/* graphics_sdl.c -- barebones sdl graphics layer copyright (c) 2008 bryan rittmeyer license: GPLv2 TODO: - dashed lines - proper image transparency (libsdl-image xpm does not work) - valgrind revision history: 2008-06-01 initial 2008-06-15 SDL_DOUBLEBUF+SDL_Flip for linux fb. fix FT leaks. 2008-06-18 defer initial resize_callback 2008-06-21 linux touchscreen 2008-07-04 custom rastering */ #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "debug.h" #include "point.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "color.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "window.h" #include "navit.h" #include "keys.h" #include "item.h" #include "attr.h" #include "callback.h" #include "font/freetype/font_freetype.h" #include "SDL.h" #include #ifdef USE_WEBOS # include "vehicle.h" # include # define USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER #endif #ifdef USE_WEBOS #define DISPLAY_W 0 #define DISPLAY_H 0 #else #define DISPLAY_W 800 #define DISPLAY_H 600 #endif #define OVERLAY_MAX 32 #include "raster.h" #include #include "SDL_image.h" #include /* TODO: union overlay + non-overlay to reduce size */ struct graphics_priv; struct graphics_priv { SDL_Surface *screen; int aa; /* video modes */ uint32_t video_flags; int video_bpp; /* */ int overlay_mode; int overlay_x; int overlay_y; struct graphics_priv *overlay_parent; int overlay_idx; /* */ /*
*/ struct graphics_priv *overlay_array[OVERLAY_MAX]; int overlay_enable; enum draw_mode_num draw_mode; int resize_callback_initial; struct navit *nav; struct callback_list *cbl; #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER SDL_Joystick *accelerometer; char orientation; int real_w, real_h; #endif struct font_freetype_methods freetype_methods; /*
*/ }; #ifdef USE_WEBOS # define WEBOS_KEY_SHIFT 0x130 # define WEBOS_KEY_SYM 0x131 # define WEBOS_KEY_ORANGE 0x133 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT 0x1 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE 0x2 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SYM 0x4 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY 0x11 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY 0x22 # define WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SYM_STICKY 0x44 # ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER # define WEBOS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT 0x1 # define WEBOS_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE 0x2 # endif # define SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_TIMER 0x1 # define SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_CALL_CALLBACK 0x2 # define SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_IDLE_EVENT 0x4 # define SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_WATCH 0x8 # ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER # define SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_ROTATE 0xA # endif struct event_timeout { SDL_TimerID id; int multi; struct callback *cb; }; struct idle_task { int priority; struct callback *cb; }; struct event_watch { struct pollfd *pfd; struct callback *cb; }; static struct graphics_priv* the_graphics = NULL; static int quit_event_loop = 0; // quit the main event loop static int the_graphics_count = 0; // count how many graphics objects are created static GPtrArray *idle_tasks = NULL; static pthread_t sdl_watch_thread = 0; static GPtrArray *sdl_watch_list = NULL; static void event_sdl_watch_thread (GPtrArray *); static void event_sdl_watch_startthread(GPtrArray *watch_list); static void event_sdl_watch_stopthread(void); static struct event_watch *event_sdl_add_watch(int, enum event_watch_cond, struct callback *); static void event_sdl_remove_watch(struct event_watch *); static struct event_timeout *event_sdl_add_timeout(int, int, struct callback *); static void event_sdl_remove_timeout(struct event_timeout *); static struct event_idle *event_sdl_add_idle(int, struct callback *); static void event_sdl_remove_idle(struct event_idle *); static void event_sdl_call_callback(struct callback_list *); # ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER static unsigned int sdl_orientation_count = 2^16; static char sdl_next_orientation = 0; # endif #endif unsigned char *ft_buffer = NULL; unsigned int ft_buffer_size = 0; struct graphics_gc_priv { struct graphics_priv *gr; Uint8 fore_r; Uint8 fore_g; Uint8 fore_b; Uint8 fore_a; Uint8 back_r; Uint8 back_g; Uint8 back_b; Uint8 back_a; int linewidth; }; struct graphics_image_priv { SDL_Surface *img; }; static void graphics_destroy(struct graphics_priv *gr) { dbg(lvl_debug, "graphics_destroy %p %u", gr, gr->overlay_mode); if(gr->overlay_mode) { SDL_FreeSurface(gr->screen); gr->overlay_parent->overlay_array[gr->overlay_idx] = NULL; } else { g_free (ft_buffer); gr->freetype_methods.destroy(); #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER SDL_JoystickClose(gr->accelerometer); #endif #ifdef USE_WEBOS PDL_Quit(); #endif SDL_Quit(); } g_free(gr); } /* graphics_gc */ static void gc_destroy(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc) { g_free(gc); } static void gc_set_linewidth(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, int w) { dbg(lvl_debug, "gc_set_linewidth %p %d", gc, w); gc->linewidth = w; } static void gc_set_dashes(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, int