diff options
authorStefan Wildemann <>2017-04-26 06:27:09 +0200
committerPierre GRANDIN <>2017-04-25 21:27:09 -0700
commit658060b86596efb270cfcd21e118a9071f5d5092 (patch)
parentf221cd197fc8ef915b76c3b7b170ccd76178ad74 (diff)
Add rules to build sailfish package (#221)
* Add spec and scripts for sailfish build * enhance sailfish (jolla phone) example configuration * Fix build and install dependencies for Sailfish 2.0 * Seems like gettext-libs is enough on target. Gettext has ugly deps. * Disable maptool, as it won't work anyway on phones * Fix: Switch to wayland via config.xml * Adapt sailfish-spec to new QML graphics Now this doesn't have reference to qwidgets anymore * Sailfish: prepare package for harbour Change the spec file to produce a (almoust) harbour compatible backage. Known incompatibilities are: - package links against which seems to be banned. - desktop icons are missing in some sizes (86x86, 108x108, 256x256) - package contains man-files which are banned in harbour - package contains "" which cannot be installed on harbour. - binary is not stripped (warning) * Add missing desktop icon sizes * Change launcher setting for Sailfish OS * Move sailfish directory to contrib * Fix paths in spec file as well * Fix: Fix paths on spec file
5 files changed, 7055 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/ b/contrib/sailfish/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..663d31b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+#run on the Sailfish OS sdk virtual machine. Check that rpmbuild directory exists.
+#arm devices
+sb2 -t SailfishOS-armv7hl -m sdk-build rpmbuild --define "_topdir /home/src1/rpmbuild" --define "navit_source `pwd`/../.." -bb navit-sailfish.spec
+#intel devices
+sb2 -t SailfishOS-i486 -m sdk-build rpmbuild --define "_topdir /home/src1/rpmbuild" --define "navit_source `pwd`/../.." -bb navit-sailfish.spec
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c25af5fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/navit-sailfish.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# $Id$
+# Authority: dries
+#%global navit_version_minor %(grep NAVIT_VERSION_MINOR ../../CMakeLists.txt |head -1| sed -e s/[^0-9]//g)
+#%global navit_version_major %(grep NAVIT_VERSION_MAJOR ../../CMakeLists.txt |head -1| sed -e s/[^0-9]//g)
+#%global navit_version_patch %(grep NAVIT_VERSION_PATCH ../../CMakeLists.txt |head -1| sed -e s/[^0-9]//g)
+#%global navit_version %{navit_version_major}.%{navit_version_minor}.%{navit_version_patch}
+#%global git_version %(git describe --tags | sed y/-/_/)
+Name: harbour-navit
+Summary: Open Source car navigation system
+#Version: %{navit_version}_%{git_version}
+Version: 0.5.1
+Release: 1
+License: GPL
+Group: Applications/Productivity
+BuildRequires: gcc
+BuildRequires: cmake
+BuildRequires: glib2-devel
+BuildRequires: gettext-devel
+BuildRequires: freetype-devel
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtcore-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtdeclarative-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtdbus-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtpositioning-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtxml-devel
+BuildRequires: qt5-qtsvg-devel
+#Requires: glib2
+#Requires: gettext-libs
+Requires: freetype
+#Requires: zlib
+#Requires: qt5-qtcore
+#Requires: qt5-qtdeclarative
+#Requires: qt5-qtdbus
+Requires: qt5-qtpositioning
+#Requires: qt5-qtxml
+Requires: qt5-qtsvg
+%global navit_real_source %{navit_source}
+Navit is a car navigation system with routing engine.
+It's modular design is capable of using vector maps of various formats for routing and rendering of the displayed map. It's even possible to use multiple maps at a time.
+The GTK+ or SDL user interfaces are designed to work well with touch screen displays. Points of Interest of various formats are displayed on the map.
+The current vehicle position is either read from gpsd or directly from NMEA GPS sensors.
+The routing engine not only calculates an optimal route to your destination, but also generates directions and even speaks to you using speechd.
+#just create empty directory here for build files. We'll use git sources directly.
+rm -rf navit-build
+mkdir navit-build
+#nothing to delete and nothing to extract. Just setup for our empty directory created before.
+%setup -D -T -n navit-build
+%define debug_package %{nil}
+%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
+#cmake git files directly
+ -DPACKAGE:STRING=harbour-navit \
+ -DNAVIT_BINARY:STRING=harbour-navit \
+ -DSHARE_DIR:PATH=share/harbour-navit \
+ -DLOCALE_DIR:PATH=share/harbour-navit/locale \
+ -DIMAGE_DIR:PATH=share/harbour-navit/xpm \
+ -DLIB_DIR:PATH=share/harbour-navit/lib \
+ -Dbinding/dbus:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dgraphics/gtk_drawing_area:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dgraphics/null:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dgraphics/opengl:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dgraphics/sdl:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dspeech/dbus:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dvehicle/gpsd:BOOL=FALSE \
+ -Dvehicle/gpsd_dbus:BOOL=FALSE \
+ %{navit_real_source}
+# -DMAN_DIR:PATH=share/harbour-navit/man1
+#copy in sailfish config
+cp %{navit_real_source}/contrib/sailfish/navit.xml %{buildroot}/usr/share/harbour-navit/navit.xml
+#copy in espeak script
+cp %{navit_real_source}/contrib/sailfish/ %{buildroot}/usr/bin/
+%defattr(644, root, root, 755)
+%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/harbour-navit
+%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/harbour-navit.1.gz
+%doc %{_mandir}/man1/maptool.1.gz
+*Mon Dec 14 2015 Initial sailfish release
+*Mon Apr 10 2017 Almost harbour valid
+- Initial package.
