/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //############################################################################################################## //# //# File: graphics.c //# Description: //# Comment: //# Authors: Martin Schaller (04/2008) //# //############################################################################################################## #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "string.h" #include "draw_info.h" #include "point.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "projection.h" #include "item.h" #include "xmlconfig.h" #include "map.h" #include "coord.h" #include "transform.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "profile.h" #include "mapset.h" #include "layout.h" #include "route.h" #include "util.h" #include "callback.h" #include "file.h" #include "event.h" #include "navit.h" /** * @brief maximum amount of coordinates to allocate on stack using g_alloca */ #define ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT 16384 //############################################################################################################## //# Description: //# Comment: //# Authors: Martin Schaller (04/2008) //############################################################################################################## /** * @brief graphics object * A graphics object serves as the target for drawing operations. * It encapsulates various settings, and a drawing target, such as an image buffer or a window. * Currently, in Navit, there is always one main graphics object, which is used to draw the * map, and optionally additional graphics objects for overlays. * @see graphics_overlay_new() * @see struct graphics_gc */ struct graphics { struct graphics* parent; struct graphics_priv *priv; struct graphics_methods meth; char *default_font; int font_len; struct graphics_font **font; struct graphics_gc *gc[3]; struct attr **attrs; struct callback_list *cbl; struct point_rect r; int gamma,brightness,contrast; int colormgmt; int font_size; GList *selection; int disabled; /* * Counter for z_order of displayitems; */ int current_z_order; GHashTable *image_cache_hash; /* for dpi compensation */ int dpi_factor; }; struct display_context { struct graphics *gra; struct element *e; struct graphics_gc *gc; struct graphics_gc *gc_background; struct graphics_image *img; enum projection pro; int mindist; struct transformation *trans; enum item_type type; int maxlen; }; #define HASH_SIZE 1024 struct hash_entry { enum item_type type; struct displayitem *di; }; struct displaylist { int busy; int workload; struct callback *cb; struct layout *layout, *layout_hashed; struct display_context dc; int order, order_hashed, max_offset; struct mapset *ms; struct mapset_handle *msh; struct map *m; int conv; struct map_selection *sel; struct map_rect *mr; struct callback *idle_cb; struct event_idle *idle_ev; unsigned int seq; struct hash_entry hash_entries[HASH_SIZE]; }; struct displaylist_icon_cache { unsigned int seq; }; static void circle_to_points(const struct point *center, int diameter, int scale, int start, int len, struct point *res, int *pos, int dir); static void graphics_process_selection(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *dl); static void graphics_gc_init(struct graphics *this_); static int graphics_dpi_scale(struct graphics * gra, int p) { int result; if(gra == NULL) return p; result = p * gra->dpi_factor; return result; } static struct point graphics_dpi_scale_point(struct graphics * gra, struct point *p) { struct point result = {-1,-1}; if(!p) return result; result.x = graphics_dpi_scale(gra, p->x); result.y = graphics_dpi_scale(gra, p->y); return result; } static int graphics_dpi_unscale(struct graphics * gra, int p) { int result; if(gra == NULL) return p; result = p / gra->dpi_factor; return result; } static struct point graphics_dpi_unscale_point(struct graphics * gra, struct point *p) { struct point result = {-1,-1}; if(!p) return result; result.x = graphics_dpi_unscale(gra, p->x); result.y = graphics_dpi_unscale(gra, p->y); return result; } static void clear_hash(struct displaylist *dl) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < HASH_SIZE ; i++) dl->hash_entries[i].type=type_none; } static struct hash_entry *get_hash_entry(struct displaylist *dl, enum item_type type) { int hashidx=(type*2654435761UL) & (HASH_SIZE-1); int offset=dl->max_offset; do { if (!dl->hash_entries[hashidx].type) return NULL; if (dl->hash_entries[hashidx].type == type) return &dl->hash_entries[hashidx]; hashidx=(hashidx+1)&(HASH_SIZE-1); } while (offset-- > 0); return NULL; } static struct hash_entry *set_hash_entry(struct displaylist *dl, enum item_type type) { int hashidx=(type*2654435761UL) & (HASH_SIZE-1); int offset=0; for (;;) { if (!dl->hash_entries[hashidx].type) { dl->hash_entries[hashidx].type=type; if (dl->max_offset < offset) dl->max_offset=offset; return &dl->hash_entries[hashidx]; } if (dl->hash_entries[hashidx].type == type) return &dl->hash_entries[hashidx]; hashidx=(hashidx+1)&(HASH_SIZE-1); offset++; } return NULL; } /** * @brief Sets a generic attribute of the graphics instance * * This will only set one of the supported generic graphics attributes (currently {@code gamma}, * {@code brightness}, {@code contrast} or {@code font_size}) and fail for other attribute types. * * To set an attribute provided by a graphics plugin, use {@link graphics_set_attr(struct graphics *, struct attr *)} * instead. * * @param gra The graphics instance * @param attr The attribute to set * * @return True if the attribute was set, false if not */ static int graphics_set_attr_do(struct graphics *gra, struct attr *attr) { switch (attr->type) { case attr_gamma: gra->gamma=attr->u.num; break; case attr_brightness: gra->brightness=attr->u.num; break; case attr_contrast: gra->contrast=attr->u.num; break; case attr_font_size: gra->font_size=attr->u.num; return 1; default: return 0; } gra->colormgmt=(gra->gamma != 65536 || gra->brightness != 0 || gra->contrast != 65536); graphics_gc_init(gra); return 1; } /** * @brief Sets an attribute of the graphics instance * * This method first tries to set one of the private attributes implemented by the current graphics * plugin. If this fails, it tries to set one of the generic attributes. * * If the graphics plugin does not supply a {@code set_attr} method, this method currently does nothing * and returns true, even if the attribute is a generic one. * * @param gra The graphics instance * @param attr The attribute to set * * @return True if the attribute was successfully set, false otherwise. */ int graphics_set_attr(struct graphics *gra, struct attr *attr) { int ret=1; /* FIXME if gra->meth doesn't have a setter, we don't even try the generic attrs - is that what we want? */ dbg(lvl_debug,"enter"); if (gra->meth.set_attr) ret=gra->meth.set_attr(gra->priv, attr); if (!ret) ret=graphics_set_attr_do(gra, attr); return ret != 0; } void graphics_set_rect(struct graphics *gra, struct point_rect *pr) { gra->r=*pr; } /** * @brief unscale coordinates coming from the graphics backend via callback. * * @param l pointer to callback list * @param pcount number of parameters attached to this callback * @param p list of parameters * @param context context handed over by callback_list_add_patch_function, gra in this case. * @return nothing */ static void graphics_dpi_patch (struct callback_list *l, enum attr_type type, int pcount, void **p, void * context) { /* this is black magic. We scaled all coordinates to the graphics backend * to compensate screen dpi. Since the backends communicate back via the callback * list, we hook this function to unscale the coordinates coming back to * navit before actually calling the callbacks. */ struct graphics * gra; gra = (struct graphics *) context; if(gra == NULL) return; if((type == attr_resize) && (pcount >= 2)) { int w, h; w = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p[0]); h = GPOINTER_TO_INT(p[1]); dbg(lvl_debug,"scaling attr_resize %d, %d, %d", pcount, w, h); p[0] = GINT_TO_POINTER(graphics_dpi_unscale(gra,w)); p[1] = GINT_TO_POINTER(graphics_dpi_unscale(gra,h)); } if((type == attr_button) && (pcount >=3)) { struct point * pnt; pnt = (struct point *) p[2]; dbg(lvl_debug,"scaling attr_button %d, %d, %d", pcount, pnt->x, pnt->y); *pnt = graphics_dpi_unscale_point(gra, pnt); } if((type == attr_motion) && (pcount >=1)) { struct point * pnt; pnt = (struct point *) p[0]; dbg(lvl_debug,"scaling attr_motion %d, %d, %d", pcount, pnt->x, pnt->y); *pnt = graphics_dpi_unscale_point(gra, pnt); } /* any more? attr_keypress doesn't come with coordinates */ } /** * Creates a new graphics object * attr type required * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics * graphics_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct graphics *this_; struct attr *type_attr, cbl_attr, *real_dpi_attr, *virtual_dpi_attr; struct graphics_priv * (*graphicstype_new)(struct navit *nav, struct graphics_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs, struct callback_list *cbl); if (! (type_attr=attr_search(attrs, attr_type))) { dbg(lvl_error,"Graphics plugin type is not set."); return NULL; } graphicstype_new=plugin_get_category_graphics(type_attr->u.str); if (! graphicstype_new) { dbg(lvl_error,"Failed to load graphics plugin %s.", type_attr->u.str); return NULL; } this_=g_new0(struct graphics, 1); this_->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); /* start with no scaling */ this_->dpi_factor=1; this_->cbl=callback_list_new(); cbl_attr.type=attr_callback_list; cbl_attr.u.callback_list=this_->cbl; callback_list_add_patch_function (this_->cbl, graphics_dpi_patch, (void*) this_); this_->attrs=attr_generic_add_attr(this_->attrs, &cbl_attr); this_->priv=(*graphicstype_new)(parent->u.navit, &this_->meth, this_->attrs, this_->cbl); this_->brightness=0; this_->contrast=65536; this_->gamma=65536; this_->font_size=20; this_->image_cache_hash = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,g_free,g_free); /*get dpi */ virtual_dpi_attr=attr_search(attrs, attr_virtual_dpi); real_dpi_attr=attr_search(attrs, attr_real_dpi); if(virtual_dpi_attr != NULL) { navit_float virtual_dpi, real_dpi=0; virtual_dpi=virtual_dpi_attr->u.num; if(real_dpi_attr != NULL) real_dpi=real_dpi_attr->u.num; else real_dpi=graphics_get_dpi(this_); if((real_dpi != 0) && (virtual_dpi != 0)) { this_->dpi_factor = round(real_dpi / virtual_dpi); if(this_->dpi_factor < 1) this_->dpi_factor = 1; dbg(lvl_error,"Using virtual dpi %f, real dpi %f factor %d", virtual_dpi, real_dpi, this_->dpi_factor); } } if(this_->dpi_factor != 1) callback_list_call_attr_2(this_->cbl, attr_resize, GINT_TO_POINTER(navit_get_width(parent->u.navit)), GINT_TO_POINTER(navit_get_height(parent->u.navit))); while (*attrs) { graphics_set_attr_do(this_,*attrs); attrs++; } return this_; } /** * @brief Gets an attribute of the graphics instance * * This function searches the attribute list of the graphics object for an attribute of a given type and * stores it in the attr parameter. *

* Searching for attr_any or attr_any_xml is supported. *

* An iterator can be specified to get multiple attributes of the same type: * The first call will return the first match from attr; each subsequent call * with the same iterator will return the next match. If no more matching * attributes are found in either of them, false is returned. *

* Note that currently this will only return the generic attributes which can be set with * {@link graphics_set_attr_do(struct graphics *, struct attr *)}. Attributes implemented by a graphics * plugin cannot be retrieved with this method. * * @param this The graphics instance * @param type The attribute type to search for * @param attr Points to a {@code struct attr} which will receive the attribute * @param iter An iterator. This parameter may be NULL. * * @return True if a matching attribute was found, false if not. * * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ int graphics_get_attr(struct graphics *this_, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter) { return attr_generic_get_attr(this_->attrs, NULL, type, attr, iter); } /** * @brief Create a new graphics overlay. * An overlay is a graphics object that is independent of the main graphics object. When * drawing everything to a window, the overlay will be shown on top of the main graphics * object. Navit uses overlays for OSD elements and for the vehicle on the map. * This allows updating OSD elements and the vehicle without redrawing the map. * * @param parent parent graphics context (should be the main graphics context as returned by * graphics_new) * @param p drawing position for the overlay * @param w width of overlay * @param h height of overlay * @param wraparound use wraparound (0/1). If set, position, width and height "wrap around": * negative position coordinates wrap around the window, negative width/height specify * difference to window width/height. * @returns new overlay * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics * graphics_overlay_new(struct graphics *parent, struct point *p, int w, int h, int wraparound) { struct graphics *this_; struct point_rect pr; struct point p_scaled; int w_scaled, h_scaled; if (!parent->meth.overlay_new) return NULL; this_=g_new0(struct graphics, 1); this_->dpi_factor = parent->dpi_factor; p_scaled=graphics_dpi_scale_point(parent,p); w_scaled=graphics_dpi_scale(parent,w); h_scaled=graphics_dpi_scale(parent,h); this_->priv=parent->meth.overlay_new(parent->priv, &this_->meth, &p_scaled, w_scaled, h_scaled, wraparound); this_->image_cache_hash = parent->image_cache_hash; this_->parent = parent; pr.lu.x=0; pr.lu.y=0; pr.rl.x=w; pr.rl.y=h; this_->font_size=20; graphics_set_rect(this_, &pr); if (!this_->priv) { g_free(this_); this_=NULL; } return this_; } /** * @brief Alters the size, position and wraparound for an overlay * * @param this_ The overlay's graphics struct * @param p The new position of the overlay * @param w The new width of the overlay * @param h The new height of the overlay * @param wraparound The new wraparound of the overlay */ void graphics_overlay_resize(struct graphics *this_, struct point *p, int w, int h, int wraparound) { struct point p_scaled; int w_scaled, h_scaled; if (! this_->meth.overlay_resize) { return; } p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); w_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale(this_,w); h_scaled =graphics_dpi_scale(this_,h); this_->meth.overlay_resize(this_->priv, &p_scaled, w_scaled, h_scaled, wraparound); } static void graphics_gc_init(struct graphics *this_) { struct color background= { COLOR_BACKGROUND_ }; struct color black= { COLOR_BLACK_ }; struct color white= { COLOR_WHITE_ }; if (!this_->gc[0] || !this_->gc[1] || !this_->gc[2]) return; graphics_gc_set_background(this_->gc[0], &background ); graphics_gc_set_foreground(this_->gc[0], &background ); graphics_gc_set_background(this_->gc[1], &black ); graphics_gc_set_foreground(this_->gc[1], &white ); graphics_gc_set_background(this_->gc[2], &white ); graphics_gc_set_foreground(this_->gc[2], &black ); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_init(struct graphics *this_) { if (this_->gc[0]) return; this_->gc[0]=graphics_gc_new(this_); this_->gc[1]=graphics_gc_new(this_); this_->gc[2]=graphics_gc_new(this_); graphics_gc_init(this_); graphics_background_gc(this_, this_->gc[0]); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void * graphics_get_data(struct graphics *this_, const char *type) { return (this_->meth.get_data(this_->priv, type)); } void graphics_add_callback(struct graphics *this_, struct callback *cb) { callback_list_add(this_->cbl, cb); } void graphics_remove_callback(struct graphics *this_, struct callback *cb) { callback_list_remove(this_->cbl, cb); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics_font * graphics_font_new(struct graphics *gra, int size, int flags) { return graphics_named_font_new(gra, gra->default_font, size, flags); } struct graphics_font * graphics_named_font_new(struct graphics *gra, char *font, int size, int flags) { struct graphics_font *this_; this_=g_new0(struct graphics_font,1); this_->priv=gra->meth.font_new(gra->priv, &this_->meth, font, graphics_dpi_scale(gra,size), flags); return this_; } void graphics_font_destroy(struct graphics_font *gra_font) { if(!gra_font) return; gra_font->meth.font_destroy(gra_font->priv); g_free(gra_font); } /** * Destroy graphics * Called when navit exits * @param gra The graphics instance * @returns nothing * @author David Tegze (02/2011) */ void graphics_free(struct graphics *gra) { if (!gra) return; /* If it's not an overlay, free the image cache. */ if(!gra->parent) { struct graphics_image *img; GList *ll, *l; /* We can't specify context (pointer to struct graphics) for g_hash_table_new to have it passed to free function so we have to free img->priv manually, the rest would be freed by g_hash_table_destroy. GHashTableIter isn't used because it broke n800 build at r5107. */ for(ll=l=g_hash_to_list(gra->image_cache_hash); l; l=g_list_next(l)) { img=l->data; if (img && gra->meth.image_free) gra->meth.image_free(gra->priv, img->priv); } g_list_free(ll); g_hash_table_destroy(gra->image_cache_hash); } attr_list_free(gra->attrs); graphics_gc_destroy(gra->gc[0]); graphics_gc_destroy(gra->gc[1]); graphics_gc_destroy(gra->gc[2]); g_free(gra->default_font); graphics_font_destroy_all(gra); g_free(gra->font); gra->meth.graphics_destroy(gra->priv); g_free(gra); } /** * Free all loaded fonts. * Used when switching layouts. * @param gra The graphics instance * @returns nothing * @author Sarah Nordstrom (05/2008) */ void graphics_font_destroy_all(struct graphics *gra) { int i; for(i = 0 ; i < gra->font_len; i++) { if(!gra->font[i]) continue; gra->font[i]->meth.font_destroy(gra->font[i]->priv); g_free(gra->font[i]); gra->font[i] = NULL; } } /** * Create a new graphics context. * @param gra associated graphics object for the new context * @returns new graphics context * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics_gc * graphics_gc_new(struct graphics *gra) { struct graphics_gc *this_; this_=g_new0(struct graphics_gc,1); this_->priv=gra->meth.gc_new(gra->priv, &this_->meth); this_->gra=gra; return this_; } /** * Destroy a graphics context, freeing associated resources. * @param gc context to destroy * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_gc_destroy(struct graphics_gc *gc) { if (!gc) return; gc->meth.gc_destroy(gc->priv); g_free(gc); } static void graphics_convert_color(struct graphics *gra, struct color *in, struct color *out) { *out=*in; if (gra->brightness) { out->r+=gra->brightness; out->g+=gra->brightness; out->b+=gra->brightness; } if (gra->contrast != 65536) { out->r=out->r*gra->contrast/65536; out->g=out->g*gra->contrast/65536; out->b=out->b*gra->contrast/65536; } if (out->r < 0) out->r=0; if (out->r > 65535) out->r=65535; if (out->g < 0) out->g=0; if (out->g > 65535) out->g=65535; if (out->b < 0) out->b=0; if (out->b > 65535) out->b=65535; if (gra->gamma != 65536) { out->r=pow(out->r/65535.0,gra->gamma/65536.0)*65535.0; out->g=pow(out->g/65535.0,gra->gamma/65536.0)*65535.0; out->b=pow(out->b/65535.0,gra->gamma/65536.0)*65535.0; } } /** * Set foreground color. * @param gc graphics context to set color for * @param c color to set * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_gc_set_foreground(struct graphics_gc *gc, struct color *c) { struct color cn; if (gc->gra->colormgmt) { graphics_convert_color(gc->gra, c, &cn); c=&cn; } gc->meth.gc_set_foreground(gc->priv, c); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_gc_set_background(struct graphics_gc *gc, struct color *c) { struct color cn; if (gc->gra->colormgmt) { graphics_convert_color(gc->gra, c, &cn); c=&cn; } gc->meth.gc_set_background(gc->priv, c); } /** * Set textured background to current graphics context. * @param gc Graphics context handle * @param img Allocated image * @returns void * @author metalstrolch (04/2020) */ void graphics_gc_set_texture(struct graphics_gc *gc, struct graphics_image *img) { if(graphics_gc_has_texture(gc)) gc->meth.gc_set_texture(gc->priv, img->priv); } /** * Check if graphic context supports textured backgrounds * @param gc Graphics context handle * @returns true if supported otherwise false. * @author metalstrolch (04/2020) */ gboolean graphics_gc_has_texture(struct graphics_gc *gc) { if(gc->meth.gc_set_texture != NULL) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_gc_set_linewidth(struct graphics_gc *gc, int width) { gc->meth.gc_set_linewidth(gc->priv, graphics_dpi_scale(gc->gra, width)); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_gc_set_dashes(struct graphics_gc *gc, int width, int offset, unsigned char dash_list[], int n) { if (gc->meth.gc_set_dashes) { int a; unsigned char * dash_list_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (unsigned char) * n); for(a = 0; a < n; a ++) { dash_list_scaled[a]=graphics_dpi_scale(gc->gra,dash_list[a]); } gc->meth.gc_set_dashes(gc->priv, graphics_dpi_scale(gc->gra,width), graphics_dpi_scale(gc->gra,offset), dash_list_scaled, n); } } /** * @brief Create a new image from file path, optionally scaled to w and h pixels. * * @param gra the graphics instance * @param path path of the image to load * @param w width to rescale to, or IMAGE_W_H_UNSET for original width * @param h height to rescale to, or IMAGE_W_H_UNSET for original height * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics_image * graphics_image_new_scaled(struct graphics *gra, char *path, int w, int h) { return graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(gra, path, w, h, 0); } static void image_new_helper(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_image *this_, char *path, char *name, int width, int height, int rotate) { int i=0; int stdsizes[]= {8,12,16,22,24,32,36,48,64,72,96,128,192,256}; const int numstdsizes=sizeof(stdsizes)/sizeof(int); int sz; int mode=1; int bmstd=0; sz=width>0?width:height; while (mode<=8) { char *new_name=NULL; int n; switch (mode) { case 1: /* The best variant both for cpu usage and quality would be prescaled png of a needed size */ mode++; if (width != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET && height != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) { new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s_%d_%d.png", name, width, height); } break; case 2: mode++; /* Try to load image by the exact name given by user. For example, if she wants to scale some prescaled png variant to a new size given as function params, or have default png image to be displayed unscaled. */ new_name=g_strdup(path); break; case 3: mode++; /* Next, try uncompressed and compressed svgs as they should give best quality but rendering might take more cpu resources when the image is displayed for the first time */ new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s.svg", name); break; case 4: mode++; new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s.svgz", name); break; case 5: mode++; i=0; /* If we have no size specifiers, try the default png now */ if(sz<=0) { new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s.png", name); break; } /* Find best matching size from standard row */ for(bmstd=0; bmstdsz) break; i=1; /* Fall through */ case 6: /* Select best matching image from standard row */ if(sz>0) { /* If size were specified, start with bmstd and then try standard sizes in row * bmstd, bmstd+1, bmstd+2, .. numstdsizes-1, bmstd-1, bmstd-2, .., 0 */ n=bmstd+i; if((bmstd+i)>=numstdsizes) n=numstdsizes-i-1; if(++i==numstdsizes) mode++; } else { /* If no size were specified, start with the smallest standard size and then try following ones */ n=i++; if(i==numstdsizes) mode+=2; } if(n<0||n>=numstdsizes) break; new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s_%d_%d.png", name, stdsizes[n],stdsizes[n]); break; case 7: /* Scaling the default prescaled png of unknown size to the needed size will give random quality loss */ mode++; new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s.png", name); break; case 8: /* xpm format is used as a last resort, because its not widely supported and we are moving to svg and png formats */ mode++; new_name=g_strdup_printf("%s.xpm", name); break; } if (! new_name) continue; this_->width=width; this_->height=height; dbg(lvl_debug,"Trying to load image '%s' for '%s' at %dx%d", new_name, path, width, height); this_->hot = graphics_dpi_scale_point(gra,&this_->hot); if(this_->width != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) this_->width = graphics_dpi_scale(gra,this_->width); if(this_->height != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) this_->height = graphics_dpi_scale(gra,this_->height); this_->priv=gra->meth.image_new(gra->priv, &this_->meth, new_name, &this_->width, &this_->height, &this_->hot, rotate); this_->hot = graphics_dpi_unscale_point(gra,&this_->hot); if(this_->width != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) this_->width = graphics_dpi_unscale(gra,this_->width); if(this_->height != IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) this_->height = graphics_dpi_unscale(gra,this_->height); if (this_->priv) { dbg(lvl_info,"Using image '%s' for '%s' at %dx%d", new_name, path, width, height); g_free(new_name); break; } g_free(new_name); } } /** * @brief Create a new image from file path, optionally scaled to w and h pixels and rotated. * * @param gra the graphics instance * @param path path of the image to load * @param w width to rescale to, or IMAGE_W_H_UNSET for original width * @param h height to rescale to, or IMAGE_W_H_UNSET for original height * @param rotate angle to rotate the image, in 90 degree steps (not supported by all plugins). * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics_image * graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(struct graphics *gra, char *path, int w, int h, int rotate) { struct graphics_image *this_; char* hash_key = g_strdup_printf("%s*%d*%d*%d",path,w,h,rotate); struct file_wordexp *we; int i; char **paths; if ( g_hash_table_lookup_extended( gra->image_cache_hash, hash_key, NULL, (gpointer)&this_) ) { g_free(hash_key); dbg(lvl_debug,"Found cached image%sfor '%s'",this_?" ":" miss ",path); return this_; } this_=g_new0(struct graphics_image,1); this_->height=h; this_->width=w; we=file_wordexp_new(path); paths=file_wordexp_get_array(we); for(i=0; ipriv; i++) { char *ext; char *s, *name; char *pathi=paths[i]; int len=strlen(pathi); int i,k; int newwidth=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET, newheight=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET; ext=g_utf8_strrchr(pathi,-1,'.'); i=pathi-ext+len; /* Dont allow too long or too short file name extensions*/ if(ext && ((i>5) || (i<1))) ext=NULL; /* Search for _w_h name part, begin from char before extension if it exists */ if(ext) s=ext-1; else s=pathi+len; k=1; while(s>pathi && g_ascii_isdigit(*s)) { if(newheight<0) newheight=0; newheight+=(*s-'0')*k; k*=10; s--; } if(k>1 && s>pathi && *s=='_') { k=1; s--; while(s>pathi && g_ascii_isdigit(*s)) { if(newwidth<0) newwidth=0; newwidth+=(*s-'0')*k;; k*=10; s--; } } if(k==1 || s<=pathi || *s!