diff options
authorlains <>2018-11-18 22:59:14 +0100
committerPierre GRANDIN <>2018-11-18 13:59:14 -0800
commite70a28963ff9754d3257361fad93aebf59edee08 (patch)
parentb0773218ab67e00e1aa7303829f342dce87c46c0 (diff)
Refactoring:Xmlconfig:Moving layout definition in their own .xml file (makes main navit.xml file lighter) (#559)
Layouts contain quite heavy xml code, and there are many layouts available for navit. They are all inserted inside the main navit.xml, which makes it hard to edit because of its size, even if changes or customizations by users are very rarely on the layout code. I have thus moved the layout code away from navit.xml, each layout having its own xml definition file, called navit_layout_*.xml These files are inserted inside the main navit.xml file by using the already existing xi:include mechanism, this also allow for backwards compatibility (old monolithic navit.xml files are still valid and can be used). The other advantage for this is that f the user wants to have his/her own customized navit.xml, he/she can still include the shipped layout files, making their xml lighter. This also allow to enable/disable specific layouts easily by including or not each layout file. It is also easier to perform side-by-side comparison between two layout files.
29 files changed, 7322 insertions, 7062 deletions
diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index 8ea848c02..b74c73ef2 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ jobs:
name: Id
command: cat /etc/*release
- run:
- name: Install cmake gettext libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin pkg-config
+ name: Install cmake gettext libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin pkg-config libprotobuf-c-dev protobuf-c-compiler
command: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y cmake gettext libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin pkg-config libprotobuf-c-dev protobuf-c-compiler
- cmake ./ -Dsvg2png_scaling:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128 -Dsvg2png_scaling_nav:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128 -Dsvg2png_scaling_flag:STRING=-1,24,32,64,96
+ cmake ./ -Dsvg2png_scaling:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128 -Dsvg2png_scaling_nav:STRING=-1,24,32,48,64,96,128 -Dsvg2png_scaling_flag:STRING=-1,24,32,64,96 -DUSE_PLUGINS=n -DBUILD_MAPTOOL=n -DXSL_PROCESSING=y -DXSLTS=android -DANDROID=y -DSAMPLE_MAP=n
- run:
name: Process icons
command: |
@@ -104,14 +104,10 @@ jobs:
- run:
name: Process xml's
command: |
+ make navit_config_xml
cd navit
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitldpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1 ICON_SMALL=24 ICON_MEDIUM=32 ICON_BIG=48
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitmdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1.33 ICON_SMALL=32 ICON_MEDIUM=48 ICON_BIG=64
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navithdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2 ICON_SMALL=48 ICON_MEDIUM=64 ICON_BIG=96
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2.67 ICON_SMALL=64 ICON_MEDIUM=96 ICON_BIG=128
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=4 ICON_SMALL=96 ICON_MEDIUM=128 ICON_BIG=192
- saxonb-xslt -s:navit_shipped.xml -xsl:xslt/android.xslt -o:navitxxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=5.33 ICON_SMALL=128 ICON_MEDIUM=192 ICON_BIG=256
- mv *dpi.xml android/res/raw
+ mkdir -p ./android/assets
+ cp -R config ./android/assets/
cd ../
- run:
name: Chmod permissions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09919cf68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+sudo: required
+language: c
+ - docker
+- mkdir ../rpmbuild
+- docker pull hoehnp/sailfishos-platform-sdk:
+- docker run -e VERSION_ID= -v `pwd`:/home/nemo/navit hoehnp/sailfishos-platform-sdk: /bin/bash -x /home/nemo/navit/contrib/sailfish/
+ - provider: pages
+ - skip-cleanup: true
+ - github-token: $GITHUB_TOKEN
+ - keep-history: true
+ - local-history: `pwd`/../rpmbuild/RPMS/armv7hl/
+ - local-history: `pwd`/../rpmbuild/RPMS/i586/
+before_script: skip
+script: skip
+after_success: skip
+after_script: skip
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
index 11980a77c..4f14be872 100755
--- a/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
@@ -114,6 +114,12 @@ fi
%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
diff --git a/navit/CMakeLists.txt b/navit/CMakeLists.txt
index f6dbe5bb8..ca19ce41d 100644
--- a/navit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/navit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -124,21 +124,37 @@ add_custom_command(
# additional parameter are passed to the stylesheet processor as parameter
-macro(process_xslt SRC_XML DEST_XML)
+macro(process_xslt SRC_DIR SRC_XML DEST_DIR DEST_XML)
+ # Create a unique temporary name based on the PATH and filename of the target xml file
+ # Create this unique temporary directory inside ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}. This is where we will store our intermediate xml file (called ${SRC_XML}.temp after each xslt pass
+ # Also copy the dtd file in the same directory as the xml file (required by the xslt processor)
string(REPLACE "," ";" XSLTS "${XSLTS}")
foreach(tmp ${XSLTS})
+ # We will run this loop below for each xslt file provided in the XSLTS variable
set(XSLT_FILE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit/xslt/${tmp}.xslt")
list(APPEND XSLT_COMMANDS COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo Applying ${tmp}.xslt)
- compose_xslt_transform_command(CMD "${XSLT_FILE}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${DEST_XML}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${DEST_XML}.tmp" "${ARGN}")
+ compose_xslt_transform_command(CMD "${XSLT_FILE}" "${TMPDIR}/${SRC_XML}.temp" "${TMPDIR}/${SRC_XML}.output" "${ARGN}")
+ # Move the final resulting xml file to the target filename and directory (provided in arguments)
