if (!$result->{$type}->{"none"}) {
+ print($type . " exists in garmintypes.txt and missing in itemdef.h\n");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/navit/start_real.c b/navit/start_real.c
index c3f8b5622..b7a0db48c 100644
--- a/navit/start_real.c
+++ b/navit/start_real.c
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ int main_real(int argc, char * const* argv) {
li = g_list_next(li);
- dbg(lvl_debug,"Loading %s",config_file);
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"Loading config from '%s'",config_file);
if (!config_load(config_file, &error)) {
dbg(lvl_error, _("Error parsing config file '%s': %s"), config_file, error ? error->message : "");
} else {
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ int main_real(int argc, char * const* argv) {
dbg(lvl_error, "%s", _("Internal initialization failed, exiting. Check previous error messages."));
+ main_update_default_layout(navit.u.navit);
if (startup_file) {
diff --git a/navit/support/glib/gutils.c b/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
index 6d3fda447..9a9477f19 100644
--- a/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
+++ b/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
@@ -756,7 +756,6 @@ g_path_get_basename (const gchar *file_name)
return retval;
* g_path_is_absolute:
* @file_name: a file name.
@@ -785,6 +784,7 @@ g_path_is_absolute (const gchar *file_name)
return FALSE;
* g_path_skip_root:
* @file_name: a file name.
@@ -851,6 +851,7 @@ g_path_skip_root (const gchar *file_name)
return NULL;
* g_path_get_dirname:
@@ -952,6 +953,7 @@ g_path_get_dirname (const gchar *file_name)
return base;
* g_get_current_dir:
diff --git a/navit/xmlconfig.c b/navit/xmlconfig.c
index 451a308e2..476997c2d 100644
--- a/navit/xmlconfig.c
+++ b/navit/xmlconfig.c
@@ -705,6 +705,15 @@ static void end_element (xml_context *context,
static gboolean parse_file(struct xmldocument *document, xmlerror **error);
+ * @brief Handle xi:include XML tags
+ *
+ * @param context The XML context in which we are parsing
+ * @param[in] attribute_names An array of strings containing all XML attributes of the xi:include tag
+ * @param[in] attribute_values An array of strings containing all XML values (one per entry in @p attribute_names)
+ * @param doc_old The current document being parsed (before moving to the one referenced in this xi:include
+ * @param[out] error A description of the error encountered if any
+ */
static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values,
struct xmldocument *doc_old, xmlerror **error) {
struct xmldocument doc_new;
@@ -712,11 +721,15 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
int i,count;
const char *href=NULL;
char **we_files;
+ char *included_filename=NULL;
+ char *doc_base=NULL;
+ char *tmp=NULL;
if (doc_old->level >= 16) {
g_set_error(error,G_MARKUP_ERROR,G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "xi:include recursion too deep");
+ dbg(lvl_debug, "At level %d, processing xi:include in document href=\"%s\"", doc_old->level, doc_old->href);
memset(&doc_new, 0, sizeof(doc_new));
while (attribute_names[i]) {
@@ -746,8 +759,8 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
- if (! href) {
- dbg(lvl_debug,"no href, using '%s'", doc_old->href);
+ if (!href) {
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"no href%s, using own ref '%s'", doc_new.xpointer?" (but xpointer provided)":"", doc_old->href);
if (file_exists(doc_new.href)) {
parse_file(&doc_new, error);
@@ -757,23 +770,36 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
} else {
dbg(lvl_debug,"expanding '%s'", href);
- we_files=file_wordexp_get_array(we);
+ we_files=file_wordexp_get_array(we); /* Expand wildcards (if any) into a list of files */
dbg(lvl_debug,"%d results", count);
- if (file_exists(we_files[0])) {
- for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
- dbg(lvl_debug,"result[%d]='%s'", i, we_files[i]);
- doc_new.href=we_files[i];
- parse_file(&doc_new, error);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
+ included_filename = g_strdup(we_files[i]);
+ if (*included_filename != '\0') { /* Non empty href */
+ if (!g_path_is_absolute(included_filename)) { /* The filename's path is relative */
+ doc_base = g_path_get_dirname(doc_old->href); /* Get our own absolute path */
+ if (*doc_base && file_is_dir(doc_base)) {
+ tmp = included_filename;
+ included_filename = g_strconcat(doc_base, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, tmp, NULL);
+ g_free(tmp); /* Free initial included_filename buffer (saved in tmp) */
+ }
+ g_free(doc_base);
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"converted relative filename='%s' to absolute filename='%s'", we_files[i], included_filename);
+ }
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"result[%d]='%s'", i, included_filename);
+ if (file_exists(included_filename)) {
+ doc_new.href=included_filename;
+ parse_file(&doc_new, error); /* Now run the parser on the included XML file */
+ } else {
+ dbg(lvl_error,"Unable to include '%s'",included_filename);
+ }
- } else {
- dbg(lvl_error,"Unable to include %s",we_files[0]);
+ g_free(included_filename);
static int strncmp_len(const char *s1, int s1len, const char *s2) {
int ret;
ret=strncmp(s1, s2, s1len);
diff --git a/navit/xslt/android.xslt b/navit/xslt/android.xslt
index 9ef181a88..412735273 100644
--- a/navit/xslt/android.xslt
+++ b/navit/xslt/android.xslt
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout/layer/itemgra/child::*|/config/navit/layer/itemgra/child::*">
+ <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout/layer/itemgra/child::*|/config/navit/layer/itemgra/child::*|layout/layer/itemgra/child::*">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*[not(name()='text_size') and not(name()='width') and not(name()='radius') and not(name()='w') and not(name()='h') and not(name()='x') and not(name()='y') and not(name()='dash')]"/>
<xsl:if test="@text_size">
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout">
+ <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout|/layout">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:if test="@name='Car'">
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 7206979e7..20eb5036e 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ test -d output && rm -rf output
mkdir output
cp navit/navit.exe output/
cp navit/navit.xml output/
+cp navit/navit_layout*.xml output/
cp -r locale/ output/
cp -r navit/icons/ output/
cp -r ../navit/support/espeak/espeak-data/ output/