='_') { newwidth=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET; newheight=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET; if(ext) s=ext; else s=pathi+len; } /* If exact h and w values were given as function parameters, they take precedence over values guessed from the image name */ if(w!=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) newwidth=w; if(h!=IMAGE_W_H_UNSET) newheight=h; name=g_strndup(pathi,s-pathi); image_new_helper(gra, this_, pathi, name, newwidth, newheight, rotate); g_free(name); } file_wordexp_destroy(we); if (! this_->priv) { dbg(lvl_error,"No image for '%s'", path); g_free(this_); this_=NULL; } g_hash_table_insert(gra->image_cache_hash, hash_key, (gpointer)this_ ); return this_; } /** * Create a new image from file path * @param gra the graphics instance * @param path path of the image to load * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct graphics_image * graphics_image_new(struct graphics *gra, char *path) { return graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(gra, path, IMAGE_W_H_UNSET, IMAGE_W_H_UNSET, 0); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_image_free(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_image *img) { /* Image is cached inside gra->image_cache_hash. So it would be freed only when graphics is destroyed => Do nothing here. */ } /** * @brief Start or finish a set of drawing operations. * * graphics_draw_mode(draw_mode_begin) must be invoked before performing any drawing * operations; this allows the graphics driver to perform any necessary setup. * graphics_draw_mode(draw_mode_end) must be invoked to finish a set of drawing operations; * this will typically clean up drawing resources and display the drawing result. * @param this_ graphics object that is being drawn to * @param mode specify beginning or end of drawing * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_mode(struct graphics *this_, enum draw_mode_num mode) { this_->meth.draw_mode(this_->priv, mode); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_lines(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *p, int count) { struct point * p_scaled; int a; if(count < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) p_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (struct point)* count); else p_scaled = g_malloc(sizeof (struct point)* count); for(a=0; a < count; a ++) p_scaled[a] = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,&(p[a])); this_->meth.draw_lines(this_->priv, gc->priv, p_scaled, count); if(count >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(p_scaled); } /** * @brief Draw a circle * @param this_ The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param p The coordinates of the center of the circle * @param r The radius of the circle * * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_circle(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *p, int r) { struct point *pnt; int i=0; if((r*4+64) < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) pnt=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point)*(r*4+64)); else pnt=g_malloc(sizeof(struct point)*(r*4+64)); if(this_->meth.draw_circle) { struct point p_scaled; p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); this_->meth.draw_circle(this_->priv, gc->priv, &p_scaled, graphics_dpi_scale(this_,r)); } else { /* do not scale circle_to_points */ circle_to_points(p, r, 0, -1, 1026, pnt, &i, 1); pnt[i] = pnt[0]; i++; graphics_draw_lines(this_, gc, pnt, i); } if((r*4+64) >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(pnt); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_rectangle(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *p, int w, int h) { struct point p_scaled; p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); this_->meth.draw_rectangle(this_->priv, gc->priv, &p_scaled, graphics_dpi_scale(this_,w), graphics_dpi_scale(this_,h)); } /** * @brief Draw a plain polygon on the display * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param[in] pin An array of points forming the polygon * @param count_in The number of elements inside @p pin */ static void graphics_draw_polygon(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pin, int count_in) { if (! gra->meth.draw_polygon) { return; } else { struct point * pin_scaled; int a; if(count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) pin_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (struct point)*count_in); else pin_scaled = g_malloc(sizeof (struct point)*count_in); for(a=0; a < count_in; a ++) pin_scaled[a] = graphics_dpi_scale_point(gra,&(pin[a])); gra->meth.draw_polygon(gra->priv, gc->priv, pin_scaled, count_in); if(count_in >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(pin_scaled); } } /** * @brief Draw a plain polygon with holes on the display * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param[in] pin An array of points forming the polygon * @param count_in The number of elements inside @p pin * @param hole_count The number of hole polygons to cut out * @param pcount array of [hole_count] integers giving the number of * points per hole * @param holes array of point arrays for the hole polygons */ static void graphics_draw_polygon_with_holes(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pin, int count_in, int hole_count, int* ccount, struct point **holes) { if (! gra->meth.draw_polygon_with_holes) { /* TODO: add attr to configure if polygons with holes should be drawn without * the holes if no graphics support for this is present. */ graphics_draw_polygon(gra, gc, pin, count_in); return; } else { struct point * pin_scaled; struct point ** holes_scaled; int a; int b; if(count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { pin_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (struct point)*count_in); } else { pin_scaled = g_malloc(sizeof (struct point)*count_in); } if(hole_count < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { holes_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (struct point *)*hole_count); } else { holes_scaled = g_malloc(sizeof (struct point *)*hole_count); } /* scale the outline */ for(a=0; a < count_in; a ++) pin_scaled[a] = graphics_dpi_scale_point(gra,&(pin[a])); /*scale the holes */ for(b=0; b < hole_count; b ++) { holes_scaled[b] = g_malloc(sizeof(*(holes_scaled[b])) * ccount[b]); for(a=0; a < ccount[b]; a ++) holes_scaled[b][a] = graphics_dpi_scale_point(gra,&(holes[b][a])); } gra->meth.draw_polygon_with_holes(gra->priv, gc->priv, pin_scaled, count_in, hole_count, ccount, holes_scaled); /* free the hole arrays */ for(b=0; b < hole_count; b ++) g_free(holes_scaled[b]); if(count_in >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(pin_scaled); if(hole_count >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(holes_scaled); } } void graphics_draw_rectangle_rounded(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *plu, int w, int h, int r, int fill) { struct point *p; struct point pi0= {plu->x+r,plu->y+r}; struct point pi1= {plu->x+w-r,plu->y+r}; struct point pi2= {plu->x+w-r,plu->y+h-r}; struct point pi3= {plu->x+r,plu->y+h-r}; int i=0; if((r*4+32) < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) p=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point)*(r*4+32)); else p=g_malloc(sizeof(struct point)*(r*4+32)); circle_to_points(&pi2, r*2, 0, -1, 258, p, &i, 1); circle_to_points(&pi1, r*2, 0, 255, 258, p, &i, 1); circle_to_points(&pi0, r*2, 0, 511, 258, p, &i, 1); circle_to_points(&pi3, r*2, 0, 767, 258, p, &i, 1); p[i]=p[0]; i++; if (fill) graphics_draw_polygon(this_,gc,p,i); else graphics_draw_lines(this_,gc,p,i); if((r*4+32) >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(p); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_text(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc1, struct graphics_gc *gc2, struct graphics_font *font, char *text, struct point *p, int dx, int dy) { struct point p_scaled; p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); this_->meth.draw_text(this_->priv, gc1->priv, gc2 ? gc2->priv : NULL, font->priv, text, &p_scaled, dx, dy); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_get_text_bbox(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_font *font, char *text, int dx, int dy, struct point *ret, int estimate) { this_->meth.get_text_bbox(this_->priv, font->priv, text, dx, dy, ret, estimate); ret[0]=graphics_dpi_unscale_point(this_,&(ret[0])); ret[1]=graphics_dpi_unscale_point(this_,&(ret[1])); ret[2]=graphics_dpi_unscale_point(this_,&(ret[2])); ret[3]=graphics_dpi_unscale_point(this_,&(ret[3])); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_overlay_disable(struct graphics *this_, int disable) { this_->disabled = disable; if (this_->meth.overlay_disable) this_->meth.overlay_disable(this_->priv, disable); } int graphics_is_disabled(struct graphics *this_) { return this_->disabled || (this_->parent && this_->parent->disabled); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw_image(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *p, struct graphics_image *img) { struct point p_scaled; p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); this_->meth.draw_image(this_->priv, gc->priv, &p_scaled, img->priv); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void graphics_draw_image_warp(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *p, int count, struct graphics_image *img) { if(this_->meth.draw_image_warp) { struct point * p_scaled; int a; if(count < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) p_scaled = g_alloca(sizeof (struct point)*count); else p_scaled = g_malloc(sizeof (struct point)*count); for(a=0; a < count; a ++) p_scaled[a] = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,&(p[a])); this_->meth.draw_image_warp(this_->priv, gc->priv, p_scaled, count, img->priv); if(count >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(p_scaled); } else { dbg(lvl_error,"draw_image_warp not supported by graphics driver"); } } //############################################################################################################## //# Description: //# Comment: //# Authors: Martin Schaller (04/2008) //############################################################################################################## int graphics_draw_drag(struct graphics *this_, struct point *p) { struct point p_scaled; if (!this_->meth.draw_drag) return 0; p_scaled = graphics_dpi_scale_point(this_,p); this_->meth.draw_drag(this_->priv, &p_scaled); return 1; } void graphics_background_gc(struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_gc *gc) { this_->meth.background_gc(this_->priv, gc ? gc->priv : NULL); } /** * @brief Shows the native on-screen keyboard or other input method * * This method is a wrapper around the respective method of the graphics plugin. * * The caller should populate the {@code kbd} argument with appropriate {@code mode} and {@code lang} * members so the graphics plugin can determine the best matching layout. * * If an input method is shown, the graphics plugin should try to select the configuration which best * matches the specified {@code mode}. For example, if {@code mode} specifies a numeric layout, the * graphics plugin should select a numeric keyboard layout (if available), or the equivalent for another * input method (such as setting stroke recognition to identify strokes as numbers). Likewise, when an * alphanumeric-uppercase mode is requested, it should switch to uppercase input. * * Implementations should, however, consider that Navit's internal keyboard allows the user to switch * modes at will (the only exception being degree mode) and thus must not "lock" the user into a limited * layout with no means to switch to a general-purpose one. For example, house number entry in an * address search dialog may default to numeric mode, but since some house numbers may contain * non-numeric characters, a pure numeric keyboard is suitable only if the user has the option to switch * to an alphanumeric layout. * * When multiple alphanumeric layouts are available, the graphics plugin should use the {@code lang} * argument to determine the best layout. * * When selecting an input method, preference should always be given to the default or last selected * input method and configuration if it matches the requested {@code mode} and {@code lang}. * * If the native input method is going to obstruct parts of Navit's UI, the graphics plugin should set * {@code kbd->w} and {@code kbd->h} to the height and width to the appropriate value in pixels. A value * of -1 indicates that the input method fills the entire available width or height of the space * available to Navit. On windowed platforms, where the on-screen input method and Navit's window may be * moved relative to each other as needed and can be displayed alongside each other, the graphics plugin * should report 0 for both dimensions. * * @param this_ The graphics instance * @param kbd The keyboard instance * * @return 1 if the native keyboard is going to be displayed, 0 if not, -1 if the method is not * supported by the plugin */ int graphics_show_native_keyboard (struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_keyboard *kbd) { int ret; if (!this_->meth.show_native_keyboard) ret = -1; else ret = this_->meth.show_native_keyboard(kbd); dbg(lvl_debug, "return %d", ret); return ret; } /** * @brief Hides the native on-screen keyboard or other input method * * This method is a wrapper around the respective method of the graphics plugin. * * A call to this function indicates that Navit no longer needs the input method and is about to reclaim * any screen real estate it may have previously reserved for the input method. * * On platforms that don't