# Depend on all XSLT files, because the main XSLT file may pull in other files.
# Ideally we'd parse the main XSLT file for includes, but that is tricky to do reliably.
# Note that this list of files is only updated when (re)running CMake, so if files are
@@ -146,26 +162,58 @@ macro(process_xslt SRC_XML DEST_XML)
file(GLOB ALL_XSLT_FILES "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit/xslt/*.xslt")
+# Give instructions on how to build all navit_*.xml navit_layout_*.xml files, obtained applying relevant xslt tranformation on the source navit_shipped_*.xml files
+# The following XMLCFG_ALL_FILE_PREFIXES variable below lists all xml config files, semicolon is the delimiter
+# For example, it contains layout_navit_car, that will then be used to guess the source filename navit_layout_car_shipped.xml, installed as navit_layout_car.xml (or on android DPI-related files like navit_layout_car_xxxhdpi.xml)
+set(XMLCFG_ALL_FILE_PREFIXES "navit;navit_layout_car;navit_layout_car_dark;navit_layout_car_android;navit_layout_car_simple;navit_layout_bike;navit_layout_th")
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=5.33 ICON_SMALL=128 ICON_MEDIUM=192 ICON_BIG=256)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=4 ICON_SMALL=96 ICON_MEDIUM=128 ICON_BIG=192)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitxhdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2.67 ICON_SMALL=64 ICON_MEDIUM=96 ICON_BIG=128)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navithdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=2 ICON_SMALL=48 ICON_MEDIUM=64 ICON_BIG=96)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitmdpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1.33 ICON_SMALL=32 ICON_MEDIUM=48 ICON_BIG=64)
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navitldpi.xml OSD_SIZE=1 ICON_SMALL=24 ICON_MEDIUM=32 ICON_BIG=48)
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS navitxxxhdpi.xml navitxxhdpi.xml navitxhdpi.xml navithdpi.xml navitmdpi.xml navitldpi.xml)
+ # On android, additional xlst transformations are applied to scale the OSD, icons etc... and the size is selected depending on the definition of the screen of the device (xxxhdpi, xxhdpi, ... ldpi)
+ # Files for all screen definitions are shipped inside the android package (suffixed with _xxxhdpi, _xxhdpi etc.), and it is only at runtime that the correct navit_*.xml (corresponding to the current device's resolution) is selected
+ set(XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST "") # Used to build the list of generated *xml filenames (only file basename, directory part excluded)
+ endforeach()
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST})
- process_xslt(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/navit_shipped.xml navit.xml "")
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml_resource DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share/navit COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml resources/share/navit)
+ set(XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST "") # Used to build the list of generated *xml filenames (only file basename, directory part excluded)
+ set(XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST "") # A list of full path to installed xml files
+ endforeach()
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml_resource DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST} COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share/navit COMMAND cp ${XMLCFG_INSTALLED_PATH_LIST} resources/share/navit)
add_custom_target( locale_resource DEPENDS locales COMMAND mkdir -p resources/share COMMAND cp -a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/../locale resources/share/locale)
- add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS navit.xml)
+ add_custom_target( navit_config_xml ALL DEPENDS ${XMLCFG_OUTPUT_LIST})
@@ -189,6 +237,12 @@ install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/navit.xml
"set(APPLE ${APPLE} CACHE BOOL init)\n"
diff --git a/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt b/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
index f78532297..91a4b29e7 100644
--- a/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/navit/android/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -48,26 +48,53 @@ if (ANDROID AND NOT ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} STREQUAL Ninja)
add_custom_target( android_resources
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/ldpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/mdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/hdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xhdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxhdpi
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxxhdpi
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/navit*.xml"
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/ldpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/ldpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/icons/*.png"
- -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/res/drawable-nodpi
- -D LOWER=1
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/mdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/mdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/*/*/.libs/lib[b-z]*.so"
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/hdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/hdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
- -D LOWER=1
- -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xxhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/config/xxxhdpi/*.xml"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/assets/config/xxxhdpi
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/icons/*.png"
+ -D DST=${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/res/drawable-nodpi
+ -D LOWER=1
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D GLOB_EXP="${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/navit/*/*/.libs/lib[b-z]*.so"
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
+ -D LOWER=1
+ -P ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/copy_files.cmake
add_dependencies (android_resources images locales ${NAVIT_LIBNAME})
diff --git a/navit/android/build.gradle b/navit/android/build.gradle
index e2e42bc80..1385336bf 100644
--- a/navit/android/build.gradle
+++ b/navit/android/build.gradle
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ android {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
+ arguments '-DUSE_PLUGINS=n', '-DBUILD_MAPTOOL=n', '-DXSL_PROCESSING=y', '-DXSLTS=android', '-DANDROID=y', '-DSAMPLE_MAP=n'
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ android {
resources.srcDirs = ["src"]
renderscript.srcDirs = ["src"]
res.srcDirs = ["res"]
+ assets.srcDirs = ["assets"]
externalNativeBuild {
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
index feb472764..e6a477a37 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import android.content.SharedPreferences;
+import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
@@ -162,32 +163,35 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- /* Translates a string from its id
+ /**
+ * Translates a string from its id
* in R.strings
* @param Rid resource identifier
- * @retrun translated string
+ * @return translated string
String getTstring(int Rid) {
return getLocalizedString(getString(Rid));
- private boolean extractRes(String resname, String result) {
- boolean needs_update = false;
- Log.e(TAG, "Res Name " + resname + ", result " + result);
- int id = NavitResources.getIdentifier(resname, "raw", NAVIT_PACKAGE_NAME);
- Log.e(TAG, "Res ID " + id);
- if (id == 0) {
- return false;
- }
+ /**
+ * Check if a specific file needs to be extracted from the apk archive
+ * This is based on whether the file already exist, and if so, whether it is older than the archive or not
+ *
+ * @param filename The full path to the file
+ * @return true if file does not exist, but it can be created at the specified location, we will also return
+ * true if the file exist but the apk archive is more recent (probably package was upgraded)
+ */
+ private boolean resourceFileNeedsUpdate(String filename) {
+ File resultfile = new File(filename);
- File resultfile = new File(result);
if (!resultfile.exists()) {
- needs_update = true;
File path = resultfile.getParentFile();
if (!path.exists() && !resultfile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Could not create directory path for " + filename);
return false;
+ return true;
} else {
PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();
ApplicationInfo appInfo;
@@ -200,16 +204,33 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
if (apkUpdateTime > resultfile.lastModified()) {
- needs_update = true;
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
- if (needs_update) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Extracting resource");
+ /**
+ * Extract a ressource from the apk archive (res/raw) and save it to a local file
+ *
+ * @param result The full path to the local file
+ * @param resname The name of the ressource file in the archive
+ * @return true if the local file is extracted in @p result
+ */
+ private boolean extractRes(String resname, String result) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Res Name " + resname + ", result " + result);
+ int id = NavitResources.getIdentifier(resname, "raw", NAVIT_PACKAGE_NAME);
+ Log.d(TAG, "Res ID " + id);
+ if (id == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (resourceFileNeedsUpdate(result)) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Extracting resource");
try {
InputStream resourcestream = NavitResources.openRawResource(id);
- FileOutputStream resultfilestream = new FileOutputStream(resultfile);
+ FileOutputStream resultfilestream = new FileOutputStream(new File(result));
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int i;
while ((i = != -1) {
@@ -224,6 +245,44 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
return true;
+ /**
+ * Extract an asset from the apk archive (assets) and save it to a local file
+ *
+ * @param output The full path to the output local file
+ * @param assetFileName The full path of the asset file within the archive
+ * @return true if the local file is extracted in @p output
+ */
+ private boolean extractAsset(String assetFileName, String output) {
+ AssetManager assetMgr = NavitResources.getAssets();
+ InputStream assetstream;
+ Log.d(TAG, "Asset Name " + assetFileName + ", output " + output);
+ try {
+ assetstream =;
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed opening asset '" + assetFileName + "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (resourceFileNeedsUpdate(output)) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Extracting asset '" + assetFileName + "'");
+ try {
+ FileOutputStream outputFilestream = new FileOutputStream(new File(output));
+ byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
+ int i = 0;
+ while ((i = != -1) {
+ outputFilestream.write(buf, 0, i);
+ }
+ outputFilestream.close();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e.getMessage());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
private void showInfos() {
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(NAVIT_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE);
boolean firstStart = settings.getBoolean("firstStart", true);
@@ -386,13 +445,23 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
} else if (densityDpi < 640) {
my_display_density = "xxxhdpi";
} else {
- Log.e(TAG, "found device of very high density (" + densityDpi + ")");
- Log.e(TAG, "using xxxhdpi values");
+ Log.w(TAG, "found device of very high density (" + densityDpi + ")");
+ Log.w(TAG, "using xxxhdpi values");
my_display_density = "xxxhdpi";
+ Log.i(TAG, "Device density detected: " + my_display_density);
- if (!extractRes("navit" + my_display_density, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/share/navit.xml")) {
- Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract navit.xml for " + my_display_density);
+ try {
+ AssetManager assetMgr = NavitResources.getAssets();
+ String[] children = assetMgr.list("config/" + my_display_density);
+ for (String child : children) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Processing config file '" + child + "' from assets");
+ if (!extractAsset("config/" + my_display_density + "/" + child, NAVIT_DATA_DIR + "/share/" + child)) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract asset config/" + my_display_density + "/" + child);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed to access assets using AssetManager");
Log.d(TAG, "android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=" + Integer.valueOf(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK));
@@ -669,7 +738,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Shows the Options menu.
+ * Shows the Options menu.
* Calling this method has the same effect as pressing the hardware Menu button, where present, or touching
* the overflow button in the Action bar.
@@ -680,7 +749,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Shows the native keyboard or other input method.
+ * Shows the native keyboard or other input method.
public int showNativeKeyboard() {
@@ -721,7 +790,7 @@ public class Navit extends Activity {
- * @brief Hides the native keyboard or other input method.