w, int offset, unsigned char *dash_list, int n) { /* TODO */ } static void gc_set_foreground(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct color *c) { dbg(lvl_debug, "gc_set_foreground: %p %d %d %d %d", gc, c->a, c->r, c->g, c->b); gc->fore_r = c->r/256; gc->fore_g = c->g/256; gc->fore_b = c->b/256; gc->fore_a = c->a/256; } static void gc_set_background(struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct color *c) { dbg(lvl_debug, "gc_set_background: %p %d %d %d %d", gc, c->a, c->r, c->g, c->b); gc->back_r = c->r/256; gc->back_g = c->g/256; gc->back_b = c->b/256; gc->back_a = c->a/256; } static struct graphics_gc_methods gc_methods = { gc_destroy, gc_set_linewidth, gc_set_dashes, gc_set_foreground, gc_set_background }; static struct graphics_gc_priv *gc_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_methods *meth) { struct graphics_gc_priv *gc=g_new0(struct graphics_gc_priv, 1); *meth=gc_methods; gc->gr=gr; gc->linewidth=1; /* upper layer should override anyway? */ return gc; } static struct graphics_image_priv *image_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_image_methods *meth, char *name, int *w, int *h, struct point *hot, int rotation) { struct graphics_image_priv *gi; /* FIXME: meth is not used yet.. so gi leaks. at least xpm is small */ gi = g_new0(struct graphics_image_priv, 1); gi->img = IMG_Load(name); if(gi->img) { /* TBD: improves blit performance? */ #if !SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,3,0) SDL_SetColorKey(gi->img, SDL_RLEACCEL, gi->img->format->colorkey); #endif *w=gi->img->w; *h=gi->img->h; hot->x=*w/2; hot->y=*h/2; } else { /* TODO: debug "colour parse errors" on xpm */ dbg(lvl_error,"image_new on '%s' failed: %s", name, IMG_GetError()); g_free(gi); gi = NULL; } return gi; } static void image_free(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_image_priv * gi) { SDL_FreeSurface(gi->img); g_free(gi); } static void draw_polygon(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int count) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable) ) { return; } Sint16 *vx, *vy; Sint16 x, y; int i; vx = alloca(count * sizeof(Sint16)); vy = alloca(count * sizeof(Sint16)); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { x = (Sint16)p[i].x; y = (Sint16)p[i].y; vx[i] = x; vy[i] = y; dbg(lvl_debug, "draw_polygon: %p %i %d,%d", gc, i, p[i].x, p[i].y); } if(gr->aa) { raster_aapolygon(gr->screen, count, vx, vy, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } else { raster_polygon(gr->screen, count, vx, vy, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } } static void draw_rectangle(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int w, int h) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable) ) { return; } dbg(lvl_debug, "draw_rectangle: %d %d %d %d r=%d g=%d b=%d a=%d", p->x, p->y, w, h, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a); if(w > gr->screen->w) { w = gr->screen->w; } if(h > gr->screen->h) { h = gr->screen->h; } raster_rect(gr->screen, p->x, p->y, w, h, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } static void draw_circle(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int r) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable) ) { return; } /* FIXME: does not quite match gtk */ /* hack for osd compass.. why is this needed!? */ if(gr->overlay_mode) { r = r / 2; } if(gr->aa) { raster_aacircle(gr->screen, p->x, p->y, r, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } else { raster_circle(gr->screen, p->x, p->y, r, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } } static void draw_lines(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc, struct point *p, int count) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable) ) { return; } /* you might expect lines to be simpler than the other shapes. but, that would be wrong. 1 line can generate 1 polygon + 2 circles and even worse, we have to calculate their parameters! go dust off your trigonometry hat. */ /* sort of based on graphics_opengl.c::draw_lines */ /* FIXME: should honor ./configure flag for no fp. this could be 100% integer code pretty easily, except that i am lazy */ struct point vert[4]; int lw = gc->linewidth; //int lw = 1; int i; for(i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { float dx=p[i+1].x-p[i].x; float dy=p[i+1].y-p[i].y; float angle; int x_lw_adj, y_lw_adj; if(lw == 1) { if(gr->aa) { raster_aaline(gr->screen, p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i+1].x, p[i+1].y, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } else { raster_line(gr->screen, p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i+1].x, p[i+1].y, SDL_MapRGBA(gr->screen->format, gc->fore_r, gc->fore_g, gc->fore_b, gc->fore_a)); } } else { /* there is probably a much simpler way but this works ok */ /* FIXME: float + double mixture */ /* FIXME: lrint(round())? */ if(dy == 0.0) { angle = 0.0; x_lw_adj = 0; y_lw_adj = round((float)lw/2.0); } else if(dx == 0.0) { angle = 0.0; x_lw_adj = round((float)lw/2.0); y_lw_adj = 0; } else { angle = (M_PI/2.0) - atan(abs(dx)/abs(dy)); x_lw_adj = round(sin(angle)*(float)lw/2.0); y_lw_adj = round(cos(angle)*(float)lw/2.0); if((x_lw_adj < 0) || (y_lw_adj < 0)) { dbg(lvl_debug, "i=%d", i); dbg(lvl_debug, " %d,%d->%d,%d", p[i].x, p[i].y, p[i+1].x, p[i+1].y); dbg(lvl_debug, " lw=%d