support overlapping windows this means that the on-screen input method should * be hidden, as it may otherwise obstruct parts of Navit's UI. * * On windowed platforms, where on-screen input methods can be displayed alongside Navit or moved around * as needed, the graphics driver should instead notify the on-screen method that it is no longer * expecting user input, allowing the input method to take the appropriate action. * * The graphics plugin must free any data it has stored in {@code kbd->gra_priv} and reset the pointer * to {@code NULL} to indicate it has done so. * * The caller may free {@code kbd} after this function returns. * * @param this The graphics instance * @param kbd The keyboard instance * * @return True if the call was successfully passed to the plugin, false if the method is not supported * by the plugin */ int graphics_hide_native_keyboard (struct graphics *this_, struct graphics_keyboard *kbd) { if (!this_->meth.hide_native_keyboard) return 0; this_->meth.hide_native_keyboard(kbd); return 1; } #include "attr.h" #include "popup.h" #include struct displayitem_poly_holes { int count; int *ccount; struct coord ** coords; }; /** * @brief graphics display item structure * * The graphics item passes the ap items and other items with this structure * to the graphics drawing routines. The struct is only a stub. It is allocated * including "count -1" struct coord's following c[0], if "holes" not NULL, by a * polygon hole structure, and if label != NULL, a series of zero terminated * strings followed by another zero for label. */ struct displayitem { struct displayitem *next; struct item item; char *label; struct displayitem_poly_holes * holes; int z_order; int flags; int count; struct coord c[0]; }; /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void xdisplay_free(struct displaylist *dl) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < HASH_SIZE ; i++) { struct displayitem *di=dl->hash_entries[i].di; while (di) { struct displayitem *next=di->next; g_free(di); di=next; } dl->hash_entries[i].di=NULL; } } /** * @brief add the holes structure into preallocated area after displayitem * * @param item to extract holes from * @param hole_count precounted number of holes * @param p changeable pointer to buffer. Advanced by the size used * @returns pointer to newly created holes structure */ static inline struct displayitem_poly_holes * display_add_holes(struct item *item,int hole_count, char ** p) { struct attr attr; struct displayitem_poly_holes* holes; holes=(struct displayitem_poly_holes *) *p; *p+=sizeof(*holes); holes->count=0; holes->ccount = (int *) *p; *p+=hole_count * sizeof(int); holes->coords = (struct coord **)*p; *p+=hole_count * sizeof(struct coord *); item_attr_rewind(item); while(item_attr_get(item, attr_poly_hole, &attr)) { holes->coords[holes->count] = (struct coord *)*p; holes->ccount[holes->count] = attr.u.poly_hole->coord_count; memcpy(holes->coords[holes->count], attr.u.poly_hole->coord, holes->ccount[holes->count] * sizeof(struct coord)); *p += holes->ccount[holes->count] * sizeof(struct coord); holes->count ++; } return holes; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void display_add(struct hash_entry *entry, struct item *item, int count, struct coord *c, char **label, int label_count) { struct displayitem *di; int len,i; char *p; struct attr attr; int hole_count=0; int hole_total_coords=0; int holes_length; int flags=0; /* calculate number of bytes required */ /* own length */ len=sizeof(*di)+count*sizeof(*c); /* add length of lables including closing zero */ if (label && label_count) { for (i = 0 ; i < label_count ; i++) { if (label[i]) len+=strlen(label[i])+1; else len++; } } /* check for and remember flags (for underground drawing) */ item_attr_rewind(item); if(item_attr_get(item, attr_flags, &attr)) { flags = attr.u.num; } /* add length for holes */ item_attr_rewind(item); while(item_attr_get(item, attr_poly_hole, &attr)) { hole_count ++; hole_total_coords += attr.u.poly_hole->coord_count; } holes_length = sizeof(struct displayitem_poly_holes) + hole_count * sizeof(int) + hole_count * sizeof( struct coord *) + hole_total_coords * sizeof(struct coord); if(hole_count > 0) dbg(lvl_debug,"got %d holes with %d coords total", hole_count, hole_total_coords); len += holes_length; p=g_malloc(len); di=(struct displayitem *)p; p+=sizeof(*di)+count*sizeof(*c); di->item=*item; di->z_order=0; di->flags=flags; di->holes=NULL; if(hole_count > 0) { di->holes = display_add_holes(item, hole_count, &p); } if (label && label_count) { di->label=p; for (i = 0 ; i < label_count ; i++) { if (label[i]) { strcpy(p, label[i]); p+=strlen(label[i])+1; } else *p++='\0'; } } else di->label=NULL; di->count=count; memcpy(di->c, c, count*sizeof(*c)); di->next=entry->di; entry->di=di; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void label_line(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *fg, struct graphics_gc *bg, struct graphics_font *font, struct point *p, int count, char *label) { int i,x,y,tl,tlm,th,thm,tlsq,l; float lsq; double dx,dy; struct point p_t; struct point pb[5]; if (gra->meth.get_text_bbox) { graphics_get_text_bbox(gra,font,label,0x10000, 0x00, pb, 1); tl=(pb[2].x-pb[0].x); th=(pb[0].y-pb[1].y); } else { tl=strlen(label)*4; th=8; } tlm=tl*32; thm=th*36; tlsq = tlm*tlm; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) { dx=p[i+1].x-p[i].x; dx*=32; dy=p[i+1].y-p[i].y; dy*=32; lsq = dx*dx+dy*dy; if (lsq > tlsq) { l=(int)sqrtf(lsq); x=p[i].x; y=p[i].y; if (dx < 0) { dx=-dx; dy=-dy; x=p[i+1].x; y=p[i+1].y; } x+=(l-tlm)*dx/l/64; y+=(l-tlm)*dy/l/64; x-=dy*thm/l/64; y+=dx*thm/l/64; p_t.x=x; p_t.y=y; if (x < gra->r.rl.x && x + tl > gra->r.lu.x && y + tl > gra->r.lu.y && y - tl < gra->r.rl.y) graphics_draw_text(gra, fg, bg, font, label, &p_t, dx*0x10000/l, dy*0x10000/l); } } } static void display_draw_arrow(struct point *p, navit_float dx, navit_float dy, navit_float width, struct display_context *dc, struct graphics *gra, int filled) { struct point pnt[4]; /* half the width in every direction */ width /= 2; pnt[0]=pnt[1]=pnt[2]=*p; pnt[0].x+=-dx*width+dy*width; pnt[0].y+=-dy*width-dx*width; pnt[2].x+=-dx*width-dy*width; pnt[2].y+=-dy*width+dx*width; if(filled) { /* close the loop */ pnt[3]=pnt[0]; graphics_draw_polygon(gra, dc->gc, pnt, 4); } else { graphics_draw_lines(gra, dc->gc, pnt, 3); } } /** * @brief draw arrows along a multi polygon line * * This function draws arrows along a multi polygon line, and scales the * arrows according to current view settings by interpolating sizes at * given arrow position, * * @param gra current graphics instance handle * @param dc current drawing context * @param pnt array of points for this polyline * @param count number of points in pnt * @param width arrray of integers giving the expexted line width at the corresponding point * @param filled. True to draw filled arrows, false to draw only line arrows. */ static void display_draw_arrows(struct graphics *gra, struct display_context *dc, struct point *pnt, int count, int *width, int filled) { navit_float dx,dy,dw,l; int i; struct point p; int w; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) { /* get the X and Y size */ dx=pnt[i+1].x-pnt[i].x; dy=pnt[i+1].y-pnt[i].y; dw=width[i+1] - width[i]; /* calculate the length of the way segment */ l=navit_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if (l) { /* length is not zero */ /* calculate the vector per length */ dx=dx/l; dy=dy/l; dw=dw/l; /* different behaviour for oneway arrows than for routing graph ones */ if(filled) { if(l > (2*width[i])) { /* print arrow at middle point */ p=pnt[i]; p.x+=dx*(l/2); p.y+=dy*(l/2); w=width[i]; w+=dw*(l/2); display_draw_arrow(&p, dx, dy, w, dc, gra, filled); } /* if line is quite long, print arrows at 1/4 and 3/4 length */ if(l > (20*width[i])) { /* at 1/4 the line length */ p=pnt[i]; p.x+=dx*(l/4); p.y+=dy*(l/4); w=width[i]; w+=dw*(l/4); display_draw_arrow(&p, dx, dy, w, dc, gra, filled); /* at 3/4 the arrow length */ p=pnt[i+1]; p.x-=dx*(l/4); p.y-=dy*(l/4); w=width[i+1]; w-=dw*(l/4); display_draw_arrow(&p, dx, dy, w, dc, gra, filled); } } else { /*FIXME: what if line length was smaller than 15?*/ /* print arrow 15 units from start */ p=pnt[i]; p.x+=dx*15; p.y+=dy*15; display_draw_arrow(&p, dx, dy, 20, dc, gra, filled); /* print arrow 15 units before end */ p=pnt[i+1]; p.x-=dx*15; p.y-=dy*15; display_draw_arrow(&p, dx, dy, 20, dc, gra, filled); } } } } static void display_draw_spike(struct point *p, navit_float dx, navit_float dy, navit_float width, struct display_context *dc, struct graphics *gra) { struct point pnt[2]; navit_float l=navit_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); pnt[0]=pnt[1]=*p; pnt[1].x+=(-dy/l)*width; pnt[1].y+=(dx/l)*width; graphics_draw_lines(gra, dc->gc, pnt, 2); } /** * @brief draw spikes along a multi polygon line * * This function draws spikes along a multi polygon line, and scales the * spikes according to current view settings by interpolating sizes at * given spike position, * * @param gra current graphics instance handle * @param dc current drawing context * @param pnt array of points for this polyline * @param count number of points in pnt * @param width array of integers giving the expected line width at the corresponding point * @param distance giving the distance between spikes */ static void display_draw_spikes(struct graphics *gra, struct display_context *dc, struct point *pnt, int count, int *width, int distance) { navit_float dx,dy,dw,l; int i; struct point p; int w; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) { /* get the X and Y size */ dx=pnt[i+1].x-pnt[i].x; dy=pnt[i+1].y-pnt[i].y; dw=width[i+1] - width[i]; /* calculate the length of the way segment */ l=navit_sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); if (l != 0) { /* length is not zero */ if(l > width[i]) { /* length is bigger than the length of one spike */ int a; int spike_count = l / distance; /* calculate the vector per spike */ dx=dx/spike_count; dy=dy/spike_count; dw=dw/spike_count; for( a=0; a < spike_count; a++ ) { p=pnt[i]; p.x+=dx*a; p.y+=dy*a; w=width[i]; w+=dw*a; display_draw_spike(&p, dx, dy, w, dc, gra); } } } } } static int intersection(struct point * a1, int adx, int ady, struct point * b1, int bdx, int bdy, struct point * res) { int n, a, b; dbg(lvl_debug,"%d,%d - %d,%d x %d,%d-%d,%d",a1->x,a1->y,a1->x+adx,a1->y+ady,b1->x,b1->y,b1->x+bdx,b1->y+bdy); n = bdy * adx - bdx * ady; a = bdx * (a1->y - b1->y) - bdy * (a1->x - b1->x); b = adx * (a1->y - b1->y) - ady * (a1->x - b1->x); dbg(lvl_debug,"a %d b %d n %d",a,b,n); if (n < 0) { n = -n; a = -a; b = -b; } if (n == 0) return 0; res->x = a1->x + a * adx / n; res->y = a1->y + a * ady / n; dbg(lvl_debug,"%d,%d",res->x,res->y); return 1; } struct circle { short x,y,fowler; } circle64[]= { {0,128,0}, {13,127,13}, {25,126,25}, {37,122,38}, {49,118,53}, {60,113,67}, {71,106,85}, {81,99,104}, {91,91,128}, {99,81,152}, {106,71,171}, {113,60,189}, {118,49,203}, {122,37,218}, {126,25,231}, {127,13,243}, {128,0,256}, {127,-13,269}, {126,-25,281}, {122,-37,294}, {118,-49,309}, {113,-60,323}, {106,-71,341}, {99,-81,360}, {91,-91,384}, {81,-99,408}, {71,-106,427}, {60,-113,445}, {49,-118,459}, {37,-122,474}, {25,-126,487}, {13,-127,499}, {0,-128,512}, {-13,-127,525}, {-25,-126,537}, {-37,-122,550}, {-49,-118,565}, {-60,-113,579}, {-71,-106,597}, {-81,-99,616}, {-91,-91,640}, {-99,-81,664}, {-106,-71,683}, {-113,-60,701}, {-118,-49,715}, {-122,-37,730}, {-126,-25,743}, {-127,-13,755}, {-128,0,768}, {-127,13,781}, {-126,25,793}, {-122,37,806}, {-118,49,821}, {-113,60,835}, {-106,71,853}, {-99,81,872}, {-91,91,896}, {-81,99,920}, {-71,106,939}, {-60,113,957}, {-49,118,971}, {-37,122,986}, {-25,126,999}, {-13,127,1011}, }; /** * @brief Create a set of points on a circle or on a circular arc * * @param center Center point of the circle * @param diameter Diameter of the circle * @param scale Unused * @param start Position of the first point on the circle (in 1/1024th of the circle), -1 being the bottom of the circle, 511 being the top of the circle * @param len Length of the arc on the circle, relative to start (in 1/1024th of the circle), 514 is half a circle, 1028 is a full circle (or 1027 if first and last points are connected with a line) * @param[out] res Returned an array of points that will form the resulting circle * @param[out] pos Index of the last point filled inside array @p res * @param dir Direction of the circle (valid values are 1 (counter-clockwise) or -1 (clockwise), other values may lead to unknown result) */ static void circle_to_points(const struct point *center, int diameter, int scale, int start, int len, struct point *res, int *pos, int dir) { struct circle *c; int count=64; int end=start+len; int i,step; c=circle64; if (diameter > 128) step=1; else if (diameter > 64) step=2; else if (diameter > 16) step=4; else if (diameter > 4) step=8; else step=16; if (len > 0) { while (start < 0) { start+=1024; end+=1024; } while (end > 0) { i=0; while (i < count && c[i].fowler <= start) i+=step; while (i < count && c[i].fowler < end) { if (1< *pos || 0x+((c[i].x*diameter+128)>>8); res[*pos].y=center->y+((c[i].y*diameter+128)>>8); (*pos)+=dir; } i+=step; } end-=1024; start-=1024; } } else { while (start > 1024) { start-=1024; end-=1024; } while (end < 1024) { i=count-1; while (i >= 0 && c[i].fowler >= start) i-=step; while (i >= 0 && c[i].fowler > end) { if (1< *pos || 0x+((c[i].x*diameter+128)>>8); res[*pos].y=center->y+((c[i].y*diameter+128)>>8); (*pos)+=dir; } i-=step; } start+=1024; end+=1024; } } } static int fowler(int dy, int dx) { int adx, ady; /* Absolute Values of Dx and Dy */ int code; /* Angular Region Classification Code */ adx = (dx < 0) ? -dx : dx; /* Compute the absolute values. */ ady = (dy < 0) ? -dy : dy; code = (adx < ady) ? 