+ * Hides the native keyboard or other input method.
public void hideNativeKeyboard() {
mgr.hideSoftInputFromWindow(getCurrentFocus().getWindowToken(), 0);
diff --git a/navit/attr_def.h b/navit/attr_def.h
index 0dffc93e5..2b51f11eb 100644
--- a/navit/attr_def.h
+++ b/navit/attr_def.h
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ ATTR(daylayout)
diff --git a/navit/file.c b/navit/file.c
index 0ef39bddd..4d7f226f8 100644
--- a/navit/file.c
+++ b/navit/file.c
@@ -231,7 +231,13 @@ file_create_url(char *url) {
#define S_ISREG(m) (((m) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
-int file_is_dir(char *name) {
+ * @brief Check if a given path corresponds to a directory
+ *
+ * @param name The path to the filesystem element
+ * @return !=0 (true) if @p name is a directory
+ */
+int file_is_dir(const char *name) {
struct stat buf;
if (! stat(name, &buf)) {
return S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode);
@@ -240,7 +246,13 @@ int file_is_dir(char *name) {
-int file_is_reg(char *name) {
+ * @brief Check if a given path corresponds to a regular file
+ *
+ * @param name The path to the filesystem element
+ * @return !=0 (true) if @p name is a regular file
+ */
+int file_is_reg(const char *name) {
struct stat buf;
if (! stat(name, &buf)) {
return S_ISREG(buf.st_mode);
diff --git a/navit/file.h b/navit/file.h
index e44ca96ad..8105302ba 100644
--- a/navit/file.h
+++ b/navit/file.h
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ struct attr;
int file_request(struct file *f, struct attr **options);
char *file_http_header(struct file *f, char *header);
struct file *file_create(char *name, struct attr **options);
-int file_is_dir(char *name);
+int file_is_dir(const char *name);
+int file_is_reg(const char *name);
long long file_size(struct file *file);
int file_mkdir(char *name, int pflag);
int file_mmap(struct file *file);
@@ -95,7 +96,6 @@ int file_version(struct file *file, int byname);
void *file_get_os_handle(struct file *file);
int file_set_cache_size(int cache_size);
void file_init(void);
-int file_is_reg(char *name);
void file_data_remove(struct file *file, unsigned char *data);
/* end of prototypes */
diff --git a/navit/layout.c b/navit/layout.c
index 25f60bc4b..f2f3d1a75 100644
--- a/navit/layout.c
+++ b/navit/layout.c
@@ -25,15 +25,31 @@
#include "layout.h"
#include "coord.h"
#include "debug.h"
+#include "navit.h"
-struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
+ * @brief Create a new layout object and attach it to a navit parent
+ *
+ * @param parent The parent for this layout (a navit attr)
+ * @param attrs An array of attributes that for this layout
+ * @return The newly created layout object
+ */
+struct layout *
+layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
struct layout *l;
+ struct navit *navit;
struct color def_color = {COLOR_BACKGROUND_};
struct attr *name_attr,*color_attr,*order_delta_attr,*font_attr,*day_attr,*night_attr,*active_attr;
if (! (name_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_name)))
return NULL;
+ navit = parent->u.navit;
+ if (navit_get_layout_by_name(navit, name_attr->u.str)) {
+ dbg(lvl_warning, "Another layout with name '%s' has already been parsed. Discarding subsequent duplicate.",
+ name_attr->u.str);
+ return NULL;
+ }
l = g_new0(struct layout, 1);
navit_object_ref((struct navit_object *)l);
@@ -55,7 +71,7 @@ struct layout * layout_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
if ((active_attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_active)))
l->active = active_attr->u.num;
- l->navit=parent->u.navit;
+ l->navit=navit;
return l;
diff --git a/navit/main.c b/navit/main.c
index 75a3a5f93..986947f0d 100644
--- a/navit/main.c
+++ b/navit/main.c
@@ -73,10 +73,19 @@ void setenv(char *var, char *val, int overwrite) {
- * environment_vars[][0:name,1-3:mode]
- * ':' replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX
- * '::' replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX and LIBDIR
- * '~' replaced with HOME
+ * @def environment_vars
+ *
+ * @brief Environment variables automatically added (and expanded) by navit at startup
+ *
+ * A NUL-terminated string array
+ * environment_vars[0] is the name of the variable
+ * environment_vars[1] is the value used when running from source dir
+ * environment_vars[2] is the value used on Linux
+ * environment_vars[3] is the value used on Windows (see main_init())
+ * environment_vars[4] is the value used on Android
+ * ':' is replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX
+ * '::' is replaced with NAVIT_PREFIX and LIBDIR
+ * '~' is replaced with HOME
static char *environment_vars[][5]= {
{"NAVIT_LIBDIR", ":", ":/"LIB_DIR, ":\\lib", ":/lib"},
@@ -319,6 +328,10 @@ static void win_set_nls(void) {
+void main_update_default_layout(struct navit *navit) {
+ navit_update_current_layout(navit, NULL);
void main_init(const char *program) {
char *s;
#ifdef _UNICODE /* currently for wince */
diff --git a/navit/main.h b/navit/main.h
index 47f275c09..910d56200 100644
--- a/navit/main.h
+++ b/navit/main.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ void main_add_navit(struct navit *nav);
void main_remove_navit(struct navit *nav);
int main_add_attr(struct attr *attr);
int main_remove_attr(struct attr *attr);
+void main_update_default_layout(struct navit *navit);
void main_init(const char *program);
void main_init_nls(void);
int main(int argc, char **argv);
diff --git a/navit/navit.c b/navit/navit.c
index 84af773e2..90935786d 100644
--- a/navit/navit.c
+++ b/navit/navit.c
@@ -115,7 +115,8 @@ struct navit {
GList *mapsets;
GList *layouts;
struct gui *gui;
- struct layout *layout_current;
+ char *default_layout_name; /*!< The default layout indicated by the config file (if any) */
+ struct layout *layout_current; /*!< The current layout theme used to display the map */
struct graphics *gra;
struct action *action;
struct transformation *trans, *trans_cursor;
@@ -1343,6 +1344,7 @@ navit_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) {
+ this_->default_layout_name=NULL;
this_->center_timeout = 10;
this_->use_mousewheel = 1;
@@ -2406,11 +2408,19 @@ static int navit_set_attr_do(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr, int init) {
attr_updated=(this_->vehicle->follow_curr != attr->u.num);
this_->vehicle->follow_curr = attr->u.num;
+ case attr_default_layout:
+ if(!attr->u.str)
+ return 0;
+ if(this_->default_layout_name) /* There is already a default layout, ignore this new value */
+ g_free(this_->default_layout_name); /* Drop the previous layout name, use the this one instead */
+ this_->default_layout_name=g_strdup(attr->u.str);
+ attr_updated=1;
+ break;
case attr_layout:
return 0;
if(this_->layout_current!=attr->u.layout) {
- this_->layout_current=attr->u.layout;
+ navit_update_current_layout(this_, attr->u.layout);
if (this_->ready == 3)
@@ -2789,6 +2799,58 @@ int navit_get_attr(struct navit *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr,
return ret;
+ * @brief Select the default layout by name
+ *
+ * @param this_ The navit instance
+ * @param name The new default layout's name
+ *
+ * @return The first layout match (if any), or NULL if there was no match
+ */
+struct layout *navit_get_layout_by_name(struct navit *this_, const char *layout_name) {
+ struct attr_iter *iter;
+ struct attr layout_attr;
+ struct layout *result = NULL;
+ if (!layout_name)
+ return NULL;
+ iter=navit_attr_iter_new();
+ while (navit_get_attr(this_, attr_layout, &layout_attr, iter)) {
+ if (strcmp(layout_attr.u.layout->name, layout_name) == 0) {
+ result = layout_attr.u.layout;
+ }
+ }
+ navit_attr_iter_destroy(iter);
+ return result;
+ * @brief Set the current layout
+ *
+ * @param this_ The navit instance
+ * @param layout The layout to set as default (if NULL, we will set the current layout according to the default name stored in this_->default_layout_name
+ *
+ * @note If argument @p layout is NULL and the default layout name in the config file does not exist or has not been provided in the config file, the default layout is unchanged
+ */
+void navit_update_current_layout(struct navit *this_, struct layout *layout) {
+ struct layout *default_layout = NULL;
+ if (layout) {
+ this_->layout_current=layout;
+ } else {
+ if (this_->default_layout_name) { /* If a default layout name was provided */
+ default_layout=navit_get_layout_by_name(this_, this_->default_layout_name);
+ if (default_layout) {
+ dbg(lvl_debug, "Found the config-specified default layout '%s'", this_->default_layout_name);
+ this_->layout_current=default_layout;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ dbg(lvl_warning, "No definition exists in config for specified default layout '%s'", this_->default_layout_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
static int navit_add_log(struct navit *this_, struct log *log) {
struct attr type_attr;
if (!log_get_attr(log, attr_type, &type_attr, NULL))
diff --git a/navit/navit.h b/navit/navit.h
index 898ff6cff..7125c1878 100644
--- a/navit/navit.h
+++ b/navit/navit.h
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ struct coord_rect;
struct displaylist;
struct graphics;
struct gui;
+struct layout;
struct mapset;
struct message;
struct navigation;
@@ -103,6 +104,8 @@ void navit_set_center_cursor(struct navit *this_, int autozoom, int keep_orienta
void navit_set_center_screen(struct navit *this_, struct point *p, int set_timeout);
int navit_set_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
int navit_get_attr(struct navit *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter);
+struct layout *navit_get_layout_by_name(struct navit *this_, const char *layout_name);
+void navit_update_current_layout(struct navit *this_, struct layout *layout);
int navit_add_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
int navit_remove_attr(struct navit *this_, struct attr *attr);
struct attr_iter *navit_attr_iter_new(void);
diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd5a9943a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_bike_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<layout xmlns:xi="" name="Bike" color="#ffefb7" font="Liberation Sans">
+ <cursor w="26" h="26">
+ <itemgra>
+ <circle color="#0000ff" radius="24" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </circle>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="-2">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="3-">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="-7" y="-10"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="12"/>
+ <coord x="7" y="-10"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ </cursor>
+ <layer name="Landuse">
+ <itemgra item_types="image" order="0-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_wood" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#8ec78d"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_town" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffc895"/>
+ <polyline color="#ebb481"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_park" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#7cc334"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_water" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#82c8ea"/>
+ <polyline color="#5096b8"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_land" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_airport" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#a0a0a0"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_sport" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ff8c00"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_industry,poly_place,poly_railway" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_commercial" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#fff8dc"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_industry,poly_building,poly_place,poly_brownfield,poly_greenfield,poly_construction,poly_railway" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ecd8ff"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_farm" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_meadow" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_scree,poly_scrub,poly_fell,poly_heath" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_marsh,poly_mud,poly_quarry" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#DEB887"/>