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/navit.xml b/contrib/sailfish/navit.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..831043d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/navit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6928 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--
+ For configuration options used in this file, please read
+ Do not edit /usr/share/navit/navit.xml or /etc/navit/navit.xml :
+ changes would be lost on upgrade. Rather copy it to ~/.navit/.
+<!DOCTYPE config
+ SYSTEM "navit.dtd">
+<config xmlns:xi="">
+ <plugins>
+ <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/*/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}lib*.so" ondemand="yes"/>
+ <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/autoload/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}lib*.so"/>
+ <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/*/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}" active="no"/>
+ <plugin path="$NAVIT_LIBDIR/*/${NAVIT_LIBPREFIX}" active="no"/>
+ </plugins>
+ <!-- The global debug level (like using command line option "-d"). Ignored if option -d is used. -->
+ <!-- Possible debug levels: error, warning, info, debug. -->
+ <debug name="global" dbg_level="error"/>
+ <!-- Example of setting the debug level for a single function. -->
+ <debug name="navit:do_draw" dbg_level="error"/>
+ <!-- This is here so one can copy&paste the contents of popup menus -->
+ <debug name="navit:popup_printf_cb" dbg_level="debug"/>
+ <!-- Example for logging timing/profiling information. Note the prefix "profile:".
+ <debug name="profile:navit:do_draw" dbg_level="debug"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- segv: 1 - show backtrace with gdb and exit, 2 - stay in gdb -->
+ <debug name="segv" level="1"/>
+ <!-- timestamps 0/1 - prefix log messages with a timestamp -->
+ <debug name="timestamps" level="0"/>
+ <debug name="graphics_qt5" dbg_level="error"/>
+ <debug name="vehicle_qt5" dbg_level="error"/>
+ <!-- center= defines which map location Navit will show after first start.
+ It will only be used for the first start; subsequent starts will remember the
+ last position (in center.txt).
+ Center coordinates format: "Long Lat" in decimal degrees (WGS 84).
+ For other formats see
+ -->
+ <navit center="11.5666 48.1333" zoom="256" tracking="1" orientation="-1" recent_dest="250" drag_bitmap="0">
+ <!-- Use one of gtk_drawing_area, qt_qpainter or sdl.
+ On windows systems, use win32 -->
+ <graphics type="qt5" qt5_platform="wayland"/>
+ <!-- The following line let you select which graphical user interface you'd like to use.
+ Options include internal (optimized for touch screen devices), gtk (useful for desktop computers).
+ If you don't like the internal gui, set enabled=yes for the following tag and enabled=no for the gui internal tag -->
+ <gui type="gtk" enabled="no" menubar="1" toolbar="1" statusbar="1"/>
+ <!--
+ In case of the internal GUI, you can even influence the size of the text and of the icons in the toolbar and the viewport.
+ Here's an example for a freerunner: -->
+ <!-- <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96"/> -->
+ <!-- The action that appears on map click is configurable with the attribute "on_map_click".
+ To get the prvious behaviour of showing the map point menu use on_map_click='menu("#Map Point")'
+ -->
+ <gui type="internal" font_size="350" icon_xs="32" icon_s="96" icon_l="96" enabled="yes"><![CDATA[
+ <html>
+ <a name='Main Menu'><text>Main menu</text>
+ <a href='#Actions'><img src='gui_actions'>Actions</img></a>
+ <img cond='flags&amp;2' src='gui_map' onclick='back_to_map()'><text>Show
+ <a href='#Settings'><img src='gui_settings'><text>Settings</text></img></a>
+ <a href='#Tools'><img src='gui_tools'><text>Tools</text></img></a>
+ <a href='#Route'><img src='gui_settings'><text>Route</text></img></a>
+ <img src='gui_about' onclick='about()'><text>About</text></img>
+ <img src='gui_quit' onclick='quit()'><text>Quit</text></img>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Actions'><text>Actions</text>
+ <img src='gui_bookmark' onclick='bookmarks()'><text>Bookmarks</text></img>
+ <img src='gui_formerdests' onclick='formerdests()'><text>Former
+ <img cond='click_coord_geo' src='gui_map' onclick='position(click_coord_geo,_("Map Point"),8|16|32|64|256)'><script>write(click_coord_geo)</script></img>
+ <img cond='position_coord_geo' src='gui_vehicle' onclick='position(position_coord_geo,_("Vehicle Position"),8|32|64|128|256)'><script>write(position_coord_geo)</script></img>
+ <img src='gui_town' onclick='town()'><text>Town</text></img>