angle=%f", lw, 180.0 * angle / M_PI); dbg(lvl_debug, " x_lw_adj=%d y_lw_adj=%d", x_lw_adj, y_lw_adj); } } if(p[i+1].x > p[i].x) { x_lw_adj = -x_lw_adj; } if(p[i+1].y > p[i].y) { y_lw_adj = -y_lw_adj; } /* FIXME: draw a circle/square if p[i]==p[i+1]? */ /* FIXME: clipping, check for neg values. hoping sdl-gfx does this */ vert[0].x = p[i].x + x_lw_adj; vert[0].y = p[i].y - y_lw_adj; vert[1].x = p[i].x - x_lw_adj; vert[1].y = p[i].y + y_lw_adj; vert[2].x = p[i+1].x - x_lw_adj; vert[2].y = p[i+1].y + y_lw_adj; vert[3].x = p[i+1].x + x_lw_adj; vert[3].y = p[i+1].y - y_lw_adj; draw_polygon(gr, gc, vert, 4); /* draw small circles at the ends. this looks better than nothing, and slightly * better than the triangle used by graphics_opengl, but is more expensive. * should have an ifdef/xml attr? */ /* FIXME: should just draw a half circle */ /* now some circular endcaps, if the width is over 2 */ if(lw > 2) { if(i == 0) { draw_circle(gr, gc, &p[i], lw/2); } /* we truncate on the divide on purpose, so we don't go outside the line */ draw_circle(gr, gc, &p[i+1], lw/2); } } } } static void set_pixel(SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y, Uint8 r2, Uint8 g2, Uint8 b2, Uint8 a2) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=surface->w || y>=surface->h) { return; } void *target_pixel = ((Uint8*)surface->pixels + y * surface->pitch + x * surface->format->BytesPerPixel); Uint8 r1,g1,b1,a1; switch(surface->format->BytesPerPixel) { case 2: { SDL_GetRGBA(*(Uint16 *)target_pixel, surface->format, &r1, &g1, &b1, &a1); *(Uint16 *)target_pixel = SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, (r1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (r2*a2/0xff), (g1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (g2*a2/0xff), (b1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (b2*a2/0xff), a2 + a1*(0xff-a2)/0xff ); break; } case 4: { SDL_GetRGBA(*(Uint32 *)target_pixel, surface->format, &r1, &g1, &b1, &a1); *(Uint32 *)target_pixel = SDL_MapRGBA(surface->format, (r1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (r2*a2/0xff), (g1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (g2*a2/0xff), (b1*(0xff-a2)/0xff) + (b2*a2/0xff), a2 + a1*(0xff-a2)/0xff ); break; } } } static void resize_ft_buffer (unsigned int new_size) { if (new_size > ft_buffer_size) { g_free (ft_buffer); ft_buffer = g_malloc (new_size); dbg(lvl_debug, "old_size(%u) new_size(%u) ft_buffer(%p)", ft_buffer_size, new_size, ft_buffer); ft_buffer_size = new_size; } } static void display_text_draw(struct font_freetype_text *text, struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *fg, struct graphics_gc_priv *bg, int color, struct point *p) { int i, x, y, stride; struct font_freetype_glyph *g, **gp; struct color transparent = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 }; struct color black = { fg->fore_r * 255, fg->fore_g * 255, fg->fore_b * 255, fg->fore_a * 255 }; struct color white = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; if (bg) { if (COLOR_IS_WHITE(black) && COLOR_IS_BLACK(white)) { black.r = 65535; black.g = 65535; black.b = 65535; black.a = 65535; white.r = 0; white.g = 0; white.b = 0; white.a = 65535; } else if (COLOR_IS_BLACK(black) && COLOR_IS_WHITE(white)) { white.r = 65535; white.g = 65535; white.b = 65535; white.a = 65535; black.r = 0; black.g = 0; black.b = 0; black.a = 65535; } else { white.r = bg->fore_r * 255; white.g = bg->fore_g * 255; white.b = bg->fore_b * 255; white.a = bg->fore_a * 255; } } else { white.r = 0; white.g = 0; white.b = 0; white.a = 0; } gp = text->glyph; i = text->glyph_count; x = p->x << 6; y = p->y << 6; while (i-- > 0) { g = *gp++; if (g->w && g->h && bg) { stride = (g->w + 2) * 4; if (color) { resize_ft_buffer(stride * (g->h + 2)); gr->freetype_methods.get_shadow(g, ft_buffer, stride, &white, &transparent); SDL_Surface *glyph_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(ft_buffer, g->w + 2, g->h + 2, 32, stride, 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000); if (glyph_surface) { SDL_Rect r; r.x = (x + g->x) >> 6; r.y = (y + g->y) >> 6; r.w = g->w + 2; r.h = g->h + 2; SDL_BlitSurface(glyph_surface, NULL, gr->screen, &r); SDL_FreeSurface(glyph_surface); } } } x += g->dx; y += g->dy; } gp = text->glyph; i = text->glyph_count; x = p->x << 6; y = p->y << 6; while (i-- > 0) { g = *gp++; if (g->w && g->h) { if (color) { stride = g->w; if (bg) { resize_ft_buffer(stride * g->h * 4); gr->freetype_methods.get_glyph(g, ft_buffer, stride * 4, &black, &white, &transparent); SDL_Surface *glyph_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(ft_buffer, g->w, g->h, 32, stride * 4, 0x000000ff,0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000,0xff000000); if (glyph_surface) { SDL_Rect r; r.x = (x + g->x) >> 6; r.y = (y + g->y) >> 6; r.w = g->w; r.h = g->h; SDL_BlitSurface(glyph_surface, NULL, gr->screen,&r); SDL_FreeSurface(glyph_surface); } } stride *= 4; resize_ft_buffer(stride * g->h); gr->freetype_methods.get_glyph(g, ft_buffer, stride, &black, &white, &transparent); int ii, jj; unsigned char* pGlyph = ft_buffer; for (jj = 0; jj < g->h; ++jj) { for (ii = 0; ii < g->w; ++ii) { if(*(pGlyph+3) > 0) { set_pixel(gr->screen, ii+((x + g->x) >> 6), jj+((y + g->y) >> 6), *(pGlyph+2), // Pixels are in