+ <polyline color="#DEB887"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_allotments,poly_playground,poly_village_green,poly_recreation_ground,poly_common,poly_garden" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_ruins" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#b6a6a6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_apron" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#d0d0d0"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_terminal" order="7-">
+ <polygon color="#e3c6a6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_cemetery" order="1-">
+ <polygon color="#bde3cb"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_car_parking" order="1-">
+ <polygon color="#d2d2d2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_building" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ff6347"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Contour Lines">
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="8">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_2" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_1" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="3"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_2" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_3" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#A9A9A9" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <!-- "Contour Lines" -->
+ <layer name="Barriers">
+ <itemgra item_types="ditch" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#B8860B" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hedge" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#90EE90" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="fence" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="retaining_wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#808080" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="city_wall" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#CD5C5C" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <!-- "Barriers" -->
+ <layer name="Waterways">
+ <itemgra item_types="water_line" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="4"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_canal" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="3"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_stream" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_drain" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Borders">
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="0-5">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="3,2,1,3" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="0-5">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="3,2,1,3" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="6-11">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="6,6,1,6" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="6-11">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="6,6,1,6" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_state" order="12-20">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="10,10,2,10" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="border_country" order="12-20">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" dash="10,10,2,10" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Current Route">
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="2">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="3-5">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="16"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="9-10">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="28"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="52"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="64"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="68"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="132"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="268"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#FF00FF" width="530"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Ways and Paths">
+ <itemgra item_types="powerline" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#778899" width="1"/>
+ <polyline color="#778899" dash="1,80" width="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_paved" order="8-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_gravelled" order="9-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_unpaved" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_ground" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1" dash="6,6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_grass" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="6,6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="bridleway" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#f4a460" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="cycleway" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#006400" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#3cb371" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="footway" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#CD853F" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="steps" order="12-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#F4A460" width="1" dash="6,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="path" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="2,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="4,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_mountain" order="11-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="6,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_mountain_demanding" order="13-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7" width="1" dash="8,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine" order="13-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="10,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine_demanding" order="14-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="12,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="hiking_alpine_difficult" order="14-">
+ <polyline color="#8b4513" width="1" dash="14,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Streets">
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian,poly_plaza" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#d2d2d2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="18"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="21"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="25"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="21"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_pedestrian,living_street" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="40"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="34"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="6"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="7"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#fefefe" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_service" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="10"/>
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+ <!-- not really usefull -->
+ <!--
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+ -->
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bike layout? -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
+ <icon src="bench.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_car_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_car_shipped.xml
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+ <!-- This entry shows all unknow point elements as blue circles -->
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+ <!-- This entry shows all unknown linear elements as blue lines -->
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="ghost_town.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="parking.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="car_sharing.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="fuel.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="hospital.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="fastfood.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="police.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="shinto.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="sikh.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="telephone.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="tower.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_stages.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_reference.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gc_webcam.xpm"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="traffic_signals.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="wifi.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="taxi.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_image" order="12-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bicyle layout. -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
+ <icon src="bench.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_biergarten" order="12-">
+ <icon src="beer.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="boundary_stone.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="castle.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_ruins" order="11-">
+ <icon src="ruins.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hunting_stand" order="12-">
+ <icon src="hunting_stand.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_memorial" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_monument" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shelter" order="11-">
+ <icon src="shelter.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fountain" order="13-">
+ <icon src="fountain.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_potable_water" order="13-">
+ <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="toilets.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="viewpoint.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="tec_common" order="11-">
+ <icon src="tec_common.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="vehicle" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gui_vehicle_16_16.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="gui_vehicle_pedestrian_16_16.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="%s"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="POI Labels">
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_airport,town_ghost,poi_hotel,poi_car_parking,poi_car_dealer_parts,poi_car_sharing,poi_fuel,poi_shopping,poi_attraction,poi_cafe,poi_bar,poi_pub,highway_exit,poi_camp_rv,poi_museum_history,poi_hospital,poi_dining,poi_fastfood,poi_police,poi_autoservice,poi_bank,poi_atm,poi_bus_station,poi_bus_stop,poi_business_service,poi_car_rent,poi_church,poi_bahai,poi_buddhist,poi_hindu,poi_islamic,poi_jain,poi_jewish,poi_pagan,poi_pastafarian,poi_shinto,poi_sikh,poi_taoist,poi_cinema,poi_concert,poi_drinking_water,poi_emergency,poi_fair,poi_fish,poi_government_building,poi_hotspring,poi_information,poi_justice,poi_landmark,poi_library,poi_mall,poi_manmade_feature,poi_marine,poi_marine_type,poi_mark,poi_oil_field,poi_peak,poi_personal_service,poi_pharmacy,poi_post_office,poi_public_office,poi_rail_halt,poi_rail_station,poi_rail_tram_stop,poi_repair_service,poi_resort,poi_restaurant,poi_restricted_area,poi_sailing,poi_scenic_area,poi_school,poi_service,poi_shop_bicycle,poi_shop_retail,poi_skiing,poi_social_service,poi_sport,poi_stadium,poi_swimming,poi_theater,poi_townhall,poi_trail,poi_truck_stop,poi_tunnel,poi_worship,poi_wrecker,poi_zoo,poi_biergarten,poi_castle,poi_ruins,poi_memorial,poi_monument,poi_shelter,poi_fountain,poi_viewpoint,vehicle" order="14-">
+ <circle color="#606060" radius="0" width="0" text_size="10"/>
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+ <itemgra item_types="poi_custom0,poi_custom1,poi_custom2,poi_custom3,poi_custom4,poi_custom5,poi_custom6,poi_custom7,poi_custom8,poi_custom9,poi_customa,poi_customb,poi_customc,poi_customd,poi_custome,poi_customf" order="14-">
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+ <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4029833f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_car_simple_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