1 : 0; if (dx < 0) code += 2; if (dy < 0) code += 4; switch (code) { case 0: return (dx == 0) ? 0 : 128*ady / adx; /* [ 0, 45] */ case 1: return (256 - (128*adx / ady)); /* ( 45, 90] */ case 3: return (256 + (128*adx / ady)); /* ( 90,135) */ case 2: return (512 - (128*ady / adx)); /* [135,180] */ case 6: return (512 + (128*ady / adx)); /* (180,225] */ case 7: return (768 - (128*adx / ady)); /* (225,270) */ case 5: return (768 + (128*adx / ady)); /* [270,315) */ case 4: return (1024 - (128*ady / adx));/* [315,360) */ } return 0; } struct draw_polyline_shape { int wi; int step; int fow; int dx,dy; int dxw,dyw; int l,lscale; }; struct draw_polyline_context { int prec; int ppos,npos; struct point *res; struct draw_polyline_shape shape; struct draw_polyline_shape prev_shape; }; static void draw_shape_update(struct draw_polyline_shape *shape) { shape->dxw = -(shape->dx * shape->wi * shape->lscale) / shape->l; shape->dyw = (shape->dy * shape->wi * shape->lscale) / shape->l; } static void draw_shape(struct draw_polyline_context *ctx, struct point *pnt, int wi) { int dxs,dys,lscales; int lscale=16; int l; struct draw_polyline_shape *shape=&ctx->shape; struct draw_polyline_shape *prev=&ctx->prev_shape; *prev=*shape; if (prev->wi != wi && prev->l) { prev->wi=wi; draw_shape_update(prev); } shape->wi=wi; shape->dx = (pnt[1].x - pnt[0].x); shape->dy = (pnt[1].y - pnt[0].y); if (wi > 16) shape->step=4; else if (wi > 8) shape->step=8; else shape->step=16; dxs=shape->dx*shape->dx; dys=shape->dy*shape->dy; lscales=lscale*lscale; if (dxs + dys > lscales) l = uint_sqrt(dxs+dys)*lscale; else l = uint_sqrt((dxs+dys)*lscales); shape->fow=fowler(-shape->dy, shape->dx); dbg(lvl_debug,"fow=%d",shape->fow); if (! l) l=1; if (wi*lscale > 10000) lscale=10000/wi; dbg_assert(wi*lscale <= 10000); shape->l=l; shape->lscale=lscale; shape->wi=wi; draw_shape_update(shape); } static void draw_point(struct draw_polyline_shape *shape, struct point *src, struct point *dst, int pos) { if (pos) { dst->x=(src->x*2-shape->dyw)/2; dst->y=(src->y*2-shape->dxw)/2; } else { dst->x=(src->x*2+shape->dyw)/2; dst->y=(src->y*2+shape->dxw)/2; } } static void draw_begin(struct draw_polyline_context *ctx, struct point *p) { struct draw_polyline_shape *shape=&ctx->shape; int i; for (i = 0 ; i <= 32 ; i+=shape->step) { ctx->res[ctx->ppos].x=(p->x*256+(shape->dyw*circle64[i].y)+(shape->dxw*circle64[i].x))/256; ctx->res[ctx->ppos].y=(p->y*256+(shape->dxw*circle64[i].y)-(shape->dyw*circle64[i].x))/256; ctx->ppos++; } } static int draw_middle(struct draw_polyline_context *ctx, struct point *p) { int delta=ctx->prev_shape.fow-ctx->shape.fow; if (delta > 512) delta-=1024; if (delta < -512) delta+=1024; if (delta < 16 && delta > -16) { draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->npos--], 0); draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->ppos++], 1); return 1; } dbg(lvl_debug,"delta %d",delta); if (delta > 0) { struct point pos,poso; draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &pos, 1); draw_point(&ctx->prev_shape, p, &poso, 1); if (delta >= 256) return 0; if (intersection(&pos, ctx->shape.dx, ctx->shape.dy, &poso, ctx->prev_shape.dx, ctx->prev_shape.dy, &ctx->res[ctx->ppos])) { ctx->ppos++; draw_point(&ctx->prev_shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->npos--], 0); draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->npos--], 0); return 1; } } else { struct point neg,nego; draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &neg, 0); draw_point(&ctx->prev_shape, p, &nego, 0); if (delta <= -256) return 0; if (intersection(&neg, ctx->shape.dx, ctx->shape.dy, &nego, ctx->prev_shape.dx, ctx->prev_shape.dy, &ctx->res[ctx->npos])) { ctx->npos--; draw_point(&ctx->prev_shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->ppos++], 1); draw_point(&ctx->shape, p, &ctx->res[ctx->ppos++], 1); return 1; } } return 0; } static void draw_end(struct draw_polyline_context *ctx, struct point *p) { int i; struct draw_polyline_shape *shape=&ctx->prev_shape; for (i = 0 ; i <= 32 ; i+=shape->step) { ctx->res[ctx->npos].x=(p->x*256+(shape->dyw*circle64[i].y)-(shape->dxw*circle64[i].x))/256; ctx->res[ctx->npos].y=(p->y*256+(shape->dxw*circle64[i].y)+(shape->dyw*circle64[i].x))/256; ctx->npos--; } } static void draw_init_ctx(struct draw_polyline_context *ctx, int maxpoints) { ctx->prec=1; ctx->ppos=maxpoints/2; ctx->npos=maxpoints/2-1; } static void graphics_draw_polyline_as_polygon(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pnt, int count, int *width) { int maxpoints=200; struct draw_polyline_context ctx; int i=0; int max_circle_points=20; if (count < 2) return; ctx.shape.l=0; ctx.shape.wi=0; if(maxpoints < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) ctx.res=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point)*maxpoints); else ctx.res=g_malloc(sizeof(struct point)*maxpoints); i=0; draw_init_ctx(&ctx, maxpoints); draw_shape(&ctx, pnt, *width++); draw_begin(&ctx,&pnt[0]); for (i = 1 ; i < count -1 ; i++) { draw_shape(&ctx, pnt+i, *width++); if (ctx.npos < max_circle_points || ctx.ppos >= maxpoints-max_circle_points || !draw_middle(&ctx,&pnt[i])) { draw_end(&ctx,&pnt[i]); ctx.res[ctx.npos]=ctx.res[ctx.ppos-1]; graphics_draw_polygon(gra, gc, ctx.res+ctx.npos, ctx.ppos-ctx.npos); draw_init_ctx(&ctx, maxpoints); draw_begin(&ctx,&pnt[i]); } } draw_shape(&ctx, &pnt[count-2], *width++); ctx.prev_shape=ctx.shape; draw_end(&ctx,&pnt[count-1]); ctx.res[ctx.npos]=ctx.res[ctx.ppos-1]; graphics_draw_polygon(gra, gc, ctx.res+ctx.npos, ctx.ppos-ctx.npos); if(maxpoints >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) g_free(ctx.res); } struct wpoint { int x,y,w; }; enum relative_pos { INSIDE = 0, LEFT_OF = 1, RIGHT_OF = 2, ABOVE = 4, BELOW = 8 }; static int relative_pos(struct wpoint *p, struct point_rect *r) { int relative_pos=INSIDE; if (p->x < r->lu.x) relative_pos=LEFT_OF; else if (p->x > r->rl.x) relative_pos=RIGHT_OF; if (p->y < r->lu.y) relative_pos |=ABOVE; else if (p->y > r->rl.y) relative_pos |=BELOW; return relative_pos; } static void clip_line_endoint_to_rect_edge(struct wpoint *p, int rel_pos, int dx, int dy, int dw, struct point_rect *clip_rect) { // We must cast to float to avoid integer // overflow (i.e. undefined behaviour) at high // zoom levels. if (rel_pos & LEFT_OF) { p->y+=(((float)clip_rect->lu.x)-p->x)*dy/dx; p->w+=(((float)clip_rect->lu.x)-p->x)*dw/dx; p->x=clip_rect->lu.x; } else if (rel_pos & RIGHT_OF) { p->y+=(((float)clip_rect->rl.x)-p->x)*dy/dx; p->w+=(((float)clip_rect->rl.x)-p->x)*dw/dx; p->x=clip_rect->rl.x; } else if (rel_pos & ABOVE) { p->x+=(((float)clip_rect->lu.y)-p->y)*dx/dy; p->w+=(((float)clip_rect->lu.y)-p->y)*dw/dy; p->y=clip_rect->lu.y; } else if (rel_pos & BELOW) { p->x+=(((float)clip_rect->rl.y)-p->y)*dx/dy; p->w+=(((float)clip_rect->rl.y)-p->y)*dw/dy; p->y=clip_rect->rl.y; } } enum clip_result { CLIPRES_INVISIBLE = 0, CLIPRES_VISIBLE = 1, CLIPRES_START_CLIPPED = 2, CLIPRES_END_CLIPPED = 4, }; static int clip_line(struct wpoint *p1, struct wpoint *p2, struct point_rect *clip_rect) { int rel_pos1,rel_pos2; int ret = CLIPRES_VISIBLE; int dx,dy,dw; rel_pos1=relative_pos(p1, clip_rect); if (rel_pos1!=INSIDE) ret |= CLIPRES_START_CLIPPED; rel_pos2=relative_pos(p2, clip_rect); if (rel_pos2!=INSIDE) ret |= CLIPRES_END_CLIPPED; dx=p2->x-p1->x; dy=p2->y-p1->y; dw=p2->w-p1->w; while ((rel_pos1!=INSIDE) || (rel_pos2!=INSIDE)) { if (rel_pos1 & rel_pos2) return CLIPRES_INVISIBLE; clip_line_endoint_to_rect_edge(p1, rel_pos1, dx, dy, dw, clip_rect); rel_pos1=relative_pos(p1, clip_rect); if (rel_pos1 & rel_pos2) return CLIPRES_INVISIBLE; clip_line_endoint_to_rect_edge(p2, rel_pos2, dx, dy, dw, clip_rect); rel_pos2=relative_pos(p2, clip_rect); } return ret; } /** * @brief Draw polyline on the display * * Polylines are a serie of lines connected to each other. * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param[in] pin An array of points forming the polygon * @param count_in The number of elements inside @p pin * @param[in] width An array of width matching the line starting from the corresponding @p pa (if all equal, all lines will have the same width) * @param poly A boolean indicating whether the polyline should be closed to form a polygon (only the contour of this polygon will be drawn) */ void graphics_draw_polyline_clipped(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pa, int count, int *width, int poly) { struct point *points_to_draw; int *w; struct wpoint segment_start,segment_end; int i,points_to_draw_cnt=0; int clip_result; int r_width, r_height; struct point_rect r=gra->r; if(count < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { points_to_draw=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point)*(count+1)); w=g_alloca(sizeof(int)*(count+1)); } else { points_to_draw=g_malloc(sizeof(struct point)*(count+1)); w=g_malloc(sizeof(int)*(count+1)); } r_width=r.rl.x-r.lu.x; r_height=r.rl.y-r.lu.y; // Expand clipping rect by 1/3 so wide, slanted lines do not // partially end before screen border. // Ideally we would expand by the line width here, but in 3D // mode the width is variable and needs clipping itself, so that // would get complicated. Anyway, 1/3 of screen size should be // enough... r.lu.x-=r_width/3; r.lu.y-=r_height/3; r.rl.x+=r_width/3; r.rl.y+=r_height/3; // Iterate over line segments, push them into points_to_draw // until we reach a completely invisible segment... for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if (i) { segment_start.x=pa[i-1].x; segment_start.y=pa[i-1].y; segment_start.w=width[(i-1)]; segment_end.x=pa[i].x; segment_end.y=pa[i].y; segment_end.w=width[i]; dbg(lvl_debug, "Segment: [%d, %d] - [%d, %d]...", segment_start.x, segment_start.y, segment_end.x, segment_end.y); clip_result=clip_line(&segment_start, &segment_end, &r); if (clip_result != CLIPRES_INVISIBLE) { dbg(lvl_debug, "....clipped to [%d, %d] - [%d, %d]", segment_start.x, segment_start.y, segment_end.x, segment_end.y); if ((i == 1) || (clip_result & CLIPRES_START_CLIPPED)) { points_to_draw[points_to_draw_cnt].x=segment_start.x; points_to_draw[points_to_draw_cnt].y=segment_start.y; w[points_to_draw_cnt]=segment_start.w; points_to_draw_cnt++; } points_to_draw[points_to_draw_cnt].x=segment_end.x; points_to_draw[points_to_draw_cnt].y=segment_end.y; w[points_to_draw_cnt]=segment_end.w; points_to_draw_cnt++; } if ((i == count-1) || (clip_result & CLIPRES_END_CLIPPED)) { // ... then draw the resulting polyline if (points_to_draw_cnt > 1) { if (poly) { graphics_draw_polyline_as_polygon(gra, gc, points_to_draw, points_to_draw_cnt, w); } else graphics_draw_lines(gra, gc, points_to_draw, points_to_draw_cnt); points_to_draw_cnt=0; } } } } if(count >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(points_to_draw); g_free(w); } } static int is_inside(struct point *p, struct point_rect *r, int edge) { switch(edge) { case 0: return p->x >= r->lu.x; case 1: return p->x <= r->rl.x; case 2: return p->y >= r->lu.y; case 3: return p->y <= r->rl.y; default: return 0; } } static void poly_intersection(struct point *p1, struct point *p2, struct point_rect *r, int edge, struct point *ret) { int dx=p2->x-p1->x; int dy=p2->y-p1->y; switch(edge) { case 0: ret->y=p1->y+((float)r->lu.x-p1->x)*dy/dx; ret->x=r->lu.x; break; case 1: ret->y=p1->y+((float)r->rl.x-p1->x)*dy/dx; ret->x=r->rl.x; break; case 2: ret->x=p1->x+((float)r->lu.y-p1->y)*dx/dy; ret->y=r->lu.y; break; case 3: ret->x=p1->x+((float)r->rl.y-p1->y)*dx/dy; ret->y=r->rl.y; break; } } /** * @brief clip a polygon inside a rectangle * * This function clippes a given polygon inside a rectangle. It writes the result into provided buffer. * * @param[in] r rectangle to clip into * @param[in] pin point array of input polygon * @param[in] count_in number of points in pin * @param[out] out preallocated buffer of at least count_in *8 +1 points size * @param[out] count_out size of out number of points, number of points used in out at return */ static void graphics_clip_polygon(struct point_rect * r, struct point * in, int count_in, struct point *out, int* count_out) { /* get a temp buffer to store points after one direction clipping. * since we are clipping 4 directions, result is always in out at the end*/ struct point *temp; struct point *pout; struct point *pin; int edge; int count; /* sanity check */ if((r == NULL) || (in == NULL) || (out == NULL) || (count_out == NULL) || (*count_out < count_in*8+1)) { return; } /* prepare buffers. We have two buffers that we flip over. * 1. the output buffer * 2. temp */ if (count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { temp=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point) * (count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT ? count_in*8+1:0)); } else { /* too big. Allocate a buffer (slower) */ temp=g_new(struct point, count_in*8+1); } /* use temp as first buffer. So we get the final result in out*/ pout = temp; /* start with input polygon */ pin=in; /* start with number of points of source polygon*/ count=count_in; /* clip all four directions of a rectangle */ for (edge = 0 ; edge < 4 ; edge++) { int i; /* p is first element in current buffer */ struct point *p=pin; /* s is lasst element in current buffer */ struct point *s=pin+count-1; /* nothing written yet */ *count_out=0; /* iterate all points in current buffer */ for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if (is_inside(p, r, edge)) { if (! is_inside(s, r, edge)) { struct point pi; /* current