BGRA format *(pGlyph+1), *(pGlyph+0), *(pGlyph+3) ); } pGlyph += 4; } } } } x += g->dx; y += g->dy; } } static void draw_text(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *fg, struct graphics_gc_priv *bg, struct graphics_font_priv *font, char *text, struct point *p, int dx, int dy) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable)) { return; } struct font_freetype_text *t; int color = 1; if (!font) { dbg(lvl_error, "no font, returning"); return; } t = gr->freetype_methods.text_new(text, (struct font_freetype_font *) font, dx, dy); struct point p_eff; p_eff.x = p->x; p_eff.y = p->y; display_text_draw(t, gr, fg, bg, color, &p_eff); gr->freetype_methods.text_destroy(t); } static void draw_image(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *fg, struct point *p, struct graphics_image_priv *img) { if ((gr->overlay_parent && !gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable) || (gr->overlay_parent && gr->overlay_parent->overlay_enable && !gr->overlay_enable) ) { return; } SDL_Rect r; r.x = p->x; r.y = p->y; r.w = img->img->w; r.h = img->img->h; SDL_BlitSurface(img->img, NULL, gr->screen, &r); } static void background_gc(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_gc_priv *gc) { dbg(lvl_debug, "background_gc"); } static void draw_mode(struct graphics_priv *gr, enum draw_mode_num mode) { struct graphics_priv *ov; SDL_Rect rect; int i; if(gr->overlay_mode) { /* will be drawn below */ } else { dbg(lvl_debug, "draw_mode: %d", mode); if(mode == draw_mode_end) { if((gr->draw_mode == draw_mode_begin) && gr->overlay_enable) { for(i = 0; i < OVERLAY_MAX; i++) { ov = gr->overlay_array[i]; if(ov && ov->overlay_enable) { rect.x = ov->overlay_x; if(rect.x<0) rect.x += gr->screen->w; rect.y = ov->overlay_y; if(rect.y<0) rect.y += gr->screen->h; rect.w = ov->screen->w; rect.h = ov->screen->h; SDL_BlitSurface(ov->screen, NULL, gr->screen, &rect); } } } SDL_Flip(gr->screen); } gr->draw_mode = mode; } } static void overlay_disable(struct graphics_priv *gr, int disable) { gr->overlay_enable = !disable; struct graphics_priv *curr_gr = gr; if(gr->overlay_parent) { curr_gr = gr->overlay_parent; } draw_mode(curr_gr,draw_mode_end); } static struct graphics_priv *overlay_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_methods *meth, struct point *p, int w, int h, int wraparound); static int window_fullscreen(struct window *win, int on) { struct graphics_priv *gr=(struct graphics_priv *)win->priv; /* Update video flags */ if(on) { gr->video_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; } else { gr->video_flags &= ~SDL_FULLSCREEN; } /* Update video mode */ gr->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gr->screen->w, gr->screen->h, gr->video_bpp, gr->video_flags); if(gr->screen == NULL) { navit_destroy(gr->nav); } else { callback_list_call_attr_2(gr->cbl, attr_resize, GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->w), GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->h)); } return 1; } static void *get_data(struct graphics_priv *this, char const *type) { if(strcmp(type, "window") == 0) { struct window *win; win=g_new(struct window, 1); win->priv=this; win->fullscreen=window_fullscreen; win->disable_suspend=NULL; return win; } else { return NULL; } } static void draw_drag(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct point *p) { if(p) { gr->overlay_x = p->x; gr->overlay_y = p->y; } } static struct graphics_methods graphics_methods = { graphics_destroy, draw_mode, draw_lines, draw_polygon, draw_rectangle, NULL /* draw_circle */, draw_text, draw_image, NULL, /*draw_image_warp */ draw_drag, NULL, /* font_new */ gc_new, background_gc, overlay_new, image_new, get_data, image_free, NULL, /* get_text_bbox */ overlay_disable, NULL, /* overlay_resize */ NULL, /* set_attr */ NULL, /* show_native_keyboard */ NULL, /* hide_native_keyboard */ }; static struct graphics_priv *overlay_new(struct graphics_priv *gr, struct graphics_methods *meth, struct point *p, int w, int h,int wraparound) { struct graphics_priv *ov; Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask; int i; for(i = 0; i < OVERLAY_MAX; i++) { if(gr->overlay_array[i] == NULL) { break; } } if(i == OVERLAY_MAX) { dbg(lvl_error, "too many overlays! increase OVERLAY_MAX"); return NULL; } dbg(lvl_debug, "overlay_new %d %d %d %u %u (%x, %x, %x ,%x, %d)", i, p->x, p->y, w, h, gr->screen->format->Rmask, gr->screen->format->Gmask, gr->screen->format->Bmask, gr->screen->format->Amask, gr->screen->format->BitsPerPixel ); ov = g_new0(struct graphics_priv, 1); switch(gr->screen->format->BitsPerPixel) { case 8: rmask = 0xc0; gmask = 0x30; bmask = 0x0c; amask = 0x03; break; case 16: rmask = 0xf000; gmask = 0x0f00; bmask = 0x00f0; amask = 0x000f; break; case 32: rmask = 0xff000000; gmask = 0x00ff0000; bmask = 0x0000ff00; amask = 0x000000ff; break; default: rmask = gr->screen->format->Rmask; gmask = gr->screen->format->Gmask; bmask = gr->screen->format->Bmask; amask = gr->screen->format->Amask; } ov->screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h, gr->screen->format->BitsPerPixel, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); ov->overlay_mode = 1; ov->overlay_enable = 1; ov->overlay_x = p->x; ov->overlay_y = p->y; ov->overlay_parent = gr; ov->overlay_idx = i; gr->overlay_array[i] = ov; struct font_priv *(*font_freetype_new) (void *meth); font_freetype_new = plugin_get_category_font ("freetype"); if (!font_freetype_new) { return NULL; } font_freetype_new (&ov->freetype_methods); *meth=graphics_methods; meth->font_new = (struct graphics_font_priv * (*)(struct graphics_priv *, struct graphics_font_methods *, char *, int, int)) ov->freetype_methods.font_new; meth->get_text_bbox = (void *)ov->freetype_methods.get_text_bbox; return ov; } static gboolean graphics_sdl_idle(void *data) { struct graphics_priv *gr = (struct graphics_priv *)data; struct point p; SDL_Event ev; int ret; char key_mod = 0; char keybuf[8]; #ifdef USE_WEBOS if(data==NULL) { if(the_graphics!