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diff --git a/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aebc79d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/navit_layout_th_shipped.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
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+ <!-- highway=service,footway, ,... -->
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="35"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="30"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="73"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="67"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#c4c4c4" width="144"/>
+ <polyline color="#f7f496" width="138"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=secondary -->
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="7">
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="8">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="2"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="11"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="16"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="19"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="23"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="21"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="36"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="34"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="75"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="73"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="152"/>
+ <polyline color="#fdbf6f" width="150"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=primary -->
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="2-6">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="9">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="6"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="18"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="14"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="21"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="17"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="24"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="39"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="33"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="78"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="72"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="156"/>
+ <polyline color="#e46d71" width="150"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=motorway -->
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="2">
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="3-5">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="7"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="9-10">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="15"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="10"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="25"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="17"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="31"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="24"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="33"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="27"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="65"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="59"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="133"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="127"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#87908a" width="264"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="258"/>
+ <polyline color="#809bc0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_exit_label" order="10-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=primary (font)-->
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land,street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes,living_street" order="10-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land,street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="11-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass,street_0,street_1_city,street_1_land,footway" order="12-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=suburb -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label,district_label,town_label_0e0,town_label_1e0,town_label_2e0,town_label_5e0,town_label_1e1,town_label_2e1,town_label_5e1,town_label_1e2,town_label_2e2,town_label_5e2,district_label_0e0,district_label_1e0,district_label_2e0,district_label_5e0,district_label_1e1,district_label_2e1,district_label_5e1,district_label_1e2,district_label_2e2,district_label_5e2" order="9-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e3,district_label_2e3,district_label_5e3" order="11-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e3,town_label_2e3,town_label_5e3,place_label" order="10-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e4,district_label_2e4,district_label_5e4" order="9-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e4,town_label_2e4,town_label_5e4" order="8-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e5,district_label_2e5,district_label_5e5" order="6-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=city -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e5,town_label_2e5,town_label_5e5" order="4-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="district_label_1e6,district_label_2e6,district_label_5e6" order="3-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e6,town_label_2e6,town_label_5e6" order="2-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e7,district_label_1e7" order="1-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="rg_point" order="0-">
+ <circle color="#FF089C" radius="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="2">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="4" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="3-5">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="8" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="6">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="10" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="7-8">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="16" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="9-10">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="20" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="28" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="12">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="32" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="13">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="52" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="14">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="64" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="15">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="68" width="6" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="16">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="132" width="8" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="17">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="268" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="530" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- !!!!...POIs...!!!! -->
+ <!-- amenity=bank -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="14-">
+ <icon src="bank.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
+ <icon src="atm.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=fuel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="fuel.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=hospitalg -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hospital.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=parking -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="14-">
+ <icon src="parking.png"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=police -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="14-">
+ <icon src="police.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=restaurant -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="14-">
+ <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- leisure=golf_curse -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="14-">
+ <icon src="golf.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- tourism=hotel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hotel.png"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
diff --git a/navit/navit_shipped.xml b/navit/navit_shipped.xml
index ae2eedd37..9e87d2fba 100644
--- a/navit/navit_shipped.xml
+++ b/navit/navit_shipped.xml
@@ -27,27 +27,32 @@
<!-- timestamps 0/1 - prefix log messages with a timestamp -->
<debug name="timestamps" level="0"/>
- <!-- center= defines which map location Navit will show after first start.
- It will only be used for the first start; subsequent starts will remember the
- last position (in center.txt).
- Center coordinates format: "Long Lat" in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
- For other formats see
- -->
- <navit center="11.5666 48.1333" zoom="256" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest="250" drag_bitmap="0">
- <!-- Use one of gtk_drawing_area, qt_qpainter or sdl.
- On windows systems, use win32 -->
+ <!--
+ center= defines which map location Navit will show after first start.
+ It will only be used for the first start; subsequent starts will remember the
+ last position (in center.txt).
+ Center coordinates format: "Long Lat" in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
+ For other formats see
+ -->
+ <navit center="11.5666 48.1333" zoom="256" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest="250" drag_bitmap="0" default_layout="Car">
+ <!-- Use one of gtk_drawing_area, qt_qpainter or sdl. On windows systems, use win32 -->
<graphics type="gtk_drawing_area"/>
- <!-- The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
+ <!--
+ The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
Options include internal (optimized for touch screen devices), gtk (useful for desktop computers).
- If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag -->
+ If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag
+ -->
<gui type="gtk" enabled="no" menubar="1" toolbar="1" statusbar="1"/>
- <!--
- In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
- Here's an example for a freerunner: -->
- <!-- <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/> -->
- <!-- The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
- To get the prvious behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'
- -->
+ <!--
+ In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
+ Here's an example for a freerunner:
+ <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/>
+ -->
+ <!--
+ The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
+ To get the previous behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'
+ -->
<gui type="internal" enabled="yes"><![CDATA[
<a name='Main Menu'><text>Main menu</text>
@@ -359,7 +364,7 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
<roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
<roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
- <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
<roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
<roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
@@ -374,9 +379,11 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<announce type="street_n_lanes,highway_land" level0="300" level1="1000" level2="2000" unit="m"/>
- <!-- Navit provides speech output in text format.
- If you have a speech synthesizer like festival lite installed, you can get turn by turn directions out of navit. Please set the "cps"-value to how many characters your tts engine approximately speaks per second.
- The default is text output to the shell -->
+ <!--
+ Navit provides speech output in text format.
+ If you have a speech synthesizer like festival lite installed, you can get turn by turn directions out of navit. Please set the "cps"-value to how many characters your tts engine approximately speaks per second.
+ The default is text output to the shell
+ -->
<speech type="cmdline" data="echo 'Fix the speech tag in navit.xml to let navit say:' '%s'" cps="15"/>
Instead of using a speech synthesizer, navit can also play pre-recorded samples for each word.
