/** * Navit, a modular navigation system. * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Navit Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "debug.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "item.h" #include "xmlconfig.h" #include "color.h" #include "point.h" #include "navit.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "command.h" #include "callback.h" #include "osd.h" struct osd { NAVIT_OBJECT struct osd_methods meth; struct osd_priv *priv; }; int osd_set_methods(struct osd_methods *in, int in_size, struct osd_methods *out) { return navit_object_set_methods(in, in_size, out, sizeof(struct osd_methods)); } struct osd * osd_new(struct attr *parent, struct attr **attrs) { struct osd *o; struct osd_priv *(*new)(struct navit *nav, struct osd_methods *meth, struct attr **attrs); struct attr *type=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_type),cbl; if (! type) return NULL; new=plugin_get_category_osd(type->u.str); if (! new) { dbg(lvl_error, "invalid OSD type '%s'", type->u.str); return NULL; } o=g_new0(struct osd, 1); o->attrs=attr_list_dup(attrs); cbl.type=attr_callback_list; cbl.u.callback_list=callback_list_new(); o->attrs=attr_generic_prepend_attr(o->attrs, &cbl); o->priv=new(parent->u.navit, &o->meth, o->attrs); if (o->priv) { o->func=&osd_func; navit_object_ref((struct navit_object *)o); } else { attr_list_free(o->attrs); g_free(o); o=NULL; } dbg(lvl_debug,"new osd %p",o); return o; } int osd_get_attr(struct osd *osd, enum attr_type type, struct attr *attr, struct attr_iter *iter) { int ret=0; if(osd && osd->meth.get_attr) /* values for ret: -1: Not possible, 0: Ignored by driver, 1 valid */ ret=osd->meth.get_attr(osd->priv, type, attr); if (ret == -1) return 0; if (ret > 0) return 1; return navit_object_get_attr((struct navit_object *)osd, type, attr, iter); } int osd_set_attr(struct osd *osd, struct attr* attr) { int ret=0; if(osd && osd->meth.set_attr) /* values for ret: -1: Not possible, 0: Ignored by driver, 1 set and store, 2 set, don't store */ ret=osd->meth.set_attr(osd->priv, attr); if (ret == -1) return 0; if (ret == 2) return 1; return navit_object_set_attr((struct navit_object *)osd, attr); } static void osd_destroy(struct osd *osd) { if (!osd) return; if (osd->meth.destroy) osd->meth.destroy(osd->priv); attr_list_free(osd->attrs); g_free(osd); } void osd_wrap_point(struct point *p, struct navit *nav) { if (p->x < 0) p->x += navit_get_width(nav); if (p->y < 0) p->y += navit_get_height(nav); } static void osd_evaluate_command(struct osd_item *this, struct navit *nav) { struct attr navit; navit.type=attr_navit; navit.u.navit=nav; dbg(lvl_debug, "calling command '%s'", this->command); command_evaluate(&navit, this->command); } void osd_std_click(struct osd_item *this, struct navit *nav, int pressed, int button, struct point *p) { int click_is_outside_item; struct point bp = this->p; if (!this->command || !this->command[0]) return; osd_wrap_point(&bp, nav); click_is_outside_item = p->x < bp.x || p->y < bp.y || p->x > bp.x + this->w || p->y > bp.y + this->h; if ((click_is_outside_item || !this->configured) && !this->pressed) return; if (button != 1) return; if (!!pressed == !!this->pressed) return; if (navit_ignore_button(nav)) return; this->pressed = pressed; if (pressed && this->command) osd_evaluate_command(this, nav); } void osd_std_resize(struct osd_item *item) { graphics_overlay_resize(item->gr, &item->p, item->w, item->h, 1); } /** * @brief Calculates the size and position of an OSD item. * * If the geometry of the OSD item is specified relative to screen dimensions, * this function will set its absolute dimensions accordingly. If relative width * or relative height is set to 0% (int value is equal to ATTR_REL_RELSHIFT), * object width (height) is not changed here, for button and image osds it means * to derive values from the underlying image. * * This method considers padding if the graphics plugin supports it (i.e. its `get_data` method returns * a valid pointer if `"padding"` is supplied as its arument): It will offset the origin of the item by * the amount of padding in the left and top edges, and will reduce `w` and `h` by the total amount of * padding in the respective dimension to obtain the equivalent of 100%. * * If the graphics driver does not support padding, none of these corrections take place (this is * equivalent to 0 padding on all sides). * * @param item The item whose size and position are to be calculated * @param w Available screen width in pixels * @param h Available screen height in pixels */ void osd_std_calculate_sizes(struct osd_item *item, int w, int h) { struct padding *padding = NULL; if (item->gr) { padding = graphics_get_data(item->gr, "padding"); if (padding) { dbg(lvl_debug, "Got padding=%p for item=%p (item->gr=%p): left=%d top=%d right=%d bottom=%d", padding, item, item->gr, padding->left, padding->top, padding->right, padding->bottom); } else { dbg(lvl_debug, "Got padding=%p for item=%p (item->gr=%p)", padding, item, item->gr); } } else dbg(lvl_warning, "cannot get padding for item=%p: item->gr is NULL", item); /* reduce w and h by total padding in the respective dimension */ if (padding) { w -= (padding->left + padding->right); h -= (padding->top + padding->bottom); } if(item->rel_w!