segment crosses border from outside to inside. Add crossing point with border first */ poly_intersection(s,p,r,edge,&pi); pout[(*count_out)++]=pi; } /* add point if inside */ pout[(*count_out)++]=*p; } else { if (is_inside(s, r, edge)) { struct point pi; /*current segment crosses border from inside to outside. Add crossing point with border */ poly_intersection(p,s,r,edge,&pi); pout[(*count_out)++]=pi; } /* skip point if outside */ } /* move one coordinate forward */ s=p; p++; } /* use result of last clipping for next */ count=*count_out; /* switch buffer */ if(pout == temp) { pout=out; pin=temp; } else { pin=out; pout=temp; } } /* have clipped poly in out. And number of points now in *count_out */ /* if we had to allocate the buffer, we need to free it */ if (count_in >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(temp); } return; } /** * @brief Draw a plain polygon on the display * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param[in] pin An array of points forming the polygon * @param count_in The number of elements inside @p pin */ void graphics_draw_polygon_clipped(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pin, int count_in) { struct point_rect r=gra->r; struct point *clipped; int count_out = count_in*8+1; /* prepare buffer */ if (count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { /* use on stack buffer */ clipped=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point) * (count_in < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT ? count_in*8+1:0)); } else { /* too big. allocate buffer (slower) */ clipped=g_new(struct point, count_in*8+1); } graphics_clip_polygon(&r, pin, count_in, clipped, &count_out); graphics_draw_polygon(gra, gc, clipped, count_out); /* if we had to allocate buffer, free it */ if (count_in >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(clipped); } } /** * @brief Draw a plain polygon with holes on the display * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param gc The graphics context * @param[in] pin An array of points forming the polygon * @param count_in The number of elements inside @p pin * @param hole_count The number of hole polygons to cut out * @param pcount array of [hole_count] integers giving the number of * points per hole * @param holes array of point arrays for the hole polygons */ static void graphics_draw_polygon_with_holes_clipped(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *gc, struct point *pin, int count_in, int hole_count, int* ccount, struct point **holes) { int i; struct point_rect r=gra->r; struct point *clipped; int total_count_in; int count_out; int count_used; int found_hole_count; int *found_ccount; struct point ** found_holes; int need_free; /* get total node count for polygon plus all holes */ total_count_in = count_in; for(i = 0; i < hole_count; i ++) { total_count_in += ccount[i]; } count_out = total_count_in*8+1+hole_count; /* prepare buffer for outer and all holes!*/ if (count_out < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { /* use on stack buffer */ clipped=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point) * count_out); /* no need to free on stack buffer */ need_free=0; } else { /* too big. allocate buffer (slower) */ clipped=g_new(struct point, count_out); /* remember to free this, as we change count_out soon */ need_free=1; } count_used=0; /* prepare arrays for new holes */ if(hole_count < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { found_ccount=g_alloca(sizeof(int)* hole_count); found_holes=g_alloca(sizeof(struct point*)* hole_count); } else { found_ccount=g_malloc(sizeof(int)* hole_count); found_holes=g_malloc(sizeof(struct point*)* hole_count); } found_hole_count=0; /* clip outer polygon */ graphics_clip_polygon(&r, pin, count_in, clipped, &count_out); count_used += count_out; /* clip the holes */ for (i=0; i < hole_count; i ++) { struct point* buffer = clipped + count_used; int count = total_count_in*8+1+hole_count - count_used; graphics_clip_polygon(&r, holes[i], ccount[i], buffer, &count); count_used +=count; if(count > 0) { /* only if there are points left after clipping */ found_ccount[found_hole_count]=count; found_holes[found_hole_count]=buffer; found_hole_count ++; } } /* call drawing function */ graphics_draw_polygon_with_holes(gra, gc, clipped, count_out, found_hole_count, found_ccount, found_holes); if(hole_count >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(found_ccount); g_free(found_holes); } /* if we had to allocate buffer, free it */ if (need_free) { g_free(clipped); } } static void display_context_free(struct display_context *dc) { if (dc->gc) graphics_gc_destroy(dc->gc); if (dc->gc_background) graphics_gc_destroy(dc->gc_background); if (dc->img) graphics_image_free(dc->gra, dc->img); dc->gc=NULL; dc->gc_background=NULL; dc->img=NULL; } static struct graphics_font *get_font(struct graphics *gra, int size) { if (size > 64) size=64; if (size >= gra->font_len) { gra->font=g_renew(struct graphics_font *, gra->font, size+1); while (gra->font_len <= size) gra->font[gra->font_len++]=NULL; } if (! gra->font[size]) gra->font[size]=graphics_font_new(gra, size*gra->font_size, 0); return gra->font[size]; } void graphics_draw_text_std(struct graphics *this_, int text_size, char *text, struct point *p) { struct graphics_font *font=get_font(this_, text_size); struct point bbox[4]; int i; graphics_get_text_bbox(this_, font, text, 0x10000, 0, bbox, 0); for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) { bbox[i].x+=p->x; bbox[i].y+=p->y; } graphics_draw_rectangle(this_, this_->gc[2], &bbox[1], bbox[2].x-bbox[0].x, bbox[0].y-bbox[1].y+5); graphics_draw_text(this_, this_->gc[1], this_->gc[2], font, text, p, 0x10000, 0); } char *graphics_icon_path(const char *icon) { static char *navit_sharedir; char *ret=NULL; struct file_wordexp *wordexp=NULL; dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %s",icon); if (strchr(icon, '$')) { wordexp=file_wordexp_new(icon); if (file_wordexp_get_count(wordexp)) icon=file_wordexp_get_array(wordexp)[0]; } if (strchr(icon,'/')) ret=g_strdup(icon); else { #ifdef HAVE_API_ANDROID ret=g_strdup_printf("res/drawable/%s",icon); #else if (! navit_sharedir) navit_sharedir = getenv("NAVIT_SHAREDIR"); ret=g_strdup_printf("%s/icons/%s", navit_sharedir, icon); #endif } if (wordexp) file_wordexp_destroy(wordexp); return ret; } char *graphics_texture_path(const char *texture) { static char *navit_sharedir; char *ret=NULL; struct file_wordexp *wordexp=NULL; dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %s",texture); if (strchr(texture, '$')) { wordexp=file_wordexp_new(texture); if (file_wordexp_get_count(wordexp)) texture=file_wordexp_get_array(wordexp)[0]; } if (strchr(texture,'/')) ret=g_strdup(texture); else { #ifdef HAVE_API_ANDROID //TODO: Fix path for textures on android. Leave the same as for icons for now // ret=g_strdup_printf("res/drawable/%s",texture); #else if (! navit_sharedir) navit_sharedir = getenv("NAVIT_SHAREDIR"); ret=g_strdup_printf("%s/textures/%s", navit_sharedir, texture); #endif } if (wordexp) file_wordexp_destroy(wordexp); return ret; } static int limit_count(struct coord *c, int count) { int i; for (i = 1 ; i < count ; i++) { if (c[i].x == c[0].x && c[i].y == c[0].y) return i+1; } return count; } /** * @brief Draw a multi-line text next to a specified point @p pref * * @param gra The graphics instance on which to draw * @param fg The graphics color to use to draw the text * @param bg The graphics background color to use to draw the text * @param font The font to use to draw the text * @param pref The position to draw the text (draw at the right and vertically aligned relatively to this point) * @param label The text to draw (may contain '\n' for multiline text, if so lines will be stacked vertically) * @param line_spacing The delta between each line (set its value at to least the font text size, to be readable) */ static void multiline_label_draw(struct graphics *gra, struct graphics_gc *fg, struct graphics_gc *bg, struct graphics_font *font, struct point pref, const char *label, int line_spacing) { char *input_label=g_strdup(label); char *label_lines[10]; /* Max 10 lines of text */ int label_nblines=0; int label_linepos=0; char *startline=input_label; char *endline=startline; while (endline && *endline!='\0') { while (*endline!='\0' && *endline!='\n') { /* Search for new line */ endline=g_utf8_next_char(endline); } if (*endline=='\0') endline=NULL; /* This means we reached the end of string */ if (endline) /* Test if we got a new line character ('\n') */ *endline='\0'; /* Terminate string at line ('\n') and print this line */ label_lines[label_nblines++]=startline; if (endline==NULL) /* endline is NULL, this was the last line of the multi-line string */ break; endline++; /* No need for g_utf8_next_char() here, as we know '\n' is a single byte UTF-8 char */ startline=endline; /* Start processing next line, by setting startline to its first character */ } if (label_nblines>(sizeof(label_lines)/sizeof(char *))) { /* Does label_nblines overflows the number of entries in array label_lines? */ dbg(lvl_warning,"Too many lines (%d) in label \"%s\", truncating to %lu", label_nblines, label, sizeof(label_lines)/sizeof(char *)); label_nblines=sizeof(label_lines)/sizeof(char *); } /* Horizontally, we position the label next to the specified point (on the right handside) */ pref.x+=1; /* Vertically, we center the text with respect to specified point */ pref.y-=(label_nblines*line_spacing)/2; /* Parse all stored lines, and display them */ for (label_linepos=0; label_lineposcount = 0; out->ccount=NULL; out->coords=NULL; if((in != NULL) && (in->count > 0)) { int a, transform_res; /* alloc space for hole conversion. To be freed with displayitem_free_holes later*/ out->count = in->count; out->ccount = g_malloc0(sizeof(*(out->ccount)) * in->count); out->coords = g_malloc0(sizeof(*(out->coords)) * in->count); for(a = 0; a < in->count; a ++) { int buf_size=sizeof(*(out->coords[a])) * in->ccount[a]; in->ccount[a]=limit_count(in->coords[a], in->ccount[a]); out->coords[a]=g_malloc0(buf_size); transform_res=transform_point_buf(trans, pro, in->coords[a], (struct point *)(out->coords[a]), buf_size, in->ccount[a], mindist, 0, NULL); /* if we did not have enough buf space for transfrom_point_buf, we try again with double the buffer size, until we succeed. */ while (transform_res == TRANSFORM_ERR_BUF_SPACE) { buf_size *= 2; out->coords[a] = g_realloc(out->coords[a], buf_size); transform_res=transform_point_buf(trans, pro, in->coords[a], (struct point *)(out->coords[a]), buf_size, in->ccount[a], mindist, 0, NULL); } out->ccount[a] = transform_res; } } } /** * @brief free hole structure allocated by displayitem_transform_holes * * @param holes structure to deallocate */ static void displayitem_free_holes(struct displayitem_poly_holes * holes) { if(holes == NULL) return; if(holes->count > 0) { int a; for(a=0; a < holes->count; a ++) { g_free(holes->coords[a]); } g_free(holes->ccount); g_free(holes->coords); } } static inline void displayitem_draw_polygon (struct display_context * dc, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count, struct displayitem_poly_holes * holes) { /* Set texture if any, and supported by graphics */ if((graphics_gc_has_texture(dc->gc)) && (dc->e->u.polygon.src != NULL)) { char * path; struct graphics_image * texture; path=graphics_texture_path(dc->e->u.polygon.src); texture = graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(gra, path, dc->e->u.polygon.width, dc->e->u.polygon.height, dc->e->u.polygon.rotation); g_free(path); if(texture != NULL) graphics_gc_set_texture(dc->gc, texture); } if((holes != NULL) && (holes->count > 0)) graphics_draw_polygon_with_holes_clipped(gra, dc->gc, pa, count, holes->count, holes->ccount, (struct point **)holes->coords); else graphics_draw_polygon_clipped(gra, dc->gc, pa, count); } static inline void displayitem_draw_polyline(struct display_context * dc, struct element * e, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count, int *width) { int i; graphics_gc_set_linewidth(dc->gc, 1); if (e->u.polyline.width > 0 && e->u.polyline.dash_num > 0) graphics_gc_set_dashes(dc->gc, e->u.polyline.width, e->u.polyline.offset, e->u.polyline.dash_table, e->u.polyline.dash_num); for (i = 0 ; i < count ; i++) { if (width[i] < 2) width[i]=2; } graphics_draw_polyline_clipped(gra, dc->gc, pa, count, width, e->u.polyline.width > 1); } static inline void displayitem_draw_circle(struct displayitem *di,struct display_context *dc, struct element * e, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count) { if (count) { if (e->u.circle.width > 1) graphics_gc_set_linewidth(dc->gc, e->u.polyline.width); graphics_draw_circle(gra, dc->gc, pa, e->u.circle.radius); if (di->label && e->text_size) { struct graphics_font *font=get_font(gra, e->text_size); struct graphics_gc *gc_background=dc->gc_background; if (! gc_background && e->u.circle.background_color.a) { gc_background=graphics_gc_new(gra); graphics_gc_set_foreground(gc_background, &e->u.circle.background_color); dc->gc_background=gc_background; } if (font) { struct point p; /* Set p to the center of the circle */ p.x=pa[0].x+(e->u.circle.radius/2); p.y=pa[0].y+(e->u.circle.radius/2); multiline_label_draw(gra, dc->gc, gc_background, font, p, di->label, e->text_size+1); } else dbg(lvl_error,"Failed to get font with size %d",e->text_size); } } } static inline void displayitem_draw_text(struct displayitem *di,struct display_context *dc, struct element * e, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count, struct displayitem_poly_holes * holes) { if (count && di->label) { struct