@@ -385,7 +392,7 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
<speech type="cmdline" data="aplay -q %s"
sample_dir="/path/to/sampledir" sample_suffix=".wav" flags="1"
vocabulary_name="0" vocabulary_name_systematic="0" vocabulary_distances="0"/>
- -->
+ -->
<!-- You can only have enabled only one mapset at time, but with as much maps enabled as you want -->
@@ -420,6896 +427,15 @@ Waypoint</text></img>
- <layout name="Car" nightlayout="Car-dark" color="#ffefb7" font="Liberation Sans">
- <cursor w="57" h="57">
- <itemgra speed_range="-2">
- <polyline color="#00BC00" radius="0" width="4">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </polyline>
- <circle color="#008500" radius="9" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- <circle color="#00BC00" radius="13" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- <circle color="#008500" radius="18" width="3">
- <coord x="0" y="0" />
- </circle>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra speed_range="3-">
- <polygon color="#008500">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#00BC00">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#009C00">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polygon color="#006500">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polygon>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="21" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="-21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- <polyline color="#008500" width="1">
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- <coord x="0" y="-3" />
- <coord x="0" y="-9" />
- <coord x="21" y="-18" />
- </polyline>
- </itemgra>
- </cursor>
- <layer name="polygons">
- <itemgra item_types="image" order="0-">
- <image/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_nature_reserve" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#cedec6"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_glacier" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#ddecec"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_town" order="0-">
- <polygon color="#ffc895"/>
- <polyline color="#ebb481"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_naval_base" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#6a9993"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_airfield" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#ecd3cf"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_university" order="8-">
- <polygon color="#d68fb8"/>
- <polyline color="#881155"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_college" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#f4f4f4"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_attraction" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#01a36c"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_theme_park" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#01a36c"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poly_water_park" order="10-">
- <polygon color="#8cc1c8"/>
- <text text_size="5"/>
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- <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bicyle layout. -->
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- <icon src="ghost_town.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="12-">
- <icon src="hotel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="11-">
- <icon src="parking.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_sharing" order="11-">
- <icon src="car_sharing.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_dealer_parts" order="0-">
- <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="10-">
- <icon src="fuel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shopping" order="10-">
- <icon src="shopping.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_attraction" order="8-">
- <icon src="attraction.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cafe" order="12-">
- <icon src="cafe.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bar" order="12-">
- <icon src="bar.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pub" order="12-">
- <icon src="beer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bridge" order="0-">
- <icon src="bridge.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="highway_exit" order="11-">
- <icon src="exit.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_camp_rv" order="9-">
- <icon src="camping.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_museum_history" order="12-">
- <icon src="museum.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="12-">
- <icon src="hospital.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- not really usefull -->
- <!--
- <itemgra item_types="point_unkn" order="0-">
- <circle color="#8080ff" radius="3"/>
- </itemgra>
- -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_dining" order="12-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fastfood" order="12-">
- <icon src="fastfood.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="12-">
- <icon src="police.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_auto_club" order="0-">
- <icon src="auto_club.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_autoservice" order="0-">
- <icon src="car_dealer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="12-">
- <icon src="bank.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
- <icon src="atm.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bay" order="0-">
- <icon src="bay.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bend" order="0-">
- <icon src="bend.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_boat_ramp" order="12-">
- <icon src="boat_ramp.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_border_station" order="0-">
- <icon src="border_station.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bowling" order="0-">
- <icon src="bowling.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_station" order="12-">
- <icon src="bus.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_stop" order="12-">
- <icon src="bus_stop.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_business_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="business_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_rent" order="11-">
- <icon src="car_rent.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_wash" order="12-">
- <icon src="car_wash.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_casino" order="11-">
- <icon src="casino.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cemetery" order="11-">
- <icon src="cemetery.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_church" order="11-">
- <icon src="church.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bahai" order="11-">
- <icon src="bahai.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_buddhist" order="11-">
- <icon src="buddhist.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hindu" order="11-">
- <icon src="hindu.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_islamic" order="11-">
- <icon src="islamic.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_jain" order="11-">
- <icon src="jain.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_jewish" order="11-">
- <icon src="jewish.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pagan" order="11-">
- <icon src="pagan.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pastafarian" order="11-">
- <icon src="pastafarian.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shinto" order="11-">
- <icon src="shinto.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sikh" order="11-">
- <icon src="sikh.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_taoist" order="11-">
- <icon src="taoist.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cinema" order="12-">
- <icon src="cinema.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_communication" order="0-">
- <icon src="communication.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_concert" order="0-">
- <icon src="concert.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_cove" order="0-">
- <icon src="cove.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_crossing" order="0-">
- <icon src="crossing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_dam" order="0-">
- <icon src="dam.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_area" order="12-">
- <icon src="danger_16_16.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_sea_wreck" order="0-">
- <icon src="dangerous.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_daymark" order="0-">
- <icon src="daymark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_diving" order="0-">
- <icon src="diving.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_drinking_water" order="0-">
- <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_emergency" order="0-">
- <icon src="emergency.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fair" order="0-">
- <icon src="fair.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_firebrigade" order="12-">
- <icon src="firebrigade.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fish" order="0-">
- <icon src="fish.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_forbidden_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="forbidden_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_gps" order="0-">
- <icon src="garmin.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="12-">
- <icon src="golf.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_government_building" order="0-">
- <icon src="government_building.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_height" order="0-">
- <icon src="height.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_heliport" order="7-">
- <icon src="heliport.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotspring" order="0-">
- <icon src="hotspring.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_icesport" order="0-">
- <icon src="icesport.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_information" order="12-">
- <icon src="information.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_justice" order="10-">
- <icon src="justice.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_landmark" order="0-">
- <icon src="landmark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_levee" order="0-">
- <icon src="levee.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_level_crossing" order="11-">
- <icon src="level_crossing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_library" order="12-">
- <icon src="library.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_locale" order="0-">
- <icon src="locale.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_loudspeaker" order="0-">
- <icon src="loudspeaker.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mall" order="0-">
- <icon src="mall.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_manmade_feature" order="0-">
- <icon src="manmade_feature.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_marine" order="0-">
- <icon src="marine.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_marine_type" order="0-">
- <icon src="marine_type.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mark" order="0-">
- <icon src="mark.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_military" order="0-">
- <icon src="military.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_mine" order="0-">
- <icon src="mine.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_nondangerous" order="0-">
- <icon src="nondangerous.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_oil_field" order="0-">
- <icon src="oil_field.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_peak" order="6-">
- <icon src="peak.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_personal_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="personal_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_pharmacy" order="12-">
- <icon src="pharmacy.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_post_office,poi_post_box" order="13-">
