diff options
authormvglasow <michael -at->2019-01-23 00:05:30 +0100
committermvglasow <michael -at->2019-01-23 00:05:30 +0100
commit7cf1c946edbf828631d44934993530da05d93711 (patch)
parentd8397ee8a5dfabc368aa19700acfbdb2dfc95504 (diff)
Add:gui:New icons for toggle_announcer OSD
Background is now fully transparent by default Default icons are now sound_on and sound_off, respectively BUG: icon is not found on Android Signed-off-by: mvglasow <michael -at->
4 files changed, 258 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/navit/icons/sound_off.svg b/navit/icons/sound_off.svg
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/icons/sound_off.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
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diff --git a/navit/icons/sound_on.svg b/navit/icons/sound_on.svg
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@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
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diff --git a/navit/osd/core/osd_core.c b/navit/osd/core/osd_core.c
index 5450a4203..512031cad 100644
--- a/navit/osd/core/osd_core.c
+++ b/navit/osd/core/osd_core.c
@@ -2205,8 +2205,8 @@ static void osd_nav_toggle_announcer_draw(struct osd_priv_common *opc, struct na
int do_draw = opc->osd_item.do_draw;
struct graphics_image *gr_image;
char *path;
- char *gui_sound_off = "gui_sound_off";
- char *gui_sound_on = "gui_sound";
+ char *sound_off = "sound_off";
+ char *sound_on = "sound_on";
struct attr attr, speechattr;
if (!navit_get_attr(navit, attr_speech, &speechattr, NULL)) {
@@ -2229,9 +2229,9 @@ static void osd_nav_toggle_announcer_draw(struct osd_priv_common *opc, struct na
graphics_draw_rectangle(opc->, opc->osd_item.graphic_bg, &p, opc->osd_item.w, opc->osd_item.h);
if (this->active)
- path = g_strdup_printf(this->icon_src, gui_sound_on);
+ path = g_strdup_printf(this->icon_src, sound_on);
- path = g_strdup_printf(this->icon_src, gui_sound_off);
+ path = g_strdup_printf(this->icon_src, sound_off);
gr_image = graphics_image_new_scaled(opc->, path, this->icon_w, this->icon_h);
if (!gr_image) {
@@ -2280,6 +2280,7 @@ static struct osd_priv *osd_nav_toggle_announcer_new(struct navit *nav, struct o
meth->set_attr = set_std_osd_attr;
osd_set_std_attr(attrs, &opc->osd_item, 0);
+ opc->osd_item.color_bg.a = 0x0000;
this->icon_w = -1;
this->icon_h = -1;
diff --git a/navit/xslt/osd_minimum.xslt b/navit/xslt/osd_minimum.xslt
index 5d37323f4..2ce4d8f32 100644
--- a/navit/xslt/osd_minimum.xslt
+++ b/navit/xslt/osd_minimum.xslt
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<osd type="text" label="${{tracking.item.street_name_systematic}}${{tracking.item.street_name}}" x="0" y="{round(-14*number($OSD_SIZE))}" w="100%" h="{round(14*number($OSD_SIZE))}" font_size="{round(200*number($OSD_SIZE))}" enable_expression="vehicle.position_valid"/>
<xsl:text>&#x0A; </xsl:text>
<!-- TODO does this need an icon_src attribute? -->
- <osd type="toggle_announcer" x="{round(-(number($ICON_BIG)+8*number($OSD_SIZE)))}" y="{round(62*number($OSD_SIZE))}"/>
+ <osd type="toggle_announcer" icon_src="%s_{number($ICON_BIG)}_{number($ICON_BIG)}.png" x="{round(-(number($ICON_BIG)+8*number($OSD_SIZE)))}" y="{round(62*number($OSD_SIZE))}"/>
<xsl:text>&#x0A; </xsl:text>
<!-- TODO implement
<osd type="button" src="gui_zoom_manual_{number($ICON_BIG)}_{number($ICON_BIG)}.png" command="autozoom_active=0" x="0" y="0" osd_configuration="1" use_overlay="{$OSD_USE_OVERLAY}" enable_expression="autozoom_active!=0"/>