path: root/navit/android.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'navit/android.c')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/navit/android.c b/navit/android.c
index 82d4ca6fa..44cb786ba 100644
--- a/navit/android.c
+++ b/navit/android.c
@@ -16,8 +16,72 @@ jobject *android_activity;
struct callback_list *android_activity_cbl;
int android_version;
+struct navit {
+ struct attr self;
+ GList *mapsets;
+ GList *layouts;
+ struct gui *gui;
+ struct layout *layout_current;
+ struct graphics *gra;
+ struct action *action;
+ struct transformation *trans, *trans_cursor;
+ struct compass *compass;
+ struct route *route;
+ struct navigation *navigation;
+ struct speech *speech;
+ struct tracking *tracking;
+ int ready;
+ struct window *win;
+ struct displaylist *displaylist;
+ int tracking_flag;
+ int orientation;
+ int recentdest_count;
+ int osd_configuration;
+ GList *vehicles;
+ GList *windows_items;
+ struct navit_vehicle *vehicle;
+ struct callback_list *attr_cbl;
+ struct callback *nav_speech_cb, *roadbook_callback, *popup_callback, *route_cb, *progress_cb;
+ struct datawindow *roadbook_window;
+ struct map *former_destination;
+ struct point pressed, last, current;
+ int button_pressed,moved,popped,zoomed;
+ int center_timeout;
+ int autozoom_secs;
+ int autozoom_min;
+ int autozoom_active;
+ struct event_timeout *button_timeout, *motion_timeout;
+ struct callback *motion_timeout_callback;
+ int ignore_button;
+ int ignore_graphics_events;
+ struct log *textfile_debug_log;
+ struct pcoord destination;
+ int destination_valid;
+ int blocked;
+ int w,h;
+ int drag_bitmap;
+ int use_mousewheel;
+ struct messagelist *messages;
+ struct callback *resize_callback,*button_callback,*motion_callback,*predraw_callback;
+ struct vehicleprofile *vehicleprofile;
+ GList *vehicleprofiles;
+ int pitch;
+ int follow_cursor;
+ int prevTs;
+ int graphics_flags;
+ int zoom_min, zoom_max;
+ int radius;
+ struct bookmarks *bookmarks;
+ int flags;
+ /* 1=No graphics ok */
+ /* 2=No gui ok */
+ int border;
struct navit *global_navit;
struct attr attr;
struct config {
struct attr **attrs;
@@ -205,6 +269,46 @@ Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitGraphics_CallbackMessageChannel( JNIEnv* env, j
navit_zoom_out_cursor(global_navit, 2);
// navit_zoom_out_cursor(attr.u.navit, 2);
+ else if (i == 4)
+ {
+ s=(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, str, NULL);
+ dbg(0,"*****string=%s\n",s);
+ // set destination to (pixel-x#pixel-y)
+ char name[strlen(s)];
+ *name = "Target";
+ char *pstr;
+ // char *stopstring;
+ struct point p;
+ struct coord c;
+ struct pcoord pc;
+ // pixel-x
+ pstr = strtok (s,"#");
+ p.x = atoi(pstr);
+ // pixel-y
+ pstr = strtok (NULL, "#");
+ p.y = atoi(pstr);
+ dbg(0,"11x=%d\n",p.x);
+ dbg(0,"11y=%d\n",p.y);
+ transform_reverse(global_navit->trans, &p, &c);
+ pc.x = c.x;
+ pc.y = c.y;
+ = transform_get_projection(global_navit->trans);
+ dbg(0,"22x=%d\n",pc.x);
+ dbg(0,"22y=%d\n",pc.y);
+ // start navigation asynchronous
+ navit_set_destination(global_navit, &pc, &name, 1);
+ (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, str, s);
+ }
else if (i == 3)
s=(*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, str, NULL);
@@ -237,12 +341,6 @@ Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitGraphics_CallbackMessageChannel( JNIEnv* env, j
- dbg(0,"c x=%f\n",c.x);
- dbg(0,"c y=%f\n",c.y);
- dbg(0,"pc x=%f\n",pc.x);
- dbg(0,"pc y=%f\n",pc.y);
// start navigation asynchronous
navit_set_destination(global_navit, &pc, &name, 1);