=NULL) { gr = the_graphics; } else { dbg(lvl_error,"graphics_idle: graphics not set!"); return FALSE; } } #endif /* generate the initial resize callback, so the gui knows W/H its unsafe to do this directly inside register_resize_callback; graphics_gtk does it during Configure, but SDL does not have an equivalent event, so we use our own flag */ if(gr->resize_callback_initial != 0) { callback_list_call_attr_2(gr->cbl, attr_resize, GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->w), GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->h)); gr->resize_callback_initial = 0; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER struct callback* accel_cb = NULL; struct event_timeout* accel_to = NULL; if (PDL_GetPDKVersion() > 100) { accel_cb = callback_new_1(callback_cast(sdl_accelerometer_handler), gr); accel_to = event_add_timeout(200, 1, accel_cb); } #endif #ifdef USE_WEBOS unsigned int idle_tasks_idx=0; unsigned int idle_tasks_cur_priority=0; struct idle_task *task; while(!quit_event_loop) #else while(1) #endif { #ifdef USE_WEBOS ret = 0; if(idle_tasks->len > 0) { while (!(ret = SDL_PollEvent(&ev)) && idle_tasks->len > 0) { if (idle_tasks_idx >= idle_tasks->len) idle_tasks_idx = 0; dbg(lvl_debug,"idle_tasks_idx(%d)",idle_tasks_idx); task = (struct idle_task *)g_ptr_array_index(idle_tasks,idle_tasks_idx); if (idle_tasks_idx == 0) // only execute tasks with lowest priority value idle_tasks_cur_priority = task->priority; if (task->priority > idle_tasks_cur_priority) idle_tasks_idx = 0; else { callback_call_0(task->cb); idle_tasks_idx++; } } } if (!ret) // If we get here there are no idle_tasks and we have no events pending ret = SDL_WaitEvent(&ev); #else ret = SDL_PollEvent(&ev); #endif if(ret == 0) { break; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS dbg(lvl_debug,"SDL_Event %d", ev.type); #endif switch(ev.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: { p.x = ev.motion.x; p.y = ev.motion.y; callback_list_call_attr_1(gr->cbl, attr_motion, (void *)&p); break; } case SDL_KEYDOWN: { memset(keybuf, 0, sizeof(keybuf)); switch(ev.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_LEFT: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_LEFT; break; } case SDLK_RIGHT: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_RIGHT; break; } case SDLK_BACKSPACE: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; } case SDLK_RETURN: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_RETURN; break; } case SDLK_DOWN: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_DOWN; break; } case SDLK_PAGEUP: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_ZOOM_OUT; break; } case SDLK_UP: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_UP; break; } case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_ZOOM_IN; break; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS case WEBOS_KEY_SHIFT: { if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY) == WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY) key_mod &= ~(WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY); else if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) == WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT) key_mod |= WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY; else key_mod |= WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT; break; } case WEBOS_KEY_ORANGE: { if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY) == WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY) key_mod &= ~(WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY); else if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE) == WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE) key_mod |= WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY; else key_mod |= WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE; break; } case WEBOS_KEY_SYM: { /* Toggle the on-screen keyboard */ //callback_list_call_attr_1(gr->cbl, attr_keyboard_toggle); // Not implemented yet break; } case PDLK_GESTURE_BACK: { keybuf[0] = NAVIT_KEY_BACK; break; } case PDLK_GESTURE_FORWARD: case PDLK_GESTURE_AREA: { break; } #endif default: { #ifdef USE_WEBOS if (ev.key.keysym.unicode < 0x80 && ev.key.keysym.unicode > 0) { keybuf[0] = (char)ev.key.keysym.unicode; if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE) == WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE) { switch(keybuf[0]) { case 'e': keybuf[0] = '1'; break; case 'r': keybuf[0] = '2'; break; case 't': keybuf[0] = '3'; break; case 'd': keybuf[0] = '4'; break; case 'f': keybuf[0] = '5'; break; case 'g': keybuf[0] = '6'; break; case 'x': keybuf[0] = '7'; break; case 