- <icon src="post.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_public_office" order="0-">
- <icon src="public_office.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
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- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_station" order="11-">
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
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- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="2" width="2"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_tram_stop" order="12-">
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
- <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_repair_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="repair_service.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_resort" order="0-">
- <icon src="resort.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="12-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restricted_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="restricted_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restroom" order="13-">
- <icon src="toilets.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sailing" order="0-">
- <icon src="sailing.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_scenic_area" order="0-">
- <icon src="scenic_area.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_school" order="12-">
- <icon src="school.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_apparel" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_apparel.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_computer" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_computer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_department" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_department.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_furniture" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_furnish.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_grocery" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_grocery.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_handg" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_handg.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_merchandise" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_merchandise.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_retail" order="0-">
- <icon src="shop_retail.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shower" order="0-">
- <icon src="shower.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_skiing" order="12-">
- <icon src="skiing.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_social_service" order="0-">
- <icon src="social_service.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sounding" order="0-">
- <icon src="sounding.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_sport" order="12-">
- <icon src="sport.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_stadium" order="0-">
- <icon src="stadium.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_swimming" order="12-">
- <icon src="swimming.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_taxi" order="13-">
- <icon src="taxi.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_telephone" order="13-">
- <icon src="telephone.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_theater" order="12-">
- <icon src="theater.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tide" order="0-">
- <icon src="tide.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tower" order="13-">
- <icon src="tower.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_townhall" order="12-">
- <icon src="townhall.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_trail" order="0-">
- <icon src="trail.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_truck_stop" order="0-">
- <icon src="truck_stop.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_tunnel" order="0-">
- <icon src="tunnel.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wifi" order="11-">
- <icon src="wifi.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wine" order="0-">
- <icon src="wine.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_worship" order="0-">
- <icon src="worship.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_wrecker" order="0-">
- <icon src="wrecker.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_zoo" order="10-">
- <icon src="zoo.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_picnic" order="11-">
- <icon src="picnic.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_playground" order="12-">
- <icon src="playground.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_multi" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_multi.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_tradi" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_tradi.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_event" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_event.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_mystery" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_mystery.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_question" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_question.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_stages" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_stages.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_reference" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_reference.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_webcam" order="0-">
- <icon src="gc_webcam.xpm"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="traffic_signals" order="13-">
- <icon src="traffic_signals.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_image" order="0-">
- <image/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bike layout? -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="13-">
- <icon src="bench.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_biergarten" order="12-">
- <icon src="beer.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_boundary_stone" order="13-">
- <icon src="boundary_stone.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_castle" order="12-">
- <icon src="castle.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hunting_stand" order="13-">
- <icon src="hunting_stand.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_memorial" order="12-">
- <icon src="memorial.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_monument" order="12-">
- <icon src="memorial.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_shelter" order="10-">
- <icon src="shelter.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fountain" order="12-">
- <icon src="fountain.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_potable_water" order="12-">
- <icon src="drinking_water.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_toilets" order="12-">
- <icon src="toilets.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_viewpoint" order="12-">
- <icon src="viewpoint.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="tec_common" order="11-">
- <icon src="tec_common.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="vehicle" order="0-">
- <icon src="gui_vehicle_16_16.png" />
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="vehicle_pedestrian" order="0-">
- <icon src="gui_vehicle_pedestrian_16_16.png" />
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="POI Labels">
- <itemgra item_types="poi_airport,town_ghost,poi_hotel,poi_car_parking,poi_car_dealer_parts,poi_fuel,poi_shopping,poi_attraction,poi_cafe,poi_bar,poi_pub,highway_exit,poi_camp_rv,poi_museum_history,poi_hospital,poi_dining,poi_fastfood,poi_police,poi_autoservice,poi_bank,poi_atm,poi_bus_station,poi_bus_stop,poi_business_service,poi_car_rent,poi_car_sharing,poi_church,poi_bahai,poi_buddhist,poi_hindu,poi_islamic,poi_jain,poi_jewish,poi_pagan,poi_pastafarian,poi_shinto,poi_sikh,poi_taoist,poi_cinema,poi_concert,poi_drinking_water,poi_emergency,poi_fair,poi_fish,poi_government_building,poi_hotspring,poi_information,poi_justice,poi_landmark,poi_library,poi_mall,poi_manmade_feature,poi_marine,poi_marine_type,poi_mark,poi_oil_field,poi_peak,poi_personal_service,poi_pharmacy,poi_post_office,poi_public_office,poi_rail_halt,poi_rail_station,poi_rail_tram_stop,poi_repair_service,poi_resort,poi_restaurant,poi_restricted_area,poi_sailing,poi_scenic_area,poi_school,poi_service,poi_shop_retail,poi_skiing,poi_social_service,poi_sport,poi_stadium,poi_swimming,poi_theater,poi_townhall,poi_trail,poi_truck_stop,poi_tunnel,poi_worship,poi_wrecker,poi_zoo,poi_biergarten,poi_castle,poi_ruins,poi_memorial,poi_monument,poi_shelter,poi_fountain,poi_viewpoint,vehicle" order="14-">
- <circle color="#606060" background_color="#000000" radius="0" width="0" text_size="10"/>
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
- </layout>
- <layout name="Car-Android" color="#fef9ee" font="Liberation Sans">
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- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="9-10">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="20" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="28" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="12">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="32" width="4" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="13">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="52" width="4" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="14">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="64" width="4" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="15">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="68" width="6" text_size="24"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="16">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="132" width="8" text_size="32"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="17">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="268" width="8" text_size="48"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
- <circle color="#008080" radius="530" width="8" text_size="48"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- !!!!...POIs...!!!! -->
- <!-- amenity=bank -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="14-">
- <icon src="bank.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
- <icon src="atm.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=fuel -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="14-">
- <icon src="fuel.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=hospitalg -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="14-">
- <icon src="hospital.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=parking -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="14-">
- <icon src="parking.png"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=police -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="14-">
- <icon src="police.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- amenity=restaurant -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="14-">
- <icon src="restaurant.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- leisure=golf_curse -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="14-">
- <icon src="golf.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- <!-- tourism=hotel -->
- <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="14-">
- <icon src="hotel.png"/>
- <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
- </itemgra>
- </layer>
- <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
- </layout>
+ <!--
+ Layouts are defined in their own specific XML files and are included below (one file per layout, all files matching the wildcard expression below will be used)
+ The layout files describe the appearance of maps on the screen (colors, width, text fonts and sizes for each type of element to draw)
+ One layout is a specifid theme. At runtime, the user can select only one layout at a time (by choosing the corresponding theme from its name tag defined in the layout XML file).
+ If two layouts with the same name are included, the first one takes precedence.