+ <img src='gui_map' onclick='enter_coord()'><text>Coordinates</text></img>
+ <img cond='navit.route.route_status&amp;1' src='gui_stop' onclick='abort_navigation();refresh()'><text>Stop
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings'><text>Settings</text>
+ <a href='#Settings Display'><img src='gui_display'><text>Display</text></img></a>
+ <img src='gui_maps' onclick='setting_maps()'><text>Maps</text></img>
+ <!-- <a href='#Settings Maps'><img src='gui_maps'><text>Maps</text></img></a> -->
+ <img src='gui_vehicle' onclick='setting_vehicle()'><text>Vehicle</text></img>
+ <!-- <a href='#Settings Vehicles'><img src='gui_vehicle'><text>Vehicle</text></img></a> -->
+ <img src='gui_rules' onclick='setting_rules()'><text>Rules</text></img>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings Display'><text>Display</text>
+ <!-- <img src='gui_display' onclick='setting_layout()'><text>Layout</text></img> -->
+ <a href='#Settings Layouts'><img src='gui_display'><text>Layout</text></img></a>
+ <img cond='fullscreen==0' src='gui_fullscreen' onclick='fullscreen=1'><text>Fullscreen</text></img>
+ <img cond='fullscreen==1' src='gui_leave_fullscreen' onclick='fullscreen=0'><text>Window Mode</text></img>
+ <img cond='navit.pitch==0' src='gui_map' onclick='navit.pitch=pitch;redraw_map();back_to_map()'><text>3D</text></img>
+ <img cond='navit.pitch!=0' src='gui_map' onclick='navit.pitch=0;redraw_map();back_to_map()'><text>2D</text></img>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Tools'><text>Tools</text>
+ <img src='gui_actions' onclick='locale()'><text>Show Locale</text></img>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Route'><text>Route</text>
+ <img src='gui_actions' onclick='route_description()'><text>Description</text></img>
+ <img src='gui_actions' onclick='route_height_profile()'><text>Height Profile</text></img>
+ <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='cursor_still' onclick='waypoints()'><text>Waypoints</text></img>
+ <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='gui_stop' onclick='navit.route_remove_last_waypoint()'><text>Drop last
+ <img cond='navit.waypoints_flag &amp;&amp; (navit.route.route_status&amp;1)' src='gui_stop' onclick='navit.route_remove_next_waypoint()'><text>Drop next
+ </a>
+ <a name='Map Point'><text>Map Point</text>
+ <script>position(click_coord_geo,_("Map Point"),8|16|32|64|256)</script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings Layouts' class='clist' refresh_cond='navit.layout'><text>Layout</text>
+ <script>
+ foreach(layout;navit.layout)
+ img("centry", navit.layout==layout?"gui_active":"gui_inactive",,
+ "", "navit.layout=navit.layout[@name==%{se}*]",;
+ </script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings Maps' class='clist'><text>Maps</text>
+ <script>
+ foreach(map;
+ if (map.description)
+ img("centry","gui_active":"gui_inactive", map.description,
+ "","[@description==%{se}].active=%{d}*",map.description,!,"redraw_map();refresh();");
+ else
+ img("centry","gui_active":"gui_inactive", map.type+":",
+ "","[@data==%{se}].active=%{d}*",,!,"redraw_map();refresh();");
+ </script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings Vehicles' class='clist'><text>Vehicle</text>
+ <script>
+ foreach(vehicle;navit.vehicle)
+ img("centry",navit.vehicle==vehicle?"gui_active":"gui_inactive",,
+ "name=%{se};menu(\"#Settings Vehicle\")",;
+ </script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Settings Vehicle' class='clist'><script>write(name)</script>
+ <script>
+ foreach(vehicle;navit.vehicle)
+ if ( == name) {
+ if (vehicle!=navit.vehicle)
+ img("centry","gui_active","Set as active",
+ "","navit.vehicle=navit.vehicle[@name==%{se}*]",name);
+ foreach(vehicleprofile;navit.vehicleprofile)
+ 0 img("centry","gui_active":"gui_inactive",,
+ "","navit.vehicle[@name=%{se}].profilename=%{se}*",name,,"refresh()");
+ }
+ </script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='Satellite Status' class='clist'><text>Satellite Status</text>
+ <script>satellite_status_page()</script>
+ </a>
+ <a name='NMEA Data' class='clist'><text>NMEA Data</text>
+ <script>nmea_data_page()</script>
+ </a>
+ </html>
+ ]]></gui>
+ <!-- for a debug log -->
+ <log enabled="no" type="textfile_debug" data="debug_%Y%m%d-%i.txt" flush_size="1000" flush_time="30"/>
+ <!-- osd items allow to position display and control items directly on top of the map: -->
+ <osd enabled="no" type="compass"/>
+ <osd enabled="no" type="navigation_next_turn"/>
+ <!-- Commands include gui_internal_menu, gui_internal_fullscreen, zoom_in and zoom_out.
+ Usage of negative values change the button origins. x="0" y="0" specifies the top left, x="-0" y="-0" the bottom right corner.