'c': keybuf[0] = '8'; break; case 'v': keybuf[0] = '9'; break; case '@': keybuf[0] = '0'; break; case ',': keybuf[0] = '-'; break; case 'u': strncpy(keybuf, "ü", sizeof(keybuf)); break; case 'a': strncpy(keybuf, "ä", sizeof(keybuf)); break; case 'o': strncpy(keybuf, "ö", sizeof(keybuf)); break; case 's': strncpy(keybuf, "ß", sizeof(keybuf)); break; } } if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY) != WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY) key_mod &= ~(WEBOS_KEY_MOD_SHIFT_STICKY); if ((key_mod & WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY) != WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY) key_mod &= ~(WEBOS_KEY_MOD_ORANGE_STICKY); } else { dbg(lvl_error,"Unknown key sym: %x", ev.key.keysym.sym); } #else /* return unicode chars when they can be converted to ascii */ keybuf[0] = ev.key.keysym.unicode<=127 ? ev.key.keysym.unicode : 0; #endif break; } } dbg(lvl_info,"key mod: 0x%x", key_mod); if (keybuf[0]) { callback_list_call_attr_1(gr->cbl, attr_keypress, (void *)keybuf); } break; } case SDL_KEYUP: { break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: { dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN %d %d %d %d %d", ev.button.which, ev.button.button, ev.button.state, ev.button.x, ev.button.y); p.x = ev.button.x; p.y = ev.button.y; callback_list_call_attr_3(gr->cbl, attr_button, GINT_TO_POINTER(1), GINT_TO_POINTER((int)ev.button.button), (void *)&p); break; } case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP %d %d %d %d %d", ev.button.which, ev.button.button, ev.button.state, ev.button.x, ev.button.y); p.x = ev.button.x; p.y = ev.button.y; callback_list_call_attr_3(gr->cbl, attr_button, GINT_TO_POINTER(0), GINT_TO_POINTER((int)ev.button.button), (void *)&p); break; } case SDL_QUIT: { #ifdef USE_WEBOS quit_event_loop = 1; navit_destroy(gr->nav); #else callback_list_call_attr_0(gr->cbl, attr_window_closed); #endif break; } case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: { gr->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(ev.resize.w, ev.resize.h, gr->video_bpp, gr->video_flags); if(gr->screen == NULL) { navit_destroy(gr->nav); } else { callback_list_call_attr_2(gr->cbl, attr_resize, GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->w), GINT_TO_POINTER(gr->screen->h)); } break; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS case SDL_USEREVENT: { SDL_UserEvent userevent = ev.user; dbg(lvl_info,"received SDL_USEREVENT type(%x) code(%x)",userevent.type,userevent.code); if (userevent.type != SDL_USEREVENT) break; if (userevent.code == PDL_GPS_UPDATE) { struct attr vehicle_attr; struct vehicle *v; navit_get_attr(gr->nav, attr_vehicle, &vehicle_attr, NULL); v = vehicle_attr.u.vehicle; if (v) { struct attr attr; attr.type = attr_pdl_gps_update; attr.u.data = userevent.data1; vehicle_set_attr(v, &attr); } } else if(userevent.code == SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_TIMER) { struct callback *cb = (struct callback *)userevent.data1; dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_USEREVENT timer received cb(%p)", cb); callback_call_0(cb); } else if(userevent.code == SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_WATCH) { struct callback *cb = (struct callback *)userevent.data1; dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_USEREVENT watch received cb(%p)", cb); callback_call_0(cb); } else if(userevent.code == SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_CALL_CALLBACK) { struct callback_list *cbl = (struct callback_list *)userevent.data1; dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_USEREVENT call_callback received cbl(%p)", cbl); callback_list_call_0(cbl); } else if(userevent.code == SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_IDLE_EVENT) { dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_USEREVENT idle_event received"); } #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER else if(userevent.code == SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_ROTATE) { dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_USEREVENT rotate received"); switch(gr->orientation) { case WEBOS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT: gr->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gr->real_w, gr->real_h, gr->video_bpp, gr->video_flags); PDL_SetOrientation(PDL_ORIENTATION_0); break; case WEBOS_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE: gr->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gr->real_h, gr->real_w, gr->video_bpp, gr->video_flags); PDL_SetOrientation(PDL_ORIENTATION_270); break; } if(gr->screen == NULL) { navit_destroy(gr->nav); } else { callback_list_call_attr_2(gr->cbl, attr_resize, (void *)gr->screen->w, (void *)gr->screen->h); } } #endif else dbg(lvl_warning, "unknown SDL_USEREVENT"); break; } #endif default: { dbg(lvl_debug, "SDL_Event %d", ev.type); break; } } } #ifdef USE_WEBOS event_sdl_watch_stopthread(); #endif #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER if (PDL_GetPDKVersion() > 100) { event_remove_timeout(accel_to); callback_destroy(accel_cb); } #endif return TRUE; } static struct graphics_priv *graphics_sdl_new(struct navit *nav, struct graphics_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs, struct callback_list *cbl) { struct graphics_priv *this=g_new0(struct graphics_priv, 