navit  0.5.3-trunk
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Ccdf_dataContains data for the CDF
 Ccdf_speedConatins a list of previous speeds
 Ccoord_dA double mercator coordinate
 Ccoord_geoA WGS84 coordinate
 Ccoord_geo_cartA cartesian coordinate
 CdisplayitemGraphics display item structure
 CgraphicsGraphics object A graphics object serves as the target for drawing operations. It encapsulates various settings, and a drawing target, such as an image buffer or a window. Currently, in Navit, there is always one main graphics object, which is used to draw the map, and optionally additional graphics objects for overlays
 Cgraphics_gcGraphics context A graphics context encapsulates a set of drawing parameters, such as linewidth and drawing color
 Cgtk_poi_searchContext passed around POI search function
 Cgui_config_settingsA structure to store configuration values
 Cgui_internal_keyb_modeDescribes a keyboard mode
 Citem_msg_privMessage-specific map private data
 Citem_privImplementation-specific item data for traffic map items
 Citembin_loop_combiner_contextData structure to transfer data between this and the multipolygon code in osm.c
 ClcoordAn integer mercator coordinate packed with a text label
 CmapHolds information about a map
 Cmap_methodsHolds all functions a map plugin has to implement to be usable
 Cmap_privRepresents the map from a single binfile
 Cmap_rectDescribes a rectangular extract of a map
 Cmap_rect_privImplementation-specific map rect data
 Cmap_searchHolds information about a search on a map
 Cmap_search_privRepresents a search on a map. This struct represents a search on a map; it is created when starting a search, and is used for retrieving results
 Cmap_selectionUsed to select data from a map
 CmapsetA mapset
 Cmapset_handleHandle for a mapset in use
 Cmapset_searchHolds information about a search in a mapset
 Cnavigation_commandHolds information about a command for a navigation maneuver
 Cnavigation_maneuverHolds information about a navigation maneuver
 Cnavit_vehicleThe vehicle used for navigation
 Cobject_funcBasic functions for Navit objects
 CpaddingThe functions to be implemented by graphics plugins
 Cparsed_itemParsed data for a cached item
 Cprocess_multipolygon_setup_threadWorker thread private storage
 Cprocess_turn_restrictions_setup_threadWorker thread private storage
 CquantifierA quantifier, which can be used with events and supplementary information
 CrouteA complete route
 Croute_graphA complete route graph
 Croute_graph_pointA point in the route graph
 Croute_graph_point_iteratorIterator to iterate through all route graph segments in a route graph point
 Croute_graph_segmentA segment in the route graph
 Croute_graph_segment_dataData for a segment in the route graph
 Croute_infoUsually represents a destination or position
 Croute_pathA complete route path
 Croute_path_segmentA segment in the route path
 Croute_segment_dataA segment in the route graph or path
 Croute_traffic_distortionA traffic distortion
 Cseg_dataData for segments affected by a traffic message
 Csize_weight_limitSize and weight limits for a route segment
 Cslice_resultData structure to eas up slicing
 CslicerpolygonData structure to make partd of an item easily avalable for the slicer code
 Cstreet_dataInformation about a street
 Cstreet_destinationA linked list containing the destination of the road
 Ctable_dataA structure to store information about a table
 CtileA map tile, a rectangular region of the world
 CtrafficA traffic plugin instance
 Ctraffic_eventA traffic event
 Ctraffic_locationLocation data for a traffic message
 Ctraffic_messageA traffic message
 Ctraffic_methodsHolds all functions a traffic plugin has to implement to be usable
 Ctraffic_pointA point on the road
 Ctraffic_privStores information about the plugin instance
 Ctraffic_shared_privPrivate data shared between all traffic instances
 Ctraffic_suppl_infoExtra information supplied with a traffic event
 CtransformationThe parameters needed to transform a map for display
 Cxml_elementData for an XML element
 Cxml_stateState for the XML parser
 Czip_cdZIP central directory structure
 Czip_cd_extZIP extra field structure
 Czip_eocZIP end of central directory structure
 Czip_lfhZIP local file header structure