+ It's always the top left corner of the icon, so you need to consider the icon's size when you enter the values. -->
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="gps_status" x="0" y="0" w="50" h="50"/>
+ <osd enabled="no" type="text" label="${vehicle.position_sats_used}/${vehicle.position_qual}" x="0" y="0" w="50" h="50" background_color="#00000058" font_size="400"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="text" label="${vehicle.position_speed}" x="50" y="0" w="150" h="50" background_color="#00000058" font_size="400"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="text" label="${navigation.item.destination_length[named]}" x="200" y="0" w="240" h="50" background_color="#00000058" font_size="400"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="navigation_next_turn" x="-100" y="0" w="100" h="100" icon_w="90" icon_h="80" background_color="#00000058"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="text" label="${navigation.item[1].length[named]}" x="-100" y="100" w="100" h="50" background_color="#00000058" font_size="400"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="button" x="-96" y="-96" w="96" h="96" command="zoom_in()" src="zoom_in"/>
+ <osd enabled="yes" type="button" x="0" y="-96" w="96" h="96" command="zoom_out()" src="zoom_out"/>
+ <!-- Vehicle with GPS enabled for gpsd on unix -->
+ <vehicle name="Local GPS" profilename="car" enabled="no" active="1" source="gpsd://localhost" gpsd_query="w+xj">
+ <!-- Vehicle with GPS enabled for direct communication on windows. Remove the line above if you use this. -->
+ <!-- <vehicle name="Local GPS" profilename="car" follow="1" enabled="yes" active="1"
+ source="serial:COM4 baud=4800 parity=N data=8 stop=1" > -->
+ <!-- Navit can write a tracklog in several formats (gpx, nmea or textfile): -->
+ <log enabled="no" type="gpx" attr_types="position_time_iso8601,position_direction,position_speed,profilename,position_radius" data="track_%Y%m%d-%%i.gpx" flush_size="1000" flush_time="30"/>
+ </vehicle>
+ <!-- For SDL, you should add follow="1" to have the view centered on your position -->
+ <!-- <vehicle name="Meins" enabled="yes" source="gpsd://localhost" color="#0000ff" follow="1"/> -->
+ <vehicle name="Demo" profilename="car" enabled="no" source="demo://"/>
+ <vehicle name="Qt5" profilename="car" enabled="yes" active="1" source="qt5://"/>
+ <!-- For the cumulative displacement filter to be enabled, set cdf_histsize="x" here, with x being an integer somewhere around 4 -->
+ <tracking cdf_histsize="0"/>
+ <vehicleprofile name="car" route_depth="4:25%,8:40000,18:10000" flags="0x4000000" flags_forward_mask="0x4000002" flags_reverse_mask="0x4000001" maxspeed_handling="0" route_mode="0" static_speed="5" static_distance="25">
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street,street_service,track_gravelled,track_unpaved,street_parking_lane" speed="10" route_weight="10" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,track_paved" speed="30" route_weight="30" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="40" route_weight="40" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city" speed="50" route_weight="50" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_city" speed="80" route_weight="80" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land" speed="60" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_land" speed="65" route_weight="65" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land" speed="70" route_weight="70" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_land" speed="80" route_weight="80" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="120" route_weight="120" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="120" route_weight="120" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="40" route_weight="40" />
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="car_shortest" flags="0x4000000" flags_forward_mask="0x4000002" flags_reverse_mask="0x4000001" maxspeed_handling="0" route_mode="0" static_speed="5" static_distance="25">
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street,street_service,track_gravelled,track_unpaved,street_parking_lane" speed="10" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,track_paved" speed="30" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="40" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city" speed="50" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_city" speed="80" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land" speed="60" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_land" speed="65" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land" speed="70" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_land" speed="80" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="120" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="120" route_weight="60" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="40" route_weight="60" />
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="10" route_weight="60"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="60"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="car_avoid_tolls" flags="0x4000000" flags_forward_mask="0x4000402" flags_reverse_mask="0x4000001" maxspeed_handling="0" route_mode="0" static_speed="5" static_distance="25">
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street,street_service,track_gravelled,track_unpaved,street_parking_lane" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,track_paved" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city" speed="50" route_weight="50"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_city" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land" speed="60" route_weight="60"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_land" speed="65" route_weight="65"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land" speed="70" route_weight="70"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_land" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="120" route_weight="120"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="120" route_weight="120"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="car_pedantic" route_depth="18:25%,18:40000" flags="0x4000000" flags_forward_mask="0x4000002" flags_reverse_mask="0x4000001" maxspeed_handling="0" route_mode="0" static_speed="5" static_distance="25">
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street,street_service,track_gravelled,track_unpaved,street_parking_lane" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,track_paved" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city" speed="50" route_weight="50"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_city" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land" speed="60" route_weight="60"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_land" speed="65" route_weight="65"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land" speed="70" route_weight="70"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_land" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="120" route_weight="120"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="120" route_weight="120"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="bike" route_depth="18:25%,18:40000" flags="0x40000000" flags_forward_mask="0x40000000" flags_reverse_mask="0x40000000" maxspeed_handling="1" route_mode="0" static_speed="5" static_distance="25">
+ <roadprofile item_types="steps" speed="2" route_weight="5" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_pedestrian,footway" speed="5" route_weight="10" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="path,track_ground" speed="12" route_weight="12" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_gravelled" speed="17" route_weight="15" />
+ <!-- cycleways, paved tracks, serviceways etc. are the favourite ways -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_paved,cycleway,street_service,street_parking_lane" speed="22" route_weight="20" />
+ <!-- residential, unclassified, living street etc. -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street" speed="20" route_weight="15" />
+ <!-- tertiary and minor roads are acceptable, but should be avoided in favour of tracks and cycleways -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,street_1_land,street_2_land" speed="22" route_weight="12" />
+ <!-- secondary etc. are acceptable when necessary -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="22" route_weight="10" />
+ <!-- primary, trunk etc. should be avoided -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city,ramp" speed="22" route_weight="7" />
+ <!-- Those types do not appear in maptool.c and therefore are not used ATM -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land,street_4_land" speed="20" route_weight="7" />
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="20" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="pedestrian" route_depth="18:25%,18:10000" flags="0x80000000" flags_forward_mask="0x80000000" flags_reverse_mask="0x80000000" maxspeed_handling="1" route_mode="0" static_speed="3" static_distance="10">
+ <roadprofile item_types="footway,bridleway,path,steps" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="hiking_mountain" speed="4" route_weight="4"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="living_street,street_pedestrian" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_gravelled,track_unpaved,track_grass,track_ground,hiking" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_paved" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="cycleway" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,street_2_city" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city,street_4_city,street_service,street_parking_lane" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land,street_2_land" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land,street_4_land" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <vehicleprofile name="horse" route_depth="18:25%,18:40000" flags="0x20000000" flags_forward_mask="0x20000000" flags_reverse_mask="0x20000000" maxspeed_handling="1" route_mode="0" static_speed="3" static_distance="10">
+ <roadprofile item_types="bridleway" speed="10" route_weight="10"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="footway,path,steps" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="living_street,street_pedestrian" speed="5" route_weight="4"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_gravelled" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="track_paved" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="cycleway" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,street_2_city" speed="5" route_weight="2"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city,street_4_city,street_service,street_parking_lane" speed="5" route_weight="4"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land,street_2_land" speed="5" route_weight="2"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land,street_4_land" speed="5" route_weight="4"/>
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="5" route_weight="2"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <!-- chr:
+ flags used for a truck: (first flag number is 0)
+ speed setup:
+ 'speed' data of the vehicleprofile for a car is
+ reduced about 10 km/h. When the speed was at
+ 10 km/h, I reduced it to 5 km/h.