1); struct font_priv *(*font_freetype_new) (void *meth); struct attr *attr; int ret; int w=DISPLAY_W,h=DISPLAY_H; this->nav = nav; this->cbl = cbl; /* initialize fonts */ font_freetype_new = plugin_get_category_font("freetype"); if (!font_freetype_new) { g_free(this); return NULL; } font_freetype_new(&this->freetype_methods); *meth = graphics_methods; meth->font_new = (struct graphics_font_priv * (*)(struct graphics_priv *, struct graphics_font_methods *, char *, int, int)) this->freetype_methods.font_new; meth->get_text_bbox = (void*) this->freetype_methods.get_text_bbox; dbg(lvl_debug,"Calling SDL_Init"); #ifdef USE_WEBOS # ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER ret = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER|SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); # else ret = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO|SDL_INIT_TIMER); # endif #else ret = SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); #endif if(ret < 0) { dbg(lvl_error,"SDL_Init failed %d", ret); this->freetype_methods.destroy(); g_free(this); return NULL; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS dbg(lvl_debug,"Calling PDL_Init(0)"); ret = PDL_Init(0); if(ret < 0) { dbg(lvl_error,"PDL_Init failed %d", ret); this->freetype_methods.destroy(); g_free(this); return NULL; } if (! event_request_system("sdl","graphics_sdl_new")) { #else if (! event_request_system("glib","graphics_sdl_new")) { #endif dbg(lvl_error,"event_request_system failed"); this->freetype_methods.destroy(); g_free(this); return NULL; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS this->video_bpp = 0; this->video_flags = SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_RESIZABLE; #else this->video_bpp = 16; this->video_flags = SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_RESIZABLE; #endif if ((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_w))) w=attr->u.num; if ((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_h))) h=attr->u.num; if ((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_bpp))) this->video_bpp=attr->u.num; if ((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_flags))) { if (attr->u.num & 1) this->video_flags = SDL_SWSURFACE; } if ((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_frame))) { if(!attr->u.num) this->video_flags |= SDL_NOFRAME; } this->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, this->video_bpp, this->video_flags); if(this->screen == NULL) { dbg(lvl_error,"SDL_SetVideoMode failed"); this->freetype_methods.destroy(); g_free(this); #ifdef USE_WEBOS PDL_Quit(); #endif SDL_Quit(); return NULL; } /* Use screen size instead of requested */ w = this->screen->w; h = this->screen->h; dbg(lvl_debug, "using screen %ix%i@%i", this->screen->w, this->screen->h, this->screen->format->BytesPerPixel * 8); #ifdef USE_WEBOS_ACCELEROMETER if ( w > h ) { this->orientation = WEBOS_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; this->real_w = h; this->real_h = w; } else { this->orientation = WEBOS_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; this->real_w = w; this->real_h = h; } this->accelerometer = SDL_JoystickOpen(0); #endif SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); #ifdef USE_WEBOS PDL_SetOrientation(PDL_ORIENTATION_0); #endif SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); SDL_WM_SetCaption("navit", NULL); #ifdef USE_WEBOS if(the_graphics!=NULL) { dbg(lvl_debug,"graphics_sdl_new: graphics struct already set: %d!", the_graphics_count); } the_graphics = this; the_graphics_count++; #else g_timeout_add(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT+10, graphics_sdl_idle, this); #endif this->overlay_enable = 1; this->aa = 1; if((attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_antialias))) this->aa = attr->u.num; this->resize_callback_initial=1; return this; } #ifdef USE_WEBOS /* ---------- SDL Eventhandling ---------- */ static Uint32 sdl_timer_callback(Uint32 interval, void* param) { struct event_timeout *timeout=(struct event_timeout*)param; dbg(lvl_debug,"timer(%p) multi(%d) interval(%d) fired", param, timeout->multi, interval); SDL_Event event; SDL_UserEvent userevent; userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT; userevent.code = SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_TIMER; userevent.data1 = timeout->cb; userevent.data2 = NULL; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user = userevent; SDL_PushEvent (&event); if (timeout->multi == 0) { timeout->id = 0; return 0; // cancel timer } return interval; // reactivate timer } /* SDL Mainloop */ static void event_sdl_main_loop_run(void) { PDL_ScreenTimeoutEnable(PDL_FALSE); graphics_sdl_idle(NULL); PDL_ScreenTimeoutEnable(PDL_TRUE); } static void event_sdl_main_loop_quit(void) { quit_event_loop = 1; } /* Watch */ static void event_sdl_watch_thread (GPtrArray *watch_list) { struct pollfd *pfds = g_new0 (struct pollfd, watch_list->len); struct event_watch *ew; int ret; int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < watch_list->len; idx++ ) { ew = g_ptr_array_index (watch_list, idx); g_memmove (&pfds[idx], ew->pfd, sizeof(struct pollfd)); } while ((ret = ppoll(pfds, watch_list->len, NULL, NULL)) > 0) { for (idx = 0; idx < watch_list->len; idx++ ) { if (pfds[idx].revents == pfds[idx].events) { /* The