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gui_internal_command.h File Reference

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char * gui_internal_coordinates (struct pcoord *pc, char sep)
 Converts a coordinate pair to its WGS84 string representation. More...
void gui_internal_cmd2_quit (struct gui_priv *this, char *function, struct attr **in, struct attr ***out, int *valid)
void gui_internal_command_init (struct gui_priv *this, struct attr **attrs)

Function Documentation

void gui_internal_cmd2_quit ( struct gui_priv this,
char *  function,
struct attr **  in,
struct attr ***  out,
int valid 
void gui_internal_command_init ( struct gui_priv this,
struct attr **  attrs 
char* gui_internal_coordinates ( struct pcoord pc,
char  sep 

Converts a coordinate pair to its WGS84 string representation.

This function takes a coordinate pair, transforms it to WGS84 and converts it to a string of the form

45°28'0" N 9°11'26" E


gcA coordinate pair
sepThe separator character to insert between latitude and longitude
The coordinates as a formatted string

References coordinates_geo(), pcoord::pro, transform_to_geo(), coord::x, pcoord::x, coord::y, and pcoord::y.

Referenced by gui_internal_cmd_position_do().