# This file contains the fastlane.tools configuration # You can find the documentation at https://docs.fastlane.tools # # For a list of all available actions, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions # # For a list of all available plugins, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/plugins/available-plugins # default_platform(:android) require 'git' def currentBranch() branch = git_branch() if !branch.to_s.empty? return branch end git = Git.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../')) # git_branch() does not seem work on Windows, it will print error with path not found. return git.current_branch end platform :android do desc "Description of what the lane does" lane :circleci do # Here we can add other things that circleci should do playstore end lane :playstore do sh("cd ..;bash scripts/build_android.sh") gradle( task: 'assemble', build_type: 'Release' ) isOnMasterBranch = currentBranch() == "master" if isOnMasterBranch upload_to_play_store( track: 'beta', json_key: 'key.json', apk: 'navit/android/build/outputs/apk/release/android-release.apk', package_name: 'org.navitproject.navit' ) else puts "Not on master, no upload to google play" end end end