#! /bin/sh #run on the Sailfish OS sdk virtual machine. Check that rpmbuild directory exists. Remember to export VERSION_ID # please don't mess around with those lines without testing, # even if some fancy tool tells you to do so to save some pipes. # -metalstrolch- if [ -z ${VERSION_ID+x} ]; then echo "VERSION_ID not set. Forgot to export VERSION_ID?"; exit 1; fi #arm devices sb2 -t SailfishOS-${VERSION_ID}-armv7hl -m sdk-install -R zypper in $(grep "^BuildRequires: " navit-sailfish.spec | sed -e "s/BuildRequires: //") sb2 -t SailfishOS-${VERSION_ID}-armv7hl -m sdk-build rpmbuild --define "_topdir /home/src1/rpmbuild" --define "navit_source $(pwd)/../.." -bb navit-sailfish.spec #intel devices sb2 -t SailfishOS-${VERSION_ID}-i486 -m sdk-install -R zypper in $(grep "^BuildRequires: " navit-sailfish.spec | sed -e "s/BuildRequires: //") sb2 -t SailfishOS-${VERSION_ID}-i486 -m sdk-build rpmbuild --define "_topdir /home/src1/rpmbuild" --define "navit_source $(pwd)/../.." -bb navit-sailfish.spec