+ In the list below, we use the user-defined layouts first (in $NAVIT_USER_DATADIR), they take precedence. Being next in the list, the default layouts (in $NAVIT_SHAREDIR) will only be used if there is no user-defined layout that was already defined with the same name.
+ -->
+ <xi:include href="$NAVIT_USER_DATADIR/navit_layout_*.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/navit_layout_*.xml"/>
<layout name="Route">
<layer name="streets">
<itemgra item_types="street_route_occluded" order="0-">
diff --git a/navit/script/check_itemdef b/navit/script/check_itemdef
deleted file mode 100755
index 61ea1cb29..000000000
--- a/navit/script/check_itemdef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-function check_item_def
- grep -q "[(,]$1)" ../item_def.h || echo "$1 missing"
-function check_item_xml
- grep -q "^$1\$" check.$$ || echo "$1 will not be rendered"
-awk '/<layout name="Car"/,/<\/layout/ { if (/<itemgra/) {print $0} }' < ../navit.xml | sed 's/.*item_types="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/' | tr "," "\012" | sort -u >check.$$
-echo item_def.h
-grep "^ITEM" ../item_def.h | sed -e "s/ITEM(\(.*\))/\1/" -e "s/ITEM2([^,]*,\(.*\))/\1/" |
-while read -r x
- check_item_xml "$x"
-rm -f check.$$
-echo maptool.c
-egrep '^ "[nw] +[^ ]+ +[^ ]+' ../maptool.c | sed "s/.* //" | sort -u |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "${x%%\\n\"}"
-echo "navit.xml"
-grep '<itemgra item_types="' <../navit.xml | cut -d \" -f 2 | tr "," "\012" |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "$x"
-echo "garmintypes.txt"
-grep "^[0-9]" ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt | sed -e 's/[A-Z][A-Z]*, //' -e 's/.*= \([^,]*\),.*/\1/' | sort -u |
-while read -r x
- check_item_def "$x"
diff --git a/navit/script/ b/navit/script/
index bbe02b000..54a08225c 100755
--- a/navit/script/
+++ b/navit/script/
@@ -1,25 +1,69 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
+# This script parses the XML config file and checks if known itemgra elements are defined or not in each layout
+# Run ./ 2>/dev/null to get only the result without parsing information messages
my $layout;
my $type,$types;
+my $garmintypes;
my $order,$orders,@orders;
my @layouts;
-while (<IN>) {
- if (/<layout name="([^"]*)"/) {
- $layout=$1;
- push(@layouts,$layout);
- }
- if (/<itemgra item_types="([^"]*)"/) {
- $types=$1;
- if (/order="([^"]*)"/) {
- $order=$1;
- foreach $type (split(",",$types)) {
- $result->{$type}->{$layout}->{$order}=1;
+my $input_stream;
+my @input_stream_stack;
+my $current_filename = "../navit_shipped.xml";
+if (!open($input_stream,$current_filename)) {
+ print(STDERR "Failed to open \"" . $current_filename . "\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+while(defined($input_stream)) {
+ #printf("%d input streams in file recursion stack. Current input stream is " . $input_stream . "\n", $#input_stream_stack+1);
+ while (<$input_stream>) {
+ #print($_);
+ if (/<layout name="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $layout=$1;
+ push(@layouts,$layout);
+ }
+ if (/<xi:include href="([^"]*)"/) {
+ my $xml_include_file;
+ $xml_include_file=$1;
+ if ($xml_include_file =~ /^[\/\$]/) { # PATH is absolute or starts with a variable... do not modify PATH
+ }
+ $xml_include_file =~ s@^@../@; # Make PATH relative to ../ (navit XML config is in parent
+ if ($xml_include_file =~ /.*maps\/\*\.xml$/) { # Skip mapsets that use wildcards
+ }
+ else {
+ push(@input_stream_stack, $input_stream);
+ $input_stream = undef;
+ print(STDERR "Opening included file \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ if (!open($input_stream, $xml_include_file)) {
+ $xml_include_file =~ s/\.xml$/_shipped.xml/; # If file does not exist, try suffixing the filename with _shipped
+ print(SDTERR "Opening included file \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ if (!open($input_stream, $xml_include_file)) {
+ print(STDERR "Failed to open \"" . $xml_include_file . "\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ $current_filename = $xml_include_file;
+ #printf("%d input streams in file recursion stack. Current input stream is " . $input_stream . "\n", $#input_stream_stack+1);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (/<itemgra item_types="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $types=$1;
+ if (/order="([^"]*)"/) {
+ $order=$1;
+ print(STDERR "Order $order found in \"" . $current_filename . "\"\n");
+ foreach $type (split(",",$types)) {
+ $result->{$type}->{$layout}->{$order}=1;
+ }
+ close($input_stream);
+ $input_stream = pop(@input_stream_stack);
+ #print("Popped input stream " . $input_stream . "\n");
+print(STDERR "Finished parsing navit XML config\n");
+print(STDERR "Parsing item_def.h\n");
while (<IN>) {
if (/^ITEM2\([^,]*,(.*)\)/) {
@@ -32,13 +76,26 @@ while (<IN>) {
+print(STDERR "Parsing ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt\n");
+while (<IN>) {
+ if (/^[0-9][^=]*=\s*([^,]*),.*$/) {
+ $type=$1;
+ print("Garmintype: " . $type . "\n");
+ $garmintypes->{$type}->{"none"}=1;
+ }
+print(STDERR "Outputting results\n");
my $typefmt="%-30s";
my $layoutfmt="%10s";
foreach $layout (@layouts) {
+# Check which map items defined in ../item_def.h are actually handled by each layout
foreach $type (sort keys %$result) {
if (!$result->{$type}->{"none"}) {
@@ -55,3 +112,10 @@ foreach $type (sort keys %$result) {
+print("Analysis on ../map/garmin/garmintypes.txt:\n");
+foreach $type (sort keys %$garmintypes) {
+ if (!$result->{$type}->{"none"}) {
+ print($type . " exists in garmintypes.txt and missing in itemdef.h\n");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/navit/start_real.c b/navit/start_real.c
index c3f8b5622..b7a0db48c 100644
--- a/navit/start_real.c
+++ b/navit/start_real.c
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ int main_real(int argc, char * const* argv) {
li = g_list_next(li);
- dbg(lvl_debug,"Loading %s",config_file);
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"Loading config from '%s'",config_file);
if (!config_load(config_file, &error)) {
dbg(lvl_error, _("Error parsing config file '%s': %s"), config_file, error ? error->message : "");
} else {
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ int main_real(int argc, char * const* argv) {
dbg(lvl_error, "%s", _("Internal initialization failed, exiting. Check previous error messages."));
+ main_update_default_layout(navit.u.navit);
if (startup_file) {
diff --git a/navit/support/glib/gutils.c b/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
index 6d3fda447..9a9477f19 100644
--- a/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
+++ b/navit/support/glib/gutils.c
@@ -756,7 +756,6 @@ g_path_get_basename (const gchar *file_name)
return retval;
* g_path_is_absolute:
* @file_name: a file name.
@@ -785,6 +784,7 @@ g_path_is_absolute (const gchar *file_name)
return FALSE;
* g_path_skip_root:
* @file_name: a file name.
@@ -851,6 +851,7 @@ g_path_skip_root (const gchar *file_name)
return NULL;
* g_path_get_dirname:
@@ -952,6 +953,7 @@ g_path_get_dirname (const gchar *file_name)
return base;
* g_get_current_dir:
diff --git a/navit/xmlconfig.c b/navit/xmlconfig.c
index 451a308e2..476997c2d 100644
--- a/navit/xmlconfig.c
+++ b/navit/xmlconfig.c
@@ -705,6 +705,15 @@ static void end_element (xml_context *context,
static gboolean parse_file(struct xmldocument *document, xmlerror **error);
+ * @brief Handle xi:include XML tags
+ *
+ * @param context The XML context in which we are parsing
+ * @param[in] attribute_names An array of strings containing all XML attributes of the xi:include tag
+ * @param[in] attribute_values An array of strings containing all XML values (one per entry in @p attribute_names)
+ * @param doc_old The current document being parsed (before moving to the one referenced in this xi:include
+ * @param[out] error A description of the error encountered if any
+ */
static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values,
struct xmldocument *doc_old, xmlerror **error) {
struct xmldocument doc_new;
@@ -712,11 +721,15 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
int i,count;
const char *href=NULL;
char **we_files;
+ char *included_filename=NULL;
+ char *doc_base=NULL;
+ char *tmp=NULL;
if (doc_old->level >= 16) {
g_set_error(error,G_MARKUP_ERROR,G_MARKUP_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT, "xi:include recursion too deep");
+ dbg(lvl_debug, "At level %d, processing xi:include in document href=\"%s\"", doc_old->level, doc_old->href);
memset(&doc_new, 0, sizeof(doc_new));
while (attribute_names[i]) {
@@ -746,8 +759,8 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
- if (! href) {
- dbg(lvl_debug,"no href, using '%s'", doc_old->href);
+ if (!href) {
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"no href%s, using own ref '%s'", doc_new.xpointer?" (but xpointer provided)":"", doc_old->href);
if (file_exists(doc_new.href)) {
parse_file(&doc_new, error);
@@ -757,23 +770,36 @@ static void xinclude(xml_context *context, const gchar **attribute_names, const
} else {
dbg(lvl_debug,"expanding '%s'", href);
- we_files=file_wordexp_get_array(we);
+ we_files=file_wordexp_get_array(we); /* Expand wildcards (if any) into a list of files */
dbg(lvl_debug,"%d results", count);
- if (file_exists(we_files[0])) {
- for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
- dbg(lvl_debug,"result[%d]='%s'", i, we_files[i]);
- doc_new.href=we_files[i];
- parse_file(&doc_new, error);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) {
+ included_filename = g_strdup(we_files[i]);
+ if (*included_filename != '\0') { /* Non empty href */
+ if (!g_path_is_absolute(included_filename)) { /* The filename's path is relative */
+ doc_base = g_path_get_dirname(doc_old->href); /* Get our own absolute path */
+ if (*doc_base && file_is_dir(doc_base)) {
+ tmp = included_filename;
+ included_filename = g_strconcat(doc_base, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S, tmp, NULL);
+ g_free(tmp); /* Free initial included_filename buffer (saved in tmp) */
+ }
+ g_free(doc_base);
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"converted relative filename='%s' to absolute filename='%s'", we_files[i], included_filename);
+ }
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"result[%d]='%s'", i, included_filename);
+ if (file_exists(included_filename)) {
+ doc_new.href=included_filename;
+ parse_file(&doc_new, error); /* Now run the parser on the included XML file */
+ } else {
+ dbg(lvl_error,"Unable to include '%s'",included_filename);
+ }
- } else {
- dbg(lvl_error,"Unable to include %s",we_files[0]);
+ g_free(included_filename);
static int strncmp_len(const char *s1, int s1len, const char *s2) {
int ret;
ret=strncmp(s1, s2, s1len);
diff --git a/navit/xslt/android.xslt b/navit/xslt/android.xslt
index 9ef181a88..412735273 100644
--- a/navit/xslt/android.xslt
+++ b/navit/xslt/android.xslt
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout/layer/itemgra/child::*|/config/navit/layer/itemgra/child::*">
+ <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout/layer/itemgra/child::*|/config/navit/layer/itemgra/child::*|layout/layer/itemgra/child::*">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*[not(name()='text_size') and not(name()='width') and not(name()='radius') and not(name()='w') and not(name()='h') and not(name()='x') and not(name()='y') and not(name()='dash')]"/>
<xsl:if test="@text_size">
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
- <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout">
+ <xsl:template match="/config/navit/layout|/layout">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
<xsl:if test="@name='Car'">
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 7206979e7..20eb5036e 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ test -d output && rm -rf output
mkdir output
cp navit/navit.exe output/
cp navit/navit.xml output/
+cp navit/navit_layout*.xml output/
cp -r locale/ output/
cp -r navit/icons/ output/
cp -r ../navit/support/espeak/espeak-data/ output/