/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include "maptool.h" #include "attr.h" /** Information about all members of a relation type and how to process them. */ struct relations { /** Hashes for nodes, ways and relations which are members. */ GHashTable *member_hash[3]; /** Default entries for processing items which are not a member of any relation. */ GList *default_members; }; struct relations_func { void (*func)(void *func_priv, void *relation_priv, struct item_bin *member, void *member_priv); void *func_priv; }; struct relations_member { osmid memberid; void *relation_priv,*member_priv; struct relations_func *func; }; static guint relations_member_hash(gconstpointer key) { const struct relations_member *memb=key; return (memb->memberid >> 32)^(memb->memberid & 0xffffffff); } static gboolean relations_member_equal(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct relations_member *memba=a; const struct relations_member *membb=b; return (memba->memberid == membb->memberid); } struct relations * relations_new(void) { struct relations *ret=g_new0(struct relations, 1); int i; for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) ret->member_hash[i]=g_hash_table_new(relations_member_hash, relations_member_equal); return ret; } struct relations_func * relations_func_new(void (*func)(void *func_priv, void *relation_priv, struct item_bin *member, void *member_priv), void *func_priv) { struct relations_func *relations_func=g_new(struct relations_func, 1); relations_func->func=func; relations_func->func_priv=func_priv; return relations_func; } static struct relations_member * relations_member_new(struct relations_func *func, void *relation_priv, void *member_priv, osmid id) { struct relations_member *memb=g_new(struct relations_member, 1); memb->memberid=id; memb->relation_priv=relation_priv; memb->member_priv=member_priv; memb->func=func; return memb; } /* * @brief Add an entry for a relation member to the relations collection. * This function fills the relations collection, which is then passed to relations_process for * processing. * @param in rel relations collection to add the new member to * @param in func structure defining function to call when this member is read * @param in relation_priv parameter describing relation, or NULL. Will be passed to func function. * @param in member_priv parameter describing relation member, or NULL. Will be passed to func function. * @param in type Type of this member (node, way etc.). * @param in id OSM ID of relation member. */ void relations_add_relation_member_entry(struct relations *rel, struct relations_func *func, void *relation_priv, void *member_priv, enum relation_member_type type, osmid id) { struct relations_member *memb=relations_member_new(func, relation_priv, member_priv, id); GHashTable *member_hash=rel->member_hash[type-1]; // The real key is the OSM ID, but we recycle "memb" as key to avoid a second allocating for the key. g_hash_table_insert(member_hash, memb, g_list_append(g_hash_table_lookup(member_hash, memb), memb)); } /* * @brief Add a default entry to the relations collection. * Put a default entry into the relations collection, which is then passed to * relations_process for processing. The default entry is used for map items which are not a * member of any relation. * @param in rel relations collection to add the new member to * @param in func structure defining function to call when this member is read */ void relations_add_relation_default_entry(struct relations *rel, struct relations_func *func) { struct relations_member *memb=relations_member_new(func, NULL, NULL, 0); rel->default_members=g_list_append(rel->default_members, memb); } /* * @brief The actual relations processing: Loop through raw data and process any relations members. * This function reads through all nodes and ways passed in, and looks up each item in the * relations collection. For each relation member found, its processing function is called. * @param in rel relations collection storing pre-processed relations. Built using relations_add_relation_member_entry. * @param in nodes file containing nodes in "coords.tmp" format * @param in ways file containing items in item_bin format. This file may contain both nodes, ways, and relations in that format. */ void relations_process(struct relations *rel, FILE *nodes, FILE *ways) { char buffer[128]; struct item_bin *ib=(struct item_bin *)buffer; osmid *id; struct coord *c=(struct coord *)(ib+1),cn={0,0}; struct node_item *ni; GList *l; if (nodes) { item_bin_init(ib, type_point_unkn); item_bin_add_coord(ib, &cn, 1); item_bin_add_attr_longlong(ib, attr_osm_nodeid, 0); id=item_bin_get_attr(ib, attr_osm_nodeid, NULL); while ((ni=read_node_item(nodes))) { *id=ni->nd_id; *c=ni->c; l=g_hash_table_lookup(rel->member_hash[0], id); while (l) { struct relations_member *memb=l->data; memb->func->func(memb->func->func_priv, memb->relation_priv, ib, memb->member_priv); l=g_list_next(l); } } } if (ways) { while ((ib=read_item(ways))) { l=NULL; if(NULL!=(id=item_bin_get_attr(ib, attr_osm_nodeid, NULL))) l=g_hash_table_lookup(rel->member_hash[0], id); else if(NULL!=(id=item_bin_get_attr(ib, attr_osm_wayid, NULL))) l=g_hash_table_lookup(rel->member_hash[1], id); else if(NULL!=(id=item_bin_get_attr(ib, attr_osm_relationid, NULL))) l=g_hash_table_lookup(rel->member_hash[2], id); if(!l) l=rel->default_members; while (l) { struct relations_member *memb=l->data; memb->func->func(memb->func->func_priv, memb->relation_priv, ib, memb->member_priv); l=g_list_next(l); } } } } static void relations_destroy_func(void *key, GList *l, void *data) { GList *ll=l; while (ll) { g_free(ll->data); ll=g_list_next(ll); } g_list_free(l); } void relations_destroy(struct relations *relations) { int i; for (i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++) { g_hash_table_foreach(relations->member_hash[i], (GHFunc)relations_destroy_func, NULL); g_hash_table_destroy(relations->member_hash[i]); } g_free(relations); }