+ 'route_weight' data has been treated in the same way.
+ If you want to discourage the use of small roads,
+ just reduce this value.
+ size and weight setup:
+ This is an example, you have to use the data of your truck.
+ bobshaffer's standard truck:
+ (1 lb = 453.59237 g, 1 foot = .3048 m)
+ (data has to be in [cm] and [kg] according to 'vehicleprofile.h')
+ vehicle_width= 9 feet, 274 cm
+ vehicle_height= 13.5 feet, 411 cm
+ vehicle_length= 70 feet, 2134 cm
+ vehicle_weight= 80000 lbs, 36287 kg
+ vehicle_axle_weight= 34000 lbs, 15422 kg
+ -->
+ <vehicleprofile name="Truck" flags="0x200000" flags_forward_mask="0x200002" flags_reverse_mask="0x200001" maxspeed_handling="1" route_mode="0" static_speed="5"
+ static_distance="25"
+ vehicle_width="274" vehicle_height="411" vehicle_length="2134"
+ vehicle_weight="36287" vehicle_axle_weight="15422">
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_0,street_1_city,living_street,street_service,track_gravelled,track_unpaved,street_parking_lane" speed="10" route_weight="5" />
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_city,track_paved" speed="20" route_weight="20"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_city" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_city" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_city" speed="70" route_weight="70"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_1_land" speed="50" route_weight="50"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_2_land" speed="55" route_weight="55"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_3_land" speed="60" route_weight="60"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_4_land" speed="70" route_weight="70"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="street_n_lanes" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="highway_land" speed="80" route_weight="80"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ramp" speed="30" route_weight="30"/>
+ <!--roundabout does not apply to OSMaps -->
+ <roadprofile item_types="roundabout" speed="5" route_weight="5"/>
+ <roadprofile item_types="ferry" speed="40" route_weight="40"/>
+ </vehicleprofile>
+ <route destination_distance="50"/>
+ <navigation>
+ <announce type="street_0,street_1_city,street_parking_lane,living_street,street_service" level0="25" level1="100" level2="200" unit="m"/>
+ <announce type="street_2_city,street_3_city,street_4_city,ramp" level0="50" level1="200" level2="500" unit="m"/>
+ <announce type="highway_city,street_1_land,street_2_land,street_3_land,street_4_land" level0="100" level1="400" level2="1000" unit="m"/>
+ <announce type="street_n_lanes,highway_land" level0="300" level1="1000" level2="2000" unit="m"/>
+ </navigation>
+ <!-- Navit provides speech output in text format.
+ If you have a speech synthesizer like festival lite installed, you can get turn by turn directions out of navit. Please set the "cps"-value to how many characters your tts engine approximately speaks per second.
+ The default is text output to the shell -->
+ <!-- speech type="cmdline" data="echo 'Fix the speech tag in navit.xml to let navit say:' '%s'" cps="15"/ -->
+ <speech type="cmdline" data=" '%s'" cps="15"/>
+ <!--
+ Instead of using a speech synthesizer, navit can also play pre-recorded samples for each word.
+ See for details.
