include $(top_srcdir)/ comma=, SUBDIRS=fib-1.1 support if PLUGINS SUBDIRS += . endif DIST_SUBDIRS=autoload binding map maptool fib-1.1 font fonts gui graphics osd plugin speech support vehicle xpm maps SUBDIRS+=autoload binding map font gui graphics osd plugin speech vehicle xpm MODULES = $(wildcard $(top_builddir)/navit/binding/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/font/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/graphics/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/gui/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/map/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/osd/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/speech/*/*.la $(top_builddir)/navit/vehicle/*/*.la) if FONTS SUBDIRS += fonts endif if !PLUGINS SUBDIRS += . endif if MAPTOOL SUBDIRS += maptool endif if BUILD_SAMPLEMAP SUBDIRS += maps endif AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/navit/fib-1.1 @NAVIT_CFLAGS@ @ZLIB_CFLAGS@ -DPREFIX=\"@prefix@\" -DLIBDIR=\"@libdir@\" -DMODULE=navit BUILT_SOURCES = version.h navit_config.h if BIN_NAVIT bin_PROGRAMS = navit endif if SHARED_LIBNAVIT lib_LTLIBRARIES = lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version @MODULE_LDFLAGS@ @NAVIT_SOCKET_LDFLAGS@ -no-undefined -Wl,--no-undefined else noinst_LTLIBRARIES = endif lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_LIBADD = @NAVIT_LIBS@ @WORDEXP_LIBS@ @ZLIB_LIBS@ @INTLLIBS@ -Lfib-1.1 -lfib @MODULE_LIBADD@ @CRYPTO_LIBS@ if SUPPORT_WIN32CE lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_LIBADD += -Lsupport/libc -lsupport_libc endif pkgdata_DATA = navit.xml EXTRA_DIST = navit_shipped.xml navit.dtd lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_SOURCES = announcement.c atom.c attr.c cache.c callback.c command.c config_.c coord.c country.c data_window.c debug.c \ event.c event_glib.h file.c geom.c graphics.c gui.c item.c layout.c log.c main.c map.c maps.c \ linguistics.c mapset.c maptype.c menu.c messages.c bookmarks.c bookmarks.h navit.c navigation.c osd.c param.c phrase.c plugin.c popup.c \ profile.c profile_option.c projection.c roadprofile.c route.c search.c search_houseno_interpol.c script.c speech.c start_real.c \ transform.c track.c util.c vehicle.c vehicleprofile.c xmlconfig.c \ announcement.h atom.h attr.h attr_def.h cache.h callback.h color.h command.h config_.h coord.h country.h \ android.h data.h data_window.h data_window_int.h debug.h destination.h draw_info.h endianess.h event.h \ file.h geom.h graphics.h gtkext.h gui.h item.h item_def.h keys.h log.h layer.h layout.h linguistics.h main.h map-share.h map.h\ map_data.h mapset.h maptype.h menu.h messages.h navigation.h navit.h osd.h \ param.h phrase.h plugin.h point.h plugin_def.h projection.h popup.h route.h profile.h roadprofile.h search.h search_houseno_interpol.h \ speech.h start_real.h transform.h track.h types.h util.h vehicle.h vehicleprofile.h window.h xmlconfig.h zipfile.h \ navit_lfs.h navit_nls.c navit_nls.h sunriset.c sunriset.h glib_slice.h XSLTS=@XSLTS@ navit.xml: navit_shipped.xml $(foreach xslt, $(subst $(comma), ,$(XSLTS)), $(addsuffix .xslt,$(addprefix xslt/,$(xslt)))) navit_android_xml cp $< if [ ! -f navit.dtd ]; then cp -f $(top_srcdir)/navit/navit.dtd .; fi for i in $^; do if [ "$${i%.xslt}" != "$$i" ]; then echo "Applying $$i" ; @SAXON@ -snone $$i >navit.xml.tmp || exit ; mv -f navit.xml.tmp || exit ; fi ; done mv -f navit.xml rm -f navit.xml.tmp navit_android_xml: navit_shipped.xml if SUPPORT_ANDROID # new android xml files for (mdpi,ldpi,hdpi) cp $(srcdir)/navit_shipped.xml if [ ! -f navit.dtd ]; then cp -f $(top_srcdir)/navit/navit.dtd .; fi # # now apply any other xslt files (this would allow for pedestrian plugin) # for i in $(foreach xslt, $(subst $(comma), ,$(XSLTS)), $(addsuffix .xslt,$(addprefix xslt/,$(xslt)))); do if [ "$${i%.xslt}" != "$$i" ]; then j=`basename $$i` ; if [ "$$j" != "android.xslt" ] ; then echo "Android: Applying $$i" ; @SAXON@ -snone $(srcdir)/"$$i" > || exit ; mv || exit ; fi ; fi ; done # # for now disable pedestrian plugin (zoff99) @SAXON@ -snone $(srcdir)/xslt/android_mdpi.xslt >navit_android_mdpi.xml.tmp @SAXON@ -snone $(srcdir)/xslt/android_ldpi.xslt >navit_android_ldpi.xml.tmp @SAXON@ -snone $(srcdir)/xslt/android_hdpi.xslt >navit_android_hdpi.xml.tmp rm -f rm -f mv -f navit_android_mdpi.xml.tmp navit_android_mdpi.xml mv -f navit_android_ldpi.xml.tmp navit_android_ldpi.xml mv -f navit_android_hdpi.xml.tmp navit_android_hdpi.xml rm -f navit_android_mdpi.xml.tmp rm -f navit_android_ldpi.xml.tmp rm -f navit_android_hdpi.xml.tmp else echo "no Android support" endif if SUPPORT_ANDROID lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_SOURCES += android.c navit_SOURCES = navit_LDADD = v_int = $$(cat $(srcdir)/android/Android_Market_Version_int.txt|grep v_int|cut -d ":" -f 2) v_name = "0.5.0-"$$(LANG=C svnversion $(top_srcdir) 2> /dev/null|tr -d ":A-Z" 2> /dev/null) android/AndroidManifest.xml: android/ mkdir -p $(builddir)/android sed '0,/$@ for i in $(subst $(comma), ,@ANDROID_PERMISSIONS@); do echo " " >>$@; done sed '0,/>$@ sed -e "s/@ANDROID_VERSION_INT@/$(v_int)/" <$@ >android/AndroidManifest.xml.tmp mv -f android/AndroidManifest.xml.tmp $@ sed -e "s/@ANDROID_VERSION_NAME@/$(v_name)/" <$@ >android/AndroidManifest.xml.tmp mv -f android/AndroidManifest.xml.tmp $@ android/build.xml: android/AndroidManifest.xml android/dummy.txt # this is needed, otherwise somehow the files cant be deleted mkdir -p $(builddir)/android/src/ if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then chmod -R u+w $(builddir)/android/src/; fi if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then rm -Rf $(builddir)/android/src/; fi if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then cp -rpf $(srcdir)/android/* $(builddir)/android; fi touch $(srcdir)/android/dummy.txt touch $(builddir)/android/dummy.txt android update project -t @ANDROID_PROJECT@ -p android apkg-all: all android/build.xml navit.xml mkdir -p android/libs/armeabi cp .libs/*.so android/libs/armeabi/ for i in */*/.libs/*.so ; do sed 's&lib_data_data_org\.navitproject\.navit_lib_&/data/data/org.navitproject.navit/lib/lib&' <$$i >android/libs/armeabi/$$(basename $$i); done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/../po && echo ??_* ??; do echo Gnerating strings.xml from $$i ; mkdir -p $(builddir)/android/res/values-$$(echo $$i | sed -e s/\\.po\\.in// -e s/_/-r/) ; @SAXON@ $(srcdir)/android/res/values/strings.xml $(srcdir)/android/po2xml.xslt po_file=$(abs_top_srcdir)/po/$$i >$(builddir)/android/res/values-$$(echo $$i | sed -e s/\\.po\\.in// -e s/_/-r/)/strings.xml ; done mkdir -p android/res/drawable-ldpi mkdir -p android/res/drawable-mdpi mkdir -p android/res/drawable-hdpi for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.xpm); do convert $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-mdpi/$${i%.xpm}.png; done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.xpm); do convert -resize 75% $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-ldpi/$${i%.xpm}.png; done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.xpm); do convert -resize 150% $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-hdpi/$${i%.xpm}.png; done # for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-mdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done # for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-ldpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done # for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-hdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-mdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert -resize 75% $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-ldpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done for i in $(shell cd $(srcdir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert -resize 150% $(srcdir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-hdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done # if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-mdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi # if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-ldpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi # if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do cp $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-hdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-mdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert -resize 75% $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-ldpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi if [ "$(builddir)" != "$(srcdir)" ]; then for i in $(shell cd $(builddir)/xpm && echo *.png); do convert -resize 150% $(builddir)/xpm/$$i android/res/drawable-hdpi/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done ; fi mkdir -p android/res/raw for i in $(shell cd ../po && echo *.mo); do cp ../po/$$i android/res/raw/$$( echo $$i | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]") ; done # cp navit.xml android/res/raw cp navit_android_mdpi.xml android/res/raw/navitmdpi.xml cp navit_android_ldpi.xml android/res/raw/navitldpi.xml cp navit_android_hdpi.xml android/res/raw/navithdpi.xml apkg: apkg-all touch $(srcdir)/android/dummy.txt touch $(builddir)/android/dummy.txt cd android && ant debug apkg-release: apkg-all touch $(srcdir)/android/dummy.txt touch $(builddir)/android/dummy.txt cd android && ant release jarsigner $$(cat ~/.keystore_args) android/bin/Navit-unsigned.apk mykey # zipalign -f 4 android/bin/Navit-unsigned.apk android/bin/Navit-unsigned-aligned.apk else navit_SOURCES = start.c navit_LDADD = endif if EVENT_GLIB lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_SOURCES += event_glib.c endif navit_LDFLAGS = -export-dynamic if !PLUGINS lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_SOURCES += builtin.c lib@LIBNAVIT@_la_LIBADD += $(MODULES) endif navit_LDADD += @NAVIT_LIBS@ @WORDEXP_LIBS@ @ZLIB_LIBS@ @CRYPTO_LIBS@ @INTLLIBS@ if SUPPORT_WIN32 navit_LDADD += resource.rsc if SUPPORT_WIN32CE navit_LDADD += -lcommctrl -Lsupport/libc else navit_LDADD += -lgdi32 -lcomctl32 -lwinmm endif resource.rsc: $(top_srcdir)/navit/gui/win32/resources/resource.rc $(WINDRES) -I $(top_srcdir)/navit/gui/win32/resources $(top_srcdir)/navit/gui/win32/resources/resource.rc resource.rsc endif .PHONY: version.h.tmp version.h.tmp: echo "#include \"config.h\"" >version.h.tmp if SOURCE_MODE_SVN echo "#define SVN_VERSION \"$$(LANG=C svnversion $(top_srcdir) 2>/dev/null)\"" >>version.h.tmp else echo "#define SVN_VERSION \"@SOURCE_MODE@\"" >>version.h.tmp endif echo "#define NAVIT_VARIANT \"@NAVIT_VARIANT@\"" >>version.h.tmp if ! diff version.h.tmp version.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; \ then \ mv -f version.h.tmp version.h; \ fi version.h: version.h.tmp navit_config.h: ../config.h cp ../config.h navit_config.h.tmp if ! diff navit_config.h.tmp navit_config.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; \ then \ mv -f navit_config.h.tmp navit_config.h; \ fi distclean-local: rm -f version.h version.h.tmp navit_config.h navit_config.h.tmp builtin.c support-builtin.c navit.xml resurce.rsc if [ "$(top_builddir)" != "$(top_srcdir)" ]; then rm -f navit.dtd; fi builtin.c: $(top_builddir)/config.h ls $(top_builddir)/navit/*/*/*.la | sed -e "s/\.la/_init(void);/" -e "s/.*lib/extern void module_/" >builtin.c echo "extern void builtin_init(void);" >>builtin.c echo "void builtin_init(void) {" >>builtin.c ls $(top_builddir)/navit/*/*/*.la | grep -v shapefile | sed -e "s/\.la/_init();/" -e "s/.*\\/lib/ module_/" >>builtin.c echo "}" >>builtin.c support-builtin.c: $(top_builddir)/config.h ls $(top_builddir)/navit/support/*/*.la | sed -e "s/\.la/_init(void);/" -e "s/.*lib/extern void module_/" >support-builtin.c echo "extern void builtin_init(void);" >>support-builtin.c echo "void builtin_init(void) {" >>support-builtin.c ls $(top_builddir)/navit/support/*/*.la | sed -e "s/\.la/_init();/" -e "s/.*\\/lib/ module_/" >>support-builtin.c echo "}" >>support-builtin.c