graphics_font *font=get_font(gra, e->text_size); struct graphics_gc *gc_background=dc->gc_background; if (! gc_background && e->u.text.background_color.a) { gc_background=graphics_gc_new(gra); graphics_gc_set_foreground(gc_background, &e->u.text.background_color); dc->gc_background=gc_background; } if (font) { int a; label_line(gra, dc->gc, gc_background, font, pa, count, di->label); if(holes != NULL) { for(a = 0; a < holes->count; a ++) label_line(gra, dc->gc, gc_background, font, (struct point *)holes->coords[a], holes->ccount[a], di->label); } } else dbg(lvl_error,"Failed to get font with size %d",e->text_size); } } static inline void displayitem_draw_icon(struct displayitem *di,struct display_context *dc, struct element * e, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count, struct layout * l) { if (count) { struct graphics_image *img=dc->img; if (!img || item_is_custom_poi(di->item)) { int icon_width = e->u.icon.width; int icon_height = e->u.icon.height; char *path; /* get the standard icon size out of the layout if unset */ if(l != NULL) { if(icon_height==-1) icon_height=l->icon_h; if(icon_width==-1) icon_width=l->icon_w; } if (item_is_custom_poi(di->item)) { char *icon; char *src; if (img) graphics_image_free(dc->gra, img); src=e->u.icon.src; if (!src || !src[0]) src="%s"; icon=g_strdup_printf(src,di->label+strlen(di->label)+1); path=graphics_icon_path(icon); g_free(icon); } else path=graphics_icon_path(e->u.icon.src); img=graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(gra, path, icon_width, icon_height, e->u.icon.rotation); if (img) dc->img=img; else dbg(lvl_debug,"failed to load icon '%s'", path); g_free(path); } if (img) { struct point p; if (e->u.icon.x != -1 || e->u.icon.y != -1) { p.x=pa[0].x - e->u.icon.x; p.y=pa[0].y - e->u.icon.y; } else { p.x=pa[0].x - img->hot.x; p.y=pa[0].y - img->hot.y; } graphics_draw_image(gra, gra->gc[0], &p, img); } } } static inline void displayitem_draw_image (struct displayitem *di, struct display_context *dc, struct graphics * gra, struct point * pa, int count) { dbg(lvl_debug,"image: '%s'", di->label); struct graphics_image *img=dc->img; if (gra->meth.draw_image_warp) { img=graphics_image_new_scaled_rotated(gra, di->label, IMAGE_W_H_UNSET, IMAGE_W_H_UNSET, 0); if (img) graphics_draw_image_warp(gra, gra->gc[0], pa, count, img); } else dbg(lvl_error,"draw_image_warp not supported by graphics driver drawing '%s'", di->label); } /** * @brief Draw a displayitem element * * This function will invoke the appropriate draw primitive depending on the type of the element to draw * * @brief di The displayitem to draw * @brief l current layout for getting defaults and underground alpha * @brief dc The display_context to use to draw items */ static void displayitem_draw(struct displayitem *di, struct layout *l, struct display_context *dc) { int *width; int limit=0; struct point *pa; struct graphics *gra=dc->gra; struct element *e=dc->e; int draw_underground=0; long pa_buf_size=sizeof(struct point)*dc->maxlen; if (dc->maxlen < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { width=g_alloca(sizeof(int)*dc->maxlen); pa=g_alloca(pa_buf_size); } else { width=g_malloc(sizeof(int)*dc->maxlen); pa=g_malloc(pa_buf_size); } while (di) { int count=di->count,mindist=dc->mindist; struct displayitem_poly_holes t_holes; t_holes.count=0; di->z_order=++(gra->current_z_order); /* Skip elements that are to be drawn on oneway streets only * if street is not oneway or roundabout */ if((e->oneway) && ((!(di->flags & AF_ONEWAY)) || (di->flags & AF_ROUNDABOUT))) { di=di->next; continue; } if (! dc->gc) { struct graphics_gc * gc=graphics_gc_new(gra); dc->gc=gc; graphics_gc_set_foreground(dc->gc, &e->color); } /* If the element id flagged AF_UNDERGROUND, we apply predefined transparenc to it if * it's not the text. */ if((di->flags & AF_UNDERGROUND) && (dc->e->type != element_text)) { if(!draw_underground) { struct color fg_color = e->color; fg_color.a= (l != NULL) ? l->underground_alpha: UNDERGROUND_ALPHA_; graphics_gc_set_foreground(dc->gc, &fg_color); draw_underground=1; } } else { if(draw_underground) { graphics_gc_set_foreground(dc->gc, &e->color); draw_underground=0; } } if (item_type_is_area(dc->type) && (dc->e->type == element_polyline || dc->e->type == element_text)) limit = 0; displayitem_transform_holes(dc->trans, dc->pro, di->holes, &t_holes, mindist); if (limit) count=limit_count(di->c, count); if (dc->type == type_poly_water_tiled) mindist=0; if (dc->e->type == element_polyline) count=transform_point_buf(dc->trans, dc->pro, di->c, pa, pa_buf_size, count, mindist, e->u.polyline.width, width); else if (dc->e->type == element_arrows) count=transform_point_buf(dc->trans, dc->pro, di->c, pa, pa_buf_size, count, mindist, e->u.arrows.width, width); else if (dc->e->type == element_spikes) count=transform_point_buf(dc->trans, dc->pro, di->c, pa, pa_buf_size, count, mindist, e->u.spikes.width, width); else count=transform_point_buf(dc->trans, dc->pro, di->c, pa, pa_buf_size, count, mindist, 0, NULL); switch (e->type) { case element_polygon: displayitem_draw_polygon(dc, gra, pa, count, &t_holes); break; case element_polyline: displayitem_draw_polyline(dc, e, gra, pa, count, width); break; case element_circle: displayitem_draw_circle(di, dc, e, gra, pa, count); break; case element_text: displayitem_draw_text(di, dc, e, gra, pa, count, &t_holes); break; case element_icon: displayitem_draw_icon(di, dc, e, gra, pa, count, l); break; case element_image: displayitem_draw_image (di, dc, gra, pa, count); break; case element_arrows: display_draw_arrows(gra,dc,pa,count, width, e->oneway); break; case element_spikes: display_draw_spikes(gra,dc,pa,count, width, e->u.spikes.distance); break; default: dbg(lvl_error, "Unhandled element type %d", e->type); } /* free space allocated for holes */ displayitem_free_holes(&t_holes); di=di->next; } if (dc->maxlen >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(width); g_free(pa); } } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void xdisplay_draw_elements(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *display_list, struct itemgra *itm, struct layout * l) { struct element *e; GList *es,*types; struct display_context *dc=&display_list->dc; struct hash_entry *entry; es=itm->elements; while (es) { e=es->data; dc->e=e; types=itm->type; while (types) { dc->type=GPOINTER_TO_INT(types->data); entry=get_hash_entry(display_list, dc->type); if (entry && entry->di) { displayitem_draw(entry->di, l, dc); display_context_free(dc); } types=g_list_next(types); } es=g_list_next(es); } } void graphics_draw_itemgra(struct graphics *gra, struct itemgra *itm, struct transformation *t, char *label) { GList *es; struct display_context dc; int max_coord=32; char *buffer; struct displayitem *di; if (max_coord < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { buffer=g_alloca(sizeof(struct displayitem)+max_coord*sizeof(struct coord)); } else { buffer=g_malloc(sizeof(struct displayitem)+max_coord*sizeof(struct coord)); } di=(struct displayitem *)buffer; es=itm->elements; di->item.type=type_none; di->item.id_hi=0; di->item.id_lo=0; di->item.map=NULL; di->z_order=0; di->label=label; di->holes=NULL; dc.gra=gra; dc.gc=NULL; dc.gc_background=NULL; dc.img=NULL; dc.pro=projection_screen; dc.mindist=0; dc.trans=t; dc.type=type_none; dc.maxlen=max_coord; while (es) { struct element *e=es->data; if (e->coord_count) { if (e->coord_count > max_coord) { dbg(lvl_error,"maximum number of coords reached: %d > %d",e->coord_count,max_coord); di->count=max_coord; } else di->count=e->coord_count; memcpy(di->c, e->coord, di->count*sizeof(struct coord)); } else { di->c[0].x=0; di->c[0].y=0; di->count=1; } dc.e=e; di->next=NULL; displayitem_draw(di, NULL, &dc); display_context_free(&dc); es=g_list_next(es); } if (max_coord >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(buffer); } } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void xdisplay_draw_layer(struct displaylist *display_list, struct graphics *gra, struct layer *lay, int order, struct layout * l) { GList *itms; struct itemgra *itm; itms=lay->itemgras; while (itms) { itm=itms->data; if (order >= itm->order.min && order <= itm->order.max) xdisplay_draw_elements(gra, display_list, itm, l); itms=g_list_next(itms); } } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static void xdisplay_draw(struct displaylist *display_list, struct graphics *gra, struct layout *l, int order) { GList *lays; struct layer *lay; gra->current_z_order=0; lays=l->layers; while (lays) { lay=lays->data; if (lay->active) { if (lay->ref) lay=lay->ref; xdisplay_draw_layer(display_list, gra, lay, order, l); } lays=g_list_next(lays); } } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ extern void *route_selection; static void displaylist_update_layers(struct displaylist *displaylist, GList *layers, int order) { while (layers) { struct layer *layer=layers->data; GList *itemgras; if (layer->ref) layer=layer->ref; itemgras=layer->itemgras; while (itemgras) { struct itemgra *itemgra=itemgras->data; GList *types=itemgra->type; if (itemgra->order.min <= order && itemgra->order.max >= order) { while (types) { enum item_type type=(enum item_type) types->data; set_hash_entry(displaylist, type); types=g_list_next(types); } } itemgras=g_list_next(itemgras); } layers=g_list_next(layers); } } static void displaylist_update_hash(struct displaylist *displaylist) { displaylist->max_offset=0; clear_hash(displaylist); displaylist_update_layers(displaylist, displaylist->layout->layers, displaylist->order); dbg(lvl_debug,"max offset %d",displaylist->max_offset); } /** * @brief Returns selection structure based on displaylist transform, projection and order. * Use this function to get map selection if you are going to fetch complete item data from the map based on displayitem reference. * @param displaylist * @returns Pointer to selection structure */ struct map_selection *displaylist_get_selection(struct displaylist *displaylist) { return transform_get_selection(displaylist->dc.trans, displaylist->dc.pro, displaylist->order); } /** * @brief Compare displayitems based on their zorder values. * Use with g_list_insert_sorted to sort less shaded items to be before more shaded ones in the result list. */ static int displaylist_cmp_zorder(const struct displayitem *a, const struct displayitem *b) { if(a->z_order>b->z_order) return -1; if(a->z_orderz_order) return 1; return 0; } /** * @brief Returns list of displayitems clicked at given coordinates. The deeper item is in current layout, the deeper it will be in the list. * @param displaylist * @param p clicked point * @param radius radius of clicked area * @returns GList of displayitems */ GList *displaylist_get_clicked_list(struct displaylist *displaylist, struct point *p, int radius) { GList *l=NULL; struct displayitem *di; struct displaylist_handle *dlh=graphics_displaylist_open(displaylist); while ((di=graphics_displaylist_next(dlh))) { if (di->z_order>0 && graphics_displayitem_within_dist(displaylist, di, p,radius)) l=g_list_insert_sorted(l,(gpointer) di, (GCompareFunc) displaylist_cmp_zorder); } graphics_displaylist_close(dlh); return l; } static void do_draw(struct displaylist *displaylist, int cancel, int flags) { struct item *item; int count,max=displaylist->dc.maxlen,workload=0; int used=0; struct coord *ca; struct attr attr,attr2; enum projection pro; int need_free=0; if (max < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { ca=g_alloca(sizeof(struct coord)*max); need_free=0; } else { ca=g_malloc(sizeof(struct coord)*max); need_free=1; } if (displaylist->order != displaylist->order_hashed || displaylist->layout != displaylist->layout_hashed) { displaylist_update_hash(displaylist); displaylist->order_hashed=displaylist->order; displaylist->layout_hashed=displaylist->layout; } profile(0,NULL); pro=transform_get_projection(displaylist->dc.trans); while (!cancel) { if (!displaylist->msh) displaylist->msh=mapset_open(displaylist->ms); if (!displaylist->m) { displaylist->m=mapset_next(displaylist->msh, 1); if (!displaylist->m) { mapset_close(displaylist->msh); displaylist->msh=NULL; break; } displaylist->dc.pro=map_projection(displaylist->m); displaylist->conv=map_requires_conversion(displaylist->m); if (route_selection) displaylist->sel=route_selection; else displaylist->sel=displaylist_get_selection(displaylist); displaylist->mr=map_rect_new(displaylist->m, displaylist->sel); } if (displaylist->mr) { while ((item=map_rect_get_item(displaylist->mr))) { int label_count=0; char *labels[2]; struct hash_entry *entry; int coords_left; if (item == &busy_item) { if (displaylist->workload) { if (need_free) { g_free(ca); } return; } else continue; } entry=get_hash_entry(displaylist, item->type); if (!entry) continue; count=item_coord_get_within_selection(item, ca, item->type < type_line ? 1: max, displaylist->sel); /* abort if no coordinates within selection at all */ if (! count) continue; /* handle overflow */ if (count == max) { /* get required space */ item_coord_rewind(item); coords_left=item_coords_left(item); /* increase to required space, or double space if we couldn't get required space */ if(coords_left > 0) { displaylist->dc.maxlen=(coords_left+2); } else { displaylist->dc.maxlen=max*2; } dbg(lvl_error,"point count overflow %d for %s "ITEM_ID_FMT". Increase to %d", count,item_to_name(item->type), ITEM_ID_ARGS(*item), displaylist->dc.maxlen); /* remember the new maximum */ max=displaylist->dc.maxlen; /* get more memory */ if(need_free) g_free(ca); ca=g_malloc(sizeof(struct coord)*(displaylist->dc.maxlen)); need_free=1; /* try again to get coordinates */ item_coord_rewind(item); count=item_coord_get_within_selection(item, ca, item->type < type_line ? 