+ <speech type="cmdline" data="aplay -q %s"
+ sample_dir="/path/to/sampledir" sample_suffix=".wav" flags="1"
+ vocabulary_name="0" vocabulary_name_systematic="0" vocabulary_distances="0"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- You can only have enabled only one mapset at time, but with as much maps enabled as you want -->
+ <!-- If you have the reiseplaner maps installed, set enabled="yes" in the next line and set the path correctly -->
+ <mapset enabled="no">
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ <map type="mg" enabled="yes" data="/opt/reiseplaner/travel/"/>
+ </mapset>
+ <!-- If you dont want to use the sample map, either set enabled="no" in the next line or remove the xml file from the maps directory -->
+ <mapset enabled="no">
+ <xi:include href="$NAVIT_SHAREDIR/maps/*.xml"/>
+ </mapset>
+ <!-- Mapset template for openstreetmaps -->
+ <mapset enabled="no">
+ <map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="/media/mmc2/MapsNavit/osm_europe.bin"/>
+ </mapset>
+ <!-- Mapset template for openstreetmaps -->
+ <mapset enabled="yes">
+ <map type="binfile" enabled="no" data="/usr/share/navit/maps/osm_bbox_11.3,47.9,11.7,48.2.bin"/>
+ <map type="binfile" enabled="yes" data="~/Maps/map.navit.bin"/>
+ </mapset>
+ <!-- Mapset template for garmin maps -->
+ <mapset enabled="no">
+ <map type="garmin" enabled="yes" data="/path/to/img" debug="4"/>
+ </mapset>
+ <layer name="Found items" order="0-">
+ <itemgra item_types="found_item">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="24" width="2" text_size="12"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layout name="Car" nightlayout="Car-dark" color="#ffefb7" font="Arial">
+ <cursor w="26" h="26">
+ <itemgra>
+ <circle color="#0000ff" radius="24" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </circle>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="-2">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="0"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra speed_range="3-">
+ <polyline color="#0000ff" width="2">
+ <coord x="-7" y="-10"/>
+ <coord x="0" y="12"/>
+ <coord x="7" y="-10"/>
+ </polyline>
+ </itemgra>
+ </cursor>
+ <layer name="polygons">
+ <itemgra item_types="image" order="0-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_wood" order="8-">
+ <polygon color="#8ec78d"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_farm" order="8-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_meadow" order="8-">
+ <polygon color="#c7f1a3"/>
+ <polyline color="#79c691"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_town" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffc895"/>
+ <polyline color="#ebb481"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_university" order="8-">
+ <polygon color="#d68fb8"/>
+ <polyline color="#881155"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_water_tiled" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#82c8ea"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_water" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#82c8ea"/>
+ <polyline color="#5096b8"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_land" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <polyline color="#ffefb7"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_flats,poly_scrub,poly_military_zone,poly_marine,plantation,tundra" order="9-">
+ <polygon color="#a0a0a0"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_park" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#7cc334"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="10">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="3"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="1"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="5"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="3"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="8"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="6"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="13">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="9"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="7"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="14">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="13"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="9"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="15">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="18"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="14"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="16">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="21"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="17"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="17">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="25"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="21"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_pedestrian" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="40"/>
+ <polyline color="#dddddd" width="34"/>
+ <polygon color="#dddddd"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_airport" order="0-">
+ <polygon color="#a0a0a0"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polygon color="#4af04f"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_industry,poly_place" order="11-">
+ <polygon color="#e6e6e6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_service" order="8-18">
+ <polygon color="#fefefe"/>
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_street_1" order="8-13">
+ <polygon color="#ffffff"/>
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_street_1" order="14-16">
+ <polygon color="#ffffff"/>
+ <polyline color="#d2d2d2" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_street_1" order="17-18">
+ <polygon color="#ffffff"/>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <polygon color="#ffff00"/>
+ <polyline color="#c0c0c0" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polygon color="#ffff00"/>
+ <polyline color="#c0c0c0" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poly_street_2" order="17-18">
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <polygon color="#ffff00"/>
+ <polyline color="#a0a0a0" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_line" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#5096b8" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="4-5">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="7">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="3"/>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="8-9">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="4"/>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_river" order="10-">
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="water_stream" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="2"/>
+ <text text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#82c8ea" width="1"/>
+ <text text_size="5"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="height_line_3" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="streets">
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="2">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="3-5">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="6">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="7-8">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="16"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="9-10">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="11">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="28"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route" order="12">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="52"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="68"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="132"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="268"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="530"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="selected_line" order="18">
+ <polyline color="#ba00b8" width="530"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="forest_way_1" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#0070c0" width="6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="forest_way_2" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#ff0000" width="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="forest_way_3" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#ff0000" width="1" dash="2,4"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="forest_way_4" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#119a2e" width="1" dash="4,10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_paved" order="10-">
+ <polyline color="#000000" width="1"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_gravelled,track_grass" order="10-12">
+ <polyline color="#800000" width="1" dash="3,6"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="track_gravelled,track_grass" order="13-14">
+ <polyline color="#ffffff" width="4"/>
+ <polyline color="#800000" width="1" dash="4,8"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="nav_keep_left_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="nav_merge_left" order="0-">
+ <icon src="nav_merge_left_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="nav_keep_right" order="0-">
+ <icon src="nav_keep_right_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="nav_merge_right_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="nav_exit_left_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="nav_exit_right_bk.svg" w="32" h="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="4" width="2" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="3-5">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="8" width="2" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="6">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="10" width="2" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="16" width="2" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="9-10">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="20" width="4" background_color="#000000" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="32" width="4" background_color="#000000" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="14">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="64" width="4" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="15">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="68" width="6" background_color="#000000" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="16">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="132" width="8" background_color="#000000" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="17">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="268" width="8" background_color="#000000" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
+ <circle color="#00a0a0" radius="530" width="8" background_color="#000000" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="points">
+ <itemgra item_types="mini_roundabout" order="12-">
+ <icon src="mini_roundabout.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="turning_circle" order="12-">
