path: root/navit/sunriset.h
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authormartin-s <martin-s@ffa7fe5e-494d-0410-b361-a75ebd5db220>2009-11-12 16:25:25 +0000
committermartin-s <martin-s@ffa7fe5e-494d-0410-b361-a75ebd5db220>2009-11-12 16:25:25 +0000
commit770c0dae922ff5f79c8939d02081d718637ee980 (patch)
tree3c2b1e7efc89ac30371920ecba6a6f6ae92d6e85 /navit/sunriset.h
parentb7e166eb030b3a07d89649288605f2b0d8be5fa9 (diff)
Add:Core:Support for automatic day night switching|Thanks chollya
git-svn-id: ffa7fe5e-494d-0410-b361-a75ebd5db220
Diffstat (limited to 'navit/sunriset.h')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/navit/sunriset.h b/navit/sunriset.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ccad5797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/sunriset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+extern const char* timezone_name;
+extern long int timezone_offset;
+#define TMOD(x) ((x)<0?(x)+24:((x)>=24?(x)-24:(x)))
+#define DAYSOFF(x) ((x)<0?"(-1) ":((x)>=24?"(+1) ":""))
+#define HOURS(h) ((int)(floor(h)))
+#define MINUTES(h) ((int)(60*(h-floor(h))))
+#define ABS(x) ((x)<0?-(x):(x))
+/* A macro to compute the number of days elapsed since 2000 Jan 0.0 */
+/* (which is equal to 1999 Dec 31, 0h UT) */
+/* Dan R sez: This is some pretty fucking high magic. */
+#define days_since_2000_Jan_0(y,m,d) \
+ (367L*(y)-((7*((y)+(((m)+9)/12)))/4)+((275*(m))/9)+(d)-730530L)
+/* Some conversion factors between radians and degrees */
+#ifndef PI
+ #define PI 3.1415926535897932384
+#define RADEG ( 180.0 / PI )
+#define DEGRAD ( PI / 180.0 )
+/* The trigonometric functions in degrees */
+#define sind(x) sin((x)*DEGRAD)
+#define cosd(x) cos((x)*DEGRAD)
+#define tand(x) tan((x)*DEGRAD)
+#define atand(x) (RADEG*atan(x))
+#define asind(x) (RADEG*asin(x))
+#define acosd(x) (RADEG*acos(x))
+#define atan2d(y,x) (RADEG*atan2(y,x))
+/* Following are some macros around the "workhorse" function __daylen__ */
+/* They mainly fill in the desired values for the reference altitude */
+/* below the horizon, and also selects whether this altitude should */
+/* refer to the Sun's center or its upper limb. */
+/* This macro computes the length of the day, from sunrise to sunset. */
+/* Sunrise/set is considered to occur when the Sun's upper limb is */
+/* 50 arc minutes below the horizon (this accounts for the refraction */
+/* of the Earth's atmosphere). */
+/* The original version of the program used the value of 35 arc mins, */
+/* which is the accepted value in Sweden. */
+#define day_length(year,month,day,lon,lat) \
+ __daylen__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -50.0/60.0, 1 )
+/* This macro computes the length of the day, including civil twilight. */
+/* Civil twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 6 degrees below */
+/* the horizon. */
+#define day_civil_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat) \
+ __daylen__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -6.0, 0 )
+/* This macro computes the length of the day, incl. nautical twilight. */
+/* Nautical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 12 degrees */
+/* below the horizon. */
+#define day_nautical_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat) \
+ __daylen__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -12.0, 0 )
+/* This macro computes the length of the day, incl. astronomical twilight. */
+/* Astronomical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 18 degrees */
+/* below the horizon. */
+#define day_astronomical_twilight_length(year,month,day,lon,lat) \
+ __daylen__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -18.0, 0 )
+/* This macro computes times for sunrise/sunset. */
+/* Sunrise/set is considered to occur when the Sun's upper limb is */
+/* 35 arc minutes below the horizon (this accounts for the refraction */
+/* of the Earth's atmosphere). */
+#define sun_rise_set(year,month,day,lon,lat,rise,set) \
+ __sunriset__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -35.0/60.0, 1, rise, set )
+/* This macro computes the start and end times of civil twilight. */
+/* Civil twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 6 degrees below */
+/* the horizon. */
+#define civil_twilight(year,month,day,lon,lat,start,end) \
+ __sunriset__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -6.0, 0, start, end )
+/* This macro computes the start and end times of nautical twilight. */
+/* Nautical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 12 degrees */
+/* below the horizon. */
+#define nautical_twilight(year,month,day,lon,lat,start,end) \
+ __sunriset__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -12.0, 0, start, end )
+/* This macro computes the start and end times of astronomical twilight. */
+/* Astronomical twilight starts/ends when the Sun's center is 18 degrees */
+/* below the horizon. */
+#define astronomical_twilight(year,month,day,lon,lat,start,end) \
+ __sunriset__( year, month, day, lon, lat, -18.0, 0, start, end )
+/* Function prototypes */
+double __daylen__( int year, int month, int day, double lon, double lat,
+ double altit, int upper_limb );
+int __sunriset__( time_t ts, double lon, double lat,
+ double altit, int upper_limb, double *rise, double *set );
+void sunpos( double d, double *lon, double *r );
+void sun_RA_dec( double d, double *RA, double *dec, double *r );
+double revolution( double x );
+double rev180( double x );
+double GMST0( double d );