1: max, displaylist->sel); /* check if we got valid coordinates in second attempt. If not don't try to draw this at all */ if(count <= 0) { continue; } } /* transform the coordinates */ if (displaylist->dc.pro != pro) transform_from_to_count(ca, displaylist->dc.pro, ca, pro, count); /* remember the peak coordinates actually used */ if(used < count) used=count; if (item_is_custom_poi(*item)) { if (item_attr_get(item, attr_icon_src, &attr2)) labels[1]=map_convert_string(displaylist->m, attr2.u.str); else labels[1]=NULL; label_count=2; } else { labels[1]=NULL; label_count=0; } if (item_attr_get(item, attr_label, &attr)) { labels[0]=attr.u.str; if (!label_count) label_count=2; } else labels[0]=NULL; if (displaylist->conv && label_count) { labels[0]=map_convert_string(displaylist->m, labels[0]); display_add(entry, item, count, ca, labels, label_count); map_convert_free(labels[0]); } else display_add(entry, item, count, ca, labels, label_count); if (labels[1]) map_convert_free(labels[1]); workload++; if (workload == displaylist->workload) { if (need_free) { g_free(ca); } return; } } map_rect_destroy(displaylist->mr); } if (!route_selection) map_selection_destroy(displaylist->sel); displaylist->mr=NULL; displaylist->sel=NULL; displaylist->m=NULL; } profile(1,"process_selection\n"); if (displaylist->idle_ev) event_remove_idle(displaylist->idle_ev); displaylist->idle_ev=NULL; callback_destroy(displaylist->idle_cb); displaylist->idle_cb=NULL; displaylist->busy=0; graphics_process_selection(displaylist->dc.gra, displaylist); profile(1,"draw\n"); if (! cancel) graphics_displaylist_draw(displaylist->dc.gra, displaylist, displaylist->dc.trans, displaylist->layout, flags); map_rect_destroy(displaylist->mr); if (!route_selection) map_selection_destroy(displaylist->sel); mapset_close(displaylist->msh); displaylist->mr=NULL; displaylist->sel=NULL; displaylist->m=NULL; displaylist->msh=NULL; profile(1,"callback\n"); callback_call_1(displaylist->cb, cancel); /* check if we can shrink item buffer next time */ if((displaylist->dc.maxlen > ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) && (used < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT)) { dbg(lvl_debug, "Shrink memory. %d actually used", used); displaylist->dc.maxlen=ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT; } /* clean up if required */ if (need_free) { g_free(ca); } profile(0,"end\n"); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_displaylist_draw(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *displaylist, struct transformation *trans, struct layout *l, int flags) { int order=transform_get_order(trans); if(displaylist->dc.trans && displaylist->dc.trans!=trans) transform_destroy(displaylist->dc.trans); if(displaylist->dc.trans!=trans) displaylist->dc.trans=transform_dup(trans); displaylist->dc.gra=gra; displaylist->dc.mindist=flags&512?15:2; // FIXME find a better place to set the background color if (l) { graphics_gc_set_background(gra->gc[0], &l->color); graphics_gc_set_foreground(gra->gc[0], &l->color); g_free(gra->default_font); gra->default_font = g_strdup(l->font); } graphics_background_gc(gra, gra->gc[0]); if (flags & 1) callback_list_call_attr_0(gra->cbl, attr_predraw); graphics_draw_mode(gra, (flags & 8)?draw_mode_begin_clear:draw_mode_begin); if (!(flags & 2)) graphics_draw_rectangle(gra, gra->gc[0], &gra->r.lu, gra->r.rl.x-gra->r.lu.x, gra->r.rl.y-gra->r.lu.y); if (l) { order+=l->order_delta; xdisplay_draw(displaylist, gra, l, order>0?order:0); } if (flags & 1) callback_list_call_attr_0(gra->cbl, attr_postdraw); if (!(flags & 4)) graphics_draw_mode(gra, draw_mode_end); } static void graphics_load_mapset(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *displaylist, struct mapset *mapset, struct transformation *trans, struct layout *l, int async, struct callback *cb, int flags) { int order=transform_get_order(trans); dbg(lvl_debug,"enter"); if (displaylist->busy) { if (async == 1) return; do_draw(displaylist, 1, flags); } xdisplay_free(displaylist); dbg(lvl_debug,"order=%d", order); displaylist->dc.gra=gra; displaylist->ms=mapset; if(displaylist->dc.trans && displaylist->dc.trans!=trans) transform_destroy(displaylist->dc.trans); if(displaylist->dc.trans!=trans) displaylist->dc.trans=transform_dup(trans); displaylist->workload=async ? 100 : 0; displaylist->cb=cb; displaylist->seq++; if (l) order+=l->order_delta; displaylist->order=order>0?order:0; displaylist->busy=1; displaylist->layout=l; if (async) { if (! displaylist->idle_cb) displaylist->idle_cb=callback_new_3(callback_cast(do_draw), displaylist, 0, flags); displaylist->idle_ev=event_add_idle(50, displaylist->idle_cb); } else do_draw(displaylist, 0, flags); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_draw(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *displaylist, struct mapset *mapset, struct transformation *trans, struct layout *l, int async, struct callback *cb, int flags) { graphics_load_mapset(gra, displaylist, mapset, trans, l, async, cb, flags); } int graphics_draw_cancel(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *displaylist) { if (!displaylist->busy) return 0; do_draw(displaylist, 1, 0); return 1; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct displaylist_handle { struct displaylist *dl; struct displayitem *di; int hashidx; }; /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct displaylist_handle * graphics_displaylist_open(struct displaylist *displaylist) { struct displaylist_handle *ret; ret=g_new0(struct displaylist_handle, 1); ret->dl=displaylist; return ret; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct displayitem * graphics_displaylist_next(struct displaylist_handle *dlh) { struct displayitem *ret; if (!dlh) return NULL; for (;;) { if (dlh->di) { ret=dlh->di; dlh->di=ret->next; break; } if (dlh->hashidx == HASH_SIZE) { ret=NULL; break; } if (dlh->dl->hash_entries[dlh->hashidx].type) dlh->di=dlh->dl->hash_entries[dlh->hashidx].di; dlh->hashidx++; } return ret; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ void graphics_displaylist_close(struct displaylist_handle *dlh) { g_free(dlh); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct displaylist * graphics_displaylist_new(void) { struct displaylist *ret=g_new0(struct displaylist, 1); ret->dc.maxlen=ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT; return ret; } void graphics_displaylist_destroy(struct displaylist *displaylist) { if(displaylist->dc.trans) transform_destroy(displaylist->dc.trans); g_free(displaylist); } /** * Get the map item which given displayitem is based on. * NOTE: returned structure doesn't contain any attributes or coordinates. type, map, idhi and idlow seem to be the only useable members. * @param di pointer to displayitem structure * @returns Pointer to struct item * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ struct item * graphics_displayitem_get_item(struct displayitem *di) { return &di->item; } /** * Get the number of this item as it was last displayed on the screen, dependent of current layout. Items with lower numbers * are shaded by items with higher ones when they overlap. Zero means item was not displayed at all. If the item is displayed twice, its topmost * occurence is used. * @param di pointer to displayitem structure * @returns z-order of current item. */ int graphics_displayitem_get_z_order(struct displayitem *di) { return di->z_order; } int graphics_displayitem_get_coord_count(struct displayitem *di) { return di->count; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ char * graphics_displayitem_get_label(struct displayitem *di) { return di->label; } int graphics_displayitem_get_displayed(struct displayitem *di) { return 1; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static int within_dist_point(struct point *p0, struct point *p1, int dist) { if (p0->x == 32767 || p0->y == 32767 || p1->x == 32767 || p1->y == 32767) return 0; if (p0->x == -32768 || p0->y == -32768 || p1->x == -32768 || p1->y == -32768) return 0; if ((p0->x-p1->x)*(p0->x-p1->x) + (p0->y-p1->y)*(p0->y-p1->y) <= dist*dist) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static int within_dist_line(struct point *p, struct point *line_p0, struct point *line_p1, int dist) { int vx,vy,wx,wy; int c1,c2; struct point line_p; if (line_p0->x < line_p1->x) { if (p->x < line_p0->x - dist) return 0; if (p->x > line_p1->x + dist) return 0; } else { if (p->x < line_p1->x - dist) return 0; if (p->x > line_p0->x + dist) return 0; } if (line_p0->y < line_p1->y) { if (p->y < line_p0->y - dist) return 0; if (p->y > line_p1->y + dist) return 0; } else { if (p->y < line_p1->y - dist) return 0; if (p->y > line_p0->y + dist) return 0; } vx=line_p1->x-line_p0->x; vy=line_p1->y-line_p0->y; wx=p->x-line_p0->x; wy=p->y-line_p0->y; c1=vx*wx+vy*wy; if ( c1 <= 0 ) return within_dist_point(p, line_p0, dist); c2=vx*vx+vy*vy; if ( c2 <= c1 ) return within_dist_point(p, line_p1, dist); line_p.x=line_p0->x+vx*c1/c2; line_p.y=line_p0->y+vy*c1/c2; return within_dist_point(p, &line_p, dist); } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static int within_dist_polyline(struct point *p, struct point *line_pnt, int count, int dist, int close) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < count-1 ; i++) { if (within_dist_line(p,line_pnt+i,line_pnt+i+1,dist)) { return 1; } } if (close) return (within_dist_line(p,line_pnt,line_pnt+count-1,dist)); return 0; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ static int within_dist_polygon(struct point *p, struct point *poly_pnt, int count, int dist) { int i, j, c = 0; for (i = 0, j = count-1; i < count; j = i++) { if ((((poly_pnt[i].y <= p->y) && ( p->y < poly_pnt[j].y )) || ((poly_pnt[j].y <= p->y) && ( p->y < poly_pnt[i].y))) && (p->x < (poly_pnt[j].x - poly_pnt[i].x) * (p->y - poly_pnt[i].y) / (poly_pnt[j].y - poly_pnt[i].y) + poly_pnt[i].x)) c = !c; } if (! c) return within_dist_polyline(p, poly_pnt, count, dist, 1); return c; } /** * FIXME * @param <> * @returns <> * @author Martin Schaller (04/2008) */ int graphics_displayitem_within_dist(struct displaylist *displaylist, struct displayitem *di, struct point *p, int dist) { int result; struct point *pa; int count; long pa_buf_size=sizeof(struct point)*displaylist->dc.maxlen; if (displaylist->dc.maxlen < ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { pa=g_alloca(pa_buf_size); } else { pa=g_malloc(pa_buf_size); } count=transform_point_buf(displaylist->dc.trans, displaylist->dc.pro, di->c, pa, pa_buf_size, di->count, 0, 0, NULL); if (di->item.type < type_line) { result = within_dist_point(p, &pa[0], dist); } else if (di->item.type < type_area) { result = within_dist_polyline(p, pa, count, dist, 0); } else result = within_dist_polygon(p, pa, count, dist); if (displaylist->dc.maxlen >= ALLOCA_COORD_LIMIT) { g_free(pa); } return result; } static void graphics_process_selection_item(struct displaylist *dl, struct item *item) { #if 0 /* FIXME */ struct displayitem di,*di_res; GHashTable *h; int count,max=dl->dc.maxlen; struct coord ca[max]; struct attr attr; struct map_rect *mr; di.item=*item; di.label=NULL; di.count=0; h=g_hash_table_lookup(dl->dl, GINT_TO_POINTER(di.item.type)); if (h) { di_res=g_hash_table_lookup(h, &di); if (di_res) { di.item.type=(enum item_type)item->priv_data; display_add(dl, &di.item, di_res->count, di_res->c, NULL, 0); return; } } mr=map_rect_new(item->map, NULL); item=map_rect_get_item_byid(mr, item->id_hi, item->id_lo); count=item_coord_get(item, ca, item->type < type_line ? 1: max); if (!item_attr_get(item, attr_label, &attr)) attr.u.str=NULL; if (dl->conv && attr.u.str && attr.u.str[0]) { char *str=map_convert_string(item->map, attr.u.str); display_add(dl, item, count, ca, &str, 1); map_convert_free(str); } else display_add(dl, item, count, ca, &attr.u.str, 1); map_rect_destroy(mr); #endif } void graphics_add_selection(struct graphics *gra, struct item *item, enum item_type type, struct displaylist *dl) { struct item *item_dup=g_new(struct item, 1); *item_dup=*item; item_dup->priv_data=(void *)type; gra->selection=g_list_append(gra->selection, item_dup); if (dl) graphics_process_selection_item(dl, item_dup); } void graphics_remove_selection(struct graphics *gra, struct item *item, enum item_type type, struct displaylist *dl) { GList *curr; int found; for (;;) { curr=gra->selection; found=0; while (curr) { struct item *sitem=curr->data; if (item_is_equal(*item,*sitem)) { #if 0 /* FIXME */ if (dl) { struct displayitem di; GHashTable *h; di.item=*sitem; di.label=NULL; di.count=0; di.item.type=type; h=g_hash_table_lookup(dl->dl, GINT_TO_POINTER(di.item.type)); if (h) g_hash_table_remove(h, &di); } #endif g_free(sitem); gra->selection=g_list_remove(gra->selection, curr->data); found=1; break; } } if (!found) return; } } void graphics_clear_selection(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *dl) { while (gra->selection) { struct item *item=(struct item *)gra->selection->data; graphics_remove_selection(gra, item, (enum item_type)item->priv_data,dl); } } static void graphics_process_selection(struct graphics *gra, struct displaylist *dl) { GList *curr; curr=gra->selection; while (curr) { struct item *item=curr->data; graphics_process_selection_item(dl, item); curr=g_list_next(curr); } } /** * @brief get display resolution in DPI * This method returns the native display density in DPI * @param gra graphics handle * @returns dpi value. May be fraction therefore double. */ navit_float graphics_get_dpi(struct graphics *gra) { if (!gra->meth.get_dpi) return 0; return gra->meth.get_dpi(gra->priv); }