+ <icon src="mini_roundabout.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_airport" order="5-">
+ <icon src="airport.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_ghost" order="0-">
+ <icon src="ghost_town.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="12-">
+ <icon src="hotel.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="11-">
+ <icon src="parking.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_sharing" order="11-">
+ <icon src="car_sharing.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_dealer_parts" order="0-">
+ <icon src="car_dealer.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="10-">
+ <icon src="fuel.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shopping" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shopping.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_attraction" order="8-">
+ <icon src="attraction.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_cafe" order="12-">
+ <icon src="cafe.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bar" order="12-">
+ <icon src="bar.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_pub" order="12-">
+ <icon src="beer.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bridge" order="0-">
+ <icon src="bridge.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_exit" order="11-">
+ <icon src="exit.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_camp_rv" order="9-">
+ <icon src="camping.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_museum_history" order="12-">
+ <icon src="museum.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="12-">
+ <icon src="hospital.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- not really usefull -->
+ <!--
+ <itemgra item_types="point_unkn" order="0-">
+ <circle color="#8080ff" radius="3"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_dining" order="12-">
+ <icon src="restaurant.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fastfood" order="12-">
+ <icon src="fastfood.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="12-">
+ <icon src="police.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_auto_club" order="0-">
+ <icon src="auto_club.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_autoservice" order="0-">
+ <icon src="car_dealer.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="12-">
+ <icon src="bank.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
+ <icon src="atm.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bay" order="0-">
+ <icon src="bay.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bend" order="0-">
+ <icon src="bend.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_boat_ramp" order="12-">
+ <icon src="boat_ramp.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_border_station" order="0-">
+ <icon src="border_station.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bowling" order="0-">
+ <icon src="bowling.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_station" order="12-">
+ <icon src="bus.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bus_stop" order="12-">
+ <icon src="bus_stop.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_business_service" order="0-">
+ <icon src="bussines_service.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_rent" order="11-">
+ <icon src="car_rent.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_wash" order="12-">
+ <icon src="car_wash.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_casino" order="11-">
+ <icon src="casino.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_cemetery" order="11-">
+ <icon src="cemetery.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_church" order="11-">
+ <icon src="church.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bahai" order="11-">
+ <icon src="bahai.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_buddhist" order="11-">
+ <icon src="buddhist.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hindu" order="11-">
+ <icon src="hindu.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_islamic" order="11-">
+ <icon src="islamic.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_jain" order="11-">
+ <icon src="jain.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_jewish" order="11-">
+ <icon src="jewish.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_pagan" order="11-">
+ <icon src="pagan.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_pastafarian" order="11-">
+ <icon src="pastafarian.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shinto" order="11-">
+ <icon src="shinto.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_sikh" order="11-">
+ <icon src="sikh.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_taoist" order="11-">
+ <icon src="taoist.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_cinema" order="12-">
+ <icon src="cinema.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_communication" order="0-">
+ <icon src="communication.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_concert" order="0-">
+ <icon src="concert.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_cove" order="0-">
+ <icon src="cove.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_crossing" order="0-">
+ <icon src="crossing.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_dam" order="0-">
+ <icon src="dam.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_area" order="12-">
+ <icon src="danger_16_16.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_danger_sea_wreck" order="0-">
+ <icon src="dangerous.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_daymark" order="0-">
+ <icon src="daymark.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_diving" order="0-">
+ <icon src="diving.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_drinking_water" order="0-">
+ <icon src="drinking_water.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_emergency" order="0-">
+ <icon src="emergency.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fair" order="0-">
+ <icon src="fair.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_firebrigade" order="12-">
+ <icon src="firebrigade.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fish" order="0-">
+ <icon src="fish.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_forbidden_area" order="0-">
+ <icon src="forbiden_area.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_gps" order="14-">
+ <icon src="garmin.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="12-">
+ <icon src="golf.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_government_building" order="0-">
+ <icon src="goverment_building.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_height" order="0-">
+ <icon src="height.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_heliport" order="7-">
+ <icon src="heliport.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hotspring" order="0-">
+ <icon src="hotspring.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_icesport" order="0-">
+ <icon src="icesport.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="information.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="justice.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_landmark" order="0-">
+ <icon src="landmark.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_levee" order="0-">
+ <icon src="levee.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_level_crossing" order="11-">
+ <icon src="level_crossing.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_library" order="12-">
+ <icon src="library.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_locale" order="0-">
+ <icon src="locale.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_loudspeaker" order="0-">
+ <icon src="loudspeaker.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_mall" order="0-">
+ <icon src="mall.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_manmade_feature" order="0-">
+ <icon src="manmade_feature.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="marine.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_marine_type" order="0-">
+ <icon src="marine_type.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_mark" order="0-">
+ <icon src="mark.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_military" order="0-">
+ <icon src="military.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_mine" order="0-">
+ <icon src="mine.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_nondangerous" order="0-">
+ <icon src="nondangerous.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_oil_field" order="0-">
+ <icon src="oil_field.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_peak" order="6-">
+ <icon src="peak.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_personal_service" order="0-">
+ <icon src="personal_service.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_pharmacy" order="12-">
+ <icon src="pharmacy.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_post_office,poi_post_box" order="13-">
+ <icon src="post.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="public_office.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_halt" order="10-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
+ <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_station" order="11-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
+ <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="2" width="2"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_rail_tram_stop" order="12-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" width="3"/>
+ <circle color="#3d3d3d" background_color="#000000" radius="6" width="2" text_size="8"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_repair_service" order="0-">
+ <icon src="repair_service.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_resort" order="0-">
+ <icon src="resort.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="12-">
+ <icon src="restaurant.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restricted_area" order="0-">
+ <icon src="restricted_area.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restroom" order="13-">
+ <icon src="toilets.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_sailing" order="0-">
+ <icon src="sailing.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_scenic_area" order="0-">
+ <icon src="scenic_area.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_school" order="12-">
+ <icon src="school.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_service" order="0-">
+ <icon src="service.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_apparel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_apparel.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_computer" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_computer.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="shop_department.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="shop_furnish.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_grocery" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_grocery.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_handg" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_handg.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_merchandise" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_merchandise.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shop_retail" order="14-">
+ <icon src="shop_retail.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shower" order="0-">
+ <icon src="shower.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_skiing" order="12-">
+ <icon src="skiing.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_social_service" order="0-">
+ <icon src="social_service.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_sounding" order="0-">
+ <icon src="sounding.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_sport" order="12-">
+ <icon src="sport.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="stadium.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <icon src="swimming.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_taxi" order="13-">
+ <icon src="taxi.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_telephone" order="13-">
+ <icon src="telephone.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_theater" order="12-">
+ <icon src="theater.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_tide" order="0-">
+ <icon src="tide.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_tower" order="13-">
+ <icon src="tower.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_townhall" order="12-">
+ <icon src="townhall.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_trail" order="0-">
+ <icon src="trail.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_truck_stop" order="0-">
+ <icon src="truck_stop.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_tunnel" order="0-">
+ <icon src="tunnel.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_wifi" order="11-">
+ <icon src="wifi.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_wine" order="0-">
+ <icon src="wine.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_worship" order="0-">
+ <icon src="worship.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_wrecker" order="0-">
+ <icon src="wrecker.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_zoo" order="10-">
+ <icon src="zoo.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_picnic" order="11-">
+ <icon src="picnic.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_multi" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_multi.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_tradi" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_tradi.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_event" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_event.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_mystery" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_mystery.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_question" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_question.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_stages" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_stages.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_reference" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_reference.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_gc_webcam" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gc_webcam.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="traffic_signals" order="13-">
+ <icon src="traffic_signals.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_image" order="0-">
+ <image/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- I'm not sure if the following stuff should appear in any layout. Maybe portions should only apply to the bike layout? -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bench" order="15-">
+ <icon src="bench.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_biergarten" order="12-">
+ <icon src="beer.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_boundary_stone" order="13-">
+ <icon src="boundary_stone.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_castle" order="12-">
+ <icon src="castle.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hunting_stand" order="13-">
+ <icon src="hunting_stand.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_memorial" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_monument" order="12-">
+ <icon src="memorial.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_shelter" order="10-">
+ <icon src="shelter.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fountain" order="12-">
+ <icon src="fountain.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_potable_water" order="12-">
+ <icon src="drinking_water.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_toilets" order="12-">
+ <icon src="toilets.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_viewpoint" order="12-">
+ <icon src="viewpoint.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="tec_common" order="11-">
+ <icon src="tec_common.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="vehicle" order="0-">
+ <icon src="gui_vehicle_16_16.svg" />
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+ <!--
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+ </itemgra>
+ -->
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+ <!--<xi:include xpointer="xpointer(/config/navit/layout[@name='Car']/layer[@name='POI Labels'])"/> -->
+ <!-- "Bicycle POIs" -->
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+ <!-- highway=service,footway, ,... -->
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+ <!-- highway=tertiary -->
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+ <!-- highway=secondary -->
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+ <!-- highway=primary -->
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+ <!-- highway=motorway -->
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+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- highway=primary (font)-->
+ <itemgra item_types="highway_city,highway_land,street_4_city,street_4_land,street_n_lanes,living_street" order="10-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_2_city,street_2_land,street_3_city,street_3_land,ramp" order="11-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="street_nopass,street_0,street_1_city,street_1_land,footway" order="12-18">
+ <text text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=suburb -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label,district_label,town_label_0e0,town_label_1e0,town_label_2e0,town_label_5e0,town_label_1e1,town_label_2e1,town_label_5e1,town_label_1e2,town_label_2e2,town_label_5e2,district_label_0e0,district_label_1e0,district_label_2e0,district_label_5e0,district_label_1e1,district_label_2e1,district_label_5e1,district_label_1e2,district_label_2e2,district_label_5e2" order="9-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="9"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- place=city -->
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e5,town_label_2e5,town_label_5e5" order="4-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e6,town_label_2e6,town_label_5e6" order="2-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="town_label_1e7,district_label_1e7" order="1-">
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="15"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="rg_point" order="0-">
+ <circle color="#FF089C" radius="10"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#008080" radius="4" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="6">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="10" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="7-8">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="16" width="2" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#008080" radius="20" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="11">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="28" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="12">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="32" width="4" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="13">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="52" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#008080" radius="64" width="4" text_size="24"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#008080" radius="132" width="8" text_size="32"/>
+ </itemgra>
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+ <circle color="#008080" radius="268" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="waypoint,route_end" order="18">
+ <circle color="#008080" radius="530" width="8" text_size="48"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- !!!!...POIs...!!!! -->
+ <!-- amenity=bank -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_bank" order="14-">
+ <icon src="bank.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_atm" order="12-">
+ <icon src="atm.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=fuel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_fuel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="fuel.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=hospitalg -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hospital" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hospital.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=parking -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_car_parking" order="14-">
+ <icon src="parking.svg"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=police -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_police" order="14-">
+ <icon src="police.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- amenity=restaurant -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_restaurant" order="14-">
+ <icon src="restaurant.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- leisure=golf_curse -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_golf" order="14-">
+ <icon src="golf.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ <!-- tourism=hotel -->
+ <itemgra item_types="poi_hotel" order="14-">
+ <icon src="hotel.svg"/>
+ <circle color="#000000" radius="3" text_size="7"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="Found items" ref="Found items"/>
+ </layout>
+ <layout name="Route">
+ <layer name="streets">
+ <itemgra item_types="street_route_occluded" order="0-">
+ <polyline color="#0000a0" width="20"/>
+ </itemgra>
+ </layer>
+ </layout>
+ </navit>
diff --git a/contrib/sailfish/ b/contrib/sailfish/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bba4aa4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/sailfish/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+espeak -s150 -a 200 -vde "$1" --stdout | paplay
diff --git a/navit/xpm/desktop_icons/ b/navit/xpm/desktop_icons/
index 03ce80da1..81486b7c6 100644
--- a/navit/xpm/desktop_icons/
+++ b/navit/xpm/desktop_icons/
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ Type=Application