requested event happened, notify mainloop! */ ew = g_ptr_array_index (watch_list, idx); dbg(lvl_debug,"watch(%p) event(%d) encountered", ew, pfds[idx].revents); SDL_Event event; SDL_UserEvent userevent; userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT; userevent.code = SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_WATCH; userevent.data1 = ew->cb; userevent.data2 = NULL; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user = userevent; SDL_PushEvent (&event); } } } g_free(pfds); pthread_exit(0); } static void event_sdl_watch_startthread(GPtrArray *watch_list) { dbg(lvl_debug,"enter"); if (sdl_watch_thread) event_sdl_watch_stopthread(); int ret; ret = pthread_create (&sdl_watch_thread, NULL, (void *)event_sdl_watch_thread, (void *)watch_list); dbg_assert (ret == 0); } static void event_sdl_watch_stopthread() { dbg(lvl_debug,"enter"); if (sdl_watch_thread) { /* Notify the watch thread that the list of FDs will change */ pthread_kill(sdl_watch_thread, SIGUSR1); pthread_join(sdl_watch_thread, NULL); sdl_watch_thread = 0; } } static struct event_watch *event_sdl_add_watch(int fd, enum event_watch_cond cond, struct callback *cb) { dbg(lvl_debug,"fd(%d) cond(%x) cb(%x)", fd, cond, cb); event_sdl_watch_stopthread(); if (!sdl_watch_list) sdl_watch_list = g_ptr_array_new(); struct event_watch *new_ew = g_new0 (struct event_watch, 1); struct pollfd *pfd = g_new0 (struct pollfd, 1); pfd->fd = fd; /* Modify watchlist here */ switch (cond) { case event_watch_cond_read: pfd->events = POLLIN; break; case event_watch_cond_write: pfd->events = POLLOUT; break; case event_watch_cond_except: pfd->events = POLLERR|POLLHUP; break; } new_ew->pfd = (struct pollfd*) pfd; new_ew->cb = cb; g_ptr_array_add (sdl_watch_list, (gpointer)new_ew); event_sdl_watch_startthread(sdl_watch_list); return new_ew; } static void event_sdl_remove_watch(struct event_watch *ew) { dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %p",ew); event_sdl_watch_stopthread(); g_ptr_array_remove (sdl_watch_list, ew); g_free (ew->pfd); g_free (ew); if (sdl_watch_list->len > 0) event_sdl_watch_startthread(sdl_watch_list); } /* Timeout */ static struct event_timeout *event_sdl_add_timeout(int timeout, int multi, struct callback *cb) { struct event_timeout * ret = g_new0(struct event_timeout, 1); if(!ret) { dbg(lvl_error,"g_new0 failed"); return ret; } dbg(lvl_debug,"timer(%p) multi(%d) interval(%d) cb(%p) added",ret, multi, timeout, cb); ret->multi = multi; ret->cb = cb; ret->id = SDL_AddTimer(timeout, sdl_timer_callback, ret); return ret; } static void event_sdl_remove_timeout(struct event_timeout *to) { dbg(lvl_info,"enter %p", to); if(to) { /* do not SDL_RemoveTimer if oneshot timer has already fired */ int ret = to->id == 0 ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_RemoveTimer(to->id); if (ret == SDL_FALSE) dbg(lvl_error,"SDL_RemoveTimer (%p) failed", to->id); g_free(to); dbg(lvl_debug,"timer(%p) removed", to); } } /* Idle */ /* sort ptr_array by priority, increasing order */ static gint sdl_sort_idle_tasks(gconstpointer parama, gconstpointer paramb) { struct idle_task *a = (struct idle_task *)parama; struct idle_task *b = (struct idle_task *)paramb; if (a->priority < b->priority) return -1; if (a->priority > b->priority) return 1; return 0; } static struct event_idle *event_sdl_add_idle(int priority, struct callback *cb) { dbg(lvl_debug,"add idle priority(%d) cb(%p)", priority, cb); struct idle_task *task = g_new0(struct idle_task, 1); task->priority = priority; task->cb = cb; g_ptr_array_add(idle_tasks, (gpointer)task); if (idle_tasks->len < 2) { SDL_Event event; SDL_UserEvent userevent; dbg(lvl_debug,"poking eventloop because of new idle_events"); userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT; userevent.code = SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_IDLE_EVENT; userevent.data1 = NULL; userevent.data2 = NULL; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user = userevent; SDL_PushEvent (&event); } else // more than one entry => sort the list g_ptr_array_sort(idle_tasks, sdl_sort_idle_tasks); return (struct event_idle *)task; } static void event_sdl_remove_idle(struct event_idle *task) { dbg(lvl_debug,"remove task(%p)", task); g_ptr_array_remove(idle_tasks, (gpointer)task); } /* callback */ static void event_sdl_call_callback(struct callback_list *cbl) { dbg(lvl_debug,"call_callback cbl(%p)",cbl); SDL_Event event; SDL_UserEvent userevent; userevent.type = SDL_USEREVENT; userevent.code = SDL_USEREVENT_CODE_CALL_CALLBACK; userevent.data1 = cbl; userevent.data2 = NULL; event.type = SDL_USEREVENT; event.user = userevent; SDL_PushEvent (&event); } static struct event_methods event_sdl_methods = { event_sdl_main_loop_run, event_sdl_main_loop_quit, event_sdl_add_watch, event_sdl_remove_watch, event_sdl_add_timeout, event_sdl_remove_timeout, event_sdl_add_idle, event_sdl_remove_idle, event_sdl_call_callback, }; static struct event_priv *event_sdl_new(struct event_methods* methods) { idle_tasks = g_ptr_array_new(); *methods = event_sdl_methods; return NULL; } /* ---------- SDL Eventhandling ---------- */ #endif void plugin_init(void) { #ifdef USE_WEBOS plugin_register_category_event("sdl", event_sdl_new); #endif plugin_register_category_graphics("sdl", graphics_sdl_new); } // vim: sw=4 ts=8