=ATTR_REL_RELSHIFT) item->w=attr_rel2real(item->rel_w, w, 1); if(item->w<0) item->w=0; if(item->rel_h!=ATTR_REL_RELSHIFT) item->h=attr_rel2real(item->rel_h, h, 1); if(item->h<0) item->h=0; item->p.x=attr_rel2real(item->rel_x, w, 1); item->p.y=attr_rel2real(item->rel_y, h, 1); /* add left and top padding to item->p */ if (padding) { item->p.x += padding->left; item->p.y += padding->top; } } /** * @brief Recalculates the size and position of an OSD item and * triggers a redraw of the item. * * This is a callback function that can be stored in the `resize_cb` member of an OSD item. * * @param item The OSD item to resize and redraw * @param priv * @param w Available screen width in pixels (the width that corresponds to * 100%) * @param h Available screen height in pixels (the height that corresponds to * 100%) */ static void osd_std_calculate_sizes_and_redraw(struct osd_item *item, struct osd_priv *priv, int w, int h) { struct attr vehicle_attr; osd_std_calculate_sizes(item, w, h); osd_std_resize(item); item->do_draw=1; if (item->meth.draw) { if (navit_get_attr(item->navit, attr_vehicle, &vehicle_attr, NULL)) { item->meth.draw(priv, item->navit, vehicle_attr.u.vehicle); item->do_draw=0; } } } static void osd_std_keypress(struct osd_item *item, struct navit *nav, char *key) { #if 0 int i; dbg(lvl_debug,"key=%s",key); for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(key) ; i++) { dbg(lvl_debug,"key:0x%02x",key[i]); } for (i = 0 ; i < strlen(item->accesskey) ; i++) { dbg(lvl_debug,"accesskey:0x%02x",item->accesskey[i]); } #endif if ( ! graphics_is_disabled(item->gr) && item->accesskey && key && !strcmp(key, item->accesskey)) osd_evaluate_command(item, nav); } /** * @brief Configures or unconfigures an OSD item. * * This method evaluates the result of the last execution of {@code cs}. If it evaluates to true, the * item is configured, else it is unconfigured. (A configured item is displayed on the screen and can * respond to user input, an unconfigured item is invisible and cannot receive user input.) * * If an error occurred during evaluation of {@code cs}, the item's configuration state is not changed. * * @param item The OSD item to reconfigure * @param cs The command to evaluate */ static void osd_std_reconfigure(struct osd_item *item, struct command_saved *cs) { char *err = NULL; /* Error description */ dbg(lvl_debug, "enter, item=%p, cs=%p", item, cs); if (!command_saved_error(cs)) { item->configured = !! command_saved_get_int(cs); if (item->gr && !(item->flags & DISABLE_OVERLAY)) graphics_overlay_disable(item->gr, !item->configured); } else { err = command_error_to_text(command_saved_error(cs)); dbg(lvl_error, "Error in saved command: %s, cs=%p.", err, cs); g_free(err); } } void osd_set_std_attr(struct attr **attrs, struct osd_item *item, int flags) { struct attr *attr; item->flags=flags; item->osd_configuration=-1; item->color_fg.r = 0xffff; item->color_fg.g = 0xffff; item->color_fg.b = 0xffff; item->color_fg.a = 0xffff; item->text_color.r = 0xffff; item->text_color.g = 0xffff; item->text_color.b = 0xffff; item->text_color.a = 0xffff; if (flags & TRANSPARENT_BG) { item->color_bg.r = 0x0808; item->color_bg.g = 0x0808; item->color_bg.b = 0xf8f8; item->color_bg.a = 0x0000; } else { item->color_bg.r = 0x0; item->color_bg.g = 0x0; item->color_bg.b = 0x0; item->color_bg.a = 0x5fff; } attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_osd_configuration); if (attr) item->osd_configuration = attr->u.num; attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_enable_expression); if (attr) { item->enable_cs = command_saved_new(attr->u.str, item->navit, NULL, 0); } attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_w); if (attr) { item->rel_w = attr->u.num; } attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_h); if (attr) { item->rel_h = attr->u.num; } attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_x); if (attr) { item->rel_x = attr->u.num; } attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_y); if (attr) { item->rel_y = attr->u.num; } attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_font_size); if (attr) item->font_size = attr->u.num; attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_background_color); if (attr) item->color_bg=*attr->u.color; attr = attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_command); if (attr) item->command = g_strdup(attr->u.str); attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_text_color); if (attr) item->text_color=*attr->u.color; attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_foreground_color); if (attr) item->color_fg=*attr->u.color; attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_accesskey); if (attr) item->accesskey = g_strdup(attr->u.str); attr=attr_search(attrs, NULL, attr_font); if (attr) item->font_name = g_strdup(attr->u.str); } void osd_std_config(struct osd_item *item, struct navit *navit) { struct attr attr; char *err = NULL; /* Error description */ dbg(lvl_debug, "enter, item=%p, enable_cs=%p", item, item->enable_cs); if (item->enable_cs) { item->reconfig_cb = callback_new_1(callback_cast(osd_std_reconfigure), item); command_saved_set_cb(item->enable_cs, item->reconfig_cb); if (!command_saved_error(item->enable_cs)) { item->configured = !! command_saved_get_int(item->enable_cs); } else { err = command_error_to_text(command_saved_error(item->enable_cs)); dbg(lvl_error, "Error in saved command: %s, item=%p.", err, item); g_free(err); } } else { if (!navit_get_attr(navit, attr_osd_configuration, &attr, NULL)) attr.u.num=-1; item->configured = !!(attr.u.num & item->osd_configuration); } if (item->gr && !(item->flags & DISABLE_OVERLAY)) graphics_overlay_disable(item->gr, !item->configured); } void osd_set_std_config(struct navit *nav, struct osd_item *item) { dbg(lvl_debug, "enter, item=%p", item); item->cb = callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(osd_std_config), attr_osd_configuration, item, nav); navit_add_callback(nav, item->cb); osd_std_config(item, nav); } void osd_set_keypress(struct navit *nav, struct osd_item *item) { struct graphics *navit_gr = navit_get_graphics(nav); dbg(lvl_info,"accesskey %s",item->accesskey); if (item->accesskey) { item->keypress_cb=callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(osd_std_keypress), attr_keypress, item, nav); graphics_add_callback(navit_gr, item->keypress_cb); } } /** * @brief Sets up the graphics for an item. * * This method creates a new graphics overlay for an item and initializes its attributes (colors, font * and callbacks for resize and key events). * * @param nav The navit object * @param item The OSD item * @param priv The `struct osd_priv` for the OSD item */ void osd_set_std_graphic(struct navit *nav, struct osd_item *item, struct osd_priv *priv) { struct graphics *navit_gr; int w, h; struct padding *padding = NULL; navit_gr = navit_get_graphics(nav); w = navit_get_width(nav); h = navit_get_height(nav); padding = graphics_get_data(navit_gr, "padding"); if (padding) { dbg(lvl_debug, "Got padding=%p for item=%p: left=%d top=%d right=%d bottom=%d", padding, item, padding->left, padding->top, padding->right, padding->bottom); w -= (padding->left + padding->right); h -= (padding->top + padding->bottom); } else dbg(lvl_debug, "Padding is NULL"); osd_std_calculate_sizes(item, w, h); if (padding) { item->p.x += padding->left; item->p.y += padding->top; } item->gr = graphics_overlay_new(navit_gr, &item->p, item->w, item->h, 1); item->graphic_bg = graphics_gc_new(item->gr); graphics_gc_set_foreground(item->graphic_bg, &item->color_bg); graphics_background_gc(item->gr, item->graphic_bg); item->graphic_fg = graphics_gc_new(item->gr); graphics_gc_set_foreground(item->graphic_fg, &item->color_fg); if (item->flags & ITEM_HAS_TEXT) { item->font = graphics_named_font_new(item->gr, item->font_name, item->font_size, 1); item->graphic_fg_text = graphics_gc_new(item->gr); graphics_gc_set_foreground(item->graphic_fg_text, &item->text_color); } osd_set_std_config(nav, item); item->resize_cb = callback_new_attr_2(callback_cast(osd_std_calculate_sizes_and_redraw), attr_resize, item, priv); graphics_add_callback(navit_gr, item->resize_cb); osd_set_keypress(nav, item); } void osd_fill_with_bgcolor(struct osd_item *item) { struct point p[1]; graphics_draw_mode(item->gr, draw_mode_begin); p[0].x=0; p[0].y=0; graphics_draw_rectangle(item->gr, item->graphic_bg, p, item->w, item->h); } struct object_func osd_func = { attr_osd, (object_func_new)osd_new, (object_func_get_attr)osd_get_attr, (object_func_iter_new)navit_object_attr_iter_new, (object_func_iter_destroy)navit_object_attr_iter_destroy, (object_func_set_attr)osd_set_attr, (object_func_add_attr)navit_object_add_attr, (object_func_remove_attr)navit_object_remove_attr, (object_func_init)NULL, (object_func_destroy)osd_destroy, (object_func_dup)NULL, (object_func_ref)navit_object_